Tabbed application and navigation bar (with title and icons) - ios

In a tabbed application, is it possible to have a navigation bar WITHOUT having to use an entire UINavigationController as a UIViewController? I simply need a navigation bar to position an icon on the right (it should simply open a modal). Of course, I could "fake" it with a UIView, but it's not very elegant.

This is possible with a UINavigationBar placed on the top of a view controller.
It is possible to create one from the storyboard, too. Look for the "Navigation Bar" element in the IB Inspector.
This will behave just like a navigation controler's nav bar, with the exception of the navigation functions.


iOS tab bar controller adding a navigation button at the top of the controller

So I have a UITabBarController and it has three buttons on the bottom in my iOS app. I want to add another set of buttons at the top but not quite sure on how to do this. I tried adding a UINavigationBar and a navigation button, and adding a view in to it, adding just the buttons, ect.... but to no avail. It won't let me add anything to the UITabBarController. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you very much.
the simplest way to that is to creat 3 buttons side by side and set their frame the way they divide the top of screen to 3 equals. it means u can create a tab bar with buttons manually.
but there's another way. i think this answer would help u
Positioning UITabBar at the top
To use the navigation bar you need a navigation controller. Now depending on your needs your tab bar controller should be inside a navigation controller or the other way around. If you want to be able to navigate away from the tab bar controller (have a screen without the tab bar) you should embed your tab bar controller into a navigation controller. If you only need the navigation bar for some tabs of the tab bar controller or you still want the tab bar to be visible all the time you should embed all (or just the ones than need a navigation bar) your root view controllers for each tab in navigation controllers. Finally if you do not need the navigation behaviour you could just put a regular view in the view controller that needs the bar at the top and some buttons in it and make them look the way you want.
You can embed a view controller in a navigation controller in a storyboard by selecting the view controller and the going to Edit->Embed in->Navigation controller.
Select the Any Tabbar ViewController then above the Menu -> Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller its select, if you get the Navigation Controller then if you add the Navigation Button at Top of the ViewController, example :

iOS Swift: Incorrect Navigation Bar Appearing

The incorrect navigation bar is appearing on my Table View Controller screen (see Storyboard Below).
I would like what's displayed on the storyboard to be my navigation bar (i.e. with "Main Feed" title and Sign Out button on the top right). However, this is what I'm actually getting -
There are two issues here: 1) The incorrect navigation bar is displaying (this one has a login back button); 2) the first few table view cells are placed underneath the nav bar vs. under it.
This happened after I embedded the Table View controller in the Tab Bar Controller. I want a bottom tab bar in the main portion of my application hence the reason why I added the Tab Bar Controller. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Rather than using the Tab Bar Controller in storyboard, is there a way to do this programatically? Thanks!
The navigation bar that you are seeing on top of the stack is the navigation bar from the UITabBarController itself, that is why you are seeing the back button show "login". There's a few ways to work around this, programmatically:
When you initialize the UITabBarController, set it's navigationController's navigation bar property to "hidden"
Go through each view controller form the beginning of your app up to where you first see this problem and in the "init" method of the viewController you are testing, set the navigationbar to hidden. Something like, self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true;
This is how you can "debug" this issue, but it's going to take some tweaking to get it right.

How to Add a Bar Button Item on a Disappeared Navigation Bar using Storyboard?

I want to add a bar button item on the navigation bar. (Say View 1 here.) The view that will segue to View 1 is embedded in a navigation controller.
However, the navigation bar is not showing in this view.
If I use attribute inspector to add a opaque/ translucent navigation bar, there will be a navigation bar in View 1. But if I drag in a bar button item, it cannot be shown in the storyboard. Though the bar button is in the document outline, it cannot be shown on the storyboard. Also, if I run the application, it is not on the screen.
When running the application in the simulator, View 1 will have a navigation bar on the top of it, since I use "Show" rather than "Show Details" to show View 1. I tried to embed View 1 in a navigation controller again, but it won't help much.
Can anyone tell me how to add a bar button in this situation using storyboard? And why the navigation bar is missing from the storyboard?
Thanks in advance.
I figure it out by myself.
Drag a Navigation Item from the object list, and then add bar button item to it.
Thanks to rdelmar for his idea, though drag out a navigation bar won't work in the way I thought it should work.
In my situation, View 1 is a table view. Drag a navigation bar to the view will cause it to be the header view for the table, rather than a navigation bar I had expected. Then there will be two navigation bar in the view when I run the application.
Of course we can drag out a navigation bar and add a button to it, it might work different with your expectation. As I had said, it might leads to a view which contains two navigation bars.
You can fix this by drag out the Navigation Item (contains the bar button you had added) inside the Navigation Bar out. In my situation, I drag it out and put it the same level with the table view inside the document outline. Then it won't become the header view for the table view.
After that, we can just delete the navigation bar from the document outline.
I have no idea why the navigation bar disappears in my storyboard. If anyone has some idea for this, please let me know.
It sounds like you're adding the navigation bar by using the Simulated Metrics. If so, this doesn't add one at run time, it's only for layout purposes in IB. You should drag out a navigation bar from the objects list, and add your button to it.

Hide Navigation Bar in Interface Builder w/ Storyboards

I have a pretty basic storyboard based app, with a UINavigationController, a main view and a secondary view, both of which are in the navigation hierarchy. I’m currently hiding the navigation bar on the main view by using setNavigationBarHidden: as appropriate in viewWillAppear and viewWillDisappear. It seems like there should be a way to do this in Interface Builder, rather than in code. Essentially I’d like the options available in the Simulated Metrics options, but not simulated. Does that exist?
In the scene for the UINavigationController itself, I suppose you could check the hidden button for the nav bar in the Attributes inspector, but that would make the nav bar hidden for all the view controllers in the navigation stack. But that's not what you want.
To hide the nav bar for an individual view controller using IB, you would need to use a stand alone nav bar for each view controller (e.g., drap and drop a Navigation Bar from the object library in IB). To use a stand alone nav bar in a navigation stack would be more work than programmatically hiding the nav bar.
Just uncheck the Attribute Inspector > Shows Navigation Bar in Attribute Inspector

How do I add a search bar below the nav bar in a UISplitViewController?

How do I add a static search bar (one that doesn't scroll with the UITableView) below the UINavigationController in the root view of a UISplitViewController. The iPad mail app has an example of one of these. Actually I would Ike to add a toolbar with a segmented control instead of a search bar, but I imagine the process is the same.
Yes I meant the left pane of a UISplitViewController, so I guess my question is really
how should I add a static toolbar below the navigation bar when using UITableViewController?
You can add any view (except the new iPad split view) to a navigation controller, not only a UITableView. And the added view may have subviews...
Add a plain UIView to the NavigationController.
In this UIView, add your searchbar first and then your navigation controller below the search bar. You can even add a toolbar at the bottom.
Umm... can you re-word this? Do you mean in the left pane of the UISplitViewController? There is no UINavigationController allowed as the parent of a UISplitViewController -- it gives a runtime error in SDK 3.2.
If what you are saying is essentially "How do I add a search bar in the left pane of a UISplitViewController? Then the answer is the same way you would for any view you display as the left pane. Since both panes take simple UIViewControllers (not just a UITableView), you build a nib in IB with the view, the search bar, below that you then put a UITableView. This is the NIB you assign in the so called "Master interface" (left side).
Most people that have this kind of question think that you can only use a UITableView in the "Master Interface" (since that is what it looks like is happening).
