Link to a Url for Css, Js of a Webpage. - hyperlink

I have a web page content ex: index.html, for css, js. I want to link this content (i.e. content of index.html,for css, js) to some other web page? I have used it some times ago, something like but could not remember now. Can any one help?

Point to an external JavaScript file:
<script src="myscripts.js"></script>
Point to an external CSS file:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">


Load Jquery UI in Sharepoint 2013 Webpart

I am attempting to add a simple datepicker to a webpart and am having difficulty loading the jquery UI css into the page I added the following to code to the webpart.ascx.
<SharePoint:CssLink ID="cssLink2" runat="server" DefaultUrl="C:\Users\mlamarca\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CheckTracer\CheckTracer\Layouts\CheckTracer\Styles\jquery-ui.css" />
I am able to click on the text box and the calendar shows up but it does not have the CSS with it.
My document structure is as follows:
What am I missing?
I see that you are mapping it to your LOCAL Path, which is definitely NOT resolvable when loaded into your web page. Please use
"/_layouts/15/CheckTracer/Styles/jquery-ui.css" instead. (I'm referring to your screenshot on the Layouts folder.
Another way is to actually use this directly.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/_layouts/15/xxx"/>

Customize cache-busting in system.web.optimization

When rendering the styles from bundles when optimization is on you get this:
<link href="/Content/themes/base/css?v=UM624qf1uFt8dYtiIV9PCmYhsyeewBIwY4Ob0i8OdW81" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Unfortunately the Android browser do not seem to load urls with query strings on them. Is there some way you can customize this string in System.Web.Optimization?
My question is answered and I tried to detect android on user agent string and replace with a querystring less link to the stylesheet. Apparently the problem I had wasn't because of the querystring, it was minified version of the webfont css that was causing it not to load the stylesheet completely in the Android stock browser.
Android stock browser fails to load css content string with escaped backslash which was a workaround for the ASP.NET minifier that erronously minifies the same css content string. I ended up putting the icon font css styles on it's own "minified by hand" stylesheet.
You can disable caching by using
#{string path = BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundle/cssCommon", false);}
//may apply manual path transformation to remove ?v= anyway
<link href=#path rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
or short form
<link href="#BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundle/cssCustom", false)"
But you will have caching-related problems instead of android WebView problems.
Another possible approach is using Microsoft Ajax Minifier
We don't currently support customizing how the version string appears in the url unfortunately.
This is a link to the issue on our codeplex site: Url version issue
In the meantime, if you are willing to live with manually rev'ing the bundle path every time you change the bundle, you could just avoid using the helpers and just having explicit links to your bundles which you update each time your bundle changes:
<link href="/Content/themes/base/css" rel="stylesheet">
Or you could disable caching on the client via bundle.Cacheability = HttpCacheability.NoCache

Chromium Embedded Framework favicon

How to get favicon website with Chromium Embedded Framework? I could look at the source code and get the url of the icon, but some sites, like Facebook, do not use a standard procedure to add a favicon, then, how do I get the favicon? Thanks.
The rules for the favicon are all explained on the Wikipedia page.
The standards use a link element with a rel attribute in the <head> section of the document to specify the file format, file name and a location can be specified for any Web site directory.
You need to look, inside the <head> element, for link elements of this form:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/"
href="" />
If you don't find such links, then use the fall back of looking for favicon.ico at the root directory.
I'm not certain why you think that Facebook don't follow the standard. I just looked at an FB page which contained this:
<link rel="shortcut icon"
href="" />
It's not possible for websites to use some other mechanism to get favicons to browsers. The browsers follow the well-defined rules for getting favicons. If a website did something different, the browser would not find the favicon.
From this blog entry, the best practice for cross-browser supported favicons is to include
<link rel="icon" type="image/" href=""> <!-- For good browsers. -->
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href=""/> <!-- For Internet Explorer-->
The first link is for real browsers and the second is for ie rubbish. On some websites you will see type="image/x-icon" in the link tag. There was a time when this was the correct implementation, but image/x-icon has now been superceded by image/ which is now part of the IANA standard for MIME types.
By the way, older versions of ie just looked for a file name /favicon.ico which was hard-coded. If you wanted to be ultra safe, you should name your favicon as favicon.ico. Of course that does not help you if your domain hosts multiple web-sites for different purposes.
Note: If you don't need to support favicons for IE, then you are then free to use png, gif and jpg formats for your favicon, as indicated below...
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="">
<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="">
<link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="">
CEF1 has a callback named OnFaviconURLChange that's called whenever the favicon URL for a page changes. CEF3 doesn't support this callback yet, according to this bug in the CEF issue tracker.
You need to implement a client handler and at least CefDisplayHandler. This class have the OnFaviconURLChange (not sure in what version did appear, but for sure is present in branch 2357 and later).
C++ prototype is:
void OnFaviconURLChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
const std::vector<CefString>& icon_urls);
icon_urls usually contains a single entry (if any), which is the URL of the favicon.
Consider also checking the favicon URL for its security, I passed the URL to a HTMLayout application only to discover that was on a self-signed https:// resource and all sorts of wininet security error (InternetErrorDlg for example) started throwing all the place.

Orbeon : linking ressources (css, images, js) leads to erratic behavior

I'm developing a new webapp based on the orbeon samples. I'm using orbeon 3.9 CE. I got VERY ERRATIC behavior when I use custom ressources. They are placed in following folders :
In my custom theme file (/orbeon/WEB-INF/resources/config/theme-xnotes.xsl), they are linked like this (a few examples) :
<xhtml:link rel="stylesheet" href="/config/theme/bootstrap.css" type="text/css" media="all"/>
<xhtml:script src="/config/theme/bootstrap.js"/>
<xhtml:link rel="icon" href="/config/theme/images/icone_grue.png" type="image/png"/>
When I point my browser at the application (http://localhost:8080/orbeon), it SOMETIMES work, SOMETIMES doesn't (css are ignored, page transitions are wrong) and SOMETIMES it works partially (css are ok, js not, a few images are ok, others are not and so on)
When I look at the page source code, the links seems to be ok, to take the sames examples as above :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/orbeon/config/theme/bootstrap.css" type="text/css" media="all">
<script src="/orbeon/config/theme/bootstrap.js">
<link rel="icon" href="/orbeon/config/theme/images/icone_grue.png" type="image/png">
But some links are not valid and point to the root of the application. The main problem is that I just can't make this behavior consistent to isolate the issue(s).
Help really appreciated ! It's driving me crazy...
I don't think there can be more than one GET or POST per request, but per open connection certainly.
However, this might be related to authentication since you mention j_security_check. Can you try to make sure that the CSS and other resources are not protected by form authentication?

jquery cdn on iphone

For some strange reason, when I load my web app on chrome, jquery mobile is flawless but when I try it on my iphone, it never renders properly. The page just crashes and looks awfully bad. I decided to use the cdn because I was told it was faster.
<!-- the three things that jQuery Mobile needs to work -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
I copied the above snippet directly from the jquery site. Any suggestions as to why am getting different behaviors?
