How to schedule specific test in jenkins? - jenkins

I've been looking for an answer to this question for a long time.
I have a big project with a lot of tests in jenkins.
I want that some of the tests run every time someone does "push".
and all the tests run every night.
How can I do this?
with the "Build periodically" I build all the tests with schedule and I dont found thet I can build specific tests.
I run the tests with gradle, this is the configuratuin:

you can use the BUILD_CAUSE variable
on nightly trigger TIMERTRIGGER=true , after every push the value will be SCMTRIGGER
after that you can set a parameter and run the tests using it.


Does it make sense to have push trigger and nightly build together?

I'm a pretty new DevOps engineer, and i mostly deal with CI processes.
I'm wondering if it makes sense to define both nightly build And build on each push.
Seemingly, it doesn't make sense, since if the code is built after each push, why do you need to build at midnight, it was already built when you pushed it to the repository.
Am i right?
IMHO you are right - it does not make sense to have a fixed time schedule if at the same time you have a push trigger.
A reason why you still want to have a nightly build (or other fixed schedules) could be if you cannot run a full test with every build.
For example you could decide that you only do minimum tests (or smoketests) with every push triggered build, but once per day (e.g. night) you do a full test run.
As far as I know, the advantage of midnight build is that tasks with long running/deployment time can be run at midnight.
After these tasks run at midnight, you can directly view the results the next day.
In this case, you can set the condition for a specific task to control whether it runs at midnight. You could use $(Build.Reason) to judge it.
On the other hand , we recommend that you can set a specific time schedule trigger.
CI triggers cause a pipeline to run whenever you push an update to the specified branches or you push specified tags. The build is only triggered when the code changes.
Changes in the pipeline itself and the operating environment will not trigger the build.
But they can sometimes determine whether the project can run successfully.
In this case, the schedule trigger can run the build at a specific time to ensure that the project is executable.
I will share what we do and maybe help you:
We have three build tiers, one to cover a case like the Push example you pointed, other with a set of PowerShell tests, and a Scheduled one with full set of tests that takes around 5 hours.
As you can picture each case have their one scenario based on time a number of tests.

Schedule Jenkins task for once per day, but only after successful run of other tasks

I need to schedule a Jenkins task so it runs once per day, but only if certain other tasks succeed at least once that day. That situation makes it similar to this other question, but none of the answers there describe how to deal with the contingencies I have.
My team has a Jenkins process that builds the software. We'll call that the Builder. Builder checks our GitHub repo every 15 minutes and runs if it sees a code change.
We have another task that runs simple tests. This entire test suite can finish in less than 15 minutes. This is the Short-Tests task. Short-Tests run every time Builder passes.
Lastly, we have a set of tests that take hours to run. Let's call these the Long-Tests. We want to run this once per day, but only if Builder and Short-Tests both pass. The Long-Tests start late at night so we can check the results the next morning.
Furthermore, we want to run Long-Tests only on the most recent successful build that day. If the most recent build failed, we want Jenkins to ignore that build and test using a previous build that passed.
If no builds pass that day, there is no need to run Long-Tests at all.
I can schedule Long-Tests for once per night like this, but please tell me how to set up the dependencies.
01 00 * * *
In order to get this behavior you need some kind of persistence to flag successful build and successful short test completion. There are several options available depending on your actual setup such as:
File based flag (writing to file on successful build / test)
Database flag (writing to database on successful build / test)
Git branch manipulation (pushing/merging to specific branch on successful build step, such as example given here:
Once you have your persistence setup, you can trigger builds either on change or periodically. For example following dependencies can be setup:
Push to Git code branch, triggers Jenkins Build job
For this step you need persistence, say pushing to git: Upon successful completion of build stage, short tests are triggered and, If successful, push to git "latest passing short test" branch is executed using Git Publisher plugin for example. This is to ensure that only last passed short test are going to be scheduled for long nightly tests.
Lastly, long tests are scheduled periodically, handling branch "latest passing short test".
This is just top level overview, since details depend a lot on your actual setup, permissions, git policies, type of Jenkins configuration etc.

How can I change the order of the execution of automated tests when a build is run in TFS?

I have a build which executes the Coded UI tests on TFS. When I run the build, I've noticed that the tests are executed in the alphabetical order of the name of the test methods.
I tried setting the order in MTM but later came across this which states:
Please note this only applies to the manual tests but not automated
tests. For automated tests, the order you set here will not be
respected during test execution
Is there any way that I could specify the order in which the tests are to be executed?
To run tests in order in Vnext build , you could add an Ordered Test file in your test project and run it in Vnext Build.
In the Test Drop location put the complete Project, and in the Executions options put the ordered test.
You can use Ordered Tests which are explained here:

Jenkins, Do not trigger "post build actions:trigger parameterized build" when built manually

I have a job that, when complete, starts another job through post-build actions:trigger parametrized build. However at times, I wish to just run one specific job manually (not through the timer) without chaining off the rest of the jobs. How would I accomplish such a task.
Thanks in advance!
You can't in your current setup.
You want the Flexible Publish Action to make your post-build action conditional (probably based on parsing the console log for indication that the build is manual)

schedule ant task

Is it possible "and how if you know", to schedule the execution of an ant task?
For example, i want my build.xml to be executed every 5 hours or every day at a certain time?
I have been looking around but no solution found
Thank you
For very simple requirements, I'd echo the use of cron.
If the reason for running ANT is to periodically perform a master build of your project's code, then you're effectively following a practice called "Continuous Integration". In that case I'd highly recommend running a continuous integration server, such as Jenkins.
Jenkins is a very useful piece of software, easy to install and can become your automation framework for more than just building your code.
Just use cron and call from it.
If you are working on a windows environment, you can use the "task scheduler" and set the interval. If you are working in unix/linux, you may use cron for scheduling your job.
