Exclude IStringLocalizer/GetString in Unit testing - asp.net-mvc

I use IstringLocalizer in controller in asp.net core to read shared resources .
In a method i have :
foreach (var category in urlCategories)
if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryWebshop")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(1);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryStore")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(2);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryWebsite")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(3);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryService")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(4);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryProduction")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(5);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryTrade")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(6);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryRestaurant")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(7);
else if (category == _localizer.GetString("CategoryRealEstate")) model.SelectedIndustries.Add(8);
In unit test GetString of localizer does not let the test to get 100%
How can i fix the problem or skip/exclude that part from testing ?


Hi, I am using Specflow and extentReport. How do I print the pending steps to my extent report?

I used the following code but the pending steps are not shown in the extent report. Is there a way to get the pending steps printed in the extent report?Thanks.
Code 1:
if (ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioExecutionStatus.ToString() == "StepDefinitionPending")
if (stepType == "Given")
scenarioName.CreateNode<Given>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
else if (stepType == "When")
scenarioName.CreateNode<When>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
else if (stepType == "Then")
scenarioName.CreateNode<Then>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
I also tried this code below, but is getting null pointer exception:
Code 2:
PropertyInfo pInfo = typeof(ScenarioContext).GetProperty("TestStatus", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);//Getting Null value in PropertyInfo
MethodInfo getter = pInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
object TestResult = getter.Invoke(ScenarioContext.Current, null);
if (TestResult.ToString() == "StepDefinitionPending")
if (stepType == "Given")
scenario.CreateNode<Given>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
else if (stepType == "When")
scenario.CreateNode<When>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
else if (stepType == "Then")
scenario.CreateNode<Then>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
Try below code.
var pendingDef = ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioExecutionStatus.ToString();
if (pendingDef == "StepDefinitionPending")
if (stepType == "Given")
scenario.CreateNode<Given>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
else if (stepType == "When")
scenario.CreateNode<When>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
else if (stepType == "Then")
scenario.CreateNode<Then>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text).Skip("Step Definition Pending");
Replace TestStatus with ScenarioExecutionStatus in your Hooks class:
PropertyInfo pInfo = typeof(ScenarioContext).GetProperty("ScenarioExecutionStatus",BindingFlags.Instance |BindingFlags.NonPublic);
MethodInfo getter = pInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
object TestResult = getter.Invoke(ScenarioContext.Current, null);
Because, Specflow has changed the internals of the class.

Epicor 10 Linking a BAQ in BPM Workflow Designer (Avoiding Custom Code)

Currently I have been tasked with reviewing a BPM created by Epicor that is not functioning as expected. Currently with the BPM based on the code below its purpose is to reference orders in the system and when its time to ship the orders if there is a price change the order/part will reflect a new price. It seems that the code is causing incorrect price lists to be retrieved from customers not expected. For example a price list is attached to customer #1242 but its updating the price based on customer #1269. (Guessing they share a common part # and the code retrieves the latest value)
Now my problem is I don't have experience in writing code, I have reviewed code before but to a small extent and from what I listed above that was provided to me. Now what I thought may be an easier practice for me to understand is create a BAQ and reference that in the BPM and utilize the BAQ as a reference for the BPM to update prices.
With researching a few forums and Epicors training material I haven't found a definitive answer on how to link a BAQ in a BPM.
(Also if my description makes sense and the code reflects the issue feel free take a guess)
BPM Code:
var ttShipHead_xRow = (from ttShipHead_Row in ttShipHead
where ttShipHead_Row.ReadyToInvoice == true
select ttShipHead_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (ttShipHead_xRow != null)
foreach (var ShipDtl_iterator in (from ShipDtl_Row in Db.ShipDtl
where ttShipHead_xRow.PackNum == ShipDtl_Row.PackNum
&& ttShipHead_xRow.Company == ShipDtl_Row.Company
select ShipDtl_Row))
var ShipDtl_xRow = ShipDtl_iterator;
//ShipDtl_xRow.UnitPrice = 1;
var today = DateTime.Today;
var PriceList_xRow = (from PriceLst_Row in Db.PriceLst
from PriceLstParts_Row in Db.PriceLstParts
where ShipDtl_xRow.PartNum == PriceLstParts_Row.PartNum
&& PriceLst_Row.ListCode == PriceLstParts_Row.ListCode
&& PriceLst_Row.Company == PriceLstParts_Row.Company
&& PriceLst_Row.Company == ShipDtl_xRow.Company
&& PriceLst_Row.EndDate >= today
select PriceLstParts_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (PriceList_xRow != null)
var OrderDtl_xRow = (from OrderDtl_Row in Db.OrderDtl
where ShipDtl_xRow.OrderLine == OrderDtl_Row.OrderLine
&& ShipDtl_xRow.PartNum == OrderDtl_Row.PartNum
&& ShipDtl_xRow.OrderNum == OrderDtl_Row.OrderNum
&& ShipDtl_xRow.Company == OrderDtl_Row.Company
select OrderDtl_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (OrderDtl_xRow != null)
if (ShipDtl_xRow.UnitPrice != PriceList_xRow.BasePrice)
ShipDtl_xRow.UnitPrice = PriceList_xRow.BasePrice;
if (ShipDtl_xRow.UnitPrice != OrderDtl_xRow.UnitPrice)
OrderDtl_xRow.DocUnitPrice = PriceList_xRow.BasePrice;
OrderDtl_xRow.UnitPrice = PriceList_xRow.BasePrice;
I resolved the code but still could not determine a valid method to link a BAQ in the BPM
The problem was the following code was missing:
&& ttShipHead_xRow.CustNum == ShipDtl_Row. CustNum
to the first foreach statement.

An exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in itextsharp.dll but was not handled in user code

I am using iTextSharp to create pdf. I have 100k records, but I am getting following exception:
An exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in
itextsharp.dll but was not handled in user code At the line:
bodyTable.AddCell(currentProperty.GetValue(lst, null).ToString());
Code is:
var doc = new Document(pageSize);
PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, stream);
//Get exportable count
int columns = 0;
Type currentType = list[0].GetType();
//foreach visible columns check if current object has proerpty
//else search in inner properties
foreach (var visibleColumn in visibleColumns)
if (currentType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == visibleColumn.Key) != null)
//check child property objects
var childProperties = currentType.GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in childProperties)
if (prop.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(BaseEntity))
if (prop.PropertyType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == visibleColumn.Key) != null)
var headerTable = new PdfPTable(columns);
headerTable.WidthPercentage = 100f;
foreach (var visibleColumn in visibleColumns)
if (currentType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == visibleColumn.Key) != null)
//check child property objects
var childProperties = currentType.GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in childProperties)
if (prop.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(BaseEntity))
if (prop.PropertyType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == visibleColumn.Key) != null)
var bodyTable = new PdfPTable(columns);
bodyTable.Complete = false;
bodyTable.WidthPercentage = 100f;
foreach (var lst in list)
int col = 1;
foreach (var visibleColumn in visibleColumns)
var currentProperty = currentType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == visibleColumn.Key);
if (currentProperty != null)
if (currentProperty.GetValue(lst, null) != null)
bodyTable.AddCell(currentProperty.GetValue(lst, null).ToString());
//check child property objects
var childProperties = currentType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(BaseEntity));
foreach (var prop in childProperties)
currentProperty = prop.PropertyType.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == visibleColumn.Key);
if (currentProperty != null)
var currentPropertyObjectValue = prop.GetValue(lst, null);
if (currentPropertyObjectValue != null)
bodyTable.AddCell(currentProperty.GetValue(currentPropertyObjectValue, null).ToString());
A back of the envelope computation of the memory requirements given the data you provided for memory consumption gives 100000 * 40 * (2*20+4) = 167MBs. Well within your memory limit, but it is just a lower bound. I imagine each Cell object is pretty big. If each cell would have a 512 byte overhead you could be well looking at 2GB taken. I reckon it might be even more, as PDF is a complex beast.
So you might realistically be looking at a situation where you are actually running out of memory. If not your computers, then at least the bit C# has set aside for its own thing.
I would do one thing first - check memory consumption like here. You might even do well to try with 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 rows and see up until what number of rows the program works.
You could perhaps try a different thing altogether. If you're trying to print a nicely formatted table with a lot of data, perhaps you could output an HTML document, which can be done incrementally and which you can do by just writing stuff to a file, rather than using a third party library. You can then "print" that HTML document to PDF. StackOverflow to the rescue again with this problem.

Tic tac toe programming iOS

For some reason the function the checkForWin is returning always a NO.
Because of that I am not able to retrieve the winner.
Else if suggest a different logic to judge winner
I am using this function every time user puts up a symbol
-(BOOL) checkForWin{
if((s1.image == s2.image) & (s2.image == s3.image) & (s1.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s4.image == s5.image) & (s5.image == s6.image) & (s4.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s7.image == s8.image) & (s8.image == s9.image) & (s7.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s1.image == s4.image) & (s4.image == s7.image) & (s1.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s2.image == s5.image) & (s5.image == s8.image) & (s2.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s3.image == s6.image) & (s6.image == s9.image) & (s3.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s1.image == s5.image) & (s5.image == s9.image) & (s1.image != NULL))
return YES;
else if((s3.image == s5.image) & (s5.image == s7.image) & (s3.image != NULL))
return YES;
//right now return 1 becuase we havn't implemented this yet
return NO;
if([self checkForWin] == YES){
lbl2.text =#"X is the WINNER";
} else {
lbl2.text =#"O is the WINNER";
Maybe you can write
if([s1.image isEqual:s2.image2]){
this code instead of this control statement
if((s1.image == s2.image) & (s2.image == s3.image) & (s1.image != NULL))
return YES;
The answer by Yılmaz Gürsoy is probably correct.
The reason, is that you are comparing the references to the images, and not the image data. The references are probably not the same, while the data probably is.
He is suggesting that you compare the data instead of the references.
In my oppinion though, you should actually add a member to the s# object, containing a tristate value. could be an integer.
s.x is avalue indicating which image is shown (x, O, or empty)
x > 0 means 'X'
x == 0 means 'O'
x < 0 means empty
and then set it when you assign the image. and check against that.
otherwise you will be wasting time comparing data, to get the exact same end result.

How to use findAll in Grails with "if" statement to verify if the field is null before searching

I need to create a findAll criteria in Grails, but I have 4 fields to search. I just need to search by those fields if a specific variable is not null.
For example, if all variables are not null, I'll search by all the fields like the following:
list = MyObject.findAll {
'in'("job", jobList)
'in'("businessUnit", businessUnitList)
'in'("company", companyList)
eq("regularTime", params.regularTime)
What I want to do is something like this:
regularTimeList = RegularTime.findAll {
if(params.job != null) 'in'("job", jobList)
if(params.businessUnit != null) 'in'("businessUnit", businessUnitList)
if(params.company != null) 'in'("company", companyList)
if(params.regularTime != null) eq("regularTime", params.domainClassSearchFilters.regularTime)
It's not working so I'd like to know if there is a way to do that because right now I had to create a lot of ifs to verify them... I need one if to each scenario... Like:
If job is not null and company is not null, one findAll. If company is not null and regularTime is not null, another findAll.
You can do something like this:
regularTimeList = RegularTime.findAll {
if (params.job != null) params.job in jobList
if (params.businessUnit != null) params.businessUnit in businessUnitList
if (params.company != null) params.company in companyList
if (params.regularTime != null) regularTime == params.domainClass
I don't know what happened, but the way Above didn't work for me...
I solved it using criteria.
list= MyObject.createCriteria().list {
if(params.job != null && "" != params.domainClassSearchFilters.job )
'in'("job", jobList)
if(params.businessUnit != null && "" != params.businessUnit)
'in'("businessUnit", businessUnitList)
if(params.company != null && "" != params.company)
'in'("company", companyList)
if(params.regularTime != null && "" != params.regularTime && params.regularTime.isDouble())
eq("regularTime", Double.parseDouble(params.regularTime))
