I'm learning orb-slam and opencv source code, and inside the orb.cpp which lies on modules/features2d/src/ directory I see a bit pattern named as
But I really don't know what's its usage. I search the google and bing long time without any answer given.
So any one know the usage or reference of this majic bit pattern?
Since I came across this on google and eventually found what I think is the answer, I'll give it a shot:
is a pre-computed set of points P1(x,y) and P2(x,y).
I believe it to be the set of points obtained by the greedy search described in section 4.3 Learning Good Binary Features of the original orb paper (ORB: an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF)
I'm trying to compare an image against a known set of images and find the closest match(es) using Emgu CV and Surf. I've found a lot of people trying to do the same thing but not a complete solution that uses the GPU for speed.
The closest I've gotten is the tutorial here:
However that doesn't take advantage of the GPU and it's really slow for my application. I need something fast like the SurfFeature sample.
So I tried to refactor that tutorial code to match the SurfFeature logic that uses the GPU. Everything was going well with GpuMat's replacing Matrix here and there. But I ran into a major problem when I got to the core of the tutorial above, that is to say, the logic that concatenates all of the descriptors into one large matrix. I couldn't find a way to append GpuMat's to each other - even if I could do that, there's no guarantee that the FlannIndex search routine would even work with the Gpu-based code.
So now I'm stuck on something I thought would be relatively straight-forward. There are certainly a number of people trying to do this over the years so I'm really surprised that there isn't a published solution.
If you could help me, I'd be most appreciative. To summarize, I need to do the following:
Build a large in-memory (on the GPU) list of descriptors and keypoints for a known set of images using Surf (as per the SurfFeature sample). Given an unknown image, search against the in-memory stuff to find the closest match (if any).
Thanks in advance if you can help!
I am doing a project on expression recognition in opencv and have successfully extracted the face region,i am having trouble building my own algorithm for the feature points extraction of a face,can someone help me with it?
since this is my first try to answer question, I will try to do my best. I cannot post more than two links, so I will try at least to give some hints.
Your question is quite broad. It depends on the type of application and requirements. Are you doing on-line detection, is it static etc.? Based on that, you should consider keypoint detection algorithm. I do not think it is a good idea to build your own algorithm, because OpenCV already has a lot of methods that you can choose from. All you have to do in most cases is to do some pre-processing, but it depends as well.
Most popular feature detection methods are: SURF (Opencv SURF), SIFT, ORB, FAST etc. Keep in mind that SURF and SIFT ar non-free. SURF and SIFT brings a lot of features and are quite accurate, somewhat scale and rotation invariant, but also a bit slow (especially on online tracking). FAST and ORB are fast, but they are more sensitive to noise and have their own disadvantages (see descriptions on OpenCV documentation). If I were you, I would try most of them and see which one does the best job (it is not difficult to test them).
Secondly, you have to choose descriptors. Very goog introduction is here:
Descriptors tutorial. There you will find all basic info. It is important to say, that you can mix various keypoint detection algorithms and feature description algorithms (but keep in mind that not all are compatible, tutorial will explain this).
I am out of links for this post, but OpenCV documentation provides a lot of sample code for this problem, so go ahead and have a look.
Hope you succeed. Good luck.
I'm trying to cluster a really large dataset - 3030764x162 into 4000 clusters using the cvKmeans2 function in OpenCV 2.1.
I would like to see which iteration the K-means algorithm is currently in (similar to what is displayed in Matlab), but I don't see any documentation that points to how I can do this.
It's kind of frustrating seeing a blank screen and not knowing when the code is going to terminate!
Thank you.
Unfortunate as it seems, the answer is No, you cannot. There are no debugging/informative statements anywhere in the kmeans function as provided by OpenCV. However, you may edit and add statements to the method as you deem appropriate.
May be you need some other way of doing it. Though my answer is not relevant to OpenCV.
I have not tried in OpenCV, I had once done KMeans clustering for a extremely large data set and it was more a option better than OpenCV as it worked in a distributed mode. Though very lengthy, but still you might be interested. Its Kmeans clustering using Mahout
Check it out
For my project, supposed to segment closest hand region from camera, I initially try openCV's stereovision example. However, disparity map looks very bad and its useless for me.
Is there any other method which is better than openCV implementation and have some output(image-video). Because, my time is limited, I must choose one better algorithm and implement this.
Thank you.
OpenCV implements a number of stereo block matching algorithms some of them pretty cutting edge.
Disparity maps always look bad except in very simple circumstances - the first step is to try and improve the source images, the lighting and the background. I
If it was easy then everybody would eb doing it and there would be no market for expensive 3D laser scanners.
Try the different block matching algorithms provided by OpenCV. The little bit of experimentation I've done so far seems to indicate that cv::StereoSGBM gives better disparity maps than cv::StereoBM, but is slower.
The performance of the block matching algorithms will depend on what parameters they are initialized with. Have a look at the stereo examples again here, notice line 195-222 where the algorithms are initialized.
I also suggest you use some basic GUI (OpenCV:s highgui for example) to manipulate these parameters real-time when finetuning the algorithm.
I'm new to image processing and I want to do a project in object detection. So help me by suggesting a step-by-step procedure to this project. Thanx.
Object detection is a very complex problem that includes some real hardcore math and long tuning of parameters to the computation methods involved. Your best bet is to use some freely available library for that - Google will help.
There are lot of algorithms about the theme and no one is the best of all. It's usually a mixture of them what makes the best solution to the solution.
For example, for object movement detection you could look at frame differencing and misture of gaussians.
Also, it's very dependent of your application, the environment (i.e. noise, signal quality), the processing capacity you may have available, the allowable error margin...
Besides, for it to work, most of time it's first necessary to do some kind of image processing to the input data like median filter, sobel filter, contrast enhancement and a large so on.
I think you should start reading all you can: books, google and, very important, a lot of papers about the subjects (there are many free in internet) you are interested in.
And first of all, i think it's fundamental (at least it has been for me) having a good library for testing. The one i have used/use is OpenCV. It's very complete, implement many of the actual more advanced algorithms, is very active, has a big community and it's free.
Open Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)
Have luck ;)
Take a look at AForge.NET. It's nowhere near Project Natal's levels of accuracy or usefulness, but it does give you the tools to learn the algorithms easily. It's an image processing and AI library and there are several tutorials on colored object tracking and motion detection.
Another one to look at is OpenCV from Intel. I believe it's a bit more advanced, but it's written in C.
Take a look at this. It might get you started in this complex field. The algorithm pages that it links to are interesting reading.
This lecture by Jeff Hawkins, will give you an idea about the state of the art in this super-difficult field.
Seems that video disappeared... but this vid should cover similar ground.