Abort, rather than error, stage within a Jenkins declarative pipeline - jenkins

Our source is a single large repository that contains multiple projects. We need to be able to avoid building all projects within the repository if a commit happens within specific areas. We are managing our build process using pipelines.
The git plugin provides the ability to ignore commits from certain user, paths, and message content. However, as we are using the pipeline, we believe we are experiencing the issue described by JENKINS-36195. In one of the most recent comments, Jesse suggests examining the changeset and returning early if the changes look boring. He mentions that a return statement does not work inside a library, closure, etc), but he doesn't mention how a job could be aborted.
Potential Approaches
We have considered using the error step, but this would result in the job being marked as having a failure and would need to be investigated.
While a job result could be marked as NOT_BUILT, the job is not aborted but continues to process all stages.
How would you abort a job during an early step without marking it as a failure and processing all stages of the pipeline (and potentially additional pipelines)?

Can you try using try catch finally block in the pipeline.
catch {
I suppose you can also use post build action in the pipeline.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'make check'
post {
always {
junit '**/target/*.xml'
failure {
mail to: team#example.com, subject: 'The Pipeline failed :('
The documentation is below https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#post
you can also try using the below one outside of build step with your conditions as specified by Slawomir Demichowicz in the ticket.
if (stash.isJenkinsLastAuthor() && !params.SKIP_CHANGELOG_CHECK) {
echo "No more new changes, stopping pipeline"
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
I am not sure this could help you.


Multiple Jenkins pipelines for a single repo

At the moment I have two MultiJob Projects for a single repo:
First runs on develop branch
Second runs on all opened Pull Requests
Each has a lot of nested Freestyle jobs.They are are quite different.
I'm looking at switching to Pipeline-as-Code by using Jenkinsfile. So my question is is there a way to switch Jenkinsfile path/name based on, say branch name. I tried to use MultiBranch Pipeline job type, but it only allows to set a single Jenkinsfile path and it uses it across any branch including PullRequests.
Maybe there is a better way to achieve that? I'm open to discussion. Thank you
You can do it in one jenkinsfile by using when expression, I assume your pipeline is not quite big
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Set variables from external input") {
when {
branch "develop"
#add the thing which you want execute when branch is develop
stage("2 for Pull request") {
when {
expression {return !env.GIT_BRANCH.contains('master|develop')}
#add the thing which you want execute when branch is pull request

how to make jenkins declarative pipeline waitForWebhook without consuming jenkins executor?

We have a Jenkins declarative pipeline which, after deploying our product on a cloud vm, needs to run some product tests on it. Tests are implemented as a separate job on another jenkins and tests will be run by main pipeline by triggering remote job on 2nd jenkins using parameterized remote trigger plugin parameterized remote trigger plugin.
While this plugin works great, when using option blockBuildUntilComplete it blocks for remote job to finish but doesn't release the jenkins executor. Since tests can take a lot of time to complete(upto 2 days), all this time executor will be blocked just waiting for another job to complete. When setting blockBuildUntilComplete as false it returns a job handle which can be used to fetch build status and result etc. Example here:
while( !handle.isFinished() ) {
echo 'Current Status: ' + handle.getBuildStatus().toString();
sleep 5
But this still keeps consuming the executor, so we still have the same problem.
Based on comments in the article, we tried with waitForWebhook, but even when waiting for webhook it still keeps using the executor.
Based on article we tried with input, and we observed that it wasn't using executor when you have input block in stage and none agent for pipeline :
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
input {
message "Should we continue?"
agent any
steps {
echo "hello"
so input block does what we want to do with waitForWebhook, at least as far as not consuming an executor while waiting.
What our original idea was to have waitForWebhook inside a timeout surrounded by try catch surrounded by a while loop waiting for remote job to finish :
timeout(1) {
data = waitForWebhook hook
} catch(Exception e){
log.info("timeout occurred")
This way we could avoid using executor for long period of time and also benefit from job handle returned by plugin. But we cannot find a way to do this with the input step. input doesn't use executor only when it's separate block inside stage, but it uses one if inside steps or steps->script. So we cannot use try catch, cannot check handle status andcannot loop on it. Is there a way to do this?
Even if waitForWebhook works like input is working we could use that.
Our main pipeline runs on a jenkins inside corporate network and test jenkins runs on cloud and cannot communicate in with our corp jenkins. so when using waitForWebhook, we would publish a message on a message pipeline which a consumer will read, fetch webhook url from db corresponding to job and post on it. We were hoping avoid this with our solution of using while and try-catch.

Disable Concurrent Builds on Multibranch Pipeline Jobs with Job DSL

I am trying to create Multibranch Pipeline Jobs using Job DSL, but I want to disable concurrent builds on each branch. I have tried the following code snippet but it didn't work, "Do not allow concurrent builds" is still unchecked on new branches.
multibranchPipelineJob("${FOLDER_NAME}/${JOB_NAME}") {
branchSources {
git {
configure {
def factory = it / factory(class: 'com.cloudbees.workflow.multibranch.CustomBranchProjectFactory')
factory << disableConcurrentBuilds()
orphanedItemStrategy {
discardOldItems {
I also tried this in configure closure:
factory << properties {
But this one caused following exception to be thrown:
19:03:50 groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Ambiguous method overloading for method groovy.util.Node#leftShift.
19:03:50 Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping prototypes between:
19:03:50 [class groovy.util.Node]
19:03:50 [class java.lang.String]
I have this need as well. I notice that in my jenkins instance the jobDSL api docs indicate that disableConcurrentBuilds() property is NOT supported in multibranch pipeline jobs.
I just returned to a related discussion I was having with #tknerr in which he pointed out that there IS a rate limiting feature available to multibranch pipelines via jobDSL.
My team just ran into a problem with pollSCM triggering running amok due to this Jenkins bug, and so I'm implementing this in jobDSL to make our jobs more robust to this. Like you, I had wanted to just "disableConcurrentBuilds" like can be done in pipelines, but since rate limiting appears to be the only solution currently available to multibranch pipelines, I experimented with putting this in our jobDSLs:
strategy {
defaultBranchPropertyStrategy {
props {
rateLimitBranchProperty {
This is of course a horrible workaround, since it places a nasty dependency in the jobDSL of needing to know how long builds take, but i'm willing to accept this alternative to having to push disableConcurrentBuilds option to the Jenkinsfile on hundreds of branches.
It is also barely even effective at achieving the goal, since we want to allow concurrent builds across branches, but want to prevent individual branch jobs from being built "too fast".
We should check if there is a feature request in Jenkins for this (your original request).
In my jenkins instance (v2.222.3, Pipeline:multibranch v2.22), the setting is described here for applying it to "all branches":
and here for applying it to specific branches:
EDIT: Also wanted to link to a related Jenkins issue here.

Is there a way to use "propagate=false" in a Jenkinsfile with declarative syntax directly for stage/step?

You can use propagate on a build job as described here:
So you can use something like this to prevent a failing step from failing the complete build:
build(job: 'example-job', propagate: false)
Is there a way to use this for a stage or a step? I know i can surround it with a try/catch and that does works almost as i want. It does ignore the failing the stage and resumes the rest of the build, but it does not display the stage as failed. For now i write all failing stages to a variable and output that on a later stage, but this is not ideal.
If i cant suppress propagation in a stage/step, is there maybe a way to use the build() call to do the same? Maybe if i move it to another pipeline and call that via build()?
Any help appreciated.
With catchError you can prevent a failing step from failing the complete build:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('1') {
steps {
sh 'exit 0'
stage('2') {
steps {
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
sh "exit 1"
stage('3') {
steps {
sh 'exit 0'
In the example above, all stages will execute, the pipeline will be successful, but stage 2 will show as failed:
As you might have guessed, you can freely choose the buildResult and stageResult, in case you want it to be unstable or anything else. You can even fail the build and continue the execution of the pipeline.
Just make sure your Jenkins is up to date, since this is a fairly new feature.
There are currently lots of suggestions for the scripted syntax, but for the declarative syntax work is in progress to support this.
Track the progress of https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-26522 which groups all of the pieces together to achieve this. It has some interesting bits already marked as 'Resolved' (meaning a code change was made), such as https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-49764 ( "Allow define a custom status for pipeline stage"). Unfortunately, I cannot find references to any of the tickets involved in the Jenkins changelog which would make sense since the parent ticket is not yet finished.
Of interest might also be the following : https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-45579 which was reopened due to an issue. The environment for this is :
Admittedly, there are a confusing number of tickets tracking this work, but that is probably due to the fact that the functionality being implemented has a number of use-cases.
Another interesting ticket is "Individual Pipeline steps and stages/blocks should have Result statuses" , for which I was able to find a related PR: https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-api-plugin/pull/63
It is worth noting that the declarative pipeline was always designed as being opinionated and as such was not meant to support everything possible with the scripted syntax. For more complicated workflows and use-cases where it does not serve your needs, scripted syntax may be the only (and recommended?) option.
For needs such as the one you've stated, if enough noise is made, the declarative pipeline will probably be modified in due course to support it.

Matrix configuration with Jenkins pipelines

The Jenkins Pipeline plugin (aka Workflow) can be extended with other Multibranch plugins to build branches and pull requests automatically.
What would be the preferred way to run multiple configurations? For example, building with Java 7 and Java 8. This is often called matrix configuration (because of the multiple combinations such as language version, framework version, ...) or build variants.
I tried:
executing them serially as separate stage steps. Good, but takes more time than necessary.
executing them inside a parallel step, with or without nodes allocated inside them. Works but I cannot use the stage step inside parallel for known limitations on how it would be visualized.
Is there a recommended way to do this?
TLDR: Jenkins.io wants you to use nodes for each build.
Jenkins.io: In pipeline coding contexts, a "node" is a step that does two things, typically by enlisting help from available executors on agents:
Schedules the steps contained within it to run by adding them to the Jenkins build queue (so that as soon as an executor slot is free on a node, the appropriate steps run)
It is a best practice to do all material work, such as building or running shell scripts, within nodes, because node blocks in a stage tell Jenkins that the steps within them are resource-intensive enough to be scheduled, request help from the agent pool, and lock a workspace only as long as they need it.
Vanilla Jenkins Node blocks within a stage would look like:
stage 'build' {
node('java7-build'){ ... }
node('java8-build'){ ... }
Further extending this notion Cloudbees writes about parallelism and distributed builds with Jenkins. Cloudbees workflow for you might look like:
stage 'build' {
parallel 'java7-build':{
node('mvn-java7'){ ... }
}, 'java8-build':{
node('mvn-java8'){ ... }
Your requirements of visualizing the different builds in the pipeline would could be satisfied with either workflow, but I trust the Jenkins documentation for best practice.
To address the visualization #Stephen would like to see, He's right - it doesn't work! The issue has been raised with Jenkins and is documented here, the resolution of involving the use of 'labelled blocks' is still in progress :-(
Q: Is there documentation letting pipeline users not to put stages inside of parallel steps?
A: No, and this is considered to be an incorrect usage if it is done; stages are only valid as top-level constructs in the pipeline, which is why the notion of labelled blocks as a separate construct has come to be ... And by that, I mean remove stages from parallel steps within my pipeline.
If you try to use a stage in a parallel job, you're going to have a bad time.
ERROR: The ‘stage’ step must not be used inside a ‘parallel’ block.
I would suggest Declarative Matrix as a preferred way to run multiple configurations in Jenkins. It allows you to execute the defined stages for every configuration without code duplication.
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Test') {
matrix {
agent {
label "${NODENAME}"
axes {
axis {
values 'java7node', 'java8node'
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
echo "Do Test for ${NODENAME}"
Note that declarative Matrix is a native declarative Pipeline feature, so no additional Plugin installation needed.
Jenkins blog post about the matrix directive.
As noted by #StephenKing, Blue Ocean will show parallel branches better than the current stage view. A planned upcoming version of the stage view will be able to show all the branches, though it will not visually indicate any nesting structure (would look the same as if you ran the configurations serially).
In any event, the deeper issue is that you will essentially only get a pass/fail status for the build overall, pending a resolution to JENKINS-27395 and related requests.
In order to test each commit on several platforms, I've used this base Jenkinsfile skeleton:
def test_platform(label, with_stages = false)
// Checkout
if (with_stages) stage label + ' Checkout'
// Build
if (with_stages) stage label + ' Build'
// Tests
if (with_stages) stage label + ' Tests'
parallel ( failFast: false,
Windows: { test_platform("Windows") },
Linux: { test_platform("Linux") },
Mac: { test_platform("Mac") },
test_platform("Windows", true)
test_platform("Mac", true)
test_platform("Linux", true)
With this it's relatively easy to switch from a sequential to a parallel execution, each of them having their pros and cons:
Parallel execution runs much faster, but it doesn't contain the stages labelling
Sequential execution is much slower, but you get a detailed report thanks to stages, labelled as "Windows Checkout", "Windows Build", "Windows Tests", "Mac Checkout", etc.)
I'm using the sequential execution for the time being, until I find a better solution.
It seems like there is relief coming at least with the BlueOcean UI. Here is what I got (the tk-* nodes are the parallel steps):
