Why SwiftyJSON cannot parse Array String in swift 3 - ios

"item": [
"pid": 89334,
"productsname": "Long Way",
"address": "B-4/7, Malikha Housing, Yadanar St., Bawa Myint Ward,",
"telephone": "[\"01570269\",\"01572271\"]"
"pid": 2,
"productsname": "Myanmar Reliance Energy Co., Ltd. (MRE)",
"address": "Bldg, 2, Rm# 5, 1st Flr., Hninsi St., ",
"telephone": "[\"202916\",\"09-73153580\"]"
"success": true
I cannot parse telephone value from above JSON object with following code.
for item in swiftyJsonVar["item"].array! {
if let jsonDict = item.dictionary {
let pid = jsonDict["pid"]!.stringValue
let productsname = jsonDict["productsname"]!.stringValue
var telephones = [String]()
for telephone in (jsonDict["telephone"]?.array)! {
I want to get and display one by one phone number of above JSON. I'm not sure why above code is not working. Please help me how to solve it, thanks.

Because telephone is a string that looks like an array, not an array itself. The server encoded this array terribly. You need to JSON-ify it again to loop through the list of telephone numbers:
for item in swiftyJsonVar["item"].array! {
if let jsonDict = item.dictionary {
let pid = jsonDict["pid"]!.stringValue
let productsname = jsonDict["productsname"]!.stringValue
var telephones = [String]()
let telephoneData = jsonDict["telephone"]!.stringValue.data(using: .utf8)!
let telephoneJSON = JSON(data: telephoneData)
for telephone in telephoneJSON.arrayValue {


Create a comparison in an array

I working on an app to show some information about cities
In an array I have two parameters
1- languages (I don't know how many there are)
2- the number of people that speak on that language
I get this data from an server
here is this two paramter in JSon
"language": "French",
"number": "12321",
these data among other data is saved in an array
I Just want to get the most used language with the pecentage
for example French with 35%
how can I do it in swift?
Your help will be appreciated.
import Foundation
let serverOutput = Data("""
"language": "French",
"number": "12"
"language": "English",
"number": "10"
struct LangueUsers: Codable {
let language: String
let number: Int
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case language
case number
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
language = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .language)
let rawNumber = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .number)
guard let number = Int(rawNumber) else {
throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(Int.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [CodingKeys.number], debugDescription: "\(rawNumber) can't be convert to Int"))
self.number = number
struct LangueUsersPercent: CustomStringConvertible {
let language: String
let share: Double
init(language: String, number: Int, all: Int) {
self.language = language
self.share = Double(number) / Double(all)
var description: String {
return String(format: "%# - %0.1f%%", language, share * 100)
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var output = try decoder.decode([LangueUsers].self, from: serverOutput)
let allUser = output.reduce(0) { (reult, languageUsers) -> Int in
reult + Int(languageUsers.number)
output.sort { (lhs, rhs) -> Bool in
lhs.number > rhs.number
let response = output.map {
LangueUsersPercent(language: $0.language, number: $0.number, all: allUser)
The code assumes that the output from a server is in serverOutput variable. So steps need to achieve your task:
decode your JSON to swift structure (called LangueUsers) using swift codable. Keep in mind that by default it won't convert string values to int, so I have to create a custom init(from decoder: Decoder) initializer
count the sum of all users (you can do it using for loop or reduce like in my example)
sort your list, so the language with the most users will be first
this step is optional, but I've added a separate structure that will help us generate output and in this step, we are rewriting our input structures to output ones
Hope this is clear for you. Let me know if you have any questions.
The simplest way is:
// Example JSON
const exampleJSON = {
"people": [
"language": "French",
"number": 12321,
"language": "English",
"number": 7000,
// Parse it
const parsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(exampleJSON));
const speakers = [...parsed.people];
// Count number of all speakers and let it be as 100%
let sumAllSpeakers = 0;
parsed.people.reduce((previous, current) => {
sumAllSpeakers = previous.number + current.number;
return previous;
// Compare fucntion
const compareSpeakers = (speaker1, speaker2) => {
if (speaker1.number > speaker2.number) {
return -1;
if (speaker1.number < speaker2.number) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Create new array with statistic sorted from max number
const statisticsOfSpeakersInPersent = speakers
.sort((speaker1, speaker2) => compareSpeakers(speaker1, speaker2))
.map(speaker => {
return {...speaker, ...{inPersent: speaker.number * 100 / sumAllSpeakers + '%'}}
I hope this example helps you.
[ { language: 'French',
number: 12321,
inPersent: '63.76999120128358%' }, { language: 'English',
number: 7000,
inPersent: '36.23000879871642%' } ]

How to get one value from a Codable struct with multiple values?

I have a large JSON response and inside
"availabilityResultList": [
"availabilityRouteList": [
"availabilityByDateList": [
"originDestinationOptionList": [
there are 3 separate
"originDestinationOptionList": [
I can access the values in the first 'fareComponentGroupList' with Codables
How do I access values the second and third fareComponentGroupList ?
(I am sorry about these silly questions but I am new with swift Codables)
Since originDestinationOptionList returns an array of dictionary, just fetch it from there by index.
let originDestinationOptionList = root.availabilityResultList.first?.availabilityRouteList.first?.availabilityByDateList.first?.originDestinationOptionList
let firstobject = originDestinationOptionList[0]["fareComponentGroupList"]
let secondObject = originDestinationOptionList[1]["fareComponentGroupList"]
let firstObjectsFirstItem = firstObject[0]
If the above gives error, this works ( Swift 5)
let originDestinationOptionList = root.availabilityResultList.first?.availabilityRouteList.first?.availabilityByDateList.first?.originDestinationOptionList
let firstobject = originDestinationOptionList[0].fareComponentGroupList.first
let firstObjectsFirstItem = firstObject?. (add the remaining part)

Sort through JSON to find each instance that a string is different

I am attempting to find each instance of the string name: being different.
As for the example of JSON below I want to pull Alamo Draft House Lamar and Alamo Draft House Ritz and place them into an array.
"tmsId": "MV011110340000",
"rootId": "15444050",
"subType": "Feature Film",
"title": "Bohemian Rhapsody",
"releaseYear": 2018,
"releaseDate": "2018-11-02",
"titleLang": "en",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"entityType": "Movie",
"genres": ["Biography", "Historical drama", "Music"],
"longDescription": "Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Surrounded by darker influences, Mercury decides to leave Queen years later to pursue a solo career. Diagnosed with AIDS in the 1980s, the flamboyant frontman reunites with the group for Live Aid -- leading the band in one of the greatest performances in rock history.",
"shortDescription": "Singer Freddie Mercury of Queen battles personal demons after taking the music world by storm.",
"topCast": ["Rami Malek", "Lucy Boynton", "Gwilym Lee"],
"directors": ["Bryan Singer"],
"officialUrl": "https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/bohemian-rhapsody",
"ratings": [{
"body": "Motion Picture Association of America",
"code": "PG-13"
"advisories": ["Adult Language", "Adult Situations"],
"runTime": "PT02H15M",
"preferredImage": {
"width": "240",
"height": "360",
"uri": "assets/p15444050_v_v5_as.jpg",
"category": "VOD Art",
"text": "yes",
"primary": "true"
"showtimes": [{
"theatre": {
"id": "9489",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T19:15",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AAUQP&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
}, {
"theatre": {
"id": "9489",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T22:30",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AAUQP&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
}, {
"theatre": {
"id": "5084",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T12:00",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AATHS&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
}, {
"theatre": {
"id": "5084",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T15:40",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AATHS&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
Here is my api code:
var shows = [Shows]()
struct Shows: Codable {
let showtimes: [Showtimes]
struct Showtimes: Codable {
let theatre: Theater
struct Theater: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
func loadShowtimes() {
let apiKey = ""
let today = "2018-11-10"
let zip = "78701"
let filmId = "MV011110340000"
let radius = "15"
let url = URL(string: "http://data.tmsapi.com/v1.1/movies/\(filmId)/showings?startDate=\(today)&numDays=5&zip=\(zip)&radius=\(radius)&api_key=\(apiKey)")
let request = URLRequest(
url: url! as URL,
cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData,
timeoutInterval: 10 )
let session = URLSession (
configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default,
delegate: nil,
delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main
let task = session.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
if let data = data {
do { let shows = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Shows].self, from: data)
self.shows = shows
How would I approach sorting through the array and finding each instance of name: being different, then take each name and place them into a new array?
There are several ways to iterate through your array of Shows and their array of Theater to get the complete list of names. Once you have the full list of names you can get a unique list of those names.
Here is one approach:
let names = Array(Set(shows.map { $0.showtimes.map { $0.theatre.name }}.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 }))
Let's split that up to better explain what is going on.
let allNames = shows.map { $0.showtimes.map { $0.theatre.name }}.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 }
let uniqueNames = Array(Set(allNames))
The shows.map iterates through each Shows in shows. The inner map in turn iterates each Theatre in each of those Shows returning its name. So the inner map gives an array of names. The first map results in an array of arrays of names. The reduce merges those arrays of names into a single array of names leaving allNames with a single array containing every name.
The use of Array(Set(allNames)) first creates a unique set of the names and then it creates an array from that set.
If you want the final result to be sorted alphabetically then add .sorted() to the end.
If you need to keep the original order you can make use of NSOrderedSet and remove any use of sorted.
let names = NSOrderedSet(array: shows.map { $0.showtimes.map { $0.theatre.name }}.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 }).array as! [String]

Read out specific JSON from NSArray

This is the JSON object I'm getting from the openweathermap - API:
["main": {
humidity = 12;
pressure = 922;
temp = "271.13";
"temp_max" = "171.15";
"temp_min" = "291.15";
}, "name": mycity, "id": 299129219, "coord": {
lat = "92.1211";
lon = "182.1211";
}, "weather": <__NSArrayI 0x1c042e820>(
description = "light snow";
icon = 13n;
id = 120;
main = Snow;
description = mist;
icon = 50n;
id = 722;
main = Mist;
, "clouds": {
all = 12;
}, "dt": 211, "base": stations, "sys": {
country = XXX;
id = 4891;
message = "0.02221";
sunrise = 1221122112;
sunset = 4343344343;
type = 1;
}, "cod": 100, "visibility": 3200, "wind": {
speed = 3;
Because I like to readout some information (like the current temperature, the weather description, etc.) I tried to use this few lines:
let temperature = (result["main"] as! [String:Double])["temp"]!
The code above is working fine but I got massive problems reading out the description of the first Weather element (called "light snow"):
let description = (result["weather"] as! [String:Any]).first["description"]! //(result should be : "light snow")
... doesn't seems working at all.
So how can I fix this issue?
Thanks a million in advance.
Also used this API :)
This worked for me:
guard let weathersArray = json["weather"] as? [[String: Any]],
let weatherJson = weathersArray.first,
let description = weatherJson["description"] as? String
else { return }
Update: in case you want all the array elements just loop over the weathersArray and get all the descriptions.

Swift Create Json for API REST

I need create a json for send from a API REST:
"ownId": "seu_identificador_proprio",
"amount": {
"currency": "BRL",
"subtotals": {
"shipping": 1000
"items": [
"product": "Descrição do pedido",
"quantity": 1,
"detail": "Mais info...",
"price": 1000
"customer": {
"ownId": "seu_identificador_proprio_de_cliente",
"fullname": "Jose Silva",
"email": "nome#email.com",
"birthDate": "1988-12-30",
"taxDocument": {
"type": "CPF",
"number": "22222222222"
"phone": {
"countryCode": "55",
"areaCode": "11",
"number": "66778899"
"shippingAddress": {
"street": "Avenida Faria Lima",
"streetNumber": 2927,
"complement": 8,
"district": "Itaim",
"city": "Sao Paulo",
"state": "SP",
"country": "BRA",
"zipCode": "01234000"
I am confused with the creation..
I try begin with [NSObject:AnyObject]
var d1 : [NSObject:AnyObject] = ["ownId":"seu_identificador_proprio", "customer":""]
let dd1 = ["currency":"BRL"]
let dd2 = ["shipping":"1000"]
let arr = [d1]
let d = try! NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(arr, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted)
let s = NSString(data: d, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)! as String
But I need help!
I have updated your code and added some hints, how can you build the above listed structure. Happy coding!
// Do not use NSObject as key's type
// Keys in a dictionary are usually Strig in every language
var d1: [String: AnyObject] = ["ownId":"seu_identificador_proprio", "customer":""]
// Define the type of your dictionaries, if you dont, in this case it will create a [String:String] dictionary, but you need to insert an array into it
// Make it a var, so you can mutate the container
var dd1: [String: AnyObject] = ["currency":"BRL"]
// Here the type is undefined. Try inserting anything else than String, and see the results
let dd2 = ["shipping":"1000"]
dd1["subtotals"] = dd2
d1["amount"] = dd1
// Build all your dictionaries like i did above, and at the end add all of them into arr
let arr = [d1]
// Do not force try any throwing function in swift - if there is an error, your application will crash
// Use proper error handling - https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/ErrorHandling.html
do {
let d = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(arr, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted)
let s = NSString(data: d, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)! as String
} catch {
// Do your error handling here
