Delphi : Field 'False' not found. occurred only on my computer - delphi

I have a TCustomClientDataSet (in memory) which is used to do some filtering in a Delphi program.
My filtering code look like :
CDSFilteredGroup.Filter := 'ACP_type = 1 AND ACP_by_default <> False';
CDSFilteredGroup.Filtered := True;
When I compile and run it, I got the following error only with Delphi (XE4) installed on my computer :
CDSFilteredGroup: Champ 'False' non trouvé.
Translation: Field 'False' not found. The same code compile and run perfectly fine on my colleagues computers, but not on mine. There must be an option somewhere that I miss, any idea ?
Remember, the code is ok and working...

The TExprParser instance used for handling the filter string relies on the resourcestrings given as STextTrue and STextFalse. You probably have another language than English configured for your IDE library. Try switching to English and see if the error disappears.
To workaround that problem in general replace the text "False" with the content of the resourcestring STextFalse.
BTW, this was corrected in later Delphi versions that also accept the literal "False" even in non English environments.


Error loading file with full name containing spaces in directory with delphi

I am using XE8, win 8.1.
When trying load a file with spaces in directory, I am getting a exception of syntax name of the file or directory is invalid.
If I use imageen dialog to preview the file, no erros are found.
I did two tests with the procedure load_file1 and load_file2 and I have the same problem.
Is there a wrokaround to solve it?
function get_file:string;
result:='"C:\Compartilhada\dicomserver versoes\dicomserverx\data\Genesis-1000\1.2.410.200013."'
procedure load_file1;
var fStm:Tstream;
fStm := tFileStream.Create( p1, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone ); //->Error Here
procedure load_file2;
TBlobField(FieldByName('dicom')).LoadFromFile(p1); //-->Error Here
Remove the double quote marks from your string. It should be:
'C:\Compartilhada\dicomserver versoes\dicomserverx\data\Genesis-1000\1.2.410.200013.'
You might use " for paths containing spaces in some situations, for instance a command interpreter. But at the API level, it is simply not needed. And indeed it is a mistake as you have discovered. The double quote character " is actually a reserved character in a file name. That is documented on MSDN:
Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces: Naming Conventions
The following fundamental rules enable applications to create and process valid names for files and directories, regardless of the file system:
Use any character in the current code page for a name, including Unicode characters and characters in the extended character set (128–255), except for the following:
The following reserved characters:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)
In comments below you indicate that the code in the question does not reflect your actual problem. Which makes me wonder how you expect us to help. Your real problem is not the error message produced by the specific code, but that your debugging skills are letting you down. Let me try to explain how to debug a problem like this.
First of all, you are passing a file name to LoadFromFile or TFileStream.Create. These calls fail with an error that indicates that the file name is not valid.
So, when faced with that knowledge, the first step is to check the value of the file name that you are passing. Use debugging techniques to do that. Either the IDE debugger, or logging.
Once you have identified what value you are actually passing to these functions you can try to work out what is invalid about it.
To repeat, your real problem is not with the specifics, but in your debugging skills. You should take this as an opportunity to learn more about debugging. Stack Overflow is not a substitute for debugging. Learn to debug better, and your life as a programmer will become very much easier.

Decimal rounding and printer selection

I use Delphi RAD Studio 2010 and DecimalRounding_JH1.pas from
It works good, but I don't know why, in some old machines (Pentium IV with Windows XP SP3), the round fails after access to printer.printerindex. I have checked that the problem not is Windows XP due it works in other machines with this OS.
I have made a simple project that round an extended value with DecimalRounding_JH1 (drHalfUp) with two decimals (1.105 -> rounds to 1.11). But If I read printer.printerindex, then 1.105 rounds to 1.10).
I thought it could be the "FDIV bug", but compiling with "FDIV safe" doesn't resolve the problem.
The code:
var d1,d2:extended;
memo1.lines.add(FloatToStr(d2)); // --> shows 1.11 (OK)
memo1.lines.add(FloatToStr(d2)); // --> shows 1.10 (ERROR!!!)
I know that it is very strange, but I've tested it and It's as I said.
What could I do?
If I add Printer.printerindex:=1; (for example) before i:=Printer.printerindex; then again it works good. Reading printer unit, the difference is about execute "SetToDefaultPrinter" or not:
function TPrinter.GetPrinterIndex: Integer;
if FPrinterIndex = -1 then SetToDefaultPrinter;
Result := FPrinterIndex;
thanks in advance.
Certain parts of the system printer libraries have a rather nasty habit of modifying the 8087 control word. You should restore it to its default value after using methods and properties of Printer.
For example, you might write it like this:
The comments in my codebase suggest that you only need to do this after the VCL printer code has been initialized for the first time. So you could deal with this in your program's startup. Read Printer.PrinterIndex and then immediately set the control word to its desired value.

Why is COMMON_APPDATA returned as a null string on Windows XP

One of my users at a large university (with, I imagine, the aggressive security settings that university IT departments general have on their computers) is getting an empty string returned by Windows XP for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA or CSIDL_PERSONAL. (I'm not sure which of these is returning the empty string, because I haven't yet examined his computer to see how he's installed the software, but I'm pretty sure it's the COMMON_APPDATA...)
Has anyone encountered this or have suggestions on how to deal with this?
Here's the Delphi code I'm using to retrieve the value:
Function GetSpecialFolder( FolderID: Integer):String;
PIDL: PItemIDList;
Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, FolderID, PIDL);
SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, Path);
Result := Path;
end; { GetSpecialFolder }
ShowMessage(GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA)); <--- This is an empty string
Figuring out this API made me feel like I was chasing my tail - I went in circles trying to find the right call. This method and others similar to it are said to be deprecated by Microsoft (as well as by a earlier poster to this question (#TLama?) who subsequently deleted the post.) But, it seems like most of us, including me, regularly and safely ignore that status.
In my searches, I found a good answer here on SO from some time ago, including sample code for the non-deprecated way of doing this: what causes this error 'Unable to write to application file.ini'.
If you want to find out why an API call is failing you need to check the return values. That's what is missing in this code.
You need to treat each function on its own merits. Read the documentation on MSDN. In the case of SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, the return value is an HRESULT. For SHGetPathFromIDList you get back a BOOL. If that is FALSE then the call failed.
The likely culprit here is SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, the code that receives the CSIDL, but you must check for errors whenever you call Windows API functions.
Taking a look at the documentation for CSIDL we see this:
Version 5.0. The file system directory that contains application data for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data. This folder is used for application data that
is not user specific. For example, an application can store a
spell-check dictionary, a database of clip art, or a log file in the
CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA folder. This information will not roam and is
available to anyone using the computer.
If the machine has a shell version lower than 5.0, then this CSIDL value is not supported. That's the only documented failure mode for this CSIDL value. I don't think that applies to your situation, so you'll just have to see what the HRESULT status code has to say.

Unit source code does not match code execution path when breakpoint hit

I am debugging a DirectShow filter I created with the DSPACK code library using Delphi 6 Pro. When a breakpoint I set is hit in one particular unit named BaseClass.pas, and I begin tracing, the Execution Point jumps to strange places in the source code. This usually indicates that the source code being traced does not match the source code that was compiled into one of the packages being used by the Delphi application. Oddly enough it is only the BaseClass unit since I have traced other units belonging to the DSPACK code library and they do not exhibit this problem. I am not using run-time packages.
I scanned my disk and found only one copy of BaseClass.dcu with a modification date equal to the last time I built the program. I have not modified the source for that unit or any other belonging to DSPACK. Since my Filter is part of the main application this indicates that BaseClass.pas would be subject to a dual use situation since it is used to build the DSPACK component package (dpk), and is also referenced by my main application directly via the TBCSource object my Filter descends from. Note, I did try adding the unit PAS file directly to my Project but that didn't fix anything.
I also went back and re-opened each of the DSPACK package files and did a full re-build. None of this helped. Is there something else I can try to get the source synchronized with the compiled image of the BaseClass unit? Or is a different problem altogether and if so, what is it and how can I fix it?
Sometimes this happens when code is copied/pasted from web pages or other sources, and the lines don't end with CR/LF pairs (#13#10 or 0x0D0A, standard for Windows) but end in only LF (#10 or 0x0A, typically the line ending in *nix systems) or CR (#13 or 0x0D, typical with Mac OSX/iOS). The incorrect line terminators confuse the debugger - this has been an issue for the past several Delphi versions.
You can sometimes fix this by opening the source file using a text editor like Notepad, making a small meaningless change (insert and then delete a blank line, for instance), and then save the file.
I had same problem and made a similar utility. Fixed it.
Basically, just this:
procedure adjustCRLF(filename : String);
strList : TStringList;
strList := TStringList.Create;
strList.Text := AdjustLineBreaks(strList.Text);
There is another way this can happen: if the IDE erroneously opens another source file with the same name (but different, such as an earlier version) then all the debug points will be incorrect, and the debugger will even allow you to step through the incorrect file.
I've seen Delphi 7 do this once.
Make sure that when you rebuild it, that in the compiler options for your project that you have "Debug Information" turned on. In fact, most of the options under Debugging should be set in your project's Compiler options.
Also, if you haven't already, restart Delphi.

ZeroConf/Bonjour Code that works in Delphi 7 not working in 2009

I have the following declaration for DNSServiceRegister:
function DNSServiceRegister
var sdRef: TDNSServiceRef;
const flags: TDNSServiceFlags;
const interfaceIndex: uint32_t;
const name: PUTF8String; //* may be NULL */
const regType: PUTF8String;
const domain: PUTF8String; //* may be NULL */
const host: PUTF8String; //* may be NULL */
const port: uint16_t;
const txtLen: uint16_t;
const txtRecord: Pointer; //* may be NULL */
const callBack: TDNSServiceRegisterReply; //* may be NULL */
const context: Pointer //* may be NULL */
): TDNSServiceErrorType; stdcall; external DNSSD_DLL;
In my Bonjour framework I have the following response to an announced service being made active (i.e. to actually start announcing itself, via Bonjour):
procedure TAnnouncedService.Activate;
flags: Cardinal;
name: UTF8String;
svc: UTF8String;
pn: PUTF8String;
ps: PUTF8String;
fPreAnnouncedServiceName := ServiceName;
if AutoRename then
flags := 0
flags := kDNSServiceFlagsNoAutoRename; { - do not auto-rename }
if (ServiceName <> '') then
name := ServiceName;
pn := PUTF8String(name);
pn := NIL;
svc := ServiceType;
ps := PUTF8String(svc);
0 { interfaceID - register on all interfaces },
NIL { domain - register in all available },
NIL { hostname - use default },
0 { txtLen },
NIL { txtRecord },
This is more verbose than I think it strictly needs to be, certainly it was working perfectly well in Delphi 7 in a much less verbose form. I have expanded a lot of operations into explicit steps to facilitate debugging, e.g. to be able to identify any implicit transforms of string payloads that may be occuring "under the hood" in Delphi 2009.
Even in this untidy expanded form this code compiles and works perfectly well in Delphi 7, but if I compile and run with Delphi 2009 I get no announcement of my service.
For example, if I run this code as part of a Delphi 7 application to register a _daap._tcp service (an iTunes shared library) I see it pop-up in a running instance of iTunes. If I recompile the exact same application without modification in Delphi 2009 and run it, I do not see my service appearing in iTunes.
I get the same behaviour when monitoring with the dns-sd command line utility. That is, service code compiled with Delphi 7 behaves as I expect, compiled in Delphi 2009 - nothing.
I am not getting any errors from the Bonjour API - the DNSServiceRegisterReply callback is being called with an ErrorCode of 0 (zero), i.e. success, and if I supply a NIL name parameter with AutoRename specified in the flags then my service is allocated the correct default name. But still the service does not show up in iTunes.
I am at a loss as to what is going on.
As you might be able to tell from the expansion of the code, I have been chasing potential errors being introduced by the Unicode implementation in Delphi 2009, but this seems to be leading me nowhere.
The code was originally developed against version 1.0.3 of the Bonjour API/SDK. I've since updated to 1.0.6 in case that was somehow involved, without any success. afaict 1.0.6 merely added a new function for obtaining "properties", which currently supports only a "DaemonVersion" property for obtaining the Bonjour version - this is working perfectly.
NOTE: I'm aware that the code as it stands is not technically UTF8-safe in Delphi 7 - I have eliminated explicit conversions as far as possible so as to keep things as simple as possible for the automatic conversions that Delphi 2009 applies. My aim now is to get this working in Delphi 2009 then work backward from that solution to hopefully find a compatible approach for earlier versions of Delphi.
NOTE ALSO: I originally also had problems with browsing for advertised services, i.e. identifying an actual iTunes shared library on the network. Those issues were caused by the Unicode handling in Delphi 2009 and have been resolved. My Delphi 2009 code is just as capable of identifying an actual iTunes shared library and querying it's TXT records. It's only this service registration that isn't working.
I must be missing something stupid and obvious.
Does anyone have any ideas?!
Having returned to this problem I have now discovered the following:
If I have a pre-D2009 and a D2009+ IDE open (e.g D2006 and D2010) with the same project loaded into both IDE's concurrently:
Build and run under 2006: It works - my service announcement is picked up by iTunes
Switch to D2010 and run (without building): It does a minimal compile, runs and works.
Do a full build in D2010: It stops working
Switch back to D2006 and run (without building): It doesn't work
Do a full build in D2006: It works again
Does this give anyone any other ideas?
The answer to this is mind boggling. On the one hand I made a completely stupid, very simple mistake, but on the other hand it should never - as far as I can see - have worked in ANY version of Delphi!
The problem was nothing what-so-ever to do with the Unicode/non-unicodeness of any strings, but was actually due to a type mismatch in the PORT parameter.
I was passing in the result of ReverseBytes(Port) - that parameter expected a uint16_t, i.e. a Word value. My Port property was however declared (lazily) as an Integer!!
Once I fixed this and had Port declared as a Word, it now works on both D2007- and D2009+ versions of Delphi.
Very weird.
I can only think that some other edge-case behaviour of the compiler that might have somehow affected this was changed when Unicode support was introduced.
Based on the information that we have available here, the situation is this:
When calling the DLL with your code in Delphi 2007, it gives one result.
When calling the same DLL with your code in Delphi 2009, it gives another result.
The suspicion is, that it is related to the Delphi 2009 compiler.
Logically, the difference must therefore be, that Delphi 2009 sends different values as parameters. In order to make the debugging truly Delphi-independent, you therefore need to create a dummy DLL, which reports the values it gets. Other Delphi-dependent methods may be applied, like looking at the disassembly of the function-call into the DLL, and debugging it so that we know exactly what values are passed, and how, to the DLL, in both compilers.
I can't find the declaration instruction for the vars "ServiceName" and "ServiceType" in your code sample.
Assuming a String type (thus a unicode string), I guess (yes... no D2009 available to test this) lazy typecasting could be an issue:
name := ServiceName;
Why not use the following?
name := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(ServiceName))
Anyhow... just my 2 cts.
I always use the pre defined "EmptyStr", "EmptyWideStr" ... so the test would look like:
if (ServiceName <> EmptyStr) then
which should be safe and avoid the confusion of types.
On the other side, Delphi may interpret the '' as an ANSIChar like the following declaration do:
MyParagraphChar = '§';
Not sure... I'm confused - should go home now ;)
If the DLL is not written using Delphi 2009, you may want to use something else than PUTF8String. The Delphi 2009 Utf8String type is different from Delphi 2007's UTF8String type.
If the DLL was written using C/C++, I strongly suggest to use PAnsiChar() instead of PUtf8String.
