how to get repo name in Jenkins pipeline - jenkins

I'm using Jenkins Scripted Pipeline that uses Groovy style scripting, and created a Jenkinsfile to describe the pipeline. I need to create the workspace with the folder name same as git repo name, and then checkout the code in the workspace folder.
My question is, before doing the checkout scm, is there a way to know the git repo name or the git repo url?

String determineRepoName() {
return scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()[0].getUrl().tokenize('/')[3].split("\\.")[0]
This relatively ugly code is what I use to get the repoName. The key is that the URL of the repo is stored in:
from there you need to do some string ops to get what you want.
String determineRepoName() {
return scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()[0].getUrl().tokenize('/').last().split("\\.")[0]
This works also for repositories with a deeper hierarchy (https://domain/project/subproject/repo or ssh git repo which does not contain the two // at the start.

Maybe a silly answer, but isn't it possible using the environment Jenkins environment variable env.BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY?


How to access file from git repo in jenkins pipeline

I'm very new to jenkins. I have a monorepo where I need to check what needs to be build. Created a pipeline element in Jenkins, named it Test and copy pasted a script to do a check what files changed:
def changedFiles = currentBuild.changeSets
.collect { it.getItems() }
.flatten() //Ensures that we look through each commit, not just the first.
.collect { it.getAffectedPaths() }
.toSet() //Ensures uniqueness.
echo("Changed files: ${changedFiles}")
def changedDirectories = changedFiles.collect {
if (it.contains('folder/in/monorepo/project/foo')) { //Code cut for simplicity
return "Foo"
return ''
echo("Changed directories: ${changedDirectories}")
if (changedDirectories.contains("Foo")) {
stage('Foo Build') {
node {
env.NODEJS_HOME = "${tool 'NodeJS'}"
dir("folder/in/monorepo/buildscripts/") {
sh ''
} else {
echo("No Foo Build")
The code for loading NodeJS is documentend in the NodeJS plugin.
I installed Jenkins, tried some things and then installed NodeJS plugin and updates for other plugins.
Now, with the updated plugins there is some trouble which basically is related to this: Why does Jenkins creates a subfolder within the workspace#script folder to checkout git code instead of the workspace#script itself?
Instead of cloning into the workspace folder, the git repo gets cloned to folder with a unique id.
This leads to the fact, that my folder like in the command dir("folder/in/monorepo/buildscripts/") is not found or to be more precise: It's created and empty and not the one which is in the git repo because it is executed relative to my empty workspace instead relative to the cloned repo.
My questions are:
Is there a much easier way to achieve what I try? AFAIK I need to implement the search for the folder as in the referenced so question.
Doesn't this security fix from the referenced so question breaks all builds / jenkinsfiles? I mean: Eventually in a pipeline someone wants to call a build script, a build tool or a simple make with the makefile in the repo.
EDIT: I just realised that the only reason why the repo is cloned, is because I use the option "Pipeline script from SCM" with "Lightweight checkout" unchecked. I assume that the intended way would be to use a "Lightweight checkout" to just get the Jenkinsfile and then clone the repo as part of the script. A "Pipeline script" written in the gui, would also never get a clone of the repository.

Jenkins: Access job/plugin configuration values inside pipeline

I am trying the access the values set on a job's configuration page from within my pipeline. These values are not made available as params, nor are they injected as envvars.
Jenkins, v2.263.1
GitLab Branch Source plugin, v1.5.3 (link)
Multibranch pipeline job which is pointed to a Gitlab repo
Remote Jenkinsfile Provider, v1.13 (link)
Ordinarily, one would have a Jenkinsfile in the root of the repo and therefore the scm would be associated with the repo we want to checkout and build. However, in my case the code I want to build is in a different repo to the Jenkinsfile (hence the Remote Jenkinsfile Provider plugin).
This means that I need to checkout the code I wish to build as an explicit step in the pipeline, and to do that I need to know the repo. This repo is, however, already defined in the job config.
The Branch Source plugin does export things like the branch name or merge request number/branch/target into appropriate envvars, but NOT the actual repo.
As this is a multibranch pipeline, I cannot use something like envInject either (multibranch jobs do not provide the option to 'Prepare an environment for the run' as with other jobs)
I would like to be able to access the server, owner and project fields set in the job config page. Ultimately I could manage with just the project's ssh/http address even.
Is there some clever way of accessing a job's config from within the pipeline?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Reference images
Within the gitlab branch source plugin (and the documentation) you have a lot more information, than just with the normal branch source plugin. there are environment variables for the project like GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_SSH_URL/GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_HTTPS_URL for the git source and many more. So far i did not see one for the server, but that would be parse-able our of the URLs.
Within this information, it should be fairly easy to checkout the repository and build it.
As through the process it came clear, that it is needed to also trigger the pipeline manually, and this is normally also possible with variables (not sure about the Remote File plugin). I assume your Jenkinsfile is a groovy script, which opens up a lot of possibilities. You can define variables and use some logic to determine if the env variable or the parameter is used.
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'projectUrl', defaultValue: "")
stages {
stage('Prepare') {
steps {
def projectUrl = env.GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_SSH_URL ?: params.projectUrl
// DO Checkout with projectUrl
The only critical thing you have to take into account, is that the multibranch pipeline, has to run once, for each branch or mr - so they detect the variables. Afterwards you can easily trigger it, manually by providing your values.
This allows you, to utilize webhooks for automatic actions, and also allows you to trigger the build manually when ever you like.
Sidenote: if you use the centralized jenkinsfile, for reducing duplication, you might also want to checkout Shared libraries for jenkins.
For completeness, here is a list of all current environment variables added by the jenkins gitlab branch source plugin version 1.5.3 (and only for Push Events - but they are pretty similar in the other event types too)

Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline: script / jenkinsfile as svn external

I have a multibranch pipeline in Jenkins. I want to include my script file (jenkinsfile) as svn file external into my development branches to organize the script centralized for all branches. Unfortunately the scan of the multibranch pipeline isn't able to find the script file as it is only looking inside the declared branch and not in the included svn external locations.
Has anyone an idea how can I fix this?
Below is an example of my svn structure, job config and further information.
SVN external property for branchX, branchY, etc.
Local path: jenkinsfile
URL: ^/scripts/jenkinsfile
Revision Peg: 12345
Multibranch job configuration:
Project Repository Base: http://.../root/code/
Include branches: version1/branchX, version11/branchY
Build configuration
Mode: by Jenkinsfile
Script path: jenkinsfile
Log message of scan in multibranch pipeline:
Checking candidate branch /code/version1/branchX#HEAD
‘jenkinsfile’ not found
Does not meet criteria
I already tried to disable the lightweight checkout of the subversion scm plugin according to this advice:
Multibranch pipeline with jenkinsfile in svn:external
(I've added -Djenkins.scm.impl.subversion.SubversionSCMFileSystem.disable=true under <service><arguments>... in jenkins.xml)
But jenkins is still not able to find the script. And in fact if I put my script directly in e.g. branchX the disabled lightweight checkout leads to a double checkout into my workspace (first one to read the script file and second one as it's my first stage in the script itself).
Maybe my whole setup is wrong too or not the ideal way of doing?
I would be pleased about your help and tips. Thanks and Greetings!
If you are working on a linux or bsd(osx) system, you could create a hard-link from root/scripts/jenkinsfile to root/code/version#/branchX/jenkinsfile for each active branch
That way, each branch will have its own jenkinsfile available locally, enabling you to use the lightweight checkout, and any change you introduce to the jenkinsfile in any location will be available to all other branches (the file system will keep a single copy of the file, regardless of being accessible form many different locations).
The bash command to create such link will be
ln root/scripts/jenkinsfile root/code/version#/branchX/jenkinsfile
You will need to remember to create a new link each time a branch is created, or automate that using hooks

jenkins pipeline get repository url variable under pipeline script from scm

I'm using Jenkins file that located in my git repository.
I have configured new job using the pipeline script from SCM that point to my jenkinsfile. I'm trying to use in my Jenkins file pipeline script the git module in order to pull my data from my git repo without configure pre-static variable and just to use the variable of the repository URL under pipeline script from SCM that already was configured in my job .
There is a way to get somehow the variable Repository URL
from this plugin without using parameters in my Jenkins pipeline script.
I have already tried the environment variable GIT_URL and other stuff that related to git from here but this didn't work.
You can find all information about scm in scm variable (instance of GitSCM if you are using git).
You can get repository URL this way
def repositoryUrl = scm.userRemoteConfigs[0].url
But if you just want to checkout that repository you can simply invoke checkout scm without needing to specify anything else. See checkout step
from this post I found a way that you can use the checkout scm to get the git repo url like this:
checkout scm
def url = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git config remote.origin.url').trim()
but checkout scm will pull the code and I want to avoid from that.
So I found another way (not the pretty one):
command = "grep -oP '(?<=url>)[^<]+' /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/${JOB_NAME}/config.xml"
GIT_REPO_URL = sh(returnStdout: true, script: command).trim();
echo "Detected Git Repo URL: ${GIT_REPO_URL}"
throw err
error "Colud not find any Git repository for the job ${JOB_NAME}"
this is did the trick for me.
Probably not directly a solution for your particular case, as you're working with git.
But for those still working with SVN using the SubversionSCM, the repository URL can be obtained using
def repositoryUrl = scm.locations[0].remote
I believe that the best solution is like this answer.
An example using declarative pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
steps {
script {
def s = checkout scm;
if (s.GIT_URL != null) print s.GIT_URL
else if (s.SVN_URL != null) print s.SVN_URL
else print s
Note - this does a full checkout. If that is not desirable, I would try to handle that in checkout parameters (like here)

What is the branch name variable for Jenkins multibranch pipelines?

I need to know which branch is being built in my Jenkins multibranch pipeline in order for it to run steps correctly.
We are using a gitflow pattern with dev, release, and master branches that all are used to create artifacts. The dev branch auto deploys, the other two do not. Also there are feature, bugfix and hotfix branches. These branches should be built, but not produce an artifact. They should just be used to inform the developer if there is a problem with their code.
In a standard build, I have access to the $GIT_BRANCH variable to know which branch is being built, but that variable isn't set in my multibranch pipeline. I have tried env.GIT_BRANCH too, and I tried to pass $GIT_BRANCH as a parameter to the build. Nothing seems to work. I assumed that since the build knows about the branch being built (I can see the branch name at the top of the console output) that there is something that I can use - I just can't find any reference to it.
The env.BRANCH_NAME variable contains the branch name.
As of Pipeline Groovy Plugin 2.18, you can also just use BRANCH_NAME
(env isn't required but still accepted.)
There is not a dedicated variable for this purpose yet (JENKINS-30252). In the meantime you can take advantage of the fact that the subproject name is taken from the branch name, and use
env.JOB_NAME.replaceFirst('.+/', '')
This has now been resolved, see Krzysztof Krasoń's answer.
There are 2 branches to consider in a Jenkins multibranch pipeline job:
The Jenkins job branch - env.BRANCH_NAME. This may have the same name as a git branch, but might also be called PR-123 or similar
The git branch - env.GIT_BRANCH. This is the actual branch name in git.
So a job might have BRANCH_NAME=PR-123 and GIT_BRANCH=my-scm-branch-name
Jenkins documentation has a list of all the env variable for your perusal here
Another way is using the git command to obtain the branch name on the current jenkins pipeline. For example, you can add the following snippet to print the branch name in your Jenkinsfile.
script {
def BRANCH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').trim()
echo ${BRANCH}
I found this stackoverflow post example useful: Git Variables in Jenkins Workflow plugin
sh '//...
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > GIT_BRANCH'
git_branch = readFile('GIT_BRANCH').trim()
echo git_branch
