how to Remove "open with Gitkraken" from context menu? - contextmenu

I have a wasteful option left after uninstalling Gitkraken in windows 7 ultimate 64bit. I have tried many options like,
in regidit i have searched in following places:
but i have got nothing related to git or git kraken so that i can remove that option.

It's worth noting that there are two items added to the context menu, one for each of the two right-click contexts. And as such, two entries exist in the Registry.
Context 1 - In the parent folder, when right-clicking on the folder icon of the repository:
Context 2 - Within the repository folder, right-clicking on background white-space:
I tend to use the second one more often, and there was a bug when I first installed the program. In order to fix this bug, change the last argument from %L to %V.
"C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\gitkraken\update.exe" --processStart=gitkraken.exe --process-start-args="-p %L"
"C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\gitkraken\update.exe" --processStart=gitkraken.exe --process-start-args="-p %V"

The entry is here on my machine:
I'm not clear from the format of your list where you were actually checking, but that might be worth a look.

S-1-5-21-307178686-3694073347-4169164670-1001 should be related to your user
Here is my screenshot choose the one without the classes should be right.


Swashbuckle custom asset not found

I added to SwaggerConfig.cs this string
c.CustomAsset("index", thisAssembly, "Table.Web.CustomContent.index.html");
...than I run the application, go to swagger docs and get error:
An error has occurred.
Embedded resource not found - Table.Web.CustomContent.index.html
The build action property of the index.html was set to embedded resource
What should I do to fix it?
I struggled with this for a while today in a ASP.NET C# project and finally resolved it by cobbling together a few different resources.
First (as noted in the Swagger comments), the item must be marked as an Embedded Resource by right-clicking the item in the solution explorer and going to Properties, and selecting Embedded Resource from the Build Action dropdown.
Second, the logical name can be tricky to identify. In my case, a dash in a directory name was being converted to an underscore once embedded, leading to lots of hair-pulling (hair_pulling?). The easiest way to get the true logical path is to get it from the Build Output window.
Go to Tools => Options
Expand the Projects and Solutions sidebar item and click Build and Run
Set the MSBuild Output to Detailed.
Clean the solution and rebuild, opening the Output window if necessary.
The output log should unambiguously state the true logical name of the file with a line like...
Resource file 'swagger-ui\SwaggerUiStyle.css' gets manifest resource name 'MySolutionName.swagger_ui.SwaggerUiStyle.css'
(credit to #bkwdesign for his excellent explanation on this part)

VFP font size in command window

In the VFP development environment both the command window and any code windows which are open display characters in Courier font, possible 10 pt. I would like to reduce the size of these characters, to see more lines on the screen.
Have tried going into Tools | Options | IDE and have changed several font specifications (for Desktop, Program files, Code Windows, Procedures), clicked on 'Apply' in an attempt to reduce the size of these character on the screen. This has not been successful.
How can I reduce the font size used for code when I am editing it, please?
Check the Override individual settings checkbox on the Options | IDE tab. Otherwise, if you've previously edited a particular PRG, you'll see the font you used then.
For the Command Window, right-click, Properties to set the font.
Most of the time, I use the default, but occasionally I change it by right-clicking within the MODIFY COMMAND window I'm working in, going into "Properties...", and changing the font size. It only applies when editing that filename, though. Many years ago I think I tried changing it globally, as you seem to have, and remember it not 'sticking', so henceforth I always changed it on a file-by-file basis when I needed to.
I think what you are looking for is under Tools / Options / EDITOR tab, and save whatever defaults you want and set as Default.
Additionally, another thing I have done this in the past and created my own master settings resource file. By default when you start VFP, a "resource" file is set to ex: C:\Program Files\VFP\blah\FoxUser.dbf (and the corresponding .fpt file)
What I would do is this. Use the resource file and make an EMPTY copy of it to a new location, such as the working folder of your project.
use ( sys(2005)) again alias tmpResource
copy structure to MyVFPResource
set resource to MyVFPResource
close tables all
The resource file keeps track of almost every thing you open / work with and retains settings such as window area, position, etc. Some things I like to have as a "default", such as when editing snippet methods in screen or class designer. Such as to always have the row/column of a file displayed, have other settings.
An example of common .prg files. Do a simple MODI COMM MyTest.prg. Then once a simple .prg file is open, go to Edit, then Properties. Click on all the settings you want (including font size, line/column, syntax coloring, tabs vs space preferences, etc. Click the checkbox for "Apply to .PRG files". and click ok.
Now, open your resource file AGAIN so you can see what is stored.
use ( sys(2005)) again alias tmpResource
You will see many rows, but at the bottom will be the most recent entries. You should see 3 records listed as "WINDMODIFY" which represents the "MODIFY COMMAND" of whatever prg file. Now, open the "Name" memo field. One will be listed as .prg, another will be "DEFAULT", and the last will be the actual "mytest.prg" you started with. Get on the "DEFAULT" version record. Now you can change the "READONLY" column from FALSE to TRUE (F/T) and it will lock these settings for ALL .prg files. You can then delete the other rows.
You can apply these same principles to modifying form code snippets. Open a form, double-click on any method, then EDIT / Properties, do the same, but checkbox for "Apply to method code".
Browse the resource file and look at the "WINDSNIP" rows. Again, look for "DEFAULT" and mark that readonly as .T. and you can delete the other. The resource file will literally save every snippet window specific to the form, object, method, etc.
Do the same for visual class file editing too.
Similarly can be done for toolbars and more as you browse and see. When you are done making all the changes you want, purge out all the other fluff, close the resource file and set it to read-only so no additional garbage gets pulled into it.
If you need to change in the future, make the table editable again, make changes, then readonly the table again.
Then, all you have to do is at VFP start, do
set resource to MyVFPResource

Issues with multiple build template (xaml files) in project

I'm having trouble with my TFS Build project. I'm following the example from here as far as setting up the project in VS.
I have a project just for the custom activities and a separate project for just the templates. The issue I have is that the Templates project can only contain one xaml file. If I copy and and paste it in the same project it wont build. I get the following error:
Error 102 The item "obj\Debug\TfsBuild_Process_BeforeInitializeComponentHelper.txt" was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter.
But if I remove it, it'll build just fine. Everything works, meaning it'll build if I queue a build.
I have also tried the solution suggested on here, but it doesn't seem to resolve my issue.
Renaming the form name in the solution explorer.
Change the class name in the .cs and Designer.cs file.
Change the constructor and destructor name (which is same as class name)
Change the name space name (if needed).
Here is the link to download the project.
I can't seem to figure out why. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I don't know if you still have this problem but I also had the problem today. I found a resolution that (if you still facing the problem) can help you or others.
When you copy a Build Process template it automaticly gets the x:Class property set to TfsBuild.Process. When you have multiple process templates with the same value then you will get this error when building the project.
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sads sap sap2010" x:Class="TfsBuild.Process" this:Process.BuildNumberFormat="$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)" this:Process.AgentSettings="[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.AgentSettings() With {.MaxWaitTime = New System.TimeSpan(4, 0, 0), .MaxExecutionTime = New System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), .TagComparison = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.TagComparison.MatchExactly}]" this:Process.Verbosity="[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.BuildVerbosity.Normal]" this:Process.OutputFullHistory="True" this:Process.OutputBranchOrigin="True" this:Process.OnlyOutputChangedFiles="True" this:Process.StartChangeset="0"......
I solved the problem by replacing TfsBuild.Process with another name for every template (ex. TfsBuild.ProcessLabDefault). Please note you should also change all the instances of this:Process because the two are linked together (ex. this:ProcessLabDefault).
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sads sap sap2010" x:Class="TfsBuild.MyProcess" this:MyProcess.BuildNumberFormat="$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)" this:MyProcess.AgentSettings="[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.AgentSettings() With {.MaxWaitTime = New System.TimeSpan(4, 0, 0), .MaxExecutionTime = New System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), .TagComparison = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.TagComparison.MatchExactly}]" this:MyProcess.Verbosity="[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.BuildVerbosity.Normal]" this:MyProcess.OutputFullHistory="True" this:MyProcess.OutputBranchOrigin="True" this:MyProcess.OnlyOutputChangedFiles="True" this:MyProcess.StartChangeset="0"......
I didn't find a way to change this by using the interface, View Code & Find and replace works. Hope it helps.
I used the following approach and it worked very well. All that needs replaced is TfsBuild in two locations on the first line of the raw xaml.
From the link:
1 Right-click your Copy of DefaultTemplate.xaml in Source Control and select View With… to open it in Notepad (you can also right-click the template in VS and select 'View Code').
2 Then in the first line change:
**x:Class="TfsBuild.Process"** to **x:Class="YourProcessTemplateName.Process"**
**xmlns:this="clr-namespace:TfsBuild"** to **xmlns:this="clr-namespace:YourProcessTemplateName"**
I ran in to this problem and wanted to add the solution I found to it. If you check the properties of the XAML files, when you link them to your project they're assigned a BuildAction of XamlAppDef. Changing this to 'Content' will resolve the error.
To find the properties screen you need to edit just highlight the XAML file in Solution Explorer and either hit F4 or Right-Click on the file and choose 'Properties' from the context menu.
Hope this helps.

Attributes from MvxBindingAttributes are not added with MvvmCross

I have the MvxBindingAttributes.xml in my UI.Droid/Resources/Values but everytime I try to use the bindings in my layouts I get
Warning attribute is not declared.
No resource identifier found for attribute 'MvxBind' in package
so for some reason it cannot find those attributes. I have tried to close/reopen/clean/rebuild with no luck, tried removing the layouts and then building (Hoping it would add them at build) and then try to add them again, but nothing seems to work
Have you checked that the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file is marked in properties as an AndroidResource?
VisualStudio likes marking the xml files as content or none instead - especially if you've added the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file as a link.
As an update to this, you can also now use a special 'auto' xml scheme:
In the project properties, add a Android Manifest file and add a package name that contains at least two periods, for example:
In the axml file, type the package name instead of the namespace:
Fixed it for me.
First, thanks for the answer. I had the same problem.
But in my case, attempting to use the suggestions above failed. or at least that is what i thought.
When i used local:MvxItemTemplate=#layout/My_Manifest while i had the My_Manifest.axml file correctly placed in Layout folder, and correct xml schemas, it still had problems.
But, when i changed My_Manifest to my_manifest while leaving the actual file name as My_Manifest.axml, everything was working.
just wanted to share
In my case for some reason the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file existed, but hadn't been included in the project. Right-clicking on MvxBindingAttributes.xml and choosing "Include in Project" sorted the problem for me.
Just in case: You might also have rubbish (in my case, it were dots) in some of your XML. But the error pointed "Maybe there's something wrong with the auto-generated XML lol" so it took me half an hour to notice it... Sigh!

Merge separate projects into one solution and not loose the history in TFS

I have 2 separate solutions in TFS, the structure is shown below:
Now I want to merge it to one solution. Additionally, I want App.A2.Core to became common Core project for 2 Web projects, so finally it should look like below:
I'm using TFS. How it should be done not to loose history ?
Are the following steps:
Creating App.B solution folder in Source Control
Branching App.A1.Web, App.A2.Web and App.A2.Core to this folder
Changing names App.A1.Web -> App.B.A1.Web, App.A2.Web -> App.B.A2.Web, App.A2.Core -> App.B.Core
a good solution ?
Renaming and moving files in TFS2010 will disconnect the history but not lose it.
So, if I move file X in folder A to folder B then the history of X starts again in B. It will however still be in A (if you switch on the ability to see deleted files) where you can view the full history of X.
Similar story if you rename file X to be Y. The history of Y starts, the "deleted" X still has full history.
What this means for you is that the history is never lost.
As for what you want to do here's what I'd do:
Repurpose the App.A1 solution as App.B solution
Move all the App.A2 projects to be with the App.A1/B solution
Delete the App.A2 solution
