Formatting SD card as TexFAT for WinCe - storage

I am using MicroSD cards as the storage on an embedded system running WinCe. Recently I have found Cards made by the same manufacturer in different parts of the world have differences and cause us issues.
I read at the SD Association about the formatting issues that windows formatters produce so I downloaded their SD Memory Card Formatter. That is good but we run our SD cards in WinCe as TexFat. So what I now do is format the card with a FAT32 partition so the PC will put the software onto the card. Then the WinCE system will format the other partition to TexFat and copy the software onto that on the first boot with the new card.
The question is what is the correct way to format a SD card as TexFat for WinCE from a PC? Any suggestions?

After lots of head scratching I found the answer is simple. The winCE partition has to be formatted TexFAT on the winCE system which was not a problem, the bit I did not know is that I needed to change the clusters. Once I changed the 8GB to have 4k clusters the time to write to the card decreased a lot. I have since tried other sizes and find that you need to play with the cluster size to get the optimum out of the card.


SD-Card SMART Tool to check memory?

is there a tool to check how much data has already been written to a SD card? Or a way to check how many times a certain memory location has already been written to estimate the lifetime of the SD card? Like SMART tools for SSDs...

Why isnt UWB technology used for big file transfers?

I am working on my thesis right now and i have to compare near field communication technologies (WPAN) which can transfer files.
everybody is talking how great UWB is for locating things and how fast it is, but there is no one (but apple) that used it for file transmission. But why? Its has a bigger bandwith then Wifi Peer to Peer?
Apple seems to use it for airdrop and both for android and ios there is an API to develop based on this technology. But it looks that its designed for location services and only work with specific devices for location. So I would not be able to use it for example to transfer files between iOS/Android and a Raspberry Pi in Near Field.
Can anyone explain me, if UWB can transfer files and, or why i should use Wifi-Direct instead of UWB if I want to transfer Files that are >1GB with the fastest speed (but without internet of course)
Thank you very much
IR-UWB is more popular than MC-UWB
UWB modulation schemes can broadly be divided into two categories
multi-carrier UWB (MC-UWB): used for high throughput data transmission, 480 Mbps
impulse-radio UWB (IR-UWB): used for localization, sensing.

Formatting an eMMC to SD format

I've been working with a Micron BGA eMMC chip and prototyping a communication scheme with the eMMC chip inside an adapter board that connects to the GPIO pins of a TI microcontroller.
I've essentially created a communication scheme written in C code to walk through the initial handshake and initialization steps to get the eMMC to a Data Write/Read stage where I can write some small amounts of bytes to a part of the sector memory and read back the pattern I've written.
My next task is to format the eMMC into a partition format such as a FAT32 format, which is common among SD cards.
Does anyone know of any useful software or methods I could use to achieve this?
Or I've seen it's possible to format the eMMC using a Linux setup as well, but have little experience when it comes to Linux.
Any insight from anyone with past experience on the topic would be greatly appreciated!
If your system runs Linux that is the best option.
It is easy to format an eMMC using linux.
# mkfs -t fat32 /dev/mmcblk1
Is your TI microcontroller running Linux? If not, it might be diffiult connecting your BGA eMMC chip to a Linux system to format it.
Your second best option is to use a library that already supports it. Maybe something like ( or ( There are several options I have not used any of them. To use these layers, you have to fulfill the lower level api.

IDirect3D9::GetAdapterCount wont find my second video card

My laptop has two video cards, a high powered NVIDIA one and an onboard Intel one. When I call IDirect3D9::GetAdapterCount however, it only finds the onboard Intel one, probably because the high powered one is being hidden.
I'm able to go into my laptop settings and tell it 'force choose' the NVIDIA card, and then it works, but this is not an acceptable solution for my end-users. I've also noticed that when I run Battlefield3, it's able to properly find the NVIDIA card even without 'force choose' enabled. Maybe there's a special white-list that has Battlefield listed? Or some other secret method?
Any ideas how to acquire that elusive card?
Are you sure the intel chip is enumeratable? Quite often its not. By sticking in a discrete GPU the sandybridge (and older) chipset is generally disabled. You probably want to check the Nvidia optimus test tool.
GetAdapterCount will actually returns count of the monitors in system, not videocards. And as far as I know there is no way to force choose it programmatically.
If you talking about nVidia optimus technology, it choose videochip using driver settings.

Capture images from a webcam in delphi

I am looking for a way to capture images from my webcam using directshow, preferably I want to use HD resolutions if possible, and avoid CPU spikes at 60-100%.
can someone shoot me in the right direction on how to do this?
I tried using DSPack, but this component makes my CPU spike 90-100%
if however someone here know how to use DSPack with less CPU consumption I would also be happy about that :)
I've used dspack for a long time on cheap machines that are built into cars. They have slow ~700mhz VIA processors (single core), and 256MB of RAM.
The application captures 12 images per second from a camera on the roof of the car, and every time a new GPS position (once per second) comes in, it adds coordinates to the image, and stores it as a .jpg on a harddisk.
When the application captures images, and shows the images on a form without creating .jpg images, the application takes about 5% processor time (!).
If you get 90% CPU time with DsPack, it's probably because of extra processing that's being done with the images.
I've tried all sorts of libraries in my research to create this program, and dspack was a clear winner on many fronts. I wouldn't give up on it too soon.
I have a real-time video application that uses Mitov's VideoLibrary. It's a collection of objects that are well-designed, threaded, and takes advantage of all the CPU cores available.
When I go to his library with some new need, I'm usually pleasantly surprised to see he anticipated it. Support has been very good also.
It's not cheap: $450, but for my needs, has been worth every penny. It's free for non-commercial use:
His CaptureBitMap demo captures successive frames to a bitmap. You simply drop several components on a form, and write six lines of code! The library has lots of hooks to go further than this simple example. (In Win 7, Delphi 2010, the demos are installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\LabPacks\Demos\Delphi2010\VideoLab\CaptureBitmap. But, I know he supports as far back as Delphi 7.)
One thing that differentiates his library is that it makes use of the Intel IPP libraries: When running on Intel chipsets, if you choose to ship the Intel DLLs, you get the best performance that Intel's engineers could squeeze out of their chips. If Mitov's library with IPP can't process your video fast enough, I'd be surprised if any video library can.
Mitov has some standing in the Delphi community: he was a speaker on multi-threading at CodeRage: (Thursday session.)
The above may sound like I'm a shill for his company. I don't have any relationship other than as a very pleased licensee. I'm just very happy (and relieved) that I found his tools and decided to use them.
