Using the Fields plugin:
<f:field bean="operator" property="defaultPaymentMethod"/>
Renders nicely with a label "Default Payment Method" and input box.
How can I (what is the best way) show the field and not allow the user to change the value?
f:display only shows the value, with no label.
I tried writing a wrapper like this:
<div class="fieldcontain required"><label for="${property}">
<span class="required-indicator">*</span>
</label><g:field type="text"
but that didn't come out with the nice label formatting.
Is there a way to make a field read only with the Grails Fields plugin?
Use f:display to show only the value:
<f:display bean="operator" property="defaultPaymentMethod"/>
If you still want to keep the look of an input-field, you can use the attribute: disabled="true" in the f:field tag.
"disabled="true" in the f:field tag" is not working
I just recently started using Thymeleaf through one of my projects. I have seen few examples where th:text=${example} is being used in some places th:value=${example}.
I have gone through the Thymeleaf documentation but couldn't find anything explicitly citing the difference, nor did any question on SO.
Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks.
th:value is modification of html attribute value.
For button, input and option elements, the value attribute specifies the initial value of the element
th:text is used for tag body modification.
div{background-color: lightblue; padding: 2px} // to highlight empty div
<!--th code: <div th:value="${value}"/></div> -->
<br/>Result th:value div: <div value="sometext"/></div>
<!--th code: <form><input th:value="${value}"/></form>-->
<br/>Result th:value form: <form><input value="sometext"></form>
<!--th code: <div th:text="${value}"></div>
Same as: <div>[[${value}]]</div> -->
<br/>Result th:text div: <div>sometext</div>
Here is docs of different Thymeleaf attributes features
Lets see an example:
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male"> Male<br>
if we want to use thymeleaf in value portion of this input tag, then we will use,
<input type="radio" name="gender" th:value="${someValue}"> Male<br>
if we want to see the text (here Male) sent from the controller dynamically, then we use,
<input type="radio" name="gender" th:text="${someText}""> <br>
th:name => This would be the name of the value that you will be passing to another page (Exemplar scenario).
th:value => This would be the actual value that you would be passing. It could be obtained from a model or straight from the database explicitly.
<form th:action="#{confirm-pass-details.html}">
<button type="submit" th:name="event-id" th:value="${event.get().getEventid()}">Buy Passes</button>
I have this:
<input id="fileupload" type="file" name="files[]" data-url="rest/controller/upload" multiple>
and I need to make it work in a Thymeleaf template. I have the data-url part figured out but I keep getting an error on the word "multiple". This is needed to allow multiple selection in the file selection window.
I have looked everywhere and have not come across an answer.
If you are not familiar, here is the "multiple" attribute.
The Standard Dialect of Thymeleaf includes attributes that allow you to set these attributes by evaluating a condition, so that if evaluated to true, the attribute will be set to its fixed value, and if evaluated to false, the attribute will not be set:
e.g for checkedattribute:
<input type="checkbox" name="active" th:checked="${}" />
you have to use:
<input id="fileupload" type="file" name="files[]" th:multiple="{condition}">
see a tutorial here.
Hi I tried adding a range from 1-10 to a field in my model and it caused 2 mini arrows to appear to the right of my editor field that increment and decrement the value inside by 1. I would like to know how to remove these arrows. Any advice would be great. Thanks
Instead of using #Html.Editor html helper, use #Html.TextBox, this will solve your problem.
Because the property type is integer, if you'r using #Html.Editor, it will generate html like below:
<input type="number" id="Data" />
Notice the input element type is number, if your browser support HTML 5, it will show two arrows to the right. It's an html 5 feature.
But, if you're using #Html.TextBox, it will generate html like below:
<input type="text" id="Data" />
This time the type is text, it will not show the arrows.
Right now, Grails generated the next code:
<f:all bean="forestHappyAnimals"/>
I want to hide/show some fields with Javascript doing something like:
<div id="message-1" onclick="document.getElementById('hideMeId').style.display='none'">Click to hide</div>
<div id="message-2" onclick="document.getElementById('hideMeId').style.display='inline'">Click to show</div>
<div id="hideMeId">
If I write the next code, the property name appear twice:
<f:all bean="forestHappyAnimals"/>
<div id="hideMeId">
<f:field bean="forestHappyAnimals" property="name"/>
How could I avoid that field repeated? The only way is to write <f:field bean="... for all fields?
Try to use except attribute like describes in documentation
except - A comma-separated list of properties that should be skipped (in addition to the defaults).
What is the reason to use g:textField in Grails if you're already familiar with standard HTML form tags?
If I understand correctly the following two markup alternatives are equivalent:
<input type="text" name="name" value="${}" id="name" />
<g:textField name="name" value="${}" />
Are there any circumstances under which using g:textField would add value? Am I missing something?
The textField tag is provided as a convenience (slightly shorter than writing the HTML input) and is there to provide a full set of form tags. Personally I prefer to write as much plain HTML as possible in my Grails views and only tend to use the tags that really offer a benefit such as the form tag. I have not found an instance where using textField would have added any value outside of requiring a few less characters to type.
<g:textField /> is not shorter as plain text field tag, except id attribute will be attached automatically.
However, I recommend you to use customized tags associating the bean values with input fields. That shortens the code a lot. For more information you can read
Also you can find useful stuff in Form Helper Plugin