Understanding Faster rcnn - machine-learning

I'm trying to understand fast(er) RCNN and following are the questions I'm searching for:
To train, a FastRcnn model do we have to give bounding box
information in training phase.
If you have to give bonding box information then what's the role of
ROI layer.
Can we use a pre-trained model, which is only trained for classification, not
object detection and use it for Fast(er) RCNN's

Your answers:
1.- Yes.
2.- The ROI layer is used to produce a fixed-size vector from variable-sized images. This is performed by using max-pooling, but instead of using the typical n by n cells, the image is divided into n by n non-overlapping regions (which vary in size) and the maximum value in each region is output. The ROI layer also does the job of proyecting the bounding box in input space to the feature space.
3.- Faster R-CNN MUST be used with a pretrained network (typically on ImageNet), it cannot be trained end-to-end. This might be a bit hidden in the paper but the authors do mention that they use features from a pretrained network (VGG, ResNet, Inception, etc).


How does masks and images work with each other in UNET?

Let's say , we have a 1000 number of images with their corresponding masks .Correct me if I am wrong that if we use UNET then it will pass through a number of different convolutional layers , relu , pooling etc. . It will learn the features of images according to its corresponding masks . It will give the label to objects and then it learns the features of images we pass in its training . It will match the object of image with its corresponding mask to learn the object features only not unnecessary objects features . Like if we pass the image of cat and its background is filled with some unnecessary obstacles(bins , table , chair etc. )
According to the mask of cat , it will learn the features of cats only . Kindly elaborate your answer if I am wrong ?
Yes, you are right.
However not only UNET every segmentation algorithm works in the same way that it will learn to detect the features that are masked and ignoring unnecessary objects(as you mentioned).
By the way, people typically choose Fast RCNN, Yolo than UNET for multiclass segmentation for real world objects (like chair, table, cat, cars, etc).
so here is a short explanation (but not limited to).
1- All the segmentation network or let's say task (in a more general term), uses the actual image and ground truth (your masks) to learn a classification task.
Is it really a classification task like logistics regression or decision tree? (then why the hell such a complex name).
Ans: Cool, intrinsically YES, Your network is learning to classify. But it's a bit different than your decision tree or logistics.
So our network like UNET tries to learn, how to classify each pixel in the image. And this learning is completely supervised, as you have a ground truth (masks), which tells the network, which class a pixel in the image belongs to. Hence, when you do the training the network weights (weights of all your conv layers and blah blah...) are adjusted such that it learns to classify each pixel in the image to its corresponding classes.

Is there a fundamental limit on how accurate location information is encoded in CNNs

Each layer in a CNN reduces the size of the input via convolution and max-pooling operations. Convolution is translation equivariant, but max-pooling is translation invariant. Correct me if this is wrong : each time max-pooling applied, the precise location of a feature is reduced. So the feature maps of the final conv layer in a very deep CNN will have a large receptive field (w.r.t the original image), but the location of this feature (in the original image) is not discernible from looking at this feature map alone.
If this is true, how can the accuracy of bounding boxes when we do localisation be so good with a deep CNN? I understand how classification works, but making accurate bounding box predictions is confusing me.
Perhaps a toy example will clarify my confusion;
Say we have a dataset of images with dimension 256x256x1, and we want to predict whether a cat is present, and if so, where it is, so our target is something like [sigmoid_cat_present, cat_location].
Our vanilla CNN (let's assume something like VGG) will take in the image and transform it to something like 16x16x256 in the last convolutional layer. Each pixel in this final 16x16 feature map can be influenced by a much larger region in the original image. So if we determine a cat is present, how can the [cat_location] be refined to value more granular than this effective receptive field?
To add to your question - how about pixel perfect accuracy of segmentation boundary !!
Your intuition regarding down-sampling via max-pooling is correct. Normal CNNs have that limit. However, there have been some improvements recently to overcome it.
The breakthrough to this problem came in 2015-6 in the form of U-net and atrous/dilated convolution introduced in DeepLab.
Dilated convolutions or atrous convolutions, previously described for wavelet analysis without signal decimation, expands window size without increasing the number of weights by inserting zero-values into convolution kernels. Dilated convolutions have been shown to decrease blurring in semantic segmentation maps, and are purported to work at least in part by extracting long range information without the need for pooling.
Using U-Net architectures is another method that seeks to retain high spatial frequency information by directly adding skip connections between early and late layers. In other words, up-sampling followed by down-sampling.
In TensorFlow, atrous convolutions are implemented with function:
There are many more methods and this is an ongoing research area.

Can identity NNs do edge detection for grayscale images?

Not CNNs, regular NNs. Also, I'm actually interested in making an AI based edge detector. I've read some papers, but none seem to kick start me. Can anyone share some getting started tips for making edge detectors with AI? CNNs work as classifiers, not image filters. So how can I?
Neural Network's back propagation technique is one of the popular techniques that mainly used for classification process. In the process of back propagation, a convolution matrix will be generated, a knowledge that actually generates the edge from gray level image.
But, I have another doubt what kind of learning you are opting for to train your NN, Supervised or Unsupervised?
Supervised- Train the network with a given set of data sets which can be an edge
Unsupervised- Create input layer with 5 inputs and subtract central pixel from all the neighbour four pixels and thresholding can be done at output layer.
One the given input image Sobel and Laplacian is applied.
Fuzzy rules are applied on the output we gain from these operators.
In neural network, input layer consists of gradient direction and hidden layer consists of fuzzy data. Both are used to train the network.
Hope, it helps

How to enable a Convolutional NN to take variable size input?

So, I've seen that many of the first CNN examples in Machine Learning use the MNIST dataset. Each image there is 28x28, and so we know the shape of the input before hand. How would this be done for variable size input, let's say you have some images that are 56x56 and some 28x28.
I'm looking for a language and framework agnostic answer if possible or in tensorflow terms preferable
In some cases, resizing the images appropriately (for example to keep the aspectratio) will be sufficient. But, this can introduce distortion, and in case this is harmful, another solution is to use Spatial Pyramidal Pooling (SPP). The problem with different image sizes is that it produces layers of different sizes, for example, taking the features of the n-th layer of some network, you can end up with a featuremap of size 128*fw*fh where fw and fh vary depending on the size of the input example. What SPP does in order to alleviate this problem, is to turn this variable size feature map into a fix-length vector of features. It operates on different scales, by dividing the image into equal patches and performing maxpooling on them. I think this paper does a great job at explaining it. An example application can be seen here.
As a quick explanation, imagine you have a feature map of size k*fw*fh. You can consider it as k maps of the form
where each of the blocks are of size fw/2*fh/2. Now, performing maxpooling on each of those blocks separately gives you a vector of size 4, and therefore, you can grossly describe the k*fw*fh map as a k*4 fixed-size vector of features.
Now, call this fixed-size vector w and set it aside, and this time, consider the k*fw*fh featuremap as k featureplanes written as
and again, perform maxpooling separately on each block. So, using this, you obtain a more fine-grained representation, as a vector of length v=k*16.
Now, concatenating the two vectors u=[v;w] gives you a fixed-size representation. This is exaclty what a 2-scale SPP does (well, of course you can change the number/sizes of divisions).
Hope this helps.
When you use CNN for classification task, your network has two part:
Feature generator. Part generates feature map with size WF x HF and CF channels by image with size WI x HI and CI channels . The relation between image sizes and feature map size depends of structure your NN (for example, on amount of pooling layers and stride of them).
Classifier. Part solves the task of classification vectors with WF*HF*CF components into classes.
You can put image with different size into feature generator, and get feature map with different sizes. But classifier can only be training on some fixed lengths vectors. Therefore you obviously train your network for some fixed sizes of images. If you have images with different size you resize it to input size of network, or crop some part of image.
Another way described in the article
K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, J. Sun, "Spatial pyramid pooling in deep convolutional networks for visual recognition," arXiv:1406.4729 2014
Authors offered Spatial pyramid pooling, which solve the problem with different image on the input of CNN. But I don't sure is spatial pyramid pooling layer exists in tensorflow.

sub patch generation mechanism for training fully convolutional neural network

I have a image set, consisting of 300 image pairs, i.e., raw image and mask image. A typical mask image is shown as follows. Each image has size of 800*800. I am trying to train a fully convolutional neural network model for this image set to perform the semantic segmentation. I am trying to generate the small patches (256*256) from the original images for constructing the training set. Are there any strategies recommended for this patch sampling process? Naturally, random sampling is a trivial approach. Here the area marked with yellow, foreground class, usually take 25% of the whole image area across the image set. It tends to reflect an imbalanced data set.
If you train a fully convolutional architecture, assuming 800x800 inputs and 25x25 outputs (after five 2x2 pooling layers, 25=800/2^5). Try to build the 25x25 outputs directly and train directly on them. You can add higher weights in the loss function for the "positive" labels to balance them with the "negative".
I definitely do not recommend sampling because it will be an expensive process and is not really fully convolutional.
