Build a Windows Desktop Application from a Rails App [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have build a fairly decent sized Ruby on Rails Application that works just fine. It exposes data via Rest API calls to the users, that is authenticated via token based authentication and Devise.
But now a few clients are wanting to have the application on-premise. They want their developers(windows developers) to work on the data, but in offline mode.
I have no idea if a Ruby on Rails App can be converted to a Windows Desktop App. Or do I have to build the desktop App from scratch? The Desktop App will NOT have a GUI, as the client just needs the data in Json format(Just like API calls during web-app).
The Desktop App will also have a license information too that needs to be stored in an encrypted way.
I am a complete newbee to desktop apps so please pardon me if this question seems really stupid.

Actually there's a project to do what you want to do. will allow you to package your app for windows clients.


PHP // MYSQL // JAVASCRIPT needed for a native iOS online app? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm thinking of developing an app where you can look at each other's profiles (basically a Job-Finding Application) and I would like to know if you needed any knowledge of PHP, MYSQL for the databases and would you need any knowledge of Javascript to develop the application.
I'm currently looking at Google Firebase and also didn't know if that required any PHP knowledge?
All of the Firebase SDKs that you would use in your client app do not require any programming language knowledge other than what's required for your client platform. If you want to write entirely in swift, that's fine.
The only exception is Cloud Functions, which requires that you learn JavaScript to run on the backend.
iOS apps are built in Swift or C#, typically not javascript and never php.
You can build a PWA (progressive web app) that acts like an ios app using javascript Libraries such as react.
However, MySQL is a database that can be used with any number of applications and programming languages, so you should probably learn that.
My guess is that if you are asking this question, you probably should consult the Apple developer documentation before asking on this form.

How does one embed data such as a rating / review from other sites into an App? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am not at all familiar with swift or iOS developmet (I only have python / SQL experience) so I am sorry if this is a stupid question.
How do iOS developers embed specific data such as a rating or review from other sites into an app that would hypothetically gather this data from several different websites?
So for example, for video game reviews app, the app wants to have the rating or review number from different sites that are all built and formatted completely differently, how does the iOS dev pull this specific data into a SQL table or into the iOS app itself? I imagine that the iOS app would talk to SQL first, but how does the link between the sites and the back-end environment connect?
How have you implemented this before, or how have you seen / heard of this being implemented?
Can this be done without scraping / hurting SEO?
You don't access their databases directly.
This can be achieved using the service API or through Web Scraping.

web scraping for mobile apps [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a question regarding web scraping/web parsing with mobile applications (an iOS 7 app as of now...). For example, I want to have images from various websites retrieved and aggregated to a device based on user inputs/preferences. I want the user to be able to select and store those images on the device with offline viewing capabilities as well. I have heard that using jQuery and JSON for parsing and programming through the server-side rather then the front-end is supposed to be more efficient...correct?
What type/s of algorithms/code that I should use for performing website parsing and aggregating content into a mobile app? I apologize for being quite broad, I am in the early development stages. Thanks.
You can build a hybrid mobile app using Cordova/PhoneGap using just HTML/JavaScript/CSS and do an XMLHttpRequest or use jQuery's $.ajax to get the data from the website and parse it with jQuery selectors.
I would however recommend you do the web scraping in a service, so that if anything changes on the website you're scraping, you'll only have to update the service.

Temporarily store images and receive a URL via a web service [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm prototyping an iPhone app for an acquaintance and there's a requirement to share an image between devices. I'm thinking of the easiest way to do this. I know that on an iPhone I cannot send mail or text messages without user approval and I do not have a web server or server-side scripting knowledge. This leaves some third party image sharing service.
Are there any iOS examples out there on how to temporarily upload an image to an image hosting web service (flickr, imgur?) and get a URL to the image back? Ideally this would not require a login/password combo and can hold images for 48 hours or so.
You could use the Imgur API which is free as long as you're not planning to make money with your application or your application is an open-source project. It allows you to upload your images with ease.
Look at using, specifically the file hosting described here

What's the architecture for a service with mobile apps & web app, like Instagram when they started? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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If you were building a service like Instagram, when you need
-a web app
-android app
-ios app
How do you make the architecture for this to give enough flexibility to add another mobile system and keep the code as DRY possible? Do you have books to recommend about it?
In order to allow the server to support a wide range of client plattforms, I would make all client apps communicate with the server with the same protocol, so that the plattform the client runs on doesn't matter for the server. In an ideal case this would allow to add a new plattform without changing anything on the server-side
XmlHttpRequest is a good common denominator.
