How to write hidden input field in HTML Template Language (HTL) - sightly

What is the syntax to include hidden field in HTML Template Language (HTL)?
In jsp we can write
<input type="hidden" id="thisField" name="inputName" value="hiddenValue"/>

You would do the exact same thing in HTL.
<input type="hidden" id="thisField" name="inputName" value="hiddenValue"/>


Passing Connectionstring as parameter in SSRS through URL

I am working on an application using Classic ASP and SQL Server 2008 R2. We are using SSRS for the reports. Now the datasource changes depending on the user. I have been using a parameter for the connectionstring. It is working fine but the problem is the connectionstring shows in the URL. Is there a way to hide it? Or is there a better way.
Please Help.
Yes - change the method on your form to POST and use the Request.Form syntax instead of Request.QueryString:
<form id="myForm" method="post" action="myPage.asp">
<label for="txtBox">Type something</label>
<input type="text" id="txtBox" name="txtBox" />
Dim value
value = Cstr(Request.Form("txtBox"))
If value <> "" then
'Do your processing
End if
-- EDIT --
To be honest, though, I would not store my connection string on my form like this. You'd be far better off storing it in an Application level variable, like so:
Application("CON_STRING") = "...blahblahblah..."
This should be stored in the Application_OnStart event of the Global.asa* file.
Apologies for the link to w3schools - it was the best at the time!
-- EDIT 2 --
Try using an iframe to display the info...
<form id="frmRender" action="ABCD/ReportServer?/Reports/rptSalesReport.rpt"; method="post" target="_blank">
<input type="hidden" name="rs:Command" value="Render">
<input type="hidden" name="rc:LinkTarget" value="_blank">
<input type="hidden" name="rs:Format" value="HTML4.0">
<input type="hidden" name="rc:Parameters" value="False">
<input type="hidden" name="ConnectionString" value="<%=Session("ConnectionString")%>">
<input type="hidden" name="StartDate" value="<%=StartDate%>">
<input type="hidden" name="EndDate" value="<%=EndDate%>">
<a id="linkInfo" href="javascript:generateSsrs();">Generate Report</a>
<iframe id="ssrsReport" class="reportHeightWidth"></iframe>
</form >
<script language="javascript">
function genreateSsrs() {
document.getElementById("ssrsReport").src = "ABCD/ReportServer?/Reports/rptSalesReport.rpt?rs:Command=Render&rc:LinkTarget=top&rs:Format=HTML4.0&rc:Parameters=False&ConnectionString=<%=Server.URLEncode(Session("ConnectionString"))%>&StartDate=<%=StartDate%>&EndDate=<%=EndDate%>";
That's a rough version, but it's untested, so may need some tweaks.
In you code, use the below code
="Data Source="+Parameters!DatabaseServerName.Value+";Initial Catalog="&Parameters!DatabaseCatalogName.Value

Is it good or bad practice to rely on name attribute in the form to post the model to MVC controller?

I have a model containing some complex types including nested lists. So I cannot simply use the model.
My initial thought is using knockoutjs to take care of the user interactions (add/delete list items etc.), and post knockoutjs view model via ajax.
But after some googling, I found I could give meaningful name attributes in my form elements and do regular form submit to post my form model like this.
<input checked="checked" data-val="true" data-val-required="The Boolean field is required." name="Questions[0].SubQuestions[0].OptionAnswers[0]" type="checkbox" value="true">
Of course I still need some javascript for list manipulations and stuff.
Which approach is more preferred?
Sorry for the indexing issue. I was aware it should be sequential and start from 0. I just took a random element from my generated html. The indexing is not really my issue. I just would like to know which approach is more preferred.
I start liking the regular form submission way as it takes advantage of the validation feature of DataAnnotations and Html.ValidationSummary. What's the advantages for ajax post?
You are very close to understand the concept how mvc model binder works out of the box.
This is the link to an article from where I learnt how to achieve similar requirement.
The way that mvc model binder reads in the properties is by looking for parameterName[index].PropertyName. The index must be zero-based and unbroken. Say suppose, if you have your html like below which is a list for example and it can be your Questions list which is a complex type:
<input type="text" name="people[0].FirstName" value="George" />
<input type="text" name="people[0].LastName" value="Washington" />
<input type="text" name="people[1].FirstName" value="Abraham" />
<input type="text" name="people[1].LastName" value="Lincoln" />
<input type="text" name="people[3].FirstName" value="Thomas" />
<input type="text" name="people[3].LastName" value="Jefferson" />
When you submit the above values to mvc controller, the above value turns into:
The mvc model binder then read the above data as:
people[0].FirstName = "George"
people[0].LastName = "Washington"
people[1].FirstName = "Abraham"
people[1].LastName = "Lincoln"
people[3].FirstName = "Thomas"
people[3].LastName = "Jefferson"
So, as you can see we have list items for index 0, 1 and then 3. It is broken! This results in mvc model binder only translating this data to a list of type people for only two items i.e. index 0 and 1. It excludes 3 as there was no data at index 2.
this answer has information from the same article. If you understand this, you will understand the role of name attributes and you will appreciate how easy it is to follow the rules and mvc binder will understand all your posted data.
If you want to make sure that mvc binder constructs a list from the posted data even if any index is missing then refer Eric's answer
Yoda's answer is very very good. However there is a known way to have a list of Non-Sequential Indices for postback as Phil Haacked describes in Model Binding To A List (Non-Sequential Indices heading)
<input type="hidden" name="products.Index" value="0" />
<input type="text" name="products[0].Name" value="Beer" />
<input type="text" name="products[0].Price" value="7.32" />
<input type="hidden" name="products.Index" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="products[1].Name" value="Chips" />
<input type="text" name="products[1].Price" value="2.23" />
<input type="hidden" name="products.Index" value="3" />
<input type="text" name="products[3].Name" value="Salsa" />
<input type="text" name="products[3].Price" value="1.23" />

What URL should I use to PUT an update?

I have a Rails app that I just picked up that has the following command in "rake routes":
PUT /testclass/:id(.:format) testclass#update
I want to send a PUT update to this testclass with the id 18445 and change finished to false:
for example.
My understanding is this should be able to be done by a HTTP request in the browser, for example, can it? Or do I need to use a Ruby command?
Any guidance?
You do not need to use a ruby command to access that route to make an update.
Basic HTML will look something like this (you can edit the action to be relevant to your route):
<form action='testclass/18445' method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put">
<input name="authenticity_token" value="<%= form_authenticity_token %>" type="hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="testclass[id]" value="18445" >
<input type="hidden" name="testclass[finished]" value="false" >
<input type="submit" value="update" >
Notice it is a 'post' but there is a hidden input with the name '_method' and value 'put'. Hopefully this is what you're looking for. You can send your id through a hidden input, same with the false value.

Insert resource into submit value

I want to localize Submit button in ASP.NET MVC application but don't know how to inerpolate it into value attribute.
<input type="submit" value="Resources.Global.Create" />
It prints Resources.Global.Create on form, but it should print localized value not variable name.
You're missing the magic Razor character (#):
<input type="submit" value="#Resources.Global.Create" />

select checkbox with hidden input type

I am using watir-webdriver, I have a piece in my HTML DOM which gets generated on the fly when I enter some credentials, this piece has a bunch of checkboxes, the number of checkboxes vary, I have to select one checkbox, below is an example of this, here I want to select the second checkbox(the one that has value "BS" for the input type hidden but the value for input type checkbox is same for all):
<li class="dir">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="$(this).next('.should_destroy').value = (this.checked?0:1)" name="should_not_destroy">
<input class="should_destroy" type="hidden" value="1" name="import[dir_attributes][][should_destroy]">
<input type="hidden" value="" name="import[dir_attributes][][id]">
<input type="hidden" value="Automation" name="import[dir_attributes][][path]">
<span class="dir_mode">Include</span>
<li class="dir">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="$(this).next('.should_destroy').value = (this.checked?0:1)" name="should_not_destroy">
<input class="should_destroy" type="hidden" value="1" name="import[dir_attributes][][should_destroy]">
<input type="hidden" value="" name="import[dir_attributes][][id]">
<input type="hidden" value="BS" name="import[dir_attributes][][path]">
<span class="dir_mode">Include</span>
I may be able to do this with XPATH, but wanted to try a non XPATH solution. The input type hidden has the appropriate value that I need, for example above the second checkbox has value "BS" for input type hidden. I tried to use the hidden method like this:
h = ##browser.hidden(:value, "BS")
But I dont know what to do after this. I am trying to select the checkbox based on the value of the hidden element. Any feedback is much appreciated.
I would suggest using the visible elements instead. I think it makes it easier to read the test and seems more stable.
Try: => 'dir', :text => /BS/).checkbox.set
Here we go, I think this will do it
Since you have to select the checkbox based on the hidden, you're going to have to go up a level to the containing li, then drill down to the checkbox
#browser.hidden(value: 'BS').parent.checkboxes.first.set
