Exporting Multiple HTML tables to excel such that each HTML table is in a new column - alasql

I'm trying to use alasql to export a set of HTML tables into an excel document.
The documentation has code that looks similar to this:
var data1 = alasql('SELECT * FROM HTML("#dev-table",{headers:false})');
var data2 = alasql('SELECT * FROM HTML("#dev2-table",{headers:false})');
var data3 = alasql('SELECT * FROM HTML("#dev3-table",{headers:false})');
//var data4 = alasql('SELECT * FROM HTML("#dev2-table",{headers:true})');
var data = data1.concat(data2, data3);
alasql('SELECT * INTO XLS("data.xls",{headers:false}) FROM ?', [data]);
The problem is that this code concatenates the data1 and data2 field so that all of the data is printed in the same column. This is not the result I desire. I want "data1" to go into column "A" and data2 to go into column "B".
I've looked through the documentation and am unsure how to get the desired result. I'm aware of the existence of "options" that include fields for specifying columns based on the data itself, but none of those examples are what I want. If this is not possible using alasql, I'm willing to use a different library or framework for this.

Based on this JSFiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/95j0txwx/7/
$scope.items = [{
name: "John Smith",
email: "j.smith#example.com",
dob: "1985-10-10"
}, {
name: "Jane Smith",
email: "jane.smith#example.com",
dob: "1988-12-22"
I would guess that your data is not formatted correctly to be inserted.
EDIT: JSFiddle is from documentation. https://github.com/agershun/alasql/wiki/XLSX


Preprocessing sensor data with a time and value as x and y in Highcharts. Will an array within an array work?

I would like to create a Highcharts line graph with temperature data from multiple sensors each posting results at different times. The data is stored in a MySQL database as id, location, temp, timestamp. Since each sensor will be generating data at unique times the x values will not line up. For this reason I am interested in supplying each Highcharts series with a x- value and y-value... something like:
series: [{ // Location 1
name: 'Main Bedroom',
data: time1, temperature1
I am starting with a single location (MainBDRm) to develop my code.
I am using the following query to get and store multiple rows of data.
$sql = "SELECT temp, reading_time FROM ASHP_SensorData WHERE location = 'MainBDRm' ORDER BY reading_time DESC LIMIT 5";
while ($data = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$sensor_data[] = $data;
$temperature1 = json_encode(array_reverse(array_column($sensor_data, 'temp')), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
$time1 = json_encode(array_reverse(array_column($sensor_data, 'reading_time')), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
echo $temperature1 yields an array as [76,75,73,71,70]
echo $time1 yields an array as ["2021-12-19 17:07:13","2021-12-19 17:07:43","2021-12-19 17:08:13","2021-12-19 17:08:44","2021-12-19 17:09:14"]
I have confirmed that I can successfully produce a chart with
series: [{ // Location 1
name: 'Main Bedroom',
//yAxis: 0,
//showInLegend: true,
//data: temperature1, // works
data:[ // this works too
["2021-12-19 17:07:13", 76],
["2021-12-19 17:07:43", 75],
["2021-12-19 17:08:13", 73],
["2021-12-19 17:09:14", 71],
I would like to know if it is possible to use Json to preprocess the query results as a array in an array and use that as an input for the data: element with both the x & y values. Something like: ["2021-12-19 17:07:13", 76], ... , ["2021-12-19 17:09:14", 70]
I have tried
$stringToReturn = array();
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($data = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$sensor_data[] = $data;
array_push($stringToReturn, $data);
echo json_encode($stringToReturn, $data);
which yields:
[{"reading_time":"2021-12-19 22:24:33","temp":"79.70"},{"reading_time":"2021-12-19 22:24:03","temp":"79.70"},{"reading_time":"2021-12-19 22:23:33","temp":"79.70"},{"reading_time":"2021-12-19 22:23:03","temp":"79.70"},{"reading_time":"2021-12-19 22:22:33","temp":"79.70"}]
but I am not sure how to use this in the Highcharts script, or if it is in a usable form.
Notice that Highcharts expects to get x and y values in the data array, not custom names as "reading_time" or "temp", so you need to parse your data into the required format.
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/oe3j9fcp/
Or you can do it a few steps earlier: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/pd32q7zo/
API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.line.data

How to define the data source for a DataTables column that is an element of an array?

This is in a C# ASP.NET MVC 5 web application. jQuery version 1.10.2. DataTables jQuery plugin version 1.10.21.
A page in the web application uses a DataTable. The DataTable is configured for server-side processing mode. So, when it receives a response from the server, the data for a row in the table is an object like the following example. (It is not proper JSON syntax; I am trying to represent what I see in the watch window of the browser's debugger.) i.e., each row has a string name, and an array of grade objects.
row: {...}
Id: 42
Name: "Fred"
Grades: (3) [...]
0: {...}
Id: 101
Name: "Quiz 1"
Value: "A"
1: {...}
Id: 102
Name: "Homework 2"
Value: "B"
2: {...}
Id: 103
Name: "Exam 3"
Value: "C"
length: 3
In the DataTable, I want 4 columns: one for the name, and 3 for the several grades, like the following example.
Name Quiz 1 Homework 2 Exam 3
Fred A B C
My problem is that I cannot determine the correct notation for the data source for each of the grade columns, so that when a cell in such a column is rendered that the callback function receives an object that contains data about the grade. The following is what I have tried in the CSHTML file for the page. (I provide the number of grades to the page via a ViewBag property.)
<table id="gradebook-table" class="table">
$( document ).ready( onPageReady );
function onPageReady()
var options = {};
options.serverSide = true;
options.ajax =
'url': '#Url.Content( "~/gradebook/load" )',
'type': 'POST',
var c = 0;
options.columnDefs = [
{ targets: c++, data: "Id", visible: false, searchable: false },
{ targets: c++, data: "Name" },
for ( var i = 0; i < #ViewBag.GradeCount; i++ )
var def = {};
def.targets = c++;
def.data = "Grades[" + i + "]";
def.render = renderGradeCell;
options.columnDefs.push( def );
$( '#gradebook-table' ).DataTable( options );
function renderGradeCell( data, type, row, meta )
if ( type === 'display' )
// I expect data to be an object containing grade properties.
return '<span>' + data.Value + '</span>';
return data;
When the data source for a grade column is "Grades[" + i + "]", the data that the renderGradeCell() function is given is not an object that I expected, but a string like the following. It is just "[object Object]0" repeated for as many items as there are in the Grades array in the data for the whole row.
"[object Object]0[object Object]0[object Object]0"
I changed the data source for a grade column to just "Grades[]". But then, the data that the renderGradeCell() function is given is the entire Grades array for that row.
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

Highcharts error 14 in chart from HTML table

I'm using the highcharts data module to build a chart from an html table. In the data configuration of the chart I just have:
data: {
table: table
But if I have string values such as "null", "NA", or even comma separators in the HTML table I get highcharts error 14, 'string value passed to chart...'
What I've tried:
Since HC should be able to handle null values I replaced NA will null in the tables. I also tried just leaving the blanks "" blank. But the issue is with the thousand separators. So I added thousandsSep: ',' hoping the chart output would understand that commas are part of the display but that doesn't work.
My next thought was to use a formatter function:
data: {
table: function(){...change strings to float etc}
None of my attempts at the latter seem to work as I can't figure out what the data object looks like when accessed from a table. Any advice would be appreciated.
A solution that seems to have fixed the issue was to add a "parsed" function here is the api reference: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/data.parsed
I added the following to the data property:
data: {
table: 'datatable',
parsed: function()
var chartData = this.columns;
var nData = [];
for(var a in chartData)
var tempArray = [];
for(var e in chartData[a])
var v = chartData[a][e].replace(/\,/g,"").replace("NA","0");
/\d/g.test(v) == true ? v = parseFloat(v) : v = v;
this.columns = nData;
//this.columns = [];

How to read column value using grails excel import plugin?

I am using Grails excel import plugin to import an excel file.
static Map propertyConfigurationMap = [
name:([expectedType: ExcelImportService.PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, defaultValue:null]),
age:([expectedType: ExcelImportService.PROPERTY_TYPE_INT, defaultValue:0])]
startRow: 1,
columnMap: [
//Col, Map-Key
I am able to retrieve the array list by using the code snippet:
def usersList = excelImportService.columns(workbook, CONFIG_USER_COLUMN_MAP)
which results in
[[name: Mark, age: 25], [name: Jhon, age: 46], [name: Anil, age: 62], [name: Steve, age: 32]]
And also I'm able to read each record say [name: Mark, age: 25] by using usersList.get(0)
How do I read the each column value?
I know I can read something like this
String[] row = usersList.get(0)
for (String s : row)
println s
I wonder is there any thing that plugin supports so that I can read column value directly rather manipulating it to get the desired result.
Your usersList is basically a List<Map<String, Object>> (list of maps). You can read a column using the name you gave it in the config. In your example, you named column A name and column B age. So using your iteration example as a basis, you can read each column like this:
Map row = usersList.get(0)
for(Map.Entry entry : row) {
println entry.value
Groovy makes this easier to do with Object.each(Closure):
row.each { key, value ->
println value
If you want to read a specific column value, here are a few ways to do it:
println row.name // One
println row['name'] // Two
println row.getAt('name') // Three
Hint: These all end up calling row.getAt('name')

MongoDB - Mongoid map reduce basic operation

I have just started with MongoDB and mongoid.
The biggest problem I'm having is understanding the map/reduce functionality to be able to do some very basic grouping and such.
Lets say I have model like this:
class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :age, type: Integer
field :name
field :sdate
That model would produce objects like these:
#<Person _id: 9xzy0, age: 22, name: "Lucas", sdate: "2013-10-07">
#<Person _id: 9xzy2, age: 32, name: "Paul", sdate: "2013-10-07">
#<Person _id: 9xzy3, age: 23, name: "Tom", sdate: "2013-10-08">
#<Person _id: 9xzy4, age: 11, name: "Joe", sdate: "2013-10-08">
Could someone show how to use mongoid map reduce to get a collection of those objects grouped by the sdate field? And to get the sum of ages of those that share the same sdate field?
I'm aware of this: http://mongoid.org/en/mongoid/docs/querying.html#map_reduce
But somehow it would help to see that applied to a real example. Where does that code go, in the model I guess, is a scope needed, etc.
I can make a simple search with mongoid, get the array and manually construct anything I need but I guess map reduce is the way here. And I imagine these js functions mentioned on the mongoid page are feeded to the DB that makes those operations internally. Coming from active record these new concepts are a bit strange.
I'm on Rails 4.0, Ruby 1.9.3, Mongoid 4.0.0, MongoDB 2.4.6 on Heroku (mongolab) though I have locally 2.0 that I should update.
Taking the examples from http://mongoid.org/en/mongoid/docs/querying.html#map_reduce and adapting them to your situation and adding comments to explain.
map = %Q{
function() {
emit(this.sdate, { age: this.age, name : this. name });
// here "this" is the record that map
// is going to be executed on
reduce = %Q{
function(key, values) {
// this will be executed for every group that
// has the same sdate value
var result = { avg_of_ages: 0 };
var sum = 0; // sum of all ages
var totalnum = 0 // total number of people
values.forEach(function(value) {
sum += value.age;
result.avg_of_ages = sum/total // finding the average
return result;
results = Person.map_reduce(map, reduce) //You can access this as an array of maps
first_average = results[0].avg_of_ages
results.each do |result|
// do whatever you want with result
Though i would suggest you use Aggregation and not map reduce for such a simple operation. The way to do this is as follows :
results = Person.collection.aggregate([{"$group" => { "_id" => {"sdate" => "$sdate"},
"avg_of_ages"=> {"$avg" : "$age"}}}])
and the result will be almost identical with map reduced and you would have written a lot less code.
