Best Practices for Cron on Docker - docker

I've transitioned to using docker with cron for some time but I'm not sure my setup is optimal. I have one cron container that runs about 12 different scripts. I can edit the schedule of the scripts but in order to deploy a new version of the software running (some scripts which run for about 1/2 day) I have to create a new container to run some of the scripts while others finish.
I'm considering either running one container per script (the containers will share everything in the image but the crontab). But this will still make it hard to coordinate updates to multiple containers sharing some of the same code.
The other alternative I'm considering is running cron on the host machine and each command would be a docker run command. Doing this would let me update the next run image by using an environment variable in the crontab.
Does anybody have any experience with either of these two solutions? Are there any other solutions that could help?

If you are just running docker standalone (single host) and need to run a bunch of cron jobs without thinking too much about their impact on the host, then making it simple running them on the host works just fine.
It would make sense to run them in docker if you benefit from docker features like limiting memory and cpu usage (so they don't do anything disruptive). If you also use a log driver that writes container logs to some external logging service so you can easily monitor the jobs.. then that's another good reason to do it. The last (but obvious) advantage is that deploying new software using a docker image instead of messing around on the host is often a winner.
It's a lot cleaner to make one single image containing all the code you need. Then you trigger docker run commands from the host's cron daemon and override the command/entrypoint. The container will then die and delete itself after the job is done (you might need to capture the container output to logs on the host depending on what logging driver is configured). Try not to send in config values or parameters you change often so you keep your cron setup as static as possible. It can get messy if a new image also means you have to edit your cron data on the host.
When you use docker run like this you don't have to worry when updating images while jobs are running. Just make sure you tag them with for example latest so that the next job will use the new image.
Having 12 containers running in the background with their own cron daemon also wastes some memory, but the worst part is that cron doesn't use the environment variables from the parent process, so if you are injecting config with env vars you'll have to hack around that mess (write them do disk when the container starts and such).
If you worry about jobs running parallel there are tons of task scheduling services out there you can use, but that might be overkill for a single docker standalone host.


Is there a way to set the "--rm" option for a docker container deployed in a GCP compute instance?

I'm admittedly very new to Docker so this might be a dumb question but here it goes.
I have a Python ETL script that I've packaged in a Docker container essentially following this tutorial, then using cloud functions and cloud scheduler, I have the instance turn start every hour, run the sync and then shut down the instance.
I've run into an issue though where after this process has been running for a while the VM runs out of hard drive space. The script doesn't require any storage or persistence of state - it pulls any state data from external systems and only uses temporary files which are supposed to be deleted when the machine shuts down.
This has caused particular problems where updates I make to the script stop working because the machine doesn't have the space to download the latest version of the container.
I'm guessing it's either logs or perhaps files created automatically to try to persist the state - either within the Docker container or on the VM.
I'm wondering whether if I could get the VM to run the instance with the "--rm" flag so that the image was removed when it was finished this could solve this problem. This would theoretically guarantee that I'm always starting with the most recent image.
The trouble is, I can't for the life of my find a way to configure the "rm" option within the instance settings and the documentation for container options only covers passing arguments to the container ENTRYPOINT and not the docker run options docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
I feel like I'm either missing something obvious or it's not designed to be used this way. Is this something that can be configured in the Dockerfile or is there a different way I have to set up the VM in the first place?
Basically I just want the docker image to be pulled fresh and run each time and not leave any remnants on the VM that will slowly run out of space.
Also, I know Cloud Run might work in some similar situations but I need the script to be able to run for as long as it needs to (particularly at the start when it's backfilling data) and so the 15 minute cap on runtime would be a problem.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Note: I'm posting this as an answer as I need more space than a comment. If anyone feels it is not a good answer and wants it deleted, I will be delighted to do such.
Recapping the story, we have a Compute Engine configured to start a Docker Container. The Compute Engine runs the container and then we stop it. An hour later we restart it, let it run and then we stop it again. This continues on into the future. What we seem to find is that the disk associated with the Compute Engine fills up and we end up breaking. The thinking is that the container contained within the Compute Engine is created at first launch of the Compute Engine and then each time it is restarted, it is being "re-used" as opposed to a brand new container instance being created. This means that resources consumed by the container from one run to the next (eg disk storage) continues to grow.
What we would like to happen is that when the Compute Engine starts, it will always create a brand new instance of the container with no history / resource usage of the past. This means that we won't consume resources over time.
One way to achieve this outside of GCP would be to start the container through Docker with the "--rm" flag. This means that when the container ends, it will be auto-deleted and hence there will be no previous container to start the next time the Compute Engine starts. Again ... this is a recap.
If we dig through how GCP Compute Engines work as they relate to containers, we come across a package called "Konlet" (Konlet). This is the package responsible for loading the container in the Compute engine. This appears to be itself a Docker container application written in Go. It appears to read the metadata associated with the Compute Engine and based on that, performs API calls to Docker to launch the target container. The first thing to see from this is that the launch of the target Docker container does not appear to be executed through simple docker command line. This then implies that we can't "simply" edit a script.
Konlet is open source so in principle, we could study it in detail and see if there are special flags associated with it to achieve the equivalent of --rm. However, my immediate recommendation is to post an issue at the Konlet GitHub site and ask the author whether there is a --rm equivalent option for Konlet and, if not, could one be added (and if not, what is the higher level thinking).
In the meantime, let me offer you an alternative to your story. If I am hearing you correctly, every hour you fire a job to start a compute engine, do work and then shutdown the compute engine. This compute engine hosts your "leaky" docker container. What if instead of starting/stopping your compute engine you created/destroyed your compute engine? While the creation/destruction steps may take a little longer to run, given that you are running this once an hour, a minute or two delay might not be egregious.

Create new docker image vs run shell commands

we are working with fabric-ca docker image. it does not come with scp installed so we have two options:
Option 1: create a new image as described here
Option 2: install scp from the shell when container is started
we'd like to understand what are the pros and cons of each.
Option 1: allows you to build on it further, creates a stable state, you can verify / test an image before releasing
Option 2: takes longer to startup, requires being online during container start, it is harder to trace / understand and manage software stack locked in e.g. bash scripts that start dockers vs. Dockerfile and whatever technology you will end up using for container orchestration.
Ultimately, I use option 2 only for discovery, proof of concept or trying something out. Once I know I need certain container on ongoing basis, I build a proper image via Dockerfile.
You should consider your option 2 a non-starter. Either build a custom image or use a host directory bind-mount (docker run -v /host/path:/container/path option) to inject the data you need; I would probably prefer the bind-mount option.
It’s extremely routine to docker rm a container, and when you do, any changes you’ve made locally in a container are lost. For example, if there is a new software release or a critical security update, you have to recreate the container with a new image. You should pretty much never install software in an interactive shell in a container, especially if you’re going to use it to copy in data your application needs: you’ll have to repeat this step every single time you delete and recreate the container.
Option 1:
The BUILD of the image is longer, but you execute it only the first time
The RUN is faster
You don't need an internet connection at RUN
Include a verification of the different steps
Allow tracability
Option 2:
The RUN is longer
You need need an internet connection at RUN
Harder to trace

CI testing with docker-compose on Jenkins with Kubernetes

I have tests that I run locally using a docker-compose environment.
I would like to implement these tests as part of our CI using Jenkins with Kubernetes on Google Cloud (following this setup).
I have been unsuccessful because docker-in-docker does not work.
It seems that right now there is no solution for this use-case. I have found other questions related to this issue; here, and here.
I am looking for solutions that will let me run docker-compose. I have found solutions for running docker, but not for running docker-compose.
I am hoping someone else has had this use-case and found a solution.
Edit: Let me clarify my use-case:
When I detect a valid trigger (ie: push to repo) I need to start a new job.
I need to setup an environment with multiple dockers/instances (docker-compose).
The instances on this environment need access to code from git (mount volumes/create new images with the data).
I need to run tests in this environment.
I need to then retrieve results from these instances (JUnit test results for Jenkins to parse).
The problems I am having are with 2, and 3.
For 2 there is a problem running this in parallel (more than one job) since the docker context is shared (docker-in-docker issues). If this is running on more than one node then i get clashes because of shared resources (ports for example). my workaround is to only limit it to one running instance and queue the rest (not ideal for CI)
For 3 there is a problem mounting volumes since the docker context is shared (docker-in-docker issues). I can not mount the code that I checkout in the job because it is not present on the host that is responsible for running the docker instances that I trigger. my workaround is to build a new image from my template and just copy the code into the new image and then use that for the test (this works, but means I need to use docker cp tricks to get data back out, which is also not ideal)
I think the better way is to use the pure Kubernetes resources to run tests directly by Kubernetes, not by docker-compose.
You can convert your docker-compose files into Kubernetes resources using kompose utility.
Probably, you will need some adaptation of the conversion result, or maybe you should manually convert your docker-compose objects into Kubernetes objects. Possibly, you can just use Jobs with multiple containers instead of a combination of deployments + services.
Anyway, I definitely recommend you to use Kubernetes abstractions instead of running tools like docker-compose inside Kubernetes.
Moreover, you still will be able to run tests locally using Minikube to spawn the small all-in-one cluster right on your PC.

Docker separation of concerns / services

I have a laravel project which I am using with docker. Currently I am using a single container to host all the services (apache, mySQL etc) as well as the needed dependencies (project files, git, composer etc) I need for my project.
From what I am reading the current best practice is to put each service into a separate container. So far this seems simple enough since these services are designed to run at length (apache server, mySQL server). When I spin up these 'service' containers using -d they remain running (docker ps) since their main process continuously runs.
However, when I remove all the services from my project container, then there is no main process left to continuously run. This means my container immediately exits once spun up.
I have read the 'hacks' of running other processes like tail -f /dev/null, sleep infinity, using interactive mode, installing supervisord (which I assume would end up watching no processes in such containers?) and even leaving the container to run in the foreground (taking up a terminal console...).
How do I network such a container to keep it running like the abstracted services but detached without these hacks? I cannot seem to find much information on this in the official docker docs nor can I find any examples of other projects (please link any)
EDIT: I am not talking about volumes / storage containers to store the data my project processes, but rather how I can use a container to store the project itself and its dependencies that aren't services (project files, git, composer)
when you run the container try running with the flags ...
docker run -dt ..... etc
you might even try .....
docker run -dti ..... etc
let me know if this brings any joy. has certainly worked for me on occassions.
i know you wanted to avoid hacks but if the above fails then also add ...
CMD cat
to the end of your Dockerfile - it is a hack but is the cleanest hack :)
So after reading this a few times along with Joachim Isaksson's comment, I finally get it. Tools don't need the containers to run continuously to use. Proper separation of the project files, services (mySQL, apache) and tools (git, composer) are done differently.
The project files are persisted within a data volume container. The services are networked since they expose ports. The tools live in their own containers which share the project files data volume - they are not networked. Logs, databases and other output can be persisted in different volumes.
When you wish to run one of these tools, you spin up the tool container by passing the relevant command using docker run. The tool then manipulates the data within the directory persisted within the shared volume. The containers only persist as long as the command to manipulate the data within the shared volume takes to run and then the container stops.
I don't know why this took me so long to grasp, but this is the aha moment for me.

Is it possible/sane to develop within a container Docker

I'm new to Docker and was wondering if it was possible (and a good idea) to develop within a docker container.
I mean create a container, execute bash, install and configure everything I need and start developping inside the container.
The container becomes then my main machine (for CLI related works).
When I'm on the go (or when I buy a new machine), I can just push the container, and pull it on my laptop.
This sort the problem of having to keep and synchronize your dotfile.
I haven't started using docker yet, so is it something realistic or to avoid (spacke disk problem and/or pull/push timing issue).
Yes. It is a good idea, with the correct set-up. You'll be running code as if it was a virtual machine.
The Dockerfile configurations to create a build system is not polished and will not expand shell variables, so pre-installing applications may be a bit tedious. On the other hand after building your own image to create new users and working environment, it won't be necessary to build it again, plus you can mount your own file system with the -v parameter of the run command, so you can have the files you are going to need both in your host and container machine. It's versatile.
> sudo docker run -t -i -v
/home/user_name/Workspace/project:/home/user_name/Workspace/myproject <container-ID>
I'll play the contrarian and say it's a bad idea. I've done work where I've tried to keep a container "long running" and have modified it, but then accidentally lost it or deleted it.
In my opinion containers aren't meant to be long running VMs. They are just meant to be instances of an image. Start it, stop it, kill it, start it again.
As Alex mentioned, it's certainly possible, but in my opinion goes against the "Docker" way.
I'd rather use VirtualBox and Vagrant to create VMs to develop in.
Docker container for development can be very handy. Depending on your stack and preferred IDE you might want to keep the editing part outside, at host, and mount the directory with the sources from host to the container instead, as per Alex's suggestion. If you do so, beware potential performance issue on macos x with boot2docker.
I would not expect much from the workflow with pushing the images to sync between dev environments. IMHO keeping Dockerfiles together with the code and synching by SCM means is more straightforward direction to start with. I also carry supporting Makefiles to build image(s) / run container(s) same place.
