Auto Layout: Set height View depends on other height View - ios

I need to implement AutoLayout in my layout. Below are some screenshots:
The case is :
I have a ShinobiDataGrid in View and a UITableView . First image is first condition, in first picture I want the view have height as height View Controller.
The second and third picture is when there are available TableView . I want the TableView always is at the bottom of View Controller and the View is have height depends of height Table View.
I read this, this and all of reference on that but it's not working for me.
I read some article about Auto Layout and I get this below:
But in first picture, the the UIView still have a distance with main View. I want it only have 3 or 4 point from bottom of main View like below:
Now, I have one constrain from UIView to the UITableView. I add one constrain from UIView to bottom main View with custom priority, constant and etc but it's not working.

1.I would suggest you to use UITableView with section header and footers , with no scroll. Add your views to UITableViewCell. Populate your UITableView with custom cells based on your requirements.
2.You can also use UIStackView for the same. Add all your views & table views to a vertical stack view in Interface Builder. Keep distribution as fill equally. First time hide your UITableView. Your view will cover complete then show / hide tableview when required and update stack view.
Constraint your views & table views with respect to stack view. UIStackView manages autolayout.
3.I would have used UITableViewController with static cells (with no scroll) with views and tableviews as subview of static UITableViewCells. First time in heightFoRowAtIndexPath pass complete height. When tableview will be visible. Reload tableview controller and pass height accordingly.
Instead of using UITableView inside cell. I would suggest using UIStackView as subview cell. Show your data in UIStackView.

First add scrollview.
Add the height constraint of First View equal to view controller.
Below to that, add the tableview, get the dynamic height and change according to it. You can see my answer here for this.


Can we make UIView height always resize with the height of UIStackView inside?

I have a content view (this content view I will use as a subclass of UICollectionViewCell content later) which has an UIStackView inside. Inside that stack view, I add some labels, view. And I calculate some conditions to make sure that when data of a label is empty, that label will be hidden and the stack view will auto change the height and vice versa, if they have data I'll show them and stack view update the height again.
Now I wanna know how can I make the content view height always follow the UIStackView height whenever it's changing.
If you already made your UIStackView to have a dynamic height following its children, then all you need is to add constraints between UIStackView and your content view and it will resize automatically as well.
Now, if you add that content view inside a UICollectionViewCell, then you must make sure to call UICollectionView.reloadData() whenever you change the content of your UIStackView. That way the collection view will recalculate the size and render the cell again. You also have the option to reload a single cell in the collection view if you have a way to determine its indexPath.
Note: Take care of CollectionViewFlowLayout and what size it dictates to the cell. It's recommended that you tell the flow layout the estimated height of your cell via layout.estimatedHeight.

TableView horizontal scrolling according to cell width

I have table view inside scroll view which will scroll according to table view cell width.I have set the scroll view from top,bottom,leading and trailing.Then I have given the same constraints to view inside the scroll view including centerX and centerY.Then for horizontal scrolling I have set the trailing and centerX priority to 250.But my table view is not scrolling.I want to set it through autolayout.
I want the table to scroll horizontally if label increases inside the table view cell.
This is my view hierarchy
#Zahid I made a public example on github with what I wrote about below:
Original answer:
As it was already said, table views do not scroll horizontally in general. But no one said you can't put table view inside UIScrollView that scrolls horizontally. There would be some challenges here though:
I don't think autolayout with autoresizing cells would work good.
You need to figure out scrollview/tableview gesture recognizers order. You can use UIGestureRecognizer delegate methods to resolve their collisions
You need to determine width of the table view. You can do it with old nasty way:
compute size of every cell first,
take max of these sizes
set it to table view width
reload data
Is it worth the hassle? That's your call to take.
With your setup (I see scroll view as root view) the simplest (but not best) option would be to disable scrolling on table view, enable scrolling both directions on scroll view, and just update whole table view size. It will work well only with small amount of cells though!

Dynamic height of two UITableViews embedded in a single view with Auto Layout

I`m trying to adjust the height of two tableviews embedded in a single viewController. .
This is how it is currently displayed
Current constraints
If possible, I want to adjust the height of each table to avoid the scrolling effect of the table (it is not possible when the total content of the tables is higher than the screen, in that case the height of each table must be the same )
I have manually changed the constraints to show you what behavior I want
Expected behavior 1
Expected behavior 2
I have no idea what constraints I have to modify and what part has to be programmatically
Here is a scenario:
Mapping Data to table.
Get tableview's content size
Set the constraint = height of the content size
Update constraint layout.
In your case, i would like to recommend to use 1 table view with 2 sections.
Hope this help.
The best solution would be not using tableView for the first section as its not a complicated content to be displayed on tableView. Even if you want to use tableView, try this.
Take height constraint of the top tableView. Take outlet of the height constraint in your controller. Then just after you are reloading the tableView, assign the contentSize.height to the constraint and call self.view.layoutIfNeeded(). This will change the height of the tableView to be same as content.
You can do same with bottom tableView.

Self-sizing UITableView embedded in UICollectionViewCell

For an iOS application I'm working on the following layout:
I'm trying to achieve this by embedding a tableview inside a collection view cell.
The height of the individual collectionView cells is dynamic (by setting the layouts' estimatedItemSize and using auto layout for the cells). The problem which I encountered is that I can't get the embedded tableView to size dynamically according to the given data.
Is there any way I can update the size of the tableView in the cell dynamically
For collection view or table view, auto-sizing will only work if you have provided enough constraint to calculate it's CGRect. In your case, you have table view inside collection view and table view's height can be anything as it can scroll the content.
Try to give table view height constraint then change constraint's value to table view's contentsize.height, Then it might work.
Maybe consider using UIStackView.

Tableview in scrollview when tableview content size increase then textview just below the tableview goes up to the tableview

I have Viewcontroller in which I set the scrollview. In the scrollview I have tableview which is in the Container and just below the container I have an textview and some other UIViews when I set the tableview frame size equal to content size and tableview scroll property false so that only scrollview scrolls when the content size increase the textview goes up to tableview and I want that when tableview content increase then textview also goes down and parent view frame size increase and decrease as the content size
This look like a job for a UICollectionViewController. If you want to take a look here
you can get a better understanding of what they are and how to use them.
Basically you want to put each of those UITableViews, UILabels and the UIButtons in it's own cell(buttons need to be arranged) of the collectionView then the cell with the buttons try to use a stack view with the image. This will automatically set the different sections apart from each other. I know the idea of a collectionViewCell containing a tableView may seem weird but check this out
Another solution is to get crazy with constraints and autoLayout. I don't recommend this route because autoLayout will make decisions on it's own if the exact layout is not explicitly declared. Basically you'll set the constraints by pinning the tableView and labels to each other and the container they are in.
Checkout Apple's docs here
Good luck and let me know how it goes
I would recommend using a xib (if storyboards is your preference) or programmatically embed a tableview in the Scrollview Controller. Set a default cell height and then calculate the height of the Tableview by grabbing the amount of cells (which you'll normally get from .count in an array).
Afterwards, constrain the top, left, and right constraints of the tableview to its parent. You can imbed these in a scroll view for ease. Then if you want default text underneath it, all you have to do is constrain the top of the textview to the bottom of the tableview.
Do the cell for the button's. As the post above said, buttons might be best done in a CollectionView, so you can either create a default cell (xib again is useful) or use a prototype cell in storyboard. Collection views are the same principle as tableviews when it comes to populating data, they are just formatted differently and insets/spacing between cells.
This should help!
