ServiceWorker 'fetch' event not triggered - service-worker

fetch event :
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
console.log("[Service Worker] fetching "+event.request);
.then(function(response) {
// Cache hit - return response
if (response) {
return response;
return fetch(event.request);


Is there a way to have my service worker intercept fetch requests coming from a client-side SvelteKit load function? (+page.ts)

I'm trying to have a service worker intercept fetch requests coming from a client-side SvelteKit load function. The network requests are being made, but the fetch event is not being triggered.
The fetch request from the load function is going to /api/allTeams, which is cached as reported by chrome devtools, but like I said, it's not getting intercepted. All the function does it fetch the data, and return it in a prop.
Also, every couple minutes I run invalidateAll(), to reload the data, and even those requests aren't being picked up by the SW.
import { build, version } from '$service-worker';
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
fetch(event.request).catch(function () {
return caches.match(event.request);
self.addEventListener('install', async function (event) {
event.waitUntil("ccs-" + version).then(function (cache) {
const registerServiceWorker = async () => {
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
try {
const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.register("/service-worker.js", {
scope: "*",
if (registration.installing) {
console.log("Service worker installing");
} else if (registration.waiting) {
console.log("Service worker installed");
} else if ( {
console.log("Service worker active");
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Registration failed with ${error}`);
export async function load(request: Request) {
const searchQuery = new URL(request.url).searchParams.get("q")
const apiUrl = new URL(request.url)
apiUrl.pathname = "/api/allTeams"
const req = await fetch(apiUrl)
const data = await req.json()
return {data, searchQuery};

How to resolve `Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Quota exceeded` error in service worker when browsing website in `Incognito mode` in Google chrome

How to resolve(or hide) Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Quota exceeded error in service worker when browsing website in Incognito mode in Google chrome.
Every thing works fine in normal mode.
Service worker code of my progressive web app is
var version = 'v2:';
var offlineFundamentals = [
var updateStaticCache = function () {
return + 'fundamentals').then(function (cache) {
return Promise.all( (value) {
var request = new Request(value);
var url = new URL(request.url);
if (url.origin != location.origin) {
request = new Request(value, {
mode: 'no-cors'
return fetch(request).then(function (response) {
var cachedCopy = response.clone();
return cache.put(request, cachedCopy);
var clearOldCaches = function () {
return caches.keys().then(function (keys) {
return Promise.all(keys.filter(function (key) {
return key.indexOf(version) != 0;
}).map(function (key) {
return caches.delete(key);
var limitCache = function (cache, maxItems) {
cache.keys().then(function (items) {
if (items.length > maxItems) {
var trimCache = function (cacheName, maxItems) { (cache) {
cache.keys().then(function (keys) {
if (keys.length > maxItems) {
cache.delete(keys[0]).then(trimCache(cacheName, maxItems));
var hasUrlCacheExcludeMatch = function (url) {
var cacheExcludeUrls = [
return cacheExcludeUrls.some(path => url.includes(path));
self.addEventListener("install", function (event) {
event.waitUntil(updateStaticCache().then(function () {
return self.skipWaiting();
self.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
var data =;
if (data.command == "trimCache") {
trimCache(version + "pages", 80);
trimCache(version + "images", 50);
trimCache(version + "assets", 50);
self.addEventListener("fetch", function (event) {
var fetchFromNetwork = function (response) {
var cacheCopy = response.clone();
if (event.request.headers.get('Accept').indexOf('text/html') != -1) {
if (!hasUrlCacheExcludeMatch(event.request.url)) { + 'pages').then(function (cache) {
cache.put(event.request, cacheCopy).then(function () {
limitCache(cache, 80);
} else if (event.request.headers.get('Accept').indexOf('image') != -1) { + 'images').then(function (cache) {
cache.put(event.request, cacheCopy).then(function () {
limitCache(cache, 50);
} else { + 'assets').then(function add(cache) {
cache.put(event.request, cacheCopy).then(function () {
limitCache(cache, 50);
return response;
var fallback = function () {
if (event.request.headers.get('Accept').indexOf('text/html') != -1) {
return caches.match(event.request).then(function (response) {
return response || caches.match('/offline.html');
if (event.request.method != 'GET') {
if (event.request.headers.get('Accept').indexOf('text/html') != -1) {
event.respondWith(fetch(event.request).then(fetchFromNetwork, fallback));
event.respondWith(caches.match(event.request).then(function (cached) {
return cached || fetch(event.request).then(fetchFromNetwork, fallback);
self.addEventListener("activate", function (event) {
event.waitUntil(clearOldCaches().then(function () {
return self.clients.claim();
Browsing website in Normal mode in Google chrome works fine no error occures in console.
I am not good in service worker so I am unable to resolve this issue.
This is a bit unobvious.
Quota exceed error means that your out of available space, which is 6% of total space for Chrome.
For incognito mode all storage and workers api is working, but quota space is equals zero bytes and, thus, you can not write to it.

Service Worker Caches to much

I'mm working on a service worker, who should just cache some specific files.
But after implementation and refresh (yes I enabled "dumb sw after reload") there are much more files "loaded via the sw" then I added in the "files to cache" list.
I'm new with the service worker and have no idea what is wrong. I just followed some tutorials about it.
Here the code. Perhaps I am on the complete wrong way.
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/worker.js').then(function(registration) {
}, function(err) {
console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);
var debugMode = false;
//Variables to cache
var CACHE_NAME = 'companyname-cache-1511794947915';
var urlsToCache = [
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
// Perform install steps
.then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll(urlsToCache);
self.addEventListener("activate", function(event) {
caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
return Promise.all( {
if(debugMode) {
console.log('actual cache name: %o', CACHE_NAME);
console.log('name inside the cache: %o', cacheName);
if ((cacheName.indexOf('companyname-cache-') !== -1) && (cacheName !== CACHE_NAME)) {
if(debugMode) {
console.log("old cache deleted");
return caches.delete(cacheName);
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
.then(function(response) {
if (response) {
if(debugMode) {
console.log("fetch 1");
return response;
var fetchRequest = event.request.clone();
return fetch(fetchRequest).then(
function(response) {
if(!response || response.status !== 200 || response.type !== 'basic') {
if(debugMode) {
console.log("fetch 2");
return response;
var responseToCache = response.clone();
.then(function(cache) {
cache.put(event.request, responseToCache);
if(debugMode) {
console.log("fetch 3");
return response;
The code in your SW works like this:
On installation, add all items in the URL LIST to the cache
On activation, check that the cache has items only for the CACHE NAME
On a fetch event: 1st check if the requested resource is in the cache and return if if found; 2nd if the requested resource was NOT in the cache, request it from the network AND put it in the cache
The last part of #3 causes the problem in your SW code – it is adding everything requested to the cache so in the future they're available from the cache.
You can see the problem in your code if you look for the last occurrence of this:
That's the part of your code when something WASN'T found from the cache AND was requested from the network. The code is then putting it into the cache – that's not what you wanted.

How to send Outlook messages by javascript SDK?

I searched for a long time but I did not find a relevant solution.
When I send mail via Microsoft Graph API to get 403, I do not know where the problem is
statusCode: 403,
code: "ErrorAccessDenied",
message: "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again."
//The static key authentication request
function makeSilentTokenRequest(callback) {
// Build up a hidden iframe
var iframe = $('<iframe/>');
iframe.attr('id', 'auth-iframe');
iframe.attr('name', 'auth-iframe');
iframe.load(function () {
iframe.attr('src', buildAuthUrl() + '&prompt=none&domain_hint=' +
localStorage.userDomainType + '&login_hint=' +
//Verify refresh token function
function getAccessToken(callback) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var isExpired = now > parseInt(localStorage.tokenExpires);
// Do we have a token already?
if (localStorage.accessToken && !isExpired) {
// Just return what we have
if (callback) {
} else {
// Attempt to do a hidden iframe request
function getUserEmailAddress(callback) {
//I saved it in localStorage
if (localStorage.userEmail) {
return localStorage.userEmail;
} else {
getAccessToken(function (accessToken) {
if (accessToken) {
// Create a Graph client
var client = MicrosoftGraph.Client.init({
authProvider: (done) => {
// Just return the token
done(null, accessToken);
// Get the Graph /Me endpoint to get user email address
.get((err, res) => {
if (err) {
callback(null, err);
} else {
} else {
var error = {
responseText: 'Could not retrieve access token'
callback(null, error);
function sendMail(message) {
getUserEmailAddress(function (userEmail, error) {
if (error) {
renderError('getUserEmailAddress failed', error.responseText);
} else {
getAccessToken(function (accessToken) {
if (accessToken) {
// Create a Graph client
var client = MicrosoftGraph.Client.init({
authProvider: (done) => {
// Just return the token
done(null, accessToken);
.header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken)
.header('Content-Type', "application/json")
.post(message, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
//callback(null, err);
} else {
} else {
var error = {
responseText: 'Could not retrieve access token'
//callback(null, error);
function createMail(message,callback){
getUserEmailAddress(function(userEmail, error) {
if (error) {
renderError('getUserEmailAddress failed', error.responseText);
} else {
getAccessToken(function(accessToken) {
if (accessToken) {
// Create a Graph client
var client = MicrosoftGraph.Client.init({
authProvider: (done) => {
// Just return the token
done(null, accessToken);
.header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' +accessToken)
.header('Content-Type', "application/json")
.post(message,(err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
} else {
var error = { responseText: 'Could not retrieve access token' };
//callback(null, error);
There isn't enough to go on here but the error message is telling you that your accessToken isn't valid.
I can't see which scopes are you requesting or which authorization workflow you executing so I can't pinpoint precisely why it is invalid.

q.js automatically propagate errors (catch async thrown errors)?

i would like to know if there's any way to automatically propagate errors from a promise to another? IE: catch the thrown error from a nested promise.
for example, in the following code sample, the "internalWorker" nested promise function needs
.fail(function (error) {
return deferred.reject(error);
in order to propagate the error. if this line isn't contained, the error is throw to the top. (crashed app)
would it be possible to automatically propagate the error so i don't need to add .fail() functions to all my nested promises?
function top(input) {
var deferred = q.defer();
internalWorker(input).then(function (value) {
logger.inspectDebug("top success", value);
}).fail(function (error) {
return deferred.reject(error);
return deferred.promise;
function internalWorker(input) {
var deferred = q.defer();
q.delay(100).then(function () {
throw new Error("internal worker async error");
}).fail(function (error) {
return deferred.reject(error);
return deferred.promise;
top("hello").then(function (value) {
logger.inspectDebug("outside success", value);
}).fail(function (error) {
logger.inspectDebug("outside fail", error);
If you are using, this will do what you intend:
function top(input) {
return internalWorker(input).then(function (value) {
logger.inspectDebug("top success", value);
return value;
function internalWorker(input) {
return q.delay(100).then(function () {
throw new Error("internal worker async error");
return value;
top("hello").then(function (value) {
logger.inspectDebug("outside success", value);
}, function (error) {
logger.inspectDebug("outside fail", error);
Return promises or values from within callbacks. Errors propagate implicitly.
