Draw rectangle in MKMapView - ios

I am trying to draw a red rectangle in my MKMapView. I see the map, but not the rectangle. My code:
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var areaMapView = new AreaMapView();
areaMapView.SetTarget(45.5399396, -73.6534612);
areaMapView.AddZone(new List<Geolocation>()
new Geolocation() { Latitude = 25.774, Longitude = -80.190},
new Geolocation() { Latitude = 18.466, Longitude = -66.118},
new Geolocation() { Latitude = 32.321, Longitude = -64.757},
new Geolocation() { Latitude = 25.774, Longitude = -80.190},
View = areaMapView;
public class AreaMapView : MKMapView
public AreaMapView() : base(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds)
this.ShowsUserLocation = true;
this.MapType = MKMapType.Satellite;
public void SetTarget(double longitude, double latitude)
this.AddAnnotations(new MKPointAnnotation()
Title = "Target",
Coordinate = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(longitude, latitude)
public void AddZone(List<Geolocation> longitudeAndLatitudePoints)
var coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D[longitudeAndLatitudePoints.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < longitudeAndLatitudePoints.Count; i++)
double longitude = longitudeAndLatitudePoints[i].Longitude;
double latitude = longitudeAndLatitudePoints[i].Latitude;
coords[i] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(longitude, latitude);

I think you should use MKPolygon and MKPolygonRenderer to add a rectangle.
refer to here: https://developer.xamarin.com/recipes/ios/content_controls/map_view/add_an_overlay_to_a_map/
Sample here: https://github.com/xamarin/recipes/tree/master/ios/content_controls/map_view/add_an_overlay_to_a_map
follow the sample and replace the code
mapView.OverlayRenderer = (m, o) =>
if (circleRenderer == null)
circleRenderer = new MKCircleRenderer(o as MKCircle);
circleRenderer.FillColor = UIColor.Purple;
circleRenderer.Alpha = 0.5f;
return circleRenderer;
circleOverlay = MKCircle.Circle(coords, 400);
mapView.OverlayRenderer = (m, o) =>
if (polygonRenderer == null)
polygonRenderer = new MKPolygonRenderer(o as MKPolygon);
polygonRenderer.FillColor = UIColor.Red;
polygonRenderer.StrokeColor = UIColor.Black;
polygonRenderer.Alpha = 0.5f;
return polygonRenderer;
var coord = new CLLocationCoordinate2D[4];
coord[0] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(29.976111, 31.132778);
coord[1] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(29.976111, 31.032778);
coord[2] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(29.876111, 31.032778);
coord[3] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(29.876111, 31.132778);
This is the result


Change colors in devexpress charts

I am drawing a pie chart using Devexpress in my MVC project.
While doing it by default my chart generated with three colors, as below
but my client is not satisfied, with the colors of it and wanted me to change them which match with our application background, so please help me, how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
Here is my code.
settings.Name = "chart";
settings.Width = 600;
settings.Height = 250;
settings.BorderOptions.Visible = false;
Series series1 = new Series("Type", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Pie3D);
series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative;
series1.ArgumentDataMember = "ClassName";
series1.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;
series1.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "PercentageValues" });
series1.LegendPointOptions.PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues;
series1.LegendPointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Percent;
series1.LegendPointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Precision = 0;
series1.Label.ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.Default;
series1.Label.Visible = false;
Please refer the following code. I have successfully implemented the same for giving custom color for rangebar. I guess it will work for your case also
settings.CustomDrawSeriesPoint = (s, ev) =>
BarDrawOptions drawOptions = ev.SeriesDrawOptions as BarDrawOptions;
if (drawOptions == null)
Color colorInTarget = Color.Blue;
double x = ev.SeriesPoint.Values[0];
double y = ev.SeriesPoint.Values[1];
if (x == 0)
{ //Do starting
colorInTarget = Color.FromArgb(159,125, 189);
//Red - price Increase
// Green price Decrease
if (y > previousYValue)
colorInTarget = Color.Red; ;
colorInTarget = Color.Green;
previousYValue = y;
drawOptions.Color = colorInTarget;
drawOptions.FillStyle.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;
drawOptions.Border.Color = Color.Transparent;
you can set the theme and palette properties of the chart control. follow the links below to devexpress documentation. although the examples refers to winform application they are still avaliable in asp.net mvc controls.
// Define the chart's appearance and palette.
barChart.AppearanceName = "Dark";
barChart.PaletteName = "Opulent";
private List<StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary> GetStudentSummaryResults()
var StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["StudentID"]);
var StudentDetailsP = CtxSM.SMISGet_StudentAttendanceDetailsByStudentId(StudentId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.LoginUserId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.AcademicYearID, SessionDataManager.SessionData.BusinessUnitId, ref outError).ToList();
var Presents = StudentDetailsP.Select(p => new { p.Months, p.Presents});
var CountsP = StudentDetailsP.Count();
List<StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary> MT = new List<StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary>();
foreach (var ab in Presents)
MT.Add(new StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary { PresentSummaryX = ab.Months, PresentSummaryY = Convert.ToInt32(ab.Presents) });
var StudentDetailsA = CtxSM.SMISGet_StudentAttendanceDetailsByStudentId(StudentId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.LoginUserId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.AcademicYearID, SessionDataManager.SessionData.BusinessUnitId, ref outError).ToList();
var Absents = StudentDetailsP.Select(p => new { p.Months, p.Absents });
var CountsA = StudentDetailsA.Count();
foreach (var ab in Absents)
MT.Add(new StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary { AbsentSummaryX = ab.Months, AbsentSummaryY = Convert.ToInt32(ab.Absents) });
var StudentDetailsL = CtxSM.SMISGet_StudentAttendanceDetailsByStudentId(StudentId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.LoginUserId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.AcademicYearID, SessionDataManager.SessionData.BusinessUnitId, ref outError).ToList();
var CountL = StudentDetailsL.Count();
var Leaves = StudentDetailsP.Select(p => new { p.Months, p.Leaves });
foreach (var ab in Leaves)
MT.Add(new StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary { LeaveSummaryX = ab.Months, LeaveSummaryY = Convert.ToInt32(ab.Leaves) });
return MT;
#Html.DevExpress().Chart(settings =>
settings.Name = "SummaryDetailsById";
settings.Width = 1032;
settings.Height = 250;
Series chartSeries = new Series("Presents", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Bar);
chartSeries.ArgumentDataMember = "PresentSummaryX";
chartSeries.ValueDataMembers[0] = "PresentSummaryY";
Series chartSeries2 = new Series("Absents", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Bar);
chartSeries2.ArgumentDataMember = "AbsentSummaryX";
chartSeries2.ValueDataMembers[0] = "AbsentSummaryY";
Series chartSeries3 = new Series("Leaves", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Bar);
chartSeries3.ArgumentDataMember = "LeaveSummaryX";
chartSeries3.ValueDataMembers[0] = "LeaveSummaryY";
settings.CrosshairEnabled = DefaultBoolean.Default;
settings.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
settings.BorderOptions.Visibility = DefaultBoolean.True;
settings.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle()
Text = "Student Attendance Summary"
XYDiagram diagram = ((XYDiagram)settings.Diagram);
diagram.AxisX.Label.Angle = -30;
diagram.AxisY.Interlaced = true;

Actionscript 3.0 Creating Boundaries with Arrays

Currently I'm working on a project recreating a mario level, my issue is that when I do not hard code the bottomLimit (the floor, currently set to 400) Mario will eventually just fall through.
Another thing I can't quite figure out is how I can move my invisible block that creates the floor boundary to accomodate the flooring. The level chosen is the Fortress level of Super Mario Brothers 3, if that helps picture what I'm trying to do with it.
There are a couple .as files to my code, I will put my troublesome file in along with my collision code.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.media.Sound;
public class FortressMap extends MovieClip
private var _mario:SmallMario;
private var vx:Number = 0;
private var vy:Number = 0;
private var _ceiling:Array = new Array();
private var _floor:Array = new Array();
public const accy:Number = 0.20;
public const termv:Number = 15;
public var onGround:Boolean;
public var bottomLimit:Number;
public function FortressMap()
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
_mario = new SmallMario();
_mario.x = 50;
_mario.y = 400;
//Creating the blocks for the floor
createFloor(16, 416);
//Creating the blocks for the ceiling
createCeiling(16, 352);
private function createFloor(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void
var floor:Floor = new Floor();
floor.x = xPos;
floor.y = yPos;
floor.height = 16;
floor.visible = false;
private function createCeiling(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void
var ceiling:Ceiling = new Ceiling();
ceiling.x = xPos;
ceiling.y = yPos;
ceiling.height = 16;
ceiling.visible = false;
private function addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameHandler);
addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeStageHandler);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
private function frameHandler(event:Event):void
_mario.x += vx;
_mario.y += vy;
if (_mario.x < 16)
_mario.x = 16;
vy += accy;
for (var i:int = 0; i < _ceiling.length; ++i)
Collision.block(_mario, _ceiling[i]);
for (var j:int = 0; j < _floor.length; ++j)
Collision.block(_mario, _floor[j]);
bottomLimit = 400;
if(_mario.y >= bottomLimit)
_mario.y = bottomLimit;
vy = 0;
onGround = true;
onGround = false;
private function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
vx = -5;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
vx = 5;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
if(onGround == true)
vy = -5;
trace("My people need me!");
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
//vy = 5;
private function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT || event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
vx = 0;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP || event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
//vy = 0;
private function removeStageHandler(event:Event):void
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameHandler);
removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeStageHandler);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Collision
static public var collisionSide:String = "";
public function Collision()
static public function block(r1:Sprite, r2:Sprite):Boolean
var isBlocked:Boolean;
//Calculate the distance vector
var vx:Number
= (r1.x + (r1.width / 2))
- (r2.x + (r2.width / 2));
var vy:Number
= (r1.y + (r1.height / 2))
- (r2.y + (r2.height / 2));
//Check whether vx
//is less than the combined half widths
if(Math.abs(vx) < r1.width / 2 + r2.width / 2)
//A collision might be occurring! Check
//whether vy is less than the combined half heights
if(Math.abs(vy) < r1.height / 2 + r2.height / 2)
//A collision has ocurred! This is good!
//Find out the size of the overlap on both the X and Y axes
var overlap_X:Number
= r1.width / 2
+ r2.width / 2
- Math.abs(vx);
var overlap_Y:Number
= r1.height / 2
+ r2.height / 2
- Math.abs(vy);
//The collision has occurred on the axis with the
//*smallest* amount of overlap. Let's figure out which
//axis that is
if(overlap_X >= overlap_Y)
//The collision is happening on the X axis
//But on which side? _v0's vy can tell us
if(vy > 0)
collisionSide = "Top";
//Move the rectangle out of the collision
r1.y = r1.y + overlap_Y;
//r1 is being blocked
isBlocked = true;
collisionSide = "Bottom";
//Move the rectangle out of the collision
r1.y = r1.y - overlap_Y;
//r1 is being blocked
isBlocked = true;
//The collision is happening on the Y axis
//But on which side? _v0's vx can tell us
if(vx > 0)
collisionSide = "Left";
//Move the rectangle out of the collision
r1.x = r1.x + overlap_X;
//r1 is being blocked
isBlocked = true;
collisionSide = "Right";
//Move the rectangle out of the collision
r1.x = r1.x - overlap_X;
//r1 is being blocked
isBlocked = true;
//No collision
collisionSide = "No collision";
//r1 is not being blocked
isBlocked = false;
//No collision
collisionSide = "No collision";
//r1 is not being blocked
isBlocked = false;
return isBlocked;
I think what you want to do is to set the bottomlimit, but not hardcode the number 400, correct?
I would do change your createFloor method:
private function createFloor(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void
var floor:Floor = new Floor();
floor.x = xPos;
floor.y = yPos;
floor.height = 16;
floor.visible = false;
// set bottom limit here
bottomLimit = yPos;
... then you wouldnt need to set it to 400.
However, another option is to change your if statement:
if(_mario.y >= Floor(_floor[0]).y)
_mario.y = Floor(_floor[0]).y;
vy = 0;
onGround = true;
onGround = false;
... and then you can get rid of the bottomLimit variable completely
(assuming I understood your code, and that the floor tiles are always going to be at the bottomLimit)

Actionscript3 ArgumentError: Error #2109:

Making a touch based platform game based in actionscript 3 using Gary Rosenzweig's game as a basis, all was going well until today, I've been trying to swap out floor objects etc without changing much of the actionscript at all and I have the following error.
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label jump not found in scene jump.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at PlatformGame/moveCharacter()[C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\platformGame\PlatformGame.as:418]
at PlatformGame/moveEnemies()[C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\platformGame\PlatformGame.as:314]
at PlatformGame/gameLoop()[C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\platformGame\PlatformGame.as:303]
This also seems to cause problems with collision detection.
The code is as follows. (not i have not changed the scene or label names from the originals but it still shows the error).
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;
public class PlatformGame extends MovieClip {
// movement constants
static const gravity:Number = .004;
// screen constants
static const edgeDistance:Number = 100;
public var rightButton:SimpleButton;
// object arrays
private var fixedObjects:Array;
private var otherObjects:Array;
// hero and enemies
private var hero:Object;
private var enemies:Array;
// game state
private var playerObjects:Array;
private var gameScore:int;
private var gameMode:String = "start";
private var playerLives:int;
private var lastTime:Number = 0;
// start game
public function startPlatformGame() {
playerObjects = new Array();
gameScore = 0;
gameMode = "play";
playerLives = 3;
// start level
public function startGameLevel() {
// create characters
// examine level and note all objects
// add listeners
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
// set game state
gameMode = "play";
// start level
public function startGameLevelHarder() {
// create characters
// examine level and note all objects
// set game state
gameMode = "play";
// start level
public function startGameLevelHardest() {
// create characters
// examine level and note all objects
// set game state
gameMode = "play";
// creates the hero object and sets all properties
public function createHero() {
hero = new Object();
hero.mc = gamelevel.hero;
hero.dx = 0.0;
hero.dy = 0.0;
hero.inAir = false;
hero.direction = 0;
hero.animstate = "stand";
hero.walkAnimation = new Array(2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
hero.animstep = 0;
hero.jump = false;
hero.moveLeft = false;
hero.moveRight = false;
hero.jumpSpeed = .8;
hero.walkSpeed = .15;
hero.width = 15.0;
hero.height = 35.0;
hero.startx = hero.mc.x;
hero.starty = hero.mc.y;
// finds all enemies in the level and creates an object for each
public function addEnemies() {
enemies = new Array();
var i:int = 1;
while (true) {
if (gamelevel["enemy"+i] == null) break;
var enemy = new Object();
enemy.mc = gamelevel["enemy"+i];
enemy.dx = 0.0;
enemy.dy = 0.0;
enemy.inAir = false;
enemy.direction = 1;
enemy.animstate = "stand"
enemy.walkAnimation = new Array(2,3,4,5);
enemy.animstep = 0;
enemy.jump = false;
enemy.moveRight = true;
enemy.moveLeft = false;
enemy.jumpSpeed = 1.0;
enemy.walkSpeed = .08;
enemy.width = 30.0;
enemy.height = 30.0;
// finds all enemies in the level and creates an object for each
public function addHardEnemies() {
enemies = new Array();
var i:int = 1;
while (true) {
if (gamelevel["enemy"+i] == null) break;
var enemy = new Object();
enemy.mc = gamelevel["enemy"+i];
enemy.dx = 0.0;
enemy.dy = 0.0;
enemy.inAir = false;
enemy.direction = 1;
enemy.animstate = "stand"
enemy.walkAnimation = new Array(2,3,4,5);
enemy.animstep = 0;
enemy.jump = false;
enemy.moveRight = true;
enemy.moveLeft = false;
enemy.jumpSpeed = 1.0;
enemy.walkSpeed = .15;
enemy.width = 56.0;
enemy.height = 80.0;
// finds all enemies in the level and creates an object for each
public function addHardestEnemies() {
enemies = new Array();
var i:int = 1;
while (true) {
if (gamelevel["enemy"+i] == null) break;
var enemy = new Object();
enemy.mc = gamelevel["enemy"+i];
enemy.dx = 0.0;
enemy.dy = 0.0;
enemy.inAir = false;
enemy.direction = 1;
enemy.animstate = "stand"
enemy.walkAnimation = new Array(2,3,4,5);
enemy.animstep = 0;
enemy.jump = false;
enemy.moveRight = true;
enemy.moveLeft = false;
enemy.jumpSpeed = 1.0;
enemy.walkSpeed = .25;
enemy.width = 40.0;
enemy.height = 40.0;
// look at all level children and note walls, floors and items
public function examineLevel() {
fixedObjects = new Array();
otherObjects = new Array();
for(var i:int=0;i<this.gamelevel.numChildren;i++) {
var mc = this.gamelevel.getChildAt(i);
// add floors and walls to fixedObjects
if ((mc is Floor) || (mc is Wall) || (mc is ground1) || (mc is wall1) || (mc is ledge1) || (mc is ledge2) || (mc is rock) ||(mc is rocktip)) {
var floorObject:Object = new Object();
floorObject.mc = mc;
floorObject.leftside = mc.x;
floorObject.rightside = mc.x+mc.width;
floorObject.topside = mc.y;
floorObject.bottomside = mc.y+mc.height;
// add treasure, key and door to otherOjects
} else if ((mc is Treasure) || (mc is Key) || (mc is Door) || (mc is Chest)) {
// note key presses, set hero properties
public function touchRight(event:TouchEvent) {
hero.moveRight = true;
public function touchRightReleased(event:TouchEvent) {
hero.moveRight = false;
public function touchLeft(event:TouchEvent) {
hero.moveLeft = true;
public function touchLeftReleased(event:TouchEvent) {
hero.moveLeft = false;
public function jump(event:TouchEvent) {
if (!hero.inAir) {
hero.jump = true;
public function jumpReleased(event:TouchEvent) {
if (!hero.inAir) {
hero.jump = false;
// note key presses, set hero properties
//public function keyDownFunction(event:KeyboardEvent) {
//if (gameMode != "play") return; // don't move until in play mode
//if (event.keyCode == 37) {
//hero.moveLeft = true;
//} else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
//hero.moveRight = true;
//} else if (event.keyCode == 32) {
//if (!hero.inAir) {
//hero.jump = true;
//public function keyUpFunction(event:KeyboardEvent) {
//if (event.keyCode == 37) {
//hero.moveLeft = false;
//} else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
//hero.moveRight = false;
// perform all game tasks
public function gameLoop(event:Event) {
// get time differentce
if (lastTime == 0) lastTime = getTimer();
var timeDiff:int = getTimer()-lastTime;
lastTime += timeDiff;
// only perform tasks if in play mode
if (gameMode == "play") {
// loop through all enemies and move them
public function moveEnemies(timeDiff:int) {
for(var i:int=0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
// move
// if hit a wall, turn around
if (enemies[i].hitWallRight) {
enemies[i].moveLeft = true;
enemies[i].moveRight = false;
} else if (enemies[i].hitWallLeft) {
enemies[i].moveLeft = false;
enemies[i].moveRight = true;
// primary function for character movement
public function moveCharacter(char:Object,timeDiff:Number) {
if (timeDiff < 1) return;
// assume character pulled down by gravity
var verticalChange:Number = char.dy*timeDiff + timeDiff*gravity;
if (verticalChange > 15.0) verticalChange = 15.0;
char.dy += timeDiff*gravity;
// react to changes from key presses
var horizontalChange = 0;
var newAnimState:String = "stand";
var newDirection:int = char.direction;
if (char.moveLeft) {
// walk left
horizontalChange = -char.walkSpeed*timeDiff;
newAnimState = "walk";
newDirection = -1;
} else if (char.moveRight) {
// walk right
horizontalChange = char.walkSpeed*timeDiff;
newAnimState = "walk";
newDirection = 1;
if (char.jump) {
// start jump
char.jump = false;
char.dy = -char.jumpSpeed;
verticalChange = -char.jumpSpeed;
newAnimState = "jump";
// assume no wall hit, and hanging in air
char.hitWallRight = false;
char.hitWallLeft = false;
char.inAir = true;
// find new vertical position
var newY:Number = char.mc.y + verticalChange;
// loop through all fixed objects to see if character has landed
for(var i:int=0;i<fixedObjects.length;i++) {
if ((char.mc.x+char.width/2 > fixedObjects[i].leftside) && (char.mc.x-char.width/2 < fixedObjects[i].rightside)) {
if ((char.mc.y <= fixedObjects[i].topside) && (newY > fixedObjects[i].topside)) {
newY = fixedObjects[i].topside;
char.dy = 0;
char.inAir = false;
// find new horizontal position
var newX:Number = char.mc.x + horizontalChange;
// loop through all objects to see if character has bumped into a wall
for(i=0;i<fixedObjects.length;i++) {
if ((newY > fixedObjects[i].topside) && (newY-char.height < fixedObjects[i].bottomside)) {
if ((char.mc.x-char.width/2 >= fixedObjects[i].rightside) && (newX-char.width/2 <= fixedObjects[i].rightside)) {
newX = fixedObjects[i].rightside+char.width/2;
char.hitWallLeft = true;
if ((char.mc.x+char.width/2 <= fixedObjects[i].leftside) && (newX+char.width/2 >= fixedObjects[i].leftside)) {
newX = fixedObjects[i].leftside-char.width/2;
char.hitWallRight = true;
// set position of character
char.mc.x = newX;
char.mc.y = newY;
// set animation state
if (char.inAir) {
newAnimState = "";
char.animstate = newAnimState;
// move along walk cycle
if (char.animstate == "walk") {
char.animstep += timeDiff/60;
if (char.animstep > char.walkAnimation.length) {
char.animstep = 0;
// not walking, show stand or jump state
} else {
// changed directions
if (newDirection != char.direction) {
char.direction = newDirection;
char.mc.scaleX = char.direction*1.35;
// scroll to the right or left if needed
public function scrollWithHero() {
var stagePosition:Number = gamelevel.x+hero.mc.x;
var rightEdge:Number = stage.stageWidth-edgeDistance;
var leftEdge:Number = edgeDistance;
if (stagePosition > rightEdge) {
gamelevel.x -= (stagePosition-rightEdge);
gamelevel["rButton"].x += (stagePosition-rightEdge);
gamelevel["lButton"].x += (stagePosition-rightEdge);
gamelevel["jButton"].x += (stagePosition-rightEdge);
if (gamelevel.x < -(gamelevel.width-stage.stageWidth)) gamelevel.x = -(gamelevel.width-stage.stageWidth);
if (stagePosition < leftEdge) {
gamelevel.x += (leftEdge-stagePosition);
gamelevel["rButton"].x -= (leftEdge-stagePosition);
gamelevel["lButton"].x -= (leftEdge-stagePosition);
gamelevel["jButton"].x -= (leftEdge-stagePosition);
if (gamelevel.x > 0) gamelevel.x = 0;
// check collisions with enemies, items
public function checkCollisions() {
// enemies
for(var i:int=enemies.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
if (hero.mc.hitTestObject(enemies[i].mc)) {
// is the hero jumping down onto the enemy?
if (hero.inAir && (hero.dy > 0)) {
} else {
// items
for(i=otherObjects.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
if (hero.mc.hitTestObject(otherObjects[i])) {
// remove enemy
public function enemyDie(enemyNum:int) {
var pb:PointBurst = new PointBurst(gamelevel,"Got Em!",enemies[enemyNum].mc.x,enemies[enemyNum].mc.y-20);
// enemy got player
public function heroDie() {
// show dialog box
var dialog:Dialog = new Dialog();
dialog.x = 175;
dialog.y = 100;
if (playerLives == 0) {
gameMode = "gameover";
dialog.message.text = "Game Over!";
} else {
gameMode = "dead";
dialog.message.text = "He Got You!";
// player collides with objects
public function getObject(objectNum:int) {
// award points for treasure
if (otherObjects[objectNum] is Treasure) {
var pb:PointBurst = new PointBurst(gamelevel,100,otherObjects[objectNum].x,otherObjects[objectNum].y);
// got the key, add to inventory
} else if (otherObjects[objectNum] is Key) {
pb = new PointBurst(gamelevel,"Got Key!" ,otherObjects[objectNum].x,otherObjects[objectNum].y);
// hit the door, end level if hero has the key
} else if (otherObjects[objectNum] is Door) {
if (playerObjects.indexOf("Key") == -1) return;
if (otherObjects[objectNum].currentFrame == 1) {
// got the chest, game won
} else if (otherObjects[objectNum] is Chest) {
// add points to score
public function addScore(numPoints:int) {
gameScore += numPoints;
scoreDisplay.text = String(gameScore);
// update player lives
public function showLives() {
livesDisplay.text = String(playerLives);
// level over, bring up dialog
public function levelComplete() {
gameMode = "done";
var dialog:Dialog = new Dialog();
dialog.x = 175;
dialog.y = 100;
dialog.message.text = "Level Complete!";
// game over, bring up dialog
public function gameComplete() {
gameMode = "gameover";
var dialog:Dialog = new Dialog();
dialog.x = 175;
dialog.y = 100;
dialog.message.text = "You Got the Treasure!";
// dialog button clicked
public function clickDialogButton(event:MouseEvent) {
// new life, restart, or go to next level
if (gameMode == "dead") {
// reset hero
hero.mc.x = hero.startx;
hero.mc.y = hero.starty;
gameMode = "play";
} else if (gameMode == "gameover") {
} else if (gameMode == "done") {
// give stage back the keyboard focus
stage.focus = stage;
// clean up game
public function cleanUp() {
The error is with the following line and is occurring because the referenced MovieClip does not have a frame labelled "jump":
My guess is that you made a change to the MovieClip which contains your character and, in doing so, removed the label which the code above references.

OOXML : keep images displayed after moving the header content to to the body

I am using open XML SDK and I want to move the content of content control (containing images) from the header to the body, the problem that images does not show after moving. After copying the content control content I am adding the image parts in this way :
foreach (var headerPart in wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.HeaderParts)
SdtBlock sdtToSave = this.FindSdtBlock(contentControlTag, headerPart );
if (sdtToSave != null)
foreach (var imagePart in headerPart.ImageParts)
ImagePart newPart = mainPart.AddImagePart(imagePart.ContentType);
this.GenerateImagePartContent(newPart, imagePart.GetStream()); }
private void GenerateImagePartContent(ImagePart imagePart, Stream partStream)
then if I add this lines :
Paragraph paragraph = sdtToSave.SdtContentBlock.GetFirstChild<Paragraph>();
Run run = new Run();
private Drawing GenerateDrawing(String relationshipID)
Drawing drawing1 = new Drawing();
Inline inline1 = new Inline() { DistanceFromTop = (UInt32Value)0U, DistanceFromBottom = (UInt32Value)0U, DistanceFromLeft = (UInt32Value)0U, DistanceFromRight = (UInt32Value)0U };
Extent extent1 = new Extent() { Cx = 152400L, Cy = 152400L };
EffectExtent effectExtent1 = new EffectExtent() { LeftEdge = 0L, TopEdge = 0L, RightEdge = 0L, BottomEdge = 0L };
DocProperties docProperties1 = new DocProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "Image 1" };
NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties nonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties1 = new NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties();
A.GraphicFrameLocks graphicFrameLocks1 = new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true };
graphicFrameLocks1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main");
A.Graphic graphic1 = new A.Graphic();
graphic1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main");
A.GraphicData graphicData1 = new A.GraphicData() { Uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/picture" };
Pic.Picture picture1 = new Pic.Picture();
picture1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("pic", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/picture");
Pic.NonVisualPictureProperties nonVisualPictureProperties1 = new Pic.NonVisualPictureProperties();
Pic.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties1 = new Pic.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)0U, Name = "AddTo_Blink.png" };
Pic.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties nonVisualPictureDrawingProperties1 = new Pic.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties();
Pic.BlipFill blipFill1 = new Pic.BlipFill();
A.Blip blip1 = new A.Blip() { Embed = relationshipID };
A.BlipExtensionList blipExtensionList1 = new A.BlipExtensionList();
A.BlipExtension blipExtension1 = new A.BlipExtension() { Uri = "{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}" };
A14.UseLocalDpi useLocalDpi1 = new A14.UseLocalDpi() { Val = false };
useLocalDpi1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("a14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2010/main");
A.Stretch stretch1 = new A.Stretch();
A.FillRectangle fillRectangle1 = new A.FillRectangle();
Pic.ShapeProperties shapeProperties1 = new Pic.ShapeProperties();
A.Transform2D transform2D1 = new A.Transform2D();
A.Offset offset1 = new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L };
A.Extents extents1 = new A.Extents() { Cx = 152400L, Cy = 152400L };
A.PresetGeometry presetGeometry1 = new A.PresetGeometry() { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle };
A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList1 = new A.AdjustValueList();
return drawing1;
all images are shown at the end of body.
From the OXML SDK productivity tool I can see that bookmarks are used to insert images inside a paragraph.
To summarize, I want to know how to keep images when moving content controls from header to the body.
When you add your image part to the mainPart, it will be given a relId which is unlikely to be the same as the relId it had in the headerPart. So you'll have to adjust the relId in the drawing (Embed = relationshipID) to match.

AS2 TweenLite: tween to frame

I have the following setup loaded:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
and am using the following code to tween an mc to frame 20.
TweenLite.to(circle, 1, {frame:20, ease:Elastic.easeOut});
Problem is nothing happens, circle is a variable containing my mc and traces fine.
Output of
trace(circle); = _level0.circle
Can anyone see why this isn't working? The MC contains a shapetween.
Ok so I have tested it in a new fla with the same MC and it isn't the MC that is the problem it has to do with some other part of my code preventing it.
Here is my entire code... can anyone see anything that would stop the tween to frame working? If I remove for (MovieClip in txts) {
txts[MovieClip]._alpha = 0;
} and put the tween above it it works, but as soon as it is inside a rollover again it doesn't.
Entire code:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
TweenPlugin.activate([ColorTransformPlugin, FramePlugin]);
var angle:Number = 0;
var originX:Number = Stage.width/2;
var originY:Number = Stage.height/2;
var radiusX:Number = 320.5;
var radiusY:Number = 247.5;
var steps:Number = 360;
var speed:Number = 0.4/steps;
var circle:MovieClip = this.circle;
var circleTxt:MovieClip = this.circle.titleTxt;
var squareHeight:Number = 340.2;
var buttons:Array = new Array(this.faith, this.social, this.ability, this.age, this.orientation, this.ethnicity, this.sex);
var txts:Array = new Array("faithTxt", "socialTxt", "abilityTxt", "ageTxt", "orientationTxt", "ethnicityTxt", "sexTxt");
var tweens:Array = new Array();
for (MovieClip in txts) {
txts[MovieClip]._alpha = 0;
for (i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].onRollOver = function() {
var current:MovieClip = this;
circle.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._currentframe == 20) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete circleTxt.onEnterFrame;
current.txt._alpha = 100;
txtName = current._name+"Txt";
current.txt = this._parent.attachMovie(txtName, txtName, this._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
current.txt._alpha = 0;
circle.txtHeight = circle.active.txt._height/2+40;
var oppX:Number = Stage.width-this._x;
var oppY:Number = Stage.height-this._y;
if (oppX-227.8<=20) {
var difference:Number = Math.abs(20-(oppX-227.8));
oppX += difference;
} else if (oppX+227.8>=Stage.width-20) {
var difference:Number = Math.abs(780-(oppX+227.8));
oppX -= difference;
if (oppY-172.1<=20) {
var difference:Number = Math.abs(20-(oppY-172.1));
oppY += difference;
} else if (oppY+172.1>=580) {
var difference:Number = Math.abs(580-(oppY+172.1));
oppY -= difference;
circle.active.txt._x = oppX;
circle.active.txt._y = oppY;
TweenLite.to(circle,1,{_x:oppX, _y:oppY, ease:Quint.easeInOut});
TweenLite.to(this,0.5,{colorTransform:{tint:0x99ff00, tintAmount:0.5}});
for (MovieClip in buttons) {
delete buttons[MovieClip].onEnterFrame;
if (buttons[MovieClip] != this) {
TweenLite.to(buttons[MovieClip],0.5,{colorTransform:{tint:0xffffff, tintAmount:0.9}});
TweenLite.to(buttons[MovieClip]._line,0.5,{colorTransform:{tint:0xffffff, tintAmount:0.9}});
buttons[i].onRollOut = function() {
circle.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete circleTxt.onEnterFrame;
TweenLite.to(circle,0.5,{_x:Stage.width/2, _y:Stage.height/2});
for (MovieClip in buttons) {
buttons[MovieClip].onEnterFrame = function() {
TweenLite.to(buttons[MovieClip],0.5,{colorTransform:{tint:null, tintAmount:0}});
TweenLite.to(buttons[MovieClip]._line,0.5,{colorTransform:{tint:null, tintAmount:0}});
buttons[i].onEnterFrame = function() {
buttons[i]._order = (360/buttons.length)*1000+(i+1);
buttons[i]._linedepth = buttons[i].getDepth()-1000;
function noScale(mc) {
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._yscale = 10000/this._parent._yscale;
function moveButtons(e) {
var lineName:String = new String(e._name+"line");
var lineMC:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(lineName, e._linedepth);
with (lineMC) {
e.rotation = Math.atan2(e._y-Stage.height/2, e._x-Stage.width/2);
e._line.dist = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(e._x-Stage.width/2) ^ 2+Math.abs(e._y-Stage.height/2) ^ 2);
e._line = lineMC;
e._anglePhase = (angle+e._order)/Math.PI*2.8;
e._x = originX+Math.sin(e._anglePhase)*radiusX;
e._y = originY+Math.cos(e._anglePhase)*radiusY;
function controlButtons(e) {
angle += speed;
if (angle>=360) {
angle -= 360;
Heh Solved, for some reason it doesn't like for (MovieClip in Array){} anywhere in your code, so if I substitute that for for (a in Array){} it seems to work. Odd.
