Gps (Location) On and off functionality - ios

I am using Swift 3.1 in my application. I am new to Swift programming.
I have to turn GPS on and off (Location) by button clicking from my app.
If I select GPS on, then the screen should navigate to another view controller.

The system automatically handles this and you as a developer don't have direct access to turning the GPS on/off. When you call any methods of CLLocation requiring the user's location (such as CLLocationManager().requestLocation() or CLLocationManager().startUpdatingLocation()), the system will handle the GPS on its own.


How to hide Location icon in an iOS app on screens that do not require it?

I am developing an iOS app with Xamarin.iOS.
I have granted permissions to use Location Services, and the Location icon is visible in the Status Bar as long as the app is running.
However, my app needs to get the current location on one screen only - the rest of the time location is not needed.
Is it possible to turn off (hide) the Locations icon when app is not really using it?
Answers I found are for old iOS versions or work on jailbroken phones. It is my understanding that Apple is preventing this now. I would appreciate a confirmation if this is at all possible or not. Or if it is possible - some Xamarin / Objective-C /Swift examples would be great.
U mean the airplane ICON in status bar?
This ICON will show when APP using location service, try to stop or remove your location request or mapView, your map SDK have their own interface, like:
locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc]init];
[locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
and be sure other APP not using location service.
but it NOT sure the service will stop immediately, location manager just a monitor to system.
You can use requestAlwaysAuthorization instead of requestWhenInUseAuthorization on CLLocationManager.
NOTE : Provide the related NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in the
info.plist file, and then Blue Banner will not display.

IOS side loaded App changing current location

Trying to develop my first application which will just be side loaded to my device. I am unsure if I can even do what I'm looking for; I'm trying to change the current location on my device via my application. I know this is done with the Xcode debugger but can it be done solely on the application with no connection to the computer? Basically I have a few buttons, each one I want to change the location to somewhere different. Do I just code the coordinates to set with the button and thats all? Will this show on my maps application and such? Thanks.
What you ask is not possible. The GPS hardware is what reports location to the phone. Xcode is able to do this because it is reporting location to the simulator, which has no GPS hardware on its own

Turn by turn navigation iOS app using MapKit

I am developing an iOS app. It can provide turn by turn navigation. With MKDirectionsRequest, code can get navigation routes from device's current location to the destination. CoreLocation updates the device current location coordinates.
How can I check if the device follows the direction routes after the device starts to move?
Any API can change viewing map perspective from top view to street view in MKMapView?
Normal GPS provides this feature when the driver drives to local after off the highway.

Location updates issue for iOS 7

I'm developing an iOS map application, so it's essential to receive location data consistently.
What is happening now is that the system allows the to app load the map and that's it!
The location getting instruction seems to freeze, even the network traffic indicator at the top bar disappears. Simply when I go to Settings->Privacy->Location Updates, switch off location updates for my app and then switch it back on. The map loads the current location.
What could be the possible causes to this?, please advice.
[_mapView setUserTrackingMode:MKUserTrackingModeFollow animated:YES];
This will smoothly follow the users current location. If you drag the map it will even set the tracking mode back to MKUserTrackingModeNone which is usually the behaviour you want.

CLLocationManager best practices

I'm using a CLLocationManager (_locationManager) to track user location within my tab application to enable tracking movement in the background. There is a record button, which when pressed, begins tracking and drawing a polyline of the user's movements. The [_locationManager startUpdatingLocation] is called in viewDidLoad of the MapViewController within my UITabBarController. Is it best practice to tell the _locationManager to stop updating the location when the user switches to another tab (If the application is not recording)? Or should I let it keep going? The reason I ask is because i use kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation if enabled in the settings, and I know there are battery concerns if left to run.
There is one basic rule: if you need the data, then keep it on, else, turn it off.
