Google alerts feed not creating properly - keyword

I am passing following keywords string while creating alert:-
"Digital Marketing" OR "Search Engine Optimisation" OR "Social Media Management" OR Analytics OR "Content Marketing" OR "Google AdWords" OR "Google Analytcs" OR Facebook OR LinkedIn OR Twitter OR Snapchat OR "Online Marketing" OR "Internet Marketing" OR "web marketing" OR SEO OR PPC OR "Inbound Marketing" OR "Digital Media" OR "Mobile Marketing" OR "Mobile Advertising" OR "Facebook Advertising" OR "Blogging" OR "Email Marketing" OR "Youtube Advertising" OR "Local Marketing"
But it says There are no results for the query.
Once new results are published on the web they will appear here.
And also there is no mail being sent for ths alert.
What can be the reason? How can I solve this.

Create one by picking a search query for Google to track for you. Next, click on Manage Alerts and hit the Edit button on an alert you want to get an RSS feed for. Under the “Deliver to” option, change the option from your email address to “Feed.” Hit the blue Save button.


Setting up Google Sheets for Developers with node.js, after allowing my API to view my spreadshhets, it redirects to a "Page not found"

I'm trying to get the Google Sheets API to work with node and I've got as far that it asks me to sign it with my Google account and the allow the app to view my Google Spreadsheets. After I press allow it redirects me to a Page not found saying "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". In the URL it reads "code=4" but I can't find what this stands for. I'm currently stuck in my console waiting for a code from this page. .
My code is the exact same as on the API documentation but I had to change "credentials.installed" to just "credentials" because otherwise it didn't work.
Has it maybe something to do with my callback URIs? I have both "Authorised JavaScript origins" and Authorised redirect URIs" as just "http://localhost:8080".
My credentials.JSON looks like this
In summary: I get a "Page not found" instead of the code that you're supposed to paste to the console after I press the "Accept" button.
I selected "web application" instead of "desktop application". Just download credentials JSON and copy code directly from quick start and it will work. My bad.

Post a message to a specific MS Teams Channel using deep link

I am able to go to a specific channel using :
but how do i send a message to the channel using deep linking URI?
I tried
but it just opens the channel in MSTeams
You can use share-to-teams button for posting message to teams channel withtout using api.
It really looks like MS doesn't support doing this via a simple URL (as of October 2021). As noted, the graph API should provide a way to do it but is complex to setup and get started with.
The best option I've found is to use an HTML mailto: link (see and set the mail's "To" to the address from the team's "..." > "Get email address" dialog.
This pops up a compose window in your mail client (e.g. Outlook) and all you have to do is click Send to post it to your team channel. It supports passing through formatted text, and the email's subject is displayed prominently as the title of a new MS Teams Conversation.

How to get Youtube channel page id for creating Google BQ DTS

How to get YouTube channel page id for creating Google BigQuery Data Transfer Service YouTube Channel as data source.
Trying to create transfer service from BQ console and CLI. Getting the following error from console and CLI.
Now I am using the pageId from this YouTube Channel URL:
From CLI:
bq mk --transfer_config --project_id=test-dts --target_dataset=YTChannelDTS --display_name='YTChannelTest' --params='{"page_id":"XXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYY","table_suffix":"MT","configure_jobs":"true"}' --data_source='youtube_channel'
BigQuery error in mk operation: Request contains an invalid argument.
From Console: refer the below image(error marked in red colour).
Navigate to in order to see your YouTube account settings. You will then see a value for YouTube Channel ID. This is what you pass to BigQuery.
Update: After trying to replicate the above steps on a project that I was the Owner on, I encountered the same error message. The workaround was to:
Go to the IAM admin page
Select the project that will be housing your data transfer BigQuery dataset
Find your account
Add the BigQuery Admin privilege to your account
Retry the steps to set up your data transfer
Besides "Channel page ID", the help button says that it needs "The page ID of the Google+ page associated with the channel."
You can get it by visiting Google plus and then clicking on profile. The pageID will get appended to the URL:< pageID >
I cannot fully test this because I have just set up a reporting job and it can take up to 48 hours to get created so, for me, right now it fails with a "No reporting jobs found - please ensure that reporting jobs exist." but it looks that the transfer itself was created correctly.
On a side note, Gplus will soon be discontinued for personal accounts so, for such transfers to still work after April 2 on such accounts, I think you'll probably need to "Move channel to Brand Account". This option can be found under Account settings

Account Linking on Actions on Google Step by step

I'm new at Actions on Google and I've never done account linking. I'd like to link my web server with Google account. Can anyone explain me how to do account linking step by step. I found link but when I run simulation it says "It looks like your apial account is not linked yet. You can link apial to your Google Account from the Google Home app.". What am I supposed to do next?
In the web simulator, when it states "It looks like your XYZ account is not linked yet", it'll provide something like the following on the response log on the right:
"name": "Account Linking Url",
"debugInfo": ""
You can copy & paste that link into your browser, and it'll take you to the OAuth provider that you set up, asking you to authorize your API.AI app. If the process succeeds, you'll eventually be redirected to, as an indication that the process worked.
Of course, if you have an actual Google Home, you can open your Google Home app and follow the process there instead.

How to setup facebook app for localhost?

Today, I've been trying to setup facebook app for localhost and I couldn't find the right solution for it. It was working in the past and I don't know what facebook updated with it...
Here's what I did:
I've created test app from one of my public app
In settings, I set site domain as "localhost" and site url as "http://localhost:8888/"
In settings/advanced, I set Valid OAuth redirect URIs as "http://localhost:8888/" again.
And when I try to login, I got the error message like below:
"error": {
"message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 191
Also I have public ip for my localhost and I tried to set it instead of localhost like "" but it's still not working.
I'm really embarrased because it was working before. Can someone please help me out with this ?
Thanks in advance.
Here are the steps that worked for me getting my local app working with Facebook:
Part I:
Hover over the "MyApp" drop-down to the right and click "Add an app" or click [Create an APP] if that is the only option you see.
Click "Settings" to the top left
copy 'App Id' and 'Secret Id' to FACEBOOK_APP_ID and FACEBOOK_SECRET_ID in your .env file
enter the app domain (eg: localhost or, etc.)
click [+ Add Platform] button on the bottom of the screen and then choose "Website". Enter http://localhost:8000
click [Save Changes]
Part II:
click [+Add Product] to the bottom left
choose Facebook Login
Click on "Settings" underneath "Facebook Login"
Enter your callback URL under Valid OAuth redirect URIs (eg: http://localhost:8000/login/facebook/callback)
Turn on OAuth login for your desired allowed device types
Click [Save Changes]
Part III:
click "App Review" near the top left of the screen
switch the "Make [your app name] public?" slider to "Yes"
