How monitor iPhone 's background process? - ios

i wanna activate my app through the ibeacon device advertising, then my app monitor the advertise and will be active in background, but i don't know how long will it can be active. how monitor the background process? when the app's status is Active , until it's status is killed?
enter image description here

Apple provides support for iBeacons that will let you monitor beacons even if your app is in the background, or not running at all. Take a look at CLBeaconRegion and the Core Location manager. You set up one or more beacon regions and ask the system to begin monitoring them.
(You'll have to ask the user for permission to monitor beacon regions before it will work. Otherwise your API calls will fail.)


IOS Getting location updates when app terminated without using significantChange

I apologise for the redundancy of this topic, but in spite all the given answers, I can't identify the possibility of getting accuracyBest location updates when the app is terminated.
I don't want to use monitoringSignificantChange, I want the best possible accuracy; I won't submit the app on the AppStore, so Apple restrictions are not a problem either.
I have gone through these:
-Location update even when app is killed/terminated
-iOS update location even when app is terminated
-Working with location updates when app is terminated
and many more, but it is not clear whereas it's possible or not. I currently have my project, everything works great with significantChange but I now need better accuracy.
Could somebody tell me straight forward if getting best accuracy location update when app is killed is possible please ?
Thank you infinitely,
Looking at the below content from the Apple doc, you clearly have 2 alternatives against using significant location changes to wake a app from the background. I have marked in bold the services you can use to relaunch the app if it has been terminated.
Using Location Services in the Background Most location services are
meant to be used while your app is in the foreground but some can also
run in the background. In some cases, location events can even cause
your app to be relaunched to process an event. To run most location
services in the background, you need to enable the location updates
background mode in the Capabilities tab of your Xcode project. For
services that launch your app, you need to request (and be granted)
“Always” authorization from the user.
The standard location service delivers events normally while an app is
running in the foreground. When your app is in the background, this
service delivers events only when the location-updates background mode
is enabled for the app. This service does not relaunch iOS apps that
have been terminated.
The significant location change service delivers events normally
while an app is running in the foreground or background. For a
terminated iOS app, this service relaunches the app to deliver
events. Use of this service requires “Always” authorization from the
The region monitoring service delivers events normally while an
app is running in the foreground or background. (You can use this
service for both geographic and beacon regions.) For a terminated
iOS app, this service relaunches the app to deliver events. Use of
this service requires “Always” authorization from the user.
Beacon ranging delivers events normally while an app is running in the
foreground. When your app is in the background, this service delivers
events only when the location-updates background mode is enabled for
the app and the standard location service is running. (If the beacon
region’s notifyEntryStateOnDisplay property is YES, waking the device
causes the app to range for beacons for a few seconds in the
background.) This service does not relaunch iOS apps that have been
terminated; however, you can be relaunched by monitoring beacon
regions using the region monitoring service.
The heading service delivers events normally while an iOS app is
running in the foreground. When your app is in the background, this
service delivers events only when the location-updates background mode
is enabled for the app and the standard location service is running.
This service does not relaunch iOS apps that have been terminated.
The visit service delivers events normally while an iOS app is
running in the foreground. When your app is in the background, this
service delivers events only when the location-updates background mode
is enabled for the app and the standard location service is running.
For a terminated iOS app, this service relaunches the app to deliver events. Use of this service requires “Always” authorization from the
Enabling the location-updates background mode ensures that an app
continues to receive location events while in the background. When the
app moves to the background, the system adds the location-services
indicator to the status bar to let the user know that an app is using
location services. The system may still terminate the app at any time
to reclaim its memory or other resources.
Also from the doc,
Getting the Visited Locations
In iOS, the visits service provides an alternative to the significant location change service for apps that need location
information about interesting places that the user visited. For
example, if the user is in one location for an extended period of
time, the service might generate an event when the user arrives at
that location and another when the user leaves that location. The
service is intended for apps that might already be using the
significant location change service and want an even lower power way
to do so. You would not use this service to create navigation apps or
apps that rely on regular location updates.
Document Link:
Continuous location updates stop when your app is terminated.
Geo-fence notices will re-launch your app even if it's not running. I think a significant location change will also relaunch you're app but I'm not as sure about that.
Once you're relaunched you can start location updates again with the accuracy set to best like you want, but I think you're going to need to use one of those two APIs to get relaunched again after you've been terminated.

iOS Bluetooth monitoring without iBeacon monitoring

I am trying to create an app that wakes up to background mode whenever it detects a new peripheral that advertises a pre-defined service. I want the wakeup to happen even if the user minimized the app, the app was suspended, the app was killed by the user or the app was killed by the system. Obviously I also want the app to be accepted to the app store (so don't suggest solutions like adding all possible UIBackgroundModes and run in the background forever...).
I can add bluetooth-central to the UIBackgroundModes because my app fits the description here - it needs to communicate with a peripheral in the background.
I found some documentation here about State Preservation and Restoration. It describes a scenario where an app connects to a bluetooth door lock, and the connection breaks because the user went far away from the door. From what I understand, when the user returns to the door and the iPhone detects the door lock (by its MAC address, I suppose), it reconnects to the door lock and wakes up the app in Background mode (please correct me if I am wrong).
I don't want to preserve a connection to the peripheral (and waste its battery). I want the app to run scanForPeripheralWithServices that will wake up the app when a new peripheral is detected, even if the app was killed\suspended by the user\system.
I found a relevant answer here to a different question, saying I could simulate an app-termination-by-the-OS using kill(getpid(), SIGKILL); and then, if my app uses State Preservation & Restoration, it should wake up (right?).
When my app detects a new\old peripheral, I want it to create a quick connection, read some characteristics and disconnect. Unforetunately this is not possible with iBeacon Monitoring that does not give a Peripheral object (only a region). I know I can detect the peripheral by running scanForPeripheralsWithServices after my app enters the iBeacon region, but this feels strange - a direct continuous scanForPeripheralsWithServices that survives suspension & kill, would make much more sense.
Any ideas?
If you know for sure that this is not possible, and depending on iBeacon Monitoring is the only way, please let me know.
The key part of the question is:
I want the app to run scanForPeripheralWithServices that will wake up the app when a new peripheral is detected, even if the app was killed\suspended by the user\system.
Unfortunately, this is not possible with CoreBluetooth alone. If the user kills an app, it will not get new OS launch events from CoreBluetooth unless the user manually launches the app again.
Fortunately, CoreLocation does not have this restriction. Since iOS 7.1, it will launch a killed app to notify it of a Bluetooth beacon detection. This would allow you a few seconds of background running time to scan for peripherals.

DidEnterRegion only called if requestAlwaysAuthorization is called. Beacons

didEnterRegion and didExitRegion are only called after I request and allow Always Authorization for CoreLocation
Even if I request WhenInUseAuthorization didExit and didEnter won't be called
How am I supposed to trigger ranging of beacons if I can't get this to be called?
Any solutions?
Apple rejected my app for calling requestAlwaysAuthorization()
Here is my question submitted to the review team this morning:
In order to monitor beacon regions (a very core functionality of beacons used in many apps including some Apple apps) you need to have the user allow the app to access location even when not using the app. I am using .requestAlwaysAuthorization to enable beacons to monitor in the background. Why won't this be allowed?
Apples response this afternoon on iTunes Connect:
Thank you for your feedback. However, background location is not necessary for iBeacon functionality. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the background location feature before resubmission.
So if beacons are supposed to automatically monitor regions in the background, but I can't ask permission for background monitoring and beacons won't monitor in the background unless I get permission, how then am I supposed to monitor regions in the background??
Do you mean when the app is in the background? If so, then it is true that didEnterRegion and didExitRegion don't get called with only a WhenInUseAuthorization. They will only get called when you app is in the foreground and you enter/exit a region
background location is not necessary for iBeacon functionality. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the background location feature before resubmission.
It seems that your app was rejected because of the Background Modes (specifically, the "location updates" mode), no the "always" authorization. You don't need any Background Modes enabled for beacon monitoring to work in the background, the "always" authorization is enough.
Simply disable the Background Modes capability in your project settings and you should be good!
Unfortunately, you must request Always Allow location access to use region monitoring with beacons.
From the docs:
Apps must have always authorization to use region monitoring, and they must be configured with the Location updates background mode to be launched.

How does Venmo bring an app into the foreground in iOS for their iBeacon feature?

From, they suggest that they were able to forcibly bring app into the foreground:
"Whenever a device enters a beacon region, it briefly launches the Venmo app into the foreground in order to broadcast its peer identifier over the MPC framework, thus establishing a Nearby connection. In other words, whenever our users open Venmo to pay or charge the people they are around, they can instantly emit a beacon signal that momentarily wakes up their friends’ devices to connect and populate the user's Nearby drawer."
Every post on here about this suggests this isn't possible. Can someone explain?
I suspect that "foreground" is a simplification and that Venmo actually takes advantage of the iOS location background capabilities (the iOS location background mode is also applicable to iBeacon); meaning the app doesn't actually enter the foreground, but is launched into the background to complete the necessary tasks even if the app has been terminated.
Here's a bit of info from the docs about iBeacon background usage:

Time spend around a beacon

What should be the correct approach to identify time spend around a beacon[not within a region] in background. I am able to do this when app is in foreground using didRangeBeacons and some business logic.I read on few forums that ranging does work when app has registered for location updates in background, but i am having no success. I have added the location updates key for UIBackgroundModes in plist.
I am using estimote beacons and their sdk.
I see two possible solutions here:
Listen for enter and exit region events, store the timestamps and then use them to calculate the time span on exit. If you define your region so that it encompasses only one beacon, monitoring the region will be equivalent to monitoring the beacon. The only thing to keep in mind is that iOS imposes a limit of 20 regions to be monitored at the same time - so this solution doesn't scale above 20 beacons.
Use ranging in the background. Apart from the UIBackgroundModes, you also need to start regular location services, i.e. startUpdatingLocation.
Beacon ranging delivers events normally while an app is running in the foreground. When your app is in the background, this service delivers events only when the location-updates background mode is enabled for the app and the standard location service is running.
(this is from CLLocationManager class reference, section "Using Location Services in the Background")
Note that ranging in the background will be draining the battery life more than usual, and Apple also requires justification for using the background modes. Unless there's some value for the user of your app coming from the background modes, they might choose to reject it. All in all, use the background ranging wisely! (:
