DynamoDB Timeseries Table Design - time-series

I have a few weather stations that I'm collecting data for. The data comes in roughly every 15 minutes or so. Each data packet contains several measurements like pressure, temperature, humidity, etc.
The data would be queried in multiple ways:
display latest values for all measurements at a station
display a historical chart for a single measurement (for ex. temperature)
Proposed Tables:
STATIONS: hash-key: station-id
Contains metadata information about the stations
STATION_X_MEASUREMENT_DATA: hash-key: measurement-type, range-key: timestamp
Where X is the station ID. Each record contains the measurement value for a specific measurement type and time. Each station will have its own data table so that the data can be removed by dropping a table when a station is no longer in service.
STATION_SUMMARY: hash-key: station_id
Contains the latest/current values for all measurement types for each station
Should I have two separate tables (summary and individual measurments) or should I just query the latest measurements when I want to display the summary?
Should I store the measurement types as individual records or combined into a single records for a specific timestamp?
If I were to store all measurements in a combined record with timestamp as range key, would it be worth to use minutes or seconds as the partition key? I'm afraid that would make querying more complicated.
Is there anything else I should change/improve? Are there better alternatives?

Should I have two separate tables (summary and individual measurments)
or should I just query the latest measurements when I want to display
the summary?
I don't see how you can have one table. In the measurement data you will have an item per measurement, while in the summary table every item will have static information about stations. If you are going to add them into a single table, are you going to duplicate summary information?
Also having two separate tables allows you to set different RCU/WCU for tables. I guess that station summary is rarely written, so you can set a low WCU, and higher a RCU, while measurement data is often written and may not be read so often. Again your settings can reflect this.
Now, do you want to have separate table for stations and stations summaries? It depends on your data and access patterns, but it is a common pattern to split heave detailed information into a separate table, and compact representation (maybe subset of fields) into a different table. It allows you to save some serious number of RCUs if you have requests like get-all-stations, since probably they don't require detailed info.
Should I store the measurement types as individual records or combined
into a single records for a specific timestamp?
The only difference that I see is that you can compress several measurements into a binary blob and store it into one item. If your measurements have some repetitions (LZW algorithm?) or if data does not change one from measurement to measurement (delta encoding?). In the later case instead of writing 202, 203, 202, you can write 22, 1, -1 or something like this.
Keep in mind that an item is limited to 400KB so you can't jam a lot of data in one item.
Also keep in mind that for a single partition key you can't have more than 10GB of data, so you need to have a strategy for how you are going to handle that. Notice that this does not depend on number of items or size of individual items.
If you don't have a lot of data you may be fine having just an item per measurement. If you have a lot of data and you need to decrease AWS cost, then you probably will be better having compressed arrays of measurements
If I were to store all measurements in a combined record with
timestamp as range key, would it be worth to use minutes or seconds as
the partition key? I'm afraid that would make querying more
Hard to say. How many records do you have per second? Per minute? Maybe it makes sense to aggregate per hour to get better results from compression? Or maybe for a day? It depends on your data.
Is there anything else I should change/improve? Are there better alternatives?
You can have different tables for different time intervals. Newer data can have high WCU/RCU config, while older data will have low WCU (can you write in the past?) and lower RCU. Old data can be transferred to S3. Also you can use DynamoDB TTL to automatically remove old tables if you need to.


How to use kdb+ to track an arbitrary number of IOT scalar streams?

I am trying to use kdb+ to capture and do aggregations on a number of sensory streams collated from iot sensors.
Each sensor has a unique identifier a time component (.z.z) and a scalar value:
percepts:([]time:`datetime$(); id:`symbol$(); scalar:`float$())
However because the data is temporal in nature, it would seem logical to maintain separate perceptual/sensory streams in different columns, i.e.:
time id_1 id_2 ...
15 0.15 ...
16 ... 1.5
However appending to a table indicatively only supports row operations in the insert fashion i.e. percepts insert (.z.z; `id_1; 0.15)
Seen as though I would like to support an large and non-static number of sensors in this setup, it would seem like an anti-pattern to append rows of the aforementioned format, before doing a transformation thereafter to turn the rows into columns based on their id. Would it be possible/necessary to create a table with a dynamic (growing) number of columns based upon new feature streams?
How would one most effectively implement logic that allows the insertion of columnar time series data averting the need to do a transform on row based data?
You can add data to a specific column. For that make following changes:
Make time column as key either permanently or during an update operation.
Use upsert to add data and pass data in table format.
Update function that I have mentioned below is specific to your example but you can make it more generic. It takes sensor name and sensor data as input. It performs 3 steps:
It first checks if the table is empty, in that case, set table schema as input dataset schema(which according to your example should be time and sensor name columns) and also make time as a primary key.
If the table has data but the column is missing for new sensor then first add a column with null float values and then upsert the data.
If a column is already there then just upsert the data.
q)t:() / table to store all sensors data
q)upd:{[s;tbl] `t set $[0=count t;`time xkey 0#tbl;not s in cols t;![t;();0b;enlist[s]!enlist count[t]#0Nf];t] upsert tbl}
time id1 id2
2019.08.26T13:35:43.203 14.4
2019.08.26T13:35:46.861 2.3
Some points regarding your design:
If all sensors are not sending data for each time entry then the table will have a lot of null values (similar to the sparse matrix) which would be waste of memory and will have some impact on queries as well.
In that case, you can consider other design depending on your use case. For example, instead of storing each time entry, store data in time buckets. Another option is to group related sensors in a different table instead of storing all in one.
Another point you need to consider is you will have a fat table if you keep on adding sensors to it and that has its own issues. Also, it will become a single bottleneck point which could be an issue in the future and scaling it would be hard.
For small sensor sets, the current design is good but if you are planning to add many sensors in future then look into other design options.

Time series data representation in MarkLogic

Time-series data such as historical stock prices are usually stored in an RDBMS.
I am evaluating various options to use this data, possibly store it in doc store or triple store in MarkLogic, and build some use cases on this data and/or along with the other kind of data stored in the doc/triple store.
Essentially, I am looking for ways to
Store time series data such as historical stock prices in a MarkLogic database.
Ways to query this data (stored in ML or queried across the RDBMS), through XQuery for example.
Ways to query this data, along with the other data stored in the doc/triple store.
I would appreciate any recommendations in this regard.
Added some more info...
I am trying to figure a neat way of capturing this data as triples. The idea being that it would be nice to link this data with other related data. For example, if the historical stock price we are trying to store is for HSBC listed on NYSE, then we can in some way define resources for HSBC and NYSE and also capture the stock price as literals (perhaps) and then link the resource HSBC with for example, the company information stored in dbpedia.
Essentially, I am talking about creating linked data, such that it is easy to query across data fetched from different sources and also if possible, try to use inferencing. For example, if I use this approach, it would be possible for me to run a query such as 'Get me the stock price of the companies headquartered in London, whose turnover is greater than $1billion'.
You have 2 alternatives. Either you have 1 big document for each series, or you have 1 document per price. The former is not recommended, as the latter let you better use the index system, especially a range index on the timestamp.
I worked on a system using MarkLogic, which was essentially a system to store time series. We used 1 document per point in the series (as well as 1 document for the series itself, for its "metadata", all information common across all the points in the series). We also put all documents relative to 1 series in 1 collection. We used a naming scheme for the document URIs based on the timestamp and a unique ID per series, so we can easily guarantee the uniqueness of the document URIs.
An important point is to have the series point documents to reference their series document (either explicitly or just by being in the same collection), instead of the other way around.
As per querying, it depends on your specific use cases, but typically you will use a search constraint on the collection to identify one (or several) series, and a range index on the timestamp to select a "slice" of points in the series. If you have use cases like selecting points based on their value (instead of their time) you can do it as efficiently as you do it based on the timestamp, by using a range index on the values themselves.
I would recommend storing time-series data in a time-series database: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_series_database
Update 1:
You can define HSBC as an entity, specify meta-data for the entity such as location or headcount, and then store quarterly revenue and traded tick prices as separate time-series. Then you can run queries that a) filter by meta-data tag such as Location and filter by aggregation, e.g. MAX(price). I would store headcount as series as well actually. This way I can investigate correlations between different series for research and analytics.

Time Series Databases - Metrics vs. tags

I'm new with TSDB and I have a lot of temperature sensors to store in my database with one point per second. Is it better to use one unique metric per sensor, or only one metric (temperature for example) with distinct tags depending sensor??
I searched on Internet what is the best practice, but I didn't found a good answer...
Thank you! :-)
I will have 8 types of measurements (temperature, setpoint, energy, power,...) from 2500 sources
If you are storing your data in InfluxDB, I would recommend storing all the metrics in a single measurement and using tags to differentiate the sources, rather than creating a measurement per source. The reason being that you can trivially merge or decompose the metrics using tags within a measurement, but it is not possible in the newest InfluxDB to merge or join across measurements.
Ultimately the decision rests with both your choice of TSDB and the queries you care most about running.
For comparison purposes, in Axibase Time-Series Database you can store temperature as a metric and sensor id as entity name. ATSD schema has a notion of entity which is the name of system for which the data is being collected. The advantage is more compact storage and the ability to define tags for entities themselves, for example sensor location, sensor type etc. This way you can filter and group results not just by sensor id but also by sensor tags.
To give you an example, in this blog article 0601911 stands for entity id - which is EPA station id. This station collects several environmental metrics and at the same time is described with multiple tags in the database: http://axibase.com/environmental-monitoring-using-big-data/.
The bottom line is that you don't have to stage a second database, typically a relational one, just to store extended information about sensors, servers etc. for advanced reporting.
UPDATE 1: Sample network command:
series e:sensor-001 d:2015-08-03T00:00:00Z m:temperature=42.2 m:humidity=72 m:precipitation=44.3
Tags that describe sensor-001 such as location, type, etc are stored separately, minimizing storage footprint and speeding up queries. If you're collecting energy/power metrics you often have to specify attributes to series such as Status because data may not come clean/verified. You can use series tags for this purpose.
series e:sensor-001 d:2015-08-03T00:00:00Z m:temperature=42.2 ... t:status=Provisional
You should use one metric per sensor. You probably won't be needing to aggregate values from different temperature sensors, but you will be needing to aggregate values of a given sensor (average over a minute for instance).
Metrics correspond to data coming from the same source, or at least data you will be likely to aggregate. You can create almost as many metrics as you want (up to 16 million metrics in OpenTSDB for instance).
Tags make distinctions between these pieces of data. For instance, you could tag data differently if they suddenly change a lot, in order to retrieve only relevant data if needed, without losing the rest of the data. Although for a temperature sensor getting data every second, the best would probably be to filter and only store data when the value changed...
Best practices are summed up here

DB Selection and Modeling Time Series Data with Ad-Hoc queries

I have to develop a system for tracking/monitoring performance in a cellular network.
The domain includes a set of hierarchical elements, and each one has an associated set of counters that are reported periodically (every 15 minutes). The system should collect these counter values (available as large XML files) and periodically aggregate them on two dimensions: Time (from 15 to hour and from hour to day) and Hierarchy (lower level to higher level elements). The aggregation is most often a simple SUM but sometime requires average/min/max etc. Of course for the element dimension aggregation it needs to group by the hierarchy (group all children to one parent record). The user should be able to define and view KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) - that is, some calculations on the various counters. The KPI could be required for just one element, for several elements (producing a data-series for each) or as an aggregation for several elements (resulting in one data series of aggregated data.
There will be about 10-15 users to the system with probably 20-30 queries an hour. The query response time should be a few seconds (up to 10-15 for very large reports including many elements and long time period).
In high level, this is the flow:
Parse and Input Counter Data - there is a set of XML files which contains a periodical update of counters data for the elements. The size of all files is about 4GB / 15 minutes (so roughly 400GB/day).
Hourly Aggregation - once an hour all the collected counters, for all the elements should be aggregated - every 4 records related to an element are aggregated into one hourly record which should be stored.
Daily Aggregation - once a day, 2 all collected counters, for all elements should be aggregated - every 24 records related to an element are aggregated into one daily record.
Element Aggregation - with each one of the time-dimension aggregation it is possibly required to aggregate along the hierarchy of the elements - all records of child elements are aggregated into one record for the parent element.
KPI Definitions - there should be some way for the user to define a KPI. The KPI is a definition of a calculation based on counters from the same granularity (Time dimension). The calculation could (and will) involved more than one element level (e.g. p1.counter1 + sum(c1.counter1) where p1 is a parent of one or more records in c1).
User Interaction - the user can select one or more elements and one or more counters/KPIs, the granularity to use, the time period to view and whether or not to aggregate the selected data.
In case of aggregation, the results is one data-series that include the "added up" values for all the selected elements for each relevant point in time. In "SQL":
SELECT p1.time SUM(p1.counter1) / SUM(p1.counter2) * SUM(c1.counter1)
FROM p1_hour p1, c1_hour c1
WHERE p1.time > :minTime and p1.time < :maxTime AND p1.id in :id_list and join
GROUP BY p1.time
In case there is no aggregation need to keep the identifiers from p1 and have a data-series for each selected element
SELECT p1.time, p1.id, SUM(p1.counter1) / SUM(p1.counter2) * SUM(c1.counter1)
FROM p1_hour p1, c1_hour c1
WHERE p1.time > :minTime and p1.time < :maxTime AND p1.id in :id_list and join
The system has to keep data for 10, 100 and 1000 days for 15-min, hour and daily records. Following is a size estimate considering integer only columns at 4 bytes for storage with 400 counters for elements of type P, 50 for elements of type C and 400 for type GP:
As it adds up, I assume the based on DDL (in reality, DBs optimize storage) to 3.5-4 TB of data plus probably about 20-30% extra which will be required for indexes. For the child "tables", can get close to 2 billion records per table.
It is worth noting that from time to time I would like to add counters (maybe every 2-3 month) as the network evolves.
I once implemented a very similar system (though probably with less data) using Oracle. This time around I may not use a commercial DB and must revert to open source solutions. Also with the increase popularity of no-SQL and dedicated time-series DBs, maybe relational is not the way to go?
How would you approach such development? What are the products that could be used?
From a few days of research, I came up with the following
Use MySQL / PostGres
InfluxDB (or a similar product)
Cassandra + Spark
How could each solution would be used and what would be the advantages/disadvantages for each approach? If you can, elaborate or suggest also the overall (hardware) architecture to support this kind of development.
Comments and suggestions are welcome - preferably from people with hands on experience with similar project.
Going with Open Source RDBMS:
Using MySQL or Postgres
The table structure would be (imaginary SQL):
For example we will have P1_HOUR, GP_HOUR, P_DAY, GP_DAY etc.
The tables could be partitions by date to enhance query time and ease data management (can remove whole partitions).
To facilitate fast load, use loaders provided with the DB - these loaders are usually faster and insert data in bulks.
Aggregation could be done quite easily with `SELECT ... INTO ...' query (since the scope of the aggregation is limited, I don't think it will be a problem).
Queries are straight forward as aggregation, grouping and joining is built in. I am not sure about the query performance considering how large the tables are.
Since it is a write intensive I don't think the clustering could help here.
Simple configuration (assuming no clusters etc).
SQL query capabilities - flexible
Query performance - will it work?
Management overhead
Rigid Schema
Using InfluxDB (or something like that):
I have not used this DB and writing from playing around with it some
The model would be to create a time-series for every element in every level and granularity.
The data series name will include the identifiers of the element and the granularity.
For example P.P_ElementID.G.15MIN or P.P_ElementID.C.C1_ELEMENT_ID.G.60MIN
The data series will contain all the counters relevant for that level.
The input has to parse the XML and build the data series name before inserting the new data points.
InfluxDB has an SQL like query language. and allows to specify the calculation in an SQL like manner. It also supports grouping. To group by element would be possible by using regular expression, e.g. SELECT counter1/counter2 FROM /^P\.P_ElementID\.C1\..*G\.15MIN/ to get all children of ElementID.
There is a notion of grouping by time in general it is made for this kind of data.
Should be fast
Support queries etc very similar to SQL
Support Deleting by Date (but have to do it on every series...)
Flexible Schema
* Currently, seems not to support clusters very easily (
* Clusters = more maintenance
* Can it support millions of data-series (and still work fast)
* Less common, less documented (currently)

Riak MapReduce: Group items by field + sum another field

Everywhere I read, people say you shouldn't use Riak's MapReduce over an entire bucket and that there are other ways of achieving your goals. I'm not sure how, though. I'm also not clear on why using an entire bucket is slow, if you only have one bucket in the entire system, so either way, you need to go over all the entries.
I have a list of 500K+ documents that represent sales data. I need to view this data in different ways: for example, how much revenue was made in each month the business was operating? How much revenue did each product raise? How many of each product were sold in a given month? I always thought MapReduce was supposed to be good at solving these types of aggregate problems, so I'm confused what use MapReduce is if you already have all the keys (you have to have searched for them, somehow, right?).
My documents are all in a bucket named 'sales' and they are records with the following fields: {"id":1, "product_key": "cyber-pet-toy", "price": "10.00", "tax": "1.00", "created_at": 1365931758}.
Let's take the example where I need to report the total revenue for each product in each month over the past 4 years (that's basically the entire bucket), how does one use Riak's MapReduce to do that efficiently? Even just trying to use an identity map operation on the data I get a timeout after ~30 seconds, which MySQL handles in milliseconds.
I'm doing this in Erlang (using the protocol buffers client), but any language is fine for an explanation.
The equivalent SQL (MySQL) would be:
SELECT SUM(price) AS revenue,
FROM_UNIXTIME(created_at, '%Y-%m') AS month,
FROM sales
GROUP BY month, product_key
(Ordering not important right now).
You are correct, MapReduce in any KV store will not make it behave like a SQL database. There are several things that may help your use case. Use more than one bucket. Instead of just a Sales bucket you could break them down by product, region, or month so the data is already split by one of your common reporting criteria. Consider adding a secondary index to each document for each field. Your month query could then be a range query of the created_at index. If your id field is sequentially increasing and you need to pull monthly data, store the beginning and ending id for each month in a separate key (not easy to do once the data is written, I know). You may also consider breaking each document a series of keys. Instead of just storing an id key with a json document for a value, store a key for each field like id-productid, id-createdat, id-price. This will minimize the amount of data that must be read from the disk and stored in RAM in order to process your MapReduce.
To put this in perspective, consider the following (very sarcastic) hypothetical: I have 500K documents in a MySQL database, each document consists of a json string. My database consists of a single table named Sales, with a single column named Data which stores my documents as binary blobs. How can I write a fast, efficient SQL statement that will select only the documents that contain a date and group them by month?
The point I am making is that you must design the structure of your data objects according to the strengths of the data store you choose to use. Riak is not particularly efficient at handling JSON unless you are using their solr-like search, but there are probably ways to restructure your data that it might be able to handle. Or perhaps this means that another data store would better fit your needs.
Currently, I create secondary indexes for document attributes that I need to search frequently, and use this much smaller subset of keys as the input to a MapReduce job.
I do agree that it seems very expensive to run a big MapReduce job like this, compared to other systems I've used.
