Realm add(_, update: true) removes existing relationships - ios

I am facing an issue where I am unable to keep existing relationships after calling add(_, update: true) function.
I wrote a TaskSync class that is responsible for creating/updating Task objects:
class TaskSync: ISync {
typealias Model = Task
func sync(model: Task) {
let realm = try! Realm()
let inWrite = realm.isInWriteTransaction
if !inWrite {
let _task = realm.object(ofType: Task.self, forPrimaryKey:
// Persist matches as they are not getting fetched with the task
if let _task = _task {
print("matches: \(_task.matches.count)")
model.matches = _task.matches
realm.add(model, update: true)
if _task == nil {
var user = realm.object(ofType: User.self, forPrimaryKey: model.getUser().id)
if (user == nil) {
user = model.getUser()
realm.add(user!, update: true)
if !inWrite {
try! realm.commitWrite()
func sync(models: List<Task>) {
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
models.forEach { task in
sync(model: task)
When a model is to be synced, I check if it already exists in the Realm and if so, I fetch it and try to include the matches property as this one is not included in the model.
Right before the call realm.add(model, update: true), model contains list of matches, however right after the realm.add is executed, the matches list is empty.
Here are the two models:
class Task: Object, ElementPreloadable, ElementImagePreloadable, ItemSectionable {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var title: String = ""
dynamic var desc: String = ""
dynamic var price: Float = 0.0
dynamic var calculatedPrice: Float = 0.0
dynamic var location: String = ""
dynamic var duration: Int = 0
dynamic var date: String = ""
dynamic var category: Category?
dynamic var currency: Currency?
dynamic var longitude: Double = 0.0
dynamic var latitude: Double = 0.0
dynamic var state: Int = 0
dynamic var userId: Int = 0
// Existing images
var imagesExisting = List<URLImage>()
// New images
var imagesNew = List<Image>()
// Images deleted
var imagesDeleted = List<URLImage>()
private let users = LinkingObjects(fromType: User.self, property: "tasks")
var user: User?
var matches = List<Match>()
dynamic var notification: Notification?
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["imagesExisting", "imagesNew", "imagesDeleted", "user", "tmpUser"]
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
func getImageMain() -> URLImage? {
for image in imagesExisting {
if image.main {
return image
return imagesExisting.first
func getSection() -> Int {
return state
func getSectionFieldName() -> String? {
return "state"
func getId() -> Int {
return id
func getURL() -> URL? {
if let image = getImageMain() {
return image.getResizedURL()
return nil
func getState() -> TaskOwnState {
return TaskOwnState(rawValue: state)!
func getUser() -> User {
return (user != nil ? user : users.first)!
class Match: Object, ElementPreloadable, ElementImagePreloadable, ItemSectionable {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var state: Int = -1
dynamic var priorityOwnRaw: Int = 0
dynamic var priorityOtherRaw: Int = 0
dynamic var user: User!
var messages = List<Message>()
private let tasks = LinkingObjects(fromType: Task.self, property: "matches")
var task: Task?
dynamic var notification: Notification?
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["task"]
func getId() -> Int {
return id
func getSection() -> Int {
return 0
func getURL() -> URL? {
if let image = user.getImageMain() {
return image.getResizedURL()
return nil
func getPriorityOwn() -> PriorityType {
if priorityOwnRaw == PriorityType.normal.rawValue {
return PriorityType.normal
else {
return PriorityType.favorite
func getPriorityOther() -> PriorityType {
if priorityOtherRaw == PriorityType.normal.rawValue {
return PriorityType.normal
else {
return PriorityType.favorite
func getSectionFieldName() -> String? {
return nil
func getTask() -> Task {
return (task != nil ? task : tasks.first)!
I spent hours trying to figure out why I am unable to keep the matches relationship when updating the task. Every advice will be highly appreciated!

This question was also asked upon Realm's GitHub issue tracker. For posterity, here is the solution.
List properties should always be declared as let properties, as assigning to them does not do anything useful. The correct way to copy all objects from one List to another is model.tasks.append(objectsIn: _user.tasks).


Creating example of Core Data entity

Creating an example for a struct is very easy and straightforward. For example,
import Foundation
struct User: Identifiable, Codable {
let id: UUID
let isActive: Bool
let name: String
let age: Int
let company: String
static let example = User(id: UUID(), isActive: true, name: "Rick Owens", age: 35, company: "Rick Owens Inc.")
Now, how can I create an example if I made this an entity in core data? I can't just put let example = CachedUser(id: UUID(), ...) like I did with the struct. I want this example to be part of my core data automatically without having to manually create it by using forms, buttons, etc... Thanks in advance!
You can simply check if your default user exists in database. If it does not then you need to create one and save it. Something like the following would work if you have synchronous operations:
class CachedUser {
static var example: CachedUser = {
let exampleUUID = UUID(uuidString: "33041937-05b2-464a-98ad-3910cbe0d09e")!
if let existingUser = Database.fetchUser(id: exampleUUID) {
return existingUser
} else {
let newUser = CachedUser()
// TODO: apply example values to user
return newUser
This will lazily return existing or generate a new user for you. This user will then be persistent in your database.
The code will only be executed once per session, first time you call CachedUser.example.
If you have your database setup asynchronous then with closures it should look something like this:
class User {
static private(set) var example: User!
static func prepareExampleUser(_ completion: () -> Void) {
let exampleUUID = UUID(uuidString: "33041937-05b2-464a-98ad-3910cbe0d09e")!
Database.fetchUser(id: exampleUUID) { user in
if let user = user {
example = user
} else {
let newUser = User() = exampleUUID
// TODO: apply example values to user
Database.saveUser(newUser) {
example = newUser
But in this case it makes sense to warmup your application before you show screens that require this user to be present. You can for instance have a loading screen when your app first starts and continue to next screen once this method has finished...
// Loading screen enters
User.prepareExampleUser {
In both cases you now hold a static property to your example entry such as User.example which can be used anywhere.
But in both cases you may stumble to issue if user (if able to) deletes this entry from database. You would need to handle that case. Either prevent that action or create a new example user once the old one is deleted.
To access this manager put
let mgr = CachedUserPersistenceManager()
In a ViewModel or a View
/// Manager for the Item entity
class CachedUserPersistenceManager: PersistenceManager<CachedUser>{
let sampleUUID = UUID(uuidString: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")!
init(isTest: Bool = false) {
super.init(entityType: CachedUser.self, isTest: isTest)
//Preloads the user
///Preloads a sample object to the context
func preloadSample(){
let list = retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: nil, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "%K == %#", #keyPath(CachedUser.uuid), sampleUUID as CVarArg)
if list.isEmpty{
let sampleItem = createObject()
sampleItem.uuid = sampleUUID
override func addSample() -> CachedUser {
let new = super.addSample() as CachedUser
//add any sample code
return new
override func createObject() -> CachedUser {
override func updateObject(object: CachedUser) -> Bool {
//Replace the uuid if needed
if object.uuid == sampleUUID{
object.uuid = UUID()
return super.updateObject(object: object)
The generic classes that are a part of this code are below. You don't need them per say it just makes some of the code reusable through the app.
//Manager for any Entity
class PersistenceManager<T : NSManagedObject>{
let serviceSD: CoreDataPersistenceService<T>
internal init(entityType: T.Type, isTest: Bool = false) {
self.serviceSD = CoreDataPersistenceService(isTest: isTest, entityType: entityType)
//MARK: convenience
func addSample() -> T {
let newItem = createObject()
return newItem!
//MARK: Persistence Service Methods
func createObject() -> T? {
let result = serviceSD.createObject()
return result
func updateObject(object: T) -> Bool {
return serviceSD.updateObject(object: object)
func deleteObject(object: T) -> Bool {
return serviceSD.deleteObject(object: object)
func deleteAllObjects(entityName: String, isConfirmed: Bool) -> Bool {
return serviceSD.deleteAllObjects(isConfirmed: isConfirmed)
func retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]?, predicate: NSPredicate?) -> [T]{
return serviceSD.retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: predicate)
func retrieveObject(id: String) -> T? {
return serviceSD.retrieveObject(sortDescriptors: nil, id: id).first
func resetChanges() {
func save() {
_ =
//Service for Any Entity
class CoreDataPersistenceService<T: NSManagedObject>: NSObject {
var persistenceController: PersistenceController
let entityType: T.Type
required init(isTest: Bool = false, entityType: T.Type) {
if isTest{
self.persistenceController = PersistenceController.preview
self.persistenceController = PersistenceController.previewAware
self.entityType = entityType
//MARK: CRUD methods
func createObject() -> T? {
let result = entityType.init(context: persistenceController.container.viewContext)
return result
func updateObject(object: T) -> Bool {
var result = false
result = save()
return result
func deleteObject(object: T) -> Bool {
var result = false
result = save()
return result
func deleteAllObjects(isConfirmed: Bool) -> Bool {
var result = false
//Locked in so only the Generic "Item" can be deleted like this
if entityType == Item.self && isConfirmed == true{
let deleteRequest = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: entityType.fetchRequest())
do {
try persistenceController.container.persistentStoreCoordinator.execute(deleteRequest, with: persistenceController.container.viewContext)
} catch {
result = false
return result
func resetChanges() {
_ = save()
func save() -> Bool {
var result = false
do {
if persistenceController.container.viewContext.hasChanges{
result = true
result = false
} catch {
return result
func retrieveObject(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]? = nil, id: String) -> [T]{
return retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "id == %#", id))
func retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]? = nil, predicate: NSPredicate? = nil) -> [T]
let request = entityType.fetchRequest()
if let sortDescriptor = sortDescriptors
request.sortDescriptors = sortDescriptor
if let predicate = predicate
request.predicate = predicate
let results = try persistenceController.container.viewContext.fetch(request)
return results as! [T]
return []
The previewAware variable that is mentioned goes with the Apple standard code in the PersistenceController
It automatically give you the preview container so you don't have to worry about adapting your code for samples in Canvas. Just add the below code to the PersistenceController
static var previewAware : PersistenceController{
if ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["XCODE_RUNNING_FOR_PREVIEWS"] == "1" {
return PersistenceController.preview
return PersistenceController.shared

Passing data in PageViewControllers swift

I have a page controller where I added UIViewControllers and display a bunch of form in each viewcontroller. The issue I am facing now is that I need to get the data supplied in each of the forms and save it which is done in the last view controller. I have tried using delegates but the moment the next button is clicked, the previous value stored becomes nil and only the value of the latest VC is displayed. How can I pass data in this textfields. Any help is appritated.
My delegate
protocol NextDelegate: AnyObject {
func next(pageIndex: Int, model: CreatePropertyModel)
func previous(pageIndex: Int, model: CreatePropertyModel)
how I created array of VC
lazy var controllers: [UIViewController] = {
let descVC = DescVC()
descVC.delegate = self
let priceVC = PriceVC()
priceVC.delegate = self
let featuresVC = FeaturesVC()
featuresVC.delegate = self
let picturesVC = PicturesVC()
picturesVC.delegate = self
return [descVC, priceVC, featuresVC, picturesVC]
Model Example
class CreatePropertyModel: DictionaryEncodable {
var title: String?
var desc: String?
var property_type_id: Int?
var property_sub_type_id: Int?
var location_id: Int?
var currency: String?
var price: Int?
For all your steps, store it in a singleton.
protocol Answer {
var isDone: Bool { get }
class Answer1: Answer {
static public let updatedNotification = Notification.Name("Answer1Updated")
var name: String? {
didSet { Answer1.updatedNotification, object: nil)
var isDone: Bool {
return name != nil
class Answer2: Answer {
var age: Int?
var isDone: Bool {
return age != nil
class Form {
static let shared = Form()
var answers: [Answer] = [Answer1(), Answer2()]
var isDone: Bool {
return answers.allSatisfy { $0.isDone == true }
private init() {}
func reset() {
answers = [Answer1(), Answer2()]
var answer1: Answer1? {
return Form.shared.answers.filter { $0 is Answer1 }.first as? Answer1
var answer2: Answer2? {
return Form.shared.answers.filter { $0 is Answer2 }.first as? Answer2
Then, in your view controller, read / write values like this.
class MyViewControllerForAnswer1: UIViewController {
var answer: Answer1? {
return Form.shared.answer1
var name: String? {
get {
return answer?.name
set {
answer?.name = newValue
override func viewDidLoad() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(answerUpdated(notification:)), name: Answer1.updatedNotification, object: nil)
#objc func answerUpdated(notification: Notification) {
// Update your content

Adding an array of Json Data to Realm

I'm making an app for airports and I'm getting an array of data from one api, like so:
{"id":"001","code":"ABZ","name":"Aberdeen","country":"United Kingdom"},
{"id":"002","code":"AUH","name":"Abu Dhabi","country":"United Arab Emirates"},
I have created realm model classes:
class AirportsDataRealm: Object {
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
#objc dynamic var id: Int = 0
#objc dynamic var code: String = ""
#objc dynamic var country: String = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
class AirportsFromToRealm: Object {
#objc dynamic var fromID: Int = 0
var toID = List<Int>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "fromID"
now I want to save it into realm, I'm using swiftyJSON and I have used for-loop to do it and it is working fine but I think it's taking long time since the array is very long, here is what I've done:
// Airports Data
let countData = json["data"].count
for i in 0...countData - 1{
let airportsDataModel = AirportsDataRealm()
airportsDataModel.code = json["data"][i]["code"].stringValue = json["data"][i]["name"].stringValue = json["data"][i]["country"].stringValue = Int(json["data"][i]["id"].stringValue)!
try! realm.write {
realm.add(airportsDataModel, update: true)
//Airports FROM-TO
let countFromTo = json["airports"].count
for i in 0...countFromTo - 1{
let fromToDataModel = AirportsFromToRealm()
fromToDataModel.fromID = Int(json["airports"][i]["from"].stringValue)!
let arrayTo = json["airports"][i]["to"]{ $0.intValue }
fromToDataModel.toID.append(objectsIn: arrayTo)
try! realm.write {
realm.add(fromToDataModel, update: true)
is there any way to save the whole array in realm in one shot without for-loop?
"there should be a relation between the two tables because each from 'id' has a list of 'to' id's and the id's are from the data table, for now I managed to create this relations when fetching the data using filters ,, so just ignore this"
Thank you
Simply use map method,
First I needed to add initializers to my object classes and pass json array as a parameter, like so:
class AirportsDataRealm: Object {
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
#objc dynamic var id: Int = 0
#objc dynamic var code: String = ""
#objc dynamic var country: String = ""
convenience required init(withJSON json : JSON) {
self.init() = json["name"].stringValue = json["id"].intValue
self.code = json["code"].stringValue = json["country"].stringValue
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
class AirportsFromToRealm: Object {
#objc dynamic var fromID: Int = 0
var toID = List<Int>()
convenience required init(withJSON json : JSON) {
self.fromID = json["from"].intValue
let toArray = json["to"]{ $0.intValue }
self.toID.append(objectsIn: toArray)
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "fromID"
Then by using map method the code will look like this:
func updateAirport(json: JSON) {
// Airports Data
let airportsData : [AirportsDataRealm]
let airportsDataJsonArray = json["data"].array
airportsData = airportsDataJsonArray!.map{AirportsDataRealm(withJSON: $0)}
//Airports FROM-TO
let airportsFromTo : [AirportsFromToRealm]
let airportsFromToJsonArray = json["airports"].array
airportsFromTo = airportsFromToJsonArray!.map{AirportsFromToRealm(withJSON: $0)}
//Write To Realm
try! realm.write {
realm.add(airportsData, update: true)
realm.add(airportsFromTo, update: true)
No for loops anymore ^_^

Querying in Realm

I have a database of tables Subject, Grade, Chapter and Question. A Subject has many Grade, a Grade and many Chapter, a Chapter has many Question. If I want to perform search all the questions of Subject = Biology, Grade = 4, Chapter = 1, how should I build the query?
My Classes
class Subject:Object {
dynamic var subject_id = 0
dynamic var subject_name = ""
let grades = List<Grade>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "subject_id"
class Grade:Object {
dynamic var grade_id = 0
dynamic var grade_num = 0
let chapters = List<Chapter>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "grade_id"
class Chapter:Object {
dynamic var chapter_id = 0
dynamic var chapter_num = 0
let questions = List<Question>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "chapter_id"
class Question:Object {
dynamic var question_id = 0
dynamic var question_desc = ""
dynamic var question_ans = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "question_id"
So far the only way that I can think of to achieve this is as follows, which I feel that there are way to many nested loops and if else.
let realm = try! Realm()
let subjects = realm.objects(Subject).filter(NSPredicate(format: "subject_name = %#", "Biology"))
var searched:List<Question>?
for subject in subjects {
if subject.subject_name == "Biology" {
for grade in subject.grades {
if grade.grade_num == 4 {
for chapter in grade.chapters {
if chapter.chapter_num == 1 {
searched = chapter.questions
After Realm 0.100 it's possible to use inverse relationships in queries.
So, my suggestion would be to add inverse relationships to your model like this :
class Grade:Object {
dynamic var grade_id = 0
dynamic var grade_num = 0
let chapters = List<Chapter>()
let subjects = LinkingObjects(fromType: Subject.self, property: "grades")
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "grade_id"
class Chapter:Object {
dynamic var subject_id = 0
dynamic var chapter_num = 0
let questions = List<Question>()
let grades = LinkingObjects(fromType: Grade.self, property: "chapters")
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "subject_id"
class Question:Object {
dynamic var question_id = 0
dynamic var question_desc = ""
dynamic var question_ans = ""
let chapters = LinkingObjects(fromType: Chapter.self, property: "questions")
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "question_id"
Then you can query your model similar to this:
let questionsIWant = realm.objects(Question.self)
.filter("ANY chapters.chapter_num == 3")
.filter("ANY chapters.grades.grade_num == 1")
.filter("ANY chapters.grades.subjects.subject_name == 'Biology'")

Avoiding duplicating tuples in Swift

In my watchOS2 app I have array of tuples like this:
var medicines = [(String, String?, String?)]()
And in refreshing function i'd like to clear this array of tuples to append it with new String items. How can i do this ? I want to avoid having the same things in my array. Or maybe there is a better idea ?
My refresh function:
let iNeedCoreData = ["Value": "CoreData"]
session.sendMessage(iNeedCoreData, replyHandler: { (content: [String: AnyObject]) -> Void in
if let meds = content["reply"] as? [String: [String]] {
self.medicines = [(String, String?, String?)]()
if let medicineNames = meds["medicines"], amountNames = meds["amount"], timeNames = meds["time"] {
if medicineNames.count != 0 {
} else {
}) { (error) -> Void in
print("We got an error from our watch device:" + error.domain)
Adding to tuple funcs:
func reloadTable() {
self.table.setNumberOfRows(medicines.count, withRowType: "tableRowController")
var rowIndex = 0
for item in medicines {
if let row = self.table.rowControllerAtIndex(rowIndex) as? tableRowController {
if let quantity = item.1, time = item.2 {
func addMedicines(medicineNames: [String]) {
for name in medicineNames {
medicines.append((name, nil, nil))
func addQuantities(quantities: [String]) {
guard medicines.count == quantities.count else { return }
for i in 0..<medicines.count {
medicines[i].1 = quantities[i]
func addTime(timeNames: [String]) {
guard medicines.count == timeNames.count else { return }
for i in 0..<medicines.count {
medicines[i].2 = timeNames[i]
Once the var has been declared, type hints are no longer needed.
self.medicines = []
I've tried to think of a few ways to overcome your problem here, but your code is very inflexible and needs to be refactored.
You are at the limit for the utility of tuples and need to turn medicine into a class or struct (use a struct) which supports Equatable.
In addition, you need to create an array of new objects, which can be merged into the existing self.medicines, building the new objects directly in self.medicines is very limiting.
Here is the tuple as a struct
struct Medicine: Equatable {
let name: String
let amount: String
let time: String
func == (lhs: Medicine, rhs: Medicine) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.amount == rhs.amount && lhs.time == rhs.time
Here is adding new values without removing old values or having duplicates
if let names = meds["medicines"], amounts = meds["amount"], times = meds["time"]
where names.count == amounts.count && names.count == times.count
for i in 0..<names.count {
let medicine = Medicine(name: names[i], amount: amounts[i], time: times[i])
if !medicines.contains(medicine) {
