Firebase Pagination - Swift & iOS. When should it be used? - ios

I have a database that holds Posts. At a future point, my database may hold a very large number of Posts. I am confused as to what to do, as I cannot decide between the few options that I've thought of so far:
1) Load all Posts at once and store them into an Posts[] array, and just show all posts on the TableView that displays them.
2) Load 10 Posts at once and display those 10 at a time, then implement a function that allows the user to scroll and to load 10 more at a time. These 10 values that are loaded will then be added to the TableView.
Now, option #1 seems simple and attractive, as it is what I currently have set up. However, I am not sure if it would be problematic or not to constantly load hundreds of posts every time a user opens the page that displays Posts.
Option #2 seems complex, as I have no idea how to only load 10 Posts at once using Firebase. I am using a .childAdded observation to gather the data, and that usually loads all of the Posts. An alternative idea I had that may or may not be useless is loading all Posts into the Posts[] array but only displaying 10 at a time. This option is attractive because users won't have to load every single post every time they view the TableView that contains the posts. I am also hesitant to take this option because I would have to alter my data structure quite a lot. The current set up is:
In which the post-info node holds information relevant to the post, and does not contain an index, which I have a feeling that option #2 would require.
I'm quite stuck here. What's the best action to take in a situation like this?

I was having the same problem creating a "forum" like app. There were a lot of threads and loading them all at once was not the right approach.
If I were you I would stick to method 2: Load X number of posts, when TableView is scrolled to the bottom (or almost to the bottom) load additional posts and display them.
Here is a quick example:
You need a variable which will hold information on how much posts should be displayed:
var numberOfPosts: Int = 20
Query your posts using queryLimited:
reference.child("child").child("child").queryLimited(toLast: UInt(numberOfPosts))
This will return last X posts. You should also order it by some key to make sure you really have latest posts in the right order:
reference.child("child").child("child").queryOrdered(byChild:"timestamp").queryLimited(toLast: UInt(numberOfPosts))
So the idea is, first time it will load 20 posts. The next time it should load 40, etc. That is why we need to implement something to recognise that all the posts were displayed and we need to load new ones. I am doing that with scrollView function - each time I am almost reaching the bottom, additional posts load. Implement scrollView didScroll:
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if (scrollView.contentOffset.y + 100) >= (scrollView.contentSize.height - scrollView.frame.size.height) {
// You have reeached bottom (well not really, but you have reached 100px less)
// Increase post limit and read posts
numberOfPosts += 20
If you have UITableViewDelegate in the same class, function should be working by itself since TableView uses scrollView delegate.
So this should be enough to get you going. I don't have the actual code right here so can't really paste it to help you.
By the way, I am using .value and not .childAdded but you should be able to implement something like this anyway.


Lazy loading old messages with NSFetchedResultsController while doing realtime communication

Consider a chat application scenario, where you have a very large group with 100,000+ messages and realtime communication.
Just like most chat applications, we want the latest messages to appear at the bottom i.e. new items are added at the bottom.
What's the best practice for using lazy loading with NSFetchedResultsController? Changing the fetch-request by increasing the fetchLimit doesn't seem like a good idea. Also, using an extra array instead of fetchedObject also doesn't seem like a very elegant or convenient solution either.
What's the best practice for showing latest messages at the bottom i.e. reversing the UITableView direction? Transform doesn't seem to be an elegant solution, or is it?
Looking for an elegant solution, that's working for people. Please advise.
fetchLimit doesn't work with NSFetchedResultsController. To limit the controller you can do the following:
Do a single fetch with a fetchLimit=1 and a fetchOffset=BATCH_SIZE (where the batch size is something large, but not huge = ~200)
get the date of that message that you fetched
limit the fetchedResultsController to the date of that message.
Now you have a fetchedResultsController that is 200 messages. Note that it may increase in size as long as it is open.
When a user scroll back you can do some similar adjusting of the fetchedResultsController by doing a fetch to figure out a correct date range.
For display the cells I have used the double-inverse method (apply a 180 rotation to the collectionView and a 180 rotation to every cell). It is not that elegant but it works and it is not as expensive as it first seems - the whole screen is already in an openGL layer behinds the scenes anyways. There are a lot of little things that it caused (like the scrollIndicator being on the wrong side), but also a lot of little things that it fixed (like dealing with a chat with very few messages). If I had to do it again I would make a custom layout, but I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the double-inverse method.

Loading and displaying random cells in UICollectionView

Pre-requisites - Environment: iOS 9.0 or above - using Swift 3.0.1
Thanks for your responses. I'm updating the question and trying to give a better understanding about the problem.
Posting code would help may be but I'm not allowed to post the code as I do not have the IP.
But I am trying to build something like calendar/program guide where you have events for each category for several days.
Imagine, categories on your left side in a column and they can be the sections of the collectionveiw and each category has events for several days which is a row.
CAT 1 : Event 1, Event 2 ... Event n
CAT 2 : Event 1, Event 2 ... Event n
CAT 3 : Event 1, Event 2 ... Event n
CAT m : Event 1, Event 2 ... Event n
Problem: The entire data is pretty dynamic and humongous. I can't prefetch all the records, they are about over 80-100K. It takes few minutes to download all the data and display it on the grid.
A user could select any day and any time and I have to scroll the collection view to that day and time and display those events for the categories. Also, user could obviously scroll in both directions to and browse the events in this case the events are loaded like infinite scroll fashion.
In the former option though, when the user jumps on to a particular day and time on the entire timeline and I have to skip loading the other previous events (as I do not have them yet - unknown) and display the events relevant to the user selected days and time.
I do not have all the IndexPaths in advance, to display on the screen, how can I skip events and dynamically update the collection view in parts like we load images dynamically and the ones which get loaded first and displayed earlier than others.
I'm using startDate of the events to calculate the xPosition, categories don't change often after they are loaded so we could somehow avoid reloading sections but items in those sections change all the time and they appear in a random fashion.
When the controller loads the first set of events are fetched from the server and displayed, now if the user decided to jump to some D-Day and T-Time which could be anywhere on the entire timeline I have to fetch the events for those dates and populate the items for relevant sections (visible on screen) and update the interface. This is where I have issues, where I do not have an proper approach.
Hope this is clearer.
I have "tried" to mock this up
UICollectionViewFlowLayout can help you achieve what you want...
You have the same problem I had with my calendar project. The solution I have implemented will not work for you, but I am mentioning it here so that it might give you clues on how to solve it for your situation.
My calendar has a function where a user can scroll to some date way into the future. The problem was that date cells can be custom sizes. Therefore, since they are scrolling to some future date, in order for me to know the destination offset, I needed to know the offsets of cells 0 -to- destinationOffset because the cell sizes are different. This meant I had to query the sizes of all the cells in the middle which led to a 2-3 lag time (or in your case, a long download time).
So here was my solution.
I originally had a delegate function called sizeForCellsAtMonth which was called for every month in order to determine the size. I have now changed this function to be called only once.
The function now only has two parameters:
exceptionToDefaults - this will be specific months where the cell sizes are different
Using this information, I can calculate the sizes of all months because I know the sizes before hand. So my problem was solved by changing the way I looked at my delegate. Maybe you can try looking somewhere along those lines or maybe my answer gave you clues of what you can do.

How to display x number of objects from array in a UITableView, then display more on scroll down?

I'm working on an a game app in swift that currently has a tableView displaying the scores, number of trys etc, downloaded in an array from parse.
However, this table can get pretty long if the user plays the game many times. So I'd like to improve the app by displaying the first, say, 20 objects of the array in a tableview, then, once the user scrolls down to the end of the table it automatically adds more rows and displays the next 20 objects in the array (along with the original 20, making the tableview now 40 rows)
If anybody's familiar with the twitter app, that's exactly what I'd like to go for. There's a set amount of tweets shown initially, then once you scroll down to the end of the table more tweets are loaded, in order to decrease loading times.
Problem is, I really have no clue how to implement this at all. I've never been in the situation where I only need to use part of an array. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dan
UITableView is a virtual view where it calls you back for the data to create cells for a given row that's in view and destroy's cells that go out of view. You should also re-use cells that have been created.
So, I think the answer to your question about pre-loading portions of the list is ... you shouldn't have to. Just implement the data source and answer the data call backs.
More here in the apple docs on the datasource for a UITableView
This is addressed in How to know when UITableView did scroll to bottom in iPhone in Objective-C. If any help needed translating this to Swift, post as a comment and I'll update answer.
EDIT -- The real question:
The tableView delegate methods allow you to perform arbitrary logic / mapping between your data and the table's viewable data. So when you do detect a scroll to the bottom, increment an internal state variable, such as var rowsToReveal declared as a class-wide stored property. After incrementing, call tableView.reloadData(). Then re-write numberOfRowsInSection delegate method to use rowsToReveal rather than someDataArray.count or whatever hardcoded value you had. Make sure rowsToReveal never exceeds the count, of course, otherwise -- instant crash.

Display cells while others load in the UITableView?

Right now my table view presents 5 cells at the same time. I load them all up into an array so the "flow" of the UITableView is easier. But since there quite a few objects, the initial load can take quite a bit.
So my question is, is there a way to present the initial 5-7 cells while the rest are loading? Or what would be the practice for this?
The idea: for the first few cells to come up as fast possible, even while we are loading a bunch in the background so the user isn't sitting there waiting for 100+ cells to load.
Also, I am loading this cells with parse (I am getting the user's info including an image).
This may not work depending on where your data comes from and when it gets into your app, but this is what I would do. Allow your array to fill up with the first 5-7 items. Then call reloadData on your table view. Assuming your datasource is hooked up to your array properly, it will load the first few items. Then let your array continue to load until it's complete, and call reloadData again. You could even use this strategy repetitively to continually load new data. Good luck!

UITableView keep the scroll at the correct position while updating NSFetchedResultsController

I am developing an iOS application that mainly use a UITableView.
It retrieves pages of articles from a server. We have got >25000 articles; so I have implemented a pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling to travel across the title collection.
The ones downloaded persist using core data; NSFetchedResultsController is used to automatically update the UITableView.
However, I have implemented the infinite scrolling to be in both direction; up and down. Since the user will be allow to scroll down the 25000 article titles, I have to remove the one that the user has already scrolled. If the user scrolls up, I have to re-insert title above the current one.
Doing so, I have got a moving window inside the article collection.
I display my articles by date group using the section and header.
The problem is that because the infinite scrolling goes in both direction, I often delete or add article at a higher position in the table.
Infact to achieve that, I have got to change the predicate associated to NSFetchedResultsController.
This result by scroll being messed up. I have made it jump back to the position where it was supposed to be ish. It is not nice because it is a jump (animation:NO), if I put the animation ON, it goes all around the place before going back to the right position. And the position is not exactly the one it should be.
I am not sure I well explained my problem. I think the problem might be in the way I am using the UITableView but I am not sure how I should use it to make this better.
If you only store article titles in Core Data, I think it can handle 25.000 titles.
However I think that the problem you've got is with the pagination of the visible elements of the table
Here is a link that I used to handle something that you requested. You'll have to tweak a little bit to use Core Data and a remote source.
Please post some code if you can so we can have a look.
