Put class instance to class constant in initializers - ruby-on-rails

In one of my old apps, I'm using several API connectors - like AWS or Mandill as example.
For some reason (may be I saw it somewhere, don't remember), I using class constant to initialize this objects on init stage of application.
As example:
require 'mandrill'
Now I can access MANDRILL class constant of my application in any method and use it. (full path MyApplication::Application::MANDRILL, or just MANDRILL). All working fine, example:
def update_mandrill
result = MANDRILL.inbound.update_route id, pattern, url
The question is: it is good practice to use such class constants? Or better create new class instance in every method that using this instance, like in example:
def update_mandrill
require 'mandrill'
mandrill = Mandrill::API.new ENV['MANDRILL_APIKEY']
result = mandrill.inbound.update_route id, pattern, url

Interesting question.
It's very handy approach but it may have cons in some scenarios.
Imagine you have a constant that either takes a lot of time to initialize or it loads a lot of data into memory. When its initialization takes long you essentially degrade app boot time (which may or may not be a problem, usually it will in development).
If it loads a lot of data into memory it may turn out it's gonna be a problem when running rake tasks for example which load entire environment. You may hit memory boundaries in use cases in which you essentially do not need this data at all.
I know one application which load a lot of data during boot - and it's done very deliberately. Sure, use case is a bit uncommon, but still.
Another thing to consider is - imagine, you're trying to establish connection to external service like Mongo or anything else. If this service is unavailable (what happens) your application won't be able to boot. Maybe this service is essential for app to work, and without it it would be "useless" anyway, but it's also possible that you essentially stop everything because storage in which you keeps log does not work.
I'm not saying you shouldn't use it as you suggested - I do it also in my apps, but you should be aware of potential drawbacks.

Yes, pre-creating a pseudo-constant object (like that api client) is usually a good idea. However, there is, approximately, a thousand ways go about it and the constant is not on top of my personal list.
These days I usually go with setting it in the env files.
# config/environments/production.rb
config.email_client = Mandrill::API.new ENV['MANDRILL_APIKEY'] # the real thing
# config/environments/test.rb
config.email_client = a_null_object # something that conforms to the same api, but does absolutely nothing
# config/environments/development.rb
config.email_client = a_dev_object # post to local smtp, or something
Then you refer to the client like this:
And the correct behaviour will be picked up in each env.
If I don't need this per-env variation, then I either use some kind of singleton object (EmailClient.get) or a global variable in the initializer ($email_client). It can be argued that a constant is better than global variable, semantically and because it raises a warning when you try to re-assign it. But I like that global variable stands out more. You see right away that it's something special. (And then again, it's only #3 in the list, so I don't do it very often.).


Object variables in multithreaded Sneaker works like a global mutable data

I have a sneaker worker(given below) as a backend of a chatbot.
class RabbitMQWorker
include Sneakers::Worker
from_queue "message"
def work(options)
parsed_options = JSON.parse(options)
# Initializing some object variables
#question_id = parsed_options[:question_id]
#answer = parsed_option[:answer]
#session_id = parsed_option[:session_id]
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
# send next question to the session_id based on answer
What's happening
The problem I am facing here is that when I run sneaker with more than 1 thread and multiple users are chatting at the same time, then the ampq event which comes slightly later cause to override the #session_id and as a result, the second user gets two questions and the first one gets none. This happens because by the time 1st event is getting process the second event came and override #session_id. Now when it's time to send the next question to the first user by using #session_id, the question get's send to the second user.
My Questions
Do the work method and any instance variables I create in it works like global mutable data for sneaker's threads?
If yes then I am guessing I need to make them as thread-local variables. If I do that, then do I need to make these changes deep down in my Rails logic as well? As this worker works with Rails.
Curiosity question
How does Puma manage these things? It is a multi-threaded app server and we use instance variables in controllers and it manages to serve multiple requests simultaneously. Does it mean that Puma handles this multi-contexting implicitly and Sneakers don't?
What I have done till now
I read the documentation of Sneaker and couldn't found anything regarding this.
I perform a load tests to verify the problem and it is the problem as I stated above.
I tried getting my logic clear on how actually multi-threading works but everywhere there is only general stuff. The curiosity question I asked above will help a lot in terms of clearing the concepts, I am searching for an explanation of it for days but couldn't found any.
After 2 days of searching for an issue where messages seemed to get mixed up I was finally able to solve this by removing all instance variables from my workers.
This thread gave me the clue to do so: https://github.com/jondot/sneakers/issues/244
maybe we should simply disallow instance variables in workers since
changing the behavior to instantiate multiple worker instances might
break existing code somehow
I think that an instance per thread is the way to go.
So when you remove your instance variables you should be fine!

changing the value of a global variable in rails

I'm prototyping an app and want to have a global variable that I can hit an endpoint that toggles the global variable $current_status. I have:
def toggle_status
$current_status=false if $current_status.nil?
render json:r.to_json
and in application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
but hitting /toggle_status always returns false. Why isn't assigning a bool to what it isn't changing this value? I'm aware something like this should be in db but just prototyping
edit 1
I just created this in lib/
class Jt
def self.cur
def self.cur=val
and updated the controller to:
def toggle_status
render json:r.to_json
Your toggle code doesn't actually toggle anything. It appears you expect this line to "toggle" the contents of the $current_status variable.
However, the != operator doesn't assign anything but it is a comparison operator. In your case, it returns always false based on your query whether $current_status is equal to not $current_status.
What you want to use instead is probably
$current_status = !$current_status
As for your software design, global variables are generally frowned upon in Ruby (and Rails) as are all other kinds of globally mutable state. Use proper classes and objects instead to encapsulate your state and behaviour into more manageable structures. Using global variables, you will shoot yourself in the foot some day and you will have a very hard time to find out what is actually happening. You should try to avoid this :)
You can't use a global variable in this way in such app and there are several reasons. I'll give you just one: depending on the webserver you use, the server may start different processes to handle the incoming web requests, and global variables can't be shared between these processes.
And in fact, it's not even a good idea to use a global variable at all.
If you want to persist a state, use a proper storage. Depending on how long the value should be persisted and who should be able to access it, you have plenty of choices:
file system
Your first snipper does not work because != is a comparison operator, not assignment
Second may not work due to code reloading (Jt class instance is not guaranteed to be the same for other request unless cache_classes is on, but in development you usually always want it off, because otherwise any code changes require server restart to take effect), simple way to have a non-reloaded class - put it in a initializer
For prototyping you also may try thread-local storage for this task: Thread.current[:foo] = 1234

How to spec operations that rely on Memcached?

We have a Rails application that we test with RSpec. We want to spec operations that rely on Memcached. What is the best practice to do so?
I thought of doing this by stubbing all calls to Rails.cache. Is this a good idea?
As per #Pan Thomakos suggestion, I'm adding some additional details about one of the scenarios I'm trying to test:
We have the concept of accounts in our system, therefore on every request we retrieve the current user and the current account. Because there are not many accounts in the system, we keep them all in cache and retrieve them from there.
def self.find_by_slug(slug)
Rails.cache.fetch(Account.cache_key_for_slug(slug), :expires_in => 1.day) { super }
For this reason, caching in this case isn't just a nice to have behavior, but the expected behavior and the thing I want to test. Therefore turning off caching won't do.
Test without stubbing IMHO!
The sequence would look like this:
Cache.flush # or equivalent
Cache.get(slug).shouldbe null # test cache is empty
Method.find_by_slug(slug).should == 'some value' # test that method words
Cache.get(slug).should == 'some value' # test that cache has value.
Personally, I believe if you have the resources on hand then stubbing SHOULD NOT be used. If you do not have the resources on hand (IE a 3rd party service) then stubbing SHOULD BE used.
The problem with stubbing, is that if you changed the code that you are stubbing, then you won't know if it breaks.
An example in this case would be if you switched from the standard memcache gem, to Dahli?, or some other memcache gem which handed cache misses by returning false, null or some other value differently. I mean really! Cache.set("my_key", false)! :)
A example for switching, would be to leave the ASCII protocol and move to the faster binary protocol.
Memcache is a cheap resource, you can set it up with 1 meg of ram to do this testing. I would even go as far as to say you can do the same for mysql. Anything bigger than mysql, then I would start leaning towards stubbing as the cost to "setup" those resources becomes significant. YMMV.
It seems like if you're using Rails.cache.fetch directly your best option is to stub. But if you use the controller helpers (which are now in seperate gems in rails 4), I came across this gem which is helpful https://github.com/avit/rspec-rails-caching

why class variable of Application Controller in Rails is re-initialized in different request

I have my Application Controller called McController which extends ApplicationController, and i set a class variable in McController called ##scheduler_map like below:
class McController < ApplicationController
##scheduler_map = {}
def action
def get_scheduler(host, port)
scheduler = ##scheduler_map[host+"_"+port]
unless scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler.create(host, port)
##scheduler_map[host+"_"+port] = scheduler
but i found that from second request start on ##scheduler_map is always an empty hash, i run it in development env, could someone know the reason? is that related to the running env?
Thank you in advance.
You answered your own question :-)
Yes this is caused by the development environment (i tested it) and to be more precise the config option "config.cache_classes = false" in config/environments/development.rb
This flag will cause all classes to be reloaded at every request.
This is done because then you dont have to restart the whole server when you make a small change to your controllers.
You might want to take in consideration that what you are trying can cause HUGE memory leaks when later run in production with a lot of visits.
Every time a user visits your site it will create a new entree in that hash and never gets cleaned.
Imagine what will happen if 10.000 users have visited your site? or what about 1.000.000?
All this data is kept in the systems memory so this can take a lot of space the longer the server is online.
Also, i'm not really sure this solution will work on a production server.
The server will create multiple threats to handle a lot of visitors on the same time.
I think (not sure) that every threat will have his own instances of the classes.
This means that in treat 1 the schedule map for ip xx might exist but in treat 2 it doesn't.
If you give me some more information about what this scheduler is i might be able to give a suggestion for a different solution.

Rails.cache.fetch, Symbols, & Memcached

I have a rails 2.3.4 app and a line that looks like:
temp = Rails.cache.fetch(:temp_id) { User.find_by_name('Temp').id }
and everything worked fine, until I decided to switch the caching layer to memcached by adding the following to my environment.rb:
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
Now the line which used to work fine gives me the following error:
undefined method 'length' for :temp_id:Symbol
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.4/lib/active_support/vendor/memcache-client-1.7.4/memcache.rb:645:in 'get_server_for_key'
I understand the error, but I would imagine this common case would have been quickly discovered by a rails test case, so I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. Otherwise, I'm sure I can monkeypatch this issue to convert the symbol to a string.
Just use string keys if you can. All the documentation examples use string keys. Although it's not explicitly mentioned as far as I can see, other keys are not supported.
The key arguments are passed directly to the cache implementation, so the different caching flavours may disagree on whether or not they accept anything other than strings.
Because the caches are external with the exception of in-memory cache, I'm not sure that supporting symbols would be useful apart from preventing cases like yours. The key will actually be written to some output somewhere (it's not just internal to your Ruby app), so conceptually the key should be a string.
Edit in reaction to comment: yes, it is of course possible and perfectly reasonable in this case to create a monkey patch to circumvent having to change all calls. What you're suggesting is this (copied into the answer for readability):
class MemCache
def get_server_for_key_with_symbols(key, options = {})
key = key.to_s if key.is_a? Symbol
get_server_for_key_without_symbols(key, options)
alias_method_chain :get_server_for_key, :symbols
I would also consider just doing a project wide search-and-replace for \.fetch(:\w+) and replace it with \.fetch("$1") (repeat for read and write if necessary). This should probably cover 95% of all cases and a subsequent run of your test suite should catch the rest of the errors.
In general: While the documentation of Rails is pretty good these days, a lot of assumptions are unfortunately still implicit. It's generally a good idea to take a good look at the examples that are given in the documentation, and use the same style. The documented examples are always how the framework was intended to be used.
FWIW, it's canonically Rails.cache.read and Rails.cache.write.
