addr2line - inline function code line missing - binutils

I have a android arm64 trace:
#02 pc 00000000000c61c0 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10AudioTrack16AudioTrackThread10threadLoopEv+84)
I use below command to parser the code line information:
aarch64-linux-addr2line -f -C -e symbols/system/lib64/ 00000000000c61cc
Obviously, wait() is a inline function so addr2line didn't find the code line in threadLoop but use the wait() code line instead.
How to get the right line number in threadLoop? I am using binutils-2.28 to build addr2line tool.

Have you tried the -i option?
-i --inlines Unwind inlined functions


Python Getting a SyntaxError: parsing command to Hython on windows

I'm trying to parse a few commands to Houdini's Python module called Hython.
And I'm doing this through os on windows.
My command looks like this:
command = '''"c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Houdini Indie\\bin\\hython.exe" -c \
"import sys; sys.path.append('d:\\Cloud\\OneDrive\\Dokumenter\\GitHub\\tutorialTools\\utils'); \
import houUtils; houUtils.runReduction(\'%s\',\'%s\')"''' % (assetDir, amount)
I've tried all the tricks on quotations I could think of, but I'm getting a :
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes
in position 49-50: truncated \uXXXX escape
Any kind of help would be appreciated
First I tried adding to the command by separate lines:
"command +=" but this stopped me quickly.
I've tried doing the initial path with r'c:\...'
The entire problem seems to be connected with writing paths inside a quotation.

Clang and llc with --x86-asm-syntax=intel produce AT&T syntax

Below are two command line strings I used to output to assembly language listing using --x86-asm-syntax=intel. Both command line strings work, but they both produce AT&T syntax, not Intel syntax.
sudo clang-8 -S -mllvm --x86-asm-syntax=intel Svx.c
sudo llc-8 --x86-asm-syntax=intel Svx.ll -o Svx.s
at the top of each file it says:
.intel_syntax noprefix
But the code it produces is AT&T syntax.
I've researched and haven't found an answer.
Thanks for any ideas on why these command strings do not produce Intel syntax.

$(shell) function in GNU makefile results in 'unterminated call to function shell: missing )'

I have the following snippet within my GNU makefile:
test:=$(shell grep '#pragma' test_types.h)
$(info test:$(test))
The above results in the following error message:
*** unterminated call to function 'shell': missing ')'. STOP
However if I remove the '#' from the snippet above:
test:=$(shell grep 'pragma' test_types.h)
$(info test:$(test))
The output is:
test: #pragma pack(push, 1) #pragma pack(pop)
If I run the following directly from the command line: grep '#pragma' test_types.h. The output is again:
#pragma pack(push, 1) #pragma pack(pop)
What is causing the shell function behaviour when combining grep with a search for # within a GNU makefile?
It is interpreting the # as the start of a comment, so the rest of the line is no longer seen.
Escape the character as \# instead and it will work.

Why can't ld called from MSYS find (existing static) library when arguments are read from a response #file containing backslashes?

This is basically the same issue as in mingw ld cannot find some library which is exist in the search path, MinGW linker can't find MPICH2 libraries - and I'm aware that there are heaps of posts on StackOverflow regarding the issue of static and dynamic linking with MinGW - but I couldn't find anything that explains how I can troubleshoot.
I am building a project with a huge linker command like (via g++) on MinGW, in a MSYS2 shell (git-bash.exe). The process fails with, among others:
/z/path/to/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lssl
I add -Wl,--verbose to the g++ linker call (to be passed to ld), and I can see for the -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl:
attempt to open /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a failed
/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/ssl.dll failed
attempt to open /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw\libssl.a failed
But this is weird, because the file exists?
$ file /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a
/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a: current ar archive
(... and it was built with the same compiler on the same machine)?
Weirdly, once it attempts to open with forward slash .../libssl.a, once with backslash ...\libssl.a - but at least the first path checks out in a bash shell, as shown above?
It gets even worse if I try to specify -l:libssl.a -- or if I specify -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -Wl,-Bstatic -lssl -- instead; then all attempts to open are with a backslash:
attempt to open /z/path/to/scripts/other/build/openssl/build/mingw/lib\libssl.a failed
attempt to open /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw\libssl.a failed
To top it all off, if I look it up manually through the command line using ld, it is found ?!:
$ ld -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl --verbose
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.dll.a failed
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/ssl.dll.a failed
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a succeeded
Does anyone have an idea why this happens, and how can I get ld to finally find these libraries? Or rather - how can I troubleshoot, and understand why these libraries are not found, when they exist at the paths where ld tries to open them?
OK, found something more - not sure if this is a bug; but my problem is that I'm actually reading arguments from a file (otherwise I get g++: Argument list too long). So, to simulate that:
$ echo " -Wl,--verbose -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl -lcrypto " > tmcd3
$ g++ #tcmd3 2>&1 | grep succeeded | grep ssl
# nothing
$ g++ `cat tcmd3` 2>&1 | grep succeeded | grep ssl
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a succeeded
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libcrypto.a succeeded
... it turns out, if the very same arguments are fed on the command line, then static library lookup succeeds - but if the arguments are read from file through the # at-sign, then static library lookup fails?! Unfortunately, I cannot use on my actual project, since even with cat, I'd still get g++: Argument list too long ... So how can I fix this?
MSYS has special handling of directories as arguments when they are used in the shell. This translates e.g. /<drive_letter>/blabla to the proper Windows style paths. This is to accomodate Unix programs that don't handle Z: style directory root.
What you see here is that MSYS isn't performing this interpretation for string read from a file. When you think about it, it's very logical, but as you have experienced first-hand, also sometimes annoying.
Long story short: don't put Unix style paths in files with command arguments. Instead, pass them through e.g. cygpath -w, which works in MSYS2 (which should be the MSYS that Git for Windows 2+ comes with).
Ok, with some more experiments, I noticed that:
-L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw, the Unix path specification, tends to fail - while if we specify the same, except starting with a Windows drive letter, that is:
-LZ:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw, then things work - also from an arguments file with # at-sign:
$ echo " -Wl,--verbose -LZ:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl -lcrypto " > tmcd3
$ g++ #tcmd3 2>&1 | grep succeeded | grep ssl
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a succeeded
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libcrypto.a succeeded
I guess, since the shell is MSYS2/git-bash.exe, entering full POSIX paths on the shell with /z/... is not a problem, because the shell will convert them - but in a file, there is nothing to convert them, so we must use Windows/MingW convention to specify them...

How do I get clang to dump the AST without color?

Using clang-check to dump a source code's AST, can be done with the following command:
$ clang-check -ast-dump file.c --
However, the output of this command will appear colorful within the terminal.
When I direct the output to a file, I'm stuck with all of the color escape codes:
$ clang-check -ast-dump file.c -- > out.txt
[0;1;32mTranslationUnitDecl[0m[0;33m 0x227c5c0[0m <[0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m> [0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m
[0;34m|-[0m[0;1;32mTypedefDecl[0m[0;33m 0x227cac0[0m <[0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m> [0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m implicit[0;1;36m __int128_t[0m [0;32m'__int128'[0m
[0;34m|-[0m[0;1;32mTypedefDecl[0m[0;33m 0x227cb20[0m <[0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m> [0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m implicit[0;1;36m __uint128_t[0m [0;32m'unsigned __int128'[0m
[0;34m|-[0m[0;1;32mTypedefDecl[0m[0;33m 0x227ce70[0m <[0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m> [0;33m<invalid sloc>[0m implicit[0;1;36m __builtin_va_list[0m [0;32m'__va_list_tag [1]'[0m
Is there a flag to disable colors in clang-check?
I tried adding the following flag, but it did not work:
You are almost correct. Try
$ clang-check -ast-dump test.c --extra-arg="-fno-color-diagnostics" --
Additionally, -fno-diagnostics-color and -fdiagnostics-color=never also seems to work
