Update model on hyperledger composer rest server - hyperledger

I have running my composer-rest-server script with my model deployed.
Now I want to add new assets to this model, so I deploy a new model, but if I execute composer-rest-server to create a new API REST for the new model I got an error of address in use, wich is normal because this address and port (3000) is in use for the old deployed model...
Can I update the rest server with the new model?

Simply stop the existing composer-rest-server process to release the port, typically using CTRL-C. Alternatively you can use the -P option to specify the port that the composer-rest-server should use.


DDEV - create SFTP user

I have created two containers (ddev-website-web and ddev-api-web) via DDEV.
Now I want to access the website container from the api container via SFTP.
How can I create a SFTP user in DDEV for the website container? Is this possible at all?
The containers are already connected via a router.
I think
Install sshd using this technique from ddev-contrib will work for you, at least will get you started with having an ssh server
Add vsftpd by adding to webimage_extra_packages inthe config.ssh.yaml: webimage_extra_packages: [vsftpd, openssh-server] to your .ddev/config.yaml
From there, you may have some extra config to do based on https://linuxopsys.com/topics/install-vsftpd-ftp-server-on-debian

How to use an ssh Api Key in Jenkins

I wanted to know if you can help me with this problem, I am currently using Newman to load a collection of test cases that I made in Postman, I am trying to run a JOB in Jenkins, when I run the command:
newman run collection.json -e sendoment.json
It works, the collection runs in Jenkins but it shows me this error:
I know that I have to pass the ssh code to it so that it recognizes the port and gives me access, but I don't know what commands to use to send it.
I currently have an id_rsa.pub that I use to perform this action locally.
My question is, how can I send this file or how can I make sure the ports will be there? I do not have privileges to enter the Managment, so I cannot add the variable as a plugin, I have seen this in other blogs either here or in Postman.
It is just a collection in json format with various calls to various EndPoints, where the states they have are validated.
To solve this action I had to create a method that would allow me to log in to the virtual machine that I have in Jenkins, since, when performing the action, this port is blocked. 2 Cookies are sent to perform the Log In action.

.NET Core application running in Linux Docker container cannot access a specific SQL Server

I am attempting to connect to two MSSQL servers using SQL Authentication. When I run my application on my machine with dotnet run, it can connect to both of the databases. When I put the application into a Docker container, the application can only connect to one of the databases. I get no error or timeout. It just sits there at 100% CPU. Both databases are on the same network and I have been told that there is no internal firewall.
I have it logging out its connection string during the OnConfiguring step of creating the context and the connection string is correct. I have tried using both the fully qualified domain name of the server as well as its IP address.
Any ideas on why I cannot connect to this server?
I found the resolution. https://github.com/dotnet/core/issues/3550#issuecomment-538608972 held the answer. Basically I switched over to the alpine variant of dotnet images.
There is an issue with the default images of dotnet apparently.
I also had to add the following to my Dockerfile to get over an error message saying, "Globalization Invariant Mode is not supported."
RUN apk add --no-cache icu-libs

Running an Ant script to prepare a Database in Bluemix

I have an Ant script that I use to populate/prepare a database. All I need is to set the host, port and credentials for the database. It works fine for MySQL and DB2, the DB just need to be reachable from were the script is executed.
The DB service in Bluemix gives me a DB with an IP (75.x.x.x) that is only reachable from the internal network of Bluemix, it is not accessible externally.
My understanding is that my ant script needs to be executed from inside the Bluemix network/servers.
How can I do that?
What would be the alternatives?
I'm considering to create a NodeJS script to trigger that ant internally, but I'm not sure if it will work properly.
dashDB always had the ability for local clients (outside of Bluemix) to connect to the cloud database, and SQL Database later added the feature as well. So you should be able to populate a database as long as you have the correct driver client installed on your local machine.
Can you provide more details on how you tested that the IP is not reachable? Is there a firewall put in place between your local machine and Bluemix? Note that ping is not a good test because the port is blocked for security reasons. You may try the JDBC port indicated on the connection page from the console.
See link for instructions on how to make a connection:
You might be able to use a simple custom buildpack. You can start with a sample like this one:
fork it and modify the bin/compile script to run your ant task instead. Then put your ant script (and probably executable as I expect it is not installed in the Bluemix environment) in a directory and run
cf push <appname> -b <your forked git url>
To push it to Bluemix and run it. If you're just using it once you can probably get away with hard-coding the address and credentials, or else you can bind to the same service instance and get the info from VCAP_SERVICES.

Unable to start/delete Windows Service created under Local System

As part of an MSDeploy post step I run
sc create MyService binPath= "C:\Services\MyService"
(Note that this command is run from the remote server)
Trying to start/delete the service using sc or via the UI results in an Access Denied error which doesn't make sense. Why would the local system not be allowed to do that? You can't go to the service folder and add local system as a user..
What am I doing wrong?
If I need to use another account such as Local Service or Network Service how do I specify the account to use in my sc create command?
Yikes, I specified the name of the directory rather than including the executable.
Apparently sc will still create the service without error.
