How to include Facebook Messenger and Instagram in the default share dialog? - ios

I am using an activity view controller for sharing in my app. All the apps are visible in share but Facebook Messenger and Instagram are not there. I also tapped on the more button but these two apps are not there.

You cannot provide code for including third-party apps in the default UIActivityViewController share dialog. If the app is downloaded on the device, the option will appear.


How do I get my Twitter social media share button on iOS to NOT take me to the share sheet, but to the Twitter app itself

I've run into an annoying problem where my Twitter share button on my iOS mobile app, using "SuperSocializer", it brings up the share sheet instead of taking me right to the twitter app itself. The other social media buttons I'm using take me right to their respective mobile apps.
However, in the Safari browser on my mobile device, it takes me right to the Twitter app when the button is pressed.
How do I prevent my twitter button from bringing up the share sheet but instead, take me to the twitter app like the it does in the mobile browser?

How to dismiss iOS camera Access popup?

My app requests access to the iPhone/iPad camera. This results in the native iOS popup to appear, asking for user confirmation.
Is there a way in which I can dismiss this iOS popup (so before the user has made the OK / Don't Allow choice)?
For recent versions of iOS this popup automatically appears when you request write or read access for iOS Photo Library or use some of the AVFoundation framework components.
You can not dismiss it programmatically but you sure can create your own alert before showing the system one so you can have more control over what the user does.
It is the case in many 3rd party apps because when the user declines the access, it's not easy to ask them to go to settings and re-enable it from there. One of the easiest examples to implement would be something like this.

Not able to come back to my app from Instagram after sharing photo using iPhone hooks

I want to share/post photo on Instagram from my app and I could do it using iPhone hooks which opens Instagram app.
But I couldn't find way to come back to my app after sharing photo.
Let me know if it is supported by Instagram. If not then please suggest alternative way for same.
This isn't supported with the instagram app, but in IOS 9 they introduced a button on the left of the status bar which says "back to.." to go back to whatever app opened this one. A rather nice unpublicised addition if you ask me

Open Display & Brightness Settings on AlertView button

Is there a way to open the Settings in Display&Brightness when tapping an alertView buttons? I want the user to be redirected here in order to change its Standard/Zoom view mode.
In iOS 8, there is no supported method for a third-party app to open Settings to anything other than the top level, or to their app's custom settings, if they exist.
What you see in Tinder and Facebook are system alerts that iOS presents when your app wants to use the network or location services and (cellular data or) wi-fi is turned off. This is managed by iOS, and is not something that Tinder or Facebook had to add to their app.

Is it possible to add my app to the photo album's 'share via' button?

I've worked on an Android application that enable to send pics directly via the album photo. Just have to add a link to my app in the share via button.
Now I'm doing the same app for iPhone. That's why I want to know if that is possible to put my app to the list of propositions in that share via button.
