This picture:
shows two photos captured by a camera from a black photographic paper. The cross is marked by laser. The left one shows a 9 pixel pattern of noise
This gets in the way of auto-focus process.
My boss asked me to improve the auto-focus algorithm of a camera to a higher precision (say from 1mm to 0.01mm). This auto-focus process is a preparation stage for laser marking.
The original algorithm uses "Sobel" to calculate sharpness and compare the sharpness of photos at consecutive camera distance to see which one corresponds to the distance nearest to focal length.
Sobel(im_gray, grad_x);convertScaleAbs(grad_x, abs_grad_x);
Sobel(im_gray, grad_y);convertScaleAbs(grad_y, abs_grad_y);
addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0, grad);
for (int i = 0; i < grad.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < grad.cols; j++)
sharpness += =<unsigned char>(i, j);
This algorithm works fine for complicated photo (with higher brightness and more info), despite the noise, the sharpness value changes monotonically.
But for simple photo (with less brightness and less info), the sharpness value doesn't change monotonically.
I first noticed brightness variance gets in the way of calculating the correct sharpness so I used histogram equalization (already tried "BrightnessAndContrastAuto", not working), and it improves the result to some extent.
equalizeHist(im_gray, im_gray);
After inspecting the problematic shapness values, I realized the noise is another interfering factor. So I used GaussianBlur both of size 3x3 and 5x5 to denoise (already tried "fastNlMeansDenoising", not working ) before histogram equalization. Still there are problematic sharpness values ( certain values break the monotonic trend).
GaussianBlur(im_gray, im_gray, Size(5, 5), 0);
Z Pos Sharpness
-0.2 41.5362
-0.18 41.73
-0.16 41.9194
-0.14 42.2535
-0.12 42.4438
-0.1 42.9528
-0.08 **42.6879**
-0.06 43.4243
-0.04 43.7608
-0.02 43.9139
0 44.1061
0.02 44.3472
0.04 44.7846
0.06 44.9305
0.08 45.0761
0.1 **44.8107**
0.12 45.1979
0.14 45.7114
0.16 45.9627
0.18 46.2388
0.2 46.6344
To sum up,my current algorithm is as follows:
GaussianBlur(im_gray, im_gray, Size(5, 5), 0);
equalizeHist(im_gray, im_gray);
Sobel(im_gray, grad_x);convertScaleAbs(grad_x, abs_grad_x);
Sobel(im_gray, grad_y);convertScaleAbs(grad_y, abs_grad_y);
addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0, grad);
for (int i = 0; i < grad.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < grad.cols; j++)
sharpness += =<unsigned char>(i, j);
Question: Could someone tell me how I can remove the noise by adjusting the sigma or size parameter of GaussianBlur or using another denoising algorithm?
Additional background: According to the comments, I noticed I have to clarify where I got this set of pictures. Actually they are not raw ouput of camera. They are from a software assisting laser marking. This software has a child window showing the grayscale real-time image of camera. The software has following features: 1. move camera to a certain position; 2.adjust the brightness and contrastness of the image; 3. save the image. When I capture the series of images, I first fix brightness and contrast setting, then move camera in Z direction consecutively, then click 'save the image' after each move. And the image showing in the window is stored in a series of .bmp files.
So in short, I captured images that were captured by a software. The raw image is already processed by grayscale, brightness and contrastness. I will add the new algorithm to this software once it's done, then the input to the algorithm will be raw output of camera. But currently I don't have bottom interface. And I believe the processing won't get in the way of coping with time-varying brightness and noise.
However, the processing by software is one factor interfering with the sharpness algorithm. It sets the 'easy or hard mode'. With high brightness and contrast setting the origial algorithm with only Sobel works fine. But with low brightness and contrast setting, the picture is showing less information, the time-varying brightness and noise comes into power. These are different types of factors from the software brightness and contrast setting, which is a fixed pipeline. They are intrinsic features of the image. In other words, with the brightness and position setting fixed, the image showing in the window is changing by itself in brightness and noise, whether randomly or in certain frequency. So when I 'save the image', the brightness and noise variance creeps in.
The two pictures at the top, are two pictures in .bmp captured at ajacent Z position with a difference of 0.02mm. I expect them to change only in sharpness, but the left one let the demon in and is reluctant to reveal its true self.
I am working with OpenCV on the Android platform. With the tremendous help from this community and techies, I am able to successfully detect a sheet out of the image.
These are the step I used.
Find the vertices of the rectangle
Find the vertices of the rectangle top-left anticlockwise order using center of mass approach
Find the height and width of the rectangle just to maintain the aspect ratio and do warpPerspective transformation.
After applying all these steps I can easily get the document or the largest rectangle from an image. But it highly depends on the difference in the intensities of the background and the document sheet. As the Canny edge detector works on the principle of intensity gradient, a difference in intensity is always assumed from the implementation side. That is why Canny took into the account the various threshold parameters.
Lower threshold
Higher threshold
So if the intensity gradient of a pixel is greater than the higher threshold, it will be added as an edge pixel in the output image. A pixel will be rejected completely if its intensity gradient value is lower than the lower threshold. And if a pixel has an intensity between the lower and higher threshold, it will only be added as an edge pixel if it is connected to any other pixel having the value larger than the higher threshold.
My main purpose is to use Canny edge detection for the document scanning. So how can I compute these thresholds dynamically so that it can work with the both cases of dark and light background?
I tried a lot by manually adjusting the parameters, but I couldn't find any relationship associated with the scenarios.
You could calculate your thresholds using Otsu’s method.
The (Python) code would look like this:
high_thresh, thresh_im = cv2.threshold(im, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
lowThresh = 0.5*high_thresh
Use the following snippet which I obtained from this blog:
v = np.median(gray_image)
#---- Apply automatic Canny edge detection using the computed median----
lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * v))
upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * v))
edged = cv2.Canny(gray_image, lower, upper)
##So what am I doing here?
I am taking the median value of the gray scale image. The sigma value of 0.33 is chosen to set the lower and upper threshold. 0.33 value is generally used by statisticians for data science. So it is considered here as well.
I am looking for a "very" simple way to check if an image bitmap is blur. I do not need accurate and complicate algorithm which involves fft, wavelet, etc. Just a very simple idea even if it is not accurate.
I've thought to compute the average euclidian distance between pixel (x,y) and pixel (x+1,y) considering their RGB components and then using a threshold but it works very bad. Any other idea?
Don't calculate the average differences between adjacent pixels.
Even when a photograph is perfectly in focus, it can still contain large areas of uniform colour, like the sky for example. These will push down the average difference and mask the details you're interested in. What you really want to find is the maximum difference value.
Also, to speed things up, I wouldn't bother checking every pixel in the image. You should get reasonable results by checking along a grid of horizontal and vertical lines spaced, say, 10 pixels apart.
Here are the results of some tests with PHP's GD graphics functions using an image from Wikimedia Commons (Bokeh_Ipomea.jpg). The Sharpness values are simply the maximum pixel difference values as a percentage of 255 (I only looked in the green channel; you should probably convert to greyscale first). The numbers underneath show how long it took to process the image.
If you want them, here are the source images I used:
slightly blurred
There's a problem with this algorithm in that it relies on the image having a fairly high level of contrast as well as sharp focused edges. It can be improved by finding the maximum pixel difference (maxdiff), and finding the overall range of pixel values in a small area centred on this location (range). The sharpness is then calculated as follows:
sharpness = (maxdiff / (offset + range)) * (1.0 + offset / 255) * 100%
where offset is a parameter that reduces the effects of very small edges so that background noise does not affect the results significantly. (I used a value of 15.)
This produces fairly good results. Anything with a sharpness of less than 40% is probably out of focus. Here's are some examples (the locations of the maximum pixel difference and the 9×9 local search areas are also shown for reference):
The results still aren't perfect, though. Subjects that are inherently blurry will always result in a low sharpness value:
Bokeh effects can produce sharp edges from point sources of light, even when they are completely out of focus:
You commented that you want to be able to reject user-submitted photos that are out of focus. Since this technique isn't perfect, I would suggest that you instead notify the user if an image appears blurry instead of rejecting it altogether.
I suppose that, philosophically speaking, all natural images are blurry...How blurry and to which amount, is something that depends upon your application. Broadly speaking, the blurriness or sharpness of images can be measured in various ways. As a first easy attempt I would check for the energy of the image, defined as the normalised summation of the squared pixel values:
1 2
E = --- Σ I, where I the image and N the number of pixels (defined for grayscale)
First you may apply a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter to detect the "energetic" areas of the image and then check the energy. The blurry image should show considerably lower energy.
See an example in MATLAB using a typical grayscale lena image:
This is the original image
This is the blurry image, blurred with gaussian noise
This is the LoG image of the original
And this is the LoG image of the blurry one
If you just compute the energy of the two LoG images you get:
E = 1265 E = 88
or bl
which is a huge amount of difference...
Then you just have to select a threshold to judge which amount of energy is good for your application...
calculate the average L1-distance of adjacent pixels:
N1=1/(2*N_pixel) * sum( abs(p(x,y)-p(x-1,y)) + abs(p(x,y)-p(x,y-1)) )
then the average L2 distance:
N2= 1/(2*N_pixel) * sum( (p(x,y)-p(x-1,y))^2 + (p(x,y)-p(x,y-1))^2 )
then the ratio N2 / (N1*N1) is a measure of blurriness. This is for grayscale images, for color you do this for each channel separately.
I am trying to blur a scanned text document to the point that the text lines are blurred to black.. I mean the text blends into each other and all I see are black lines.
I'm new to MATLAB and even though I know the basics I cannot get the image to blur properly. I have read this: Gaussian Blurr and according to that the blur is managed/decided by the sigma function. But that is not how it works in the code I wrote.
While trying to learn Gaussian blurring in Matlab I came to find out that its achieved by using this function: fspecial('gaussian',hsize,sigma);
So apparently there are two variables hsize specifies number of rows or columns in the function while sigma is the standard deviation.
Can some one please explain the significance of hsize here and why it has a much deeper effect on the result even more than sigma?
Why is it that even if I increase sigma to a very high value the blurr is not effected but the image is distorted a lot by increasing the hsize
here is my code:
img = imread('c:\new.jpg');
h = fspecial('gaussian',hsize,sigma);
out = imfilter(img,h);
and the results are attached:
Why is it not only controlled by sigma? What role does hsize play? Why cant I get it to blur the text only rather than distort the entire image?
Thank you
hsize refers to the size of the filter. Specifically, a filter that is Nx
x Ny pixels uses a pixel region Nx x Ny in size centered around each
pixel when computing the response of the filter. The response is just how
the pixels in that region are combined together. In the case of a
gaussian filter, the intensity at each pixel around the central one is
weighted according to a gaussian function prior to performing a box average over the region.
sigma refers to the standard deviation of the gaussian (see documentation
for fspecial) with units in pixels. As you increase sigma (keeping the
size of the filter the same) eventually you approach a simple box average with uniform weighting
over the filter area around the central pixel, so you stop seeing an effect from increasing sigma.
The similarity between results obtained with gaussian blur (with large value of sigma) and a box
average are shown in the left and middle images below. The right image shows
the results of eroding the image, which is probably what you want.
The code:
% gaussian filter:
hsize = 5;
sigma = 10;
h = fspecial('gaussian',hsize,sigma);
out = imfilter(img,h);
% box filter:
h = fspecial('average',hsize);
out = imfilter(img,h);
% erode:
out = imerode(img,se);
Fspecial's Manual
h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma) returns a rotationally
symmetric Gaussian lowpass filter of size hsize with standard
deviation sigma (positive). hsize can be a vector specifying the
number of rows and columns in h, or it can be a scalar, in which case
h is a square matrix. The default value for hsize is [3 3]; the
default value for sigma is 0.5. Not recommended. Use imgaussfilt or
imgaussfilt3 instead.
where they say that fspecial - gaussian is not recommended.
In deciding the standard deviation (sigma), you need still decide hsize which affects the blurring.
In imgaussfilt, you decide the standard deviation and the system considers you the rest.
I can get much more better tolerance levels with imgaussfilt and imgaussfilt3 in my systems in Matlab 2016a, example output here in the body
im = im2double( imgGray );
sigma = 5;
simulatedPsfImage = imgaussfilt(im, sigma);
simulatedPsfImage = im2double( simulatedPsfImage );
[ measuredResolution, standardError, bestFitData ] = ...
EstimateResolutionFromPsfImage( simulatedPsfImage, [1.00 1.00] );
Note that the tolerance levels of fspecial are high [0.70 1.30] by default.
How can I threshold this blurry image to make the digits as clear as possible?
In a previous post, I tried adaptively thresholding a blurry image (left), which resulted in distorted and disconnected digits (right):
Since then, I've tried using a morphological closing operation as described in this post to make the brightness of the image uniform:
If I adaptively threshold this image, I don't get significantly better results. However, because the brightness is approximately uniform, I can now use an ordinary threshold:
This is a lot better than before, but I have two problems:
I had to manually choose the threshold value. Although the closing operation results in uniform brightness, the level of brightness might be different for other images.
Different parts of the image would do better with slight variations in the threshold level. For instance, the 9 and 7 in the top left come out partially faded and should have a lower threshold, while some of the 6s have fused into 8s and should have a higher threshold.
I thought that going back to an adaptive threshold, but with a very large block size (1/9th of the image) would solve both problems. Instead, I end up with a weird "halo effect" where the centre of the image is a lot brighter, but the edges are about the same as the normally-thresholded image:
Edit: remi suggested morphologically opening the thresholded image at the top right of this post. This doesn't work too well. Using elliptical kernels, only a 3x3 is small enough to avoid obliterating the image entirely, and even then there are significant breakages in the digits:
Edit2: mmgp suggested using a Wiener filter to remove blur. I adapted this code for Wiener filtering in OpenCV to OpenCV4Android, but it makes the image even blurrier! Here's the image before (left) and after filtering with my code and a 5x5 kernel:
Here is my adapted code, which filters in-place:
private void wiener(Mat input, int nRows, int nCols) { // I tried nRows=5 and nCols=5
Mat localMean = new Mat(input.rows(), input.cols(), input.type());
Mat temp = new Mat(input.rows(), input.cols(), input.type());
Mat temp2 = new Mat(input.rows(), input.cols(), input.type());
// Create the kernel for convolution: a constant matrix with nRows rows
// and nCols cols, normalized so that the sum of the pixels is 1.
Mat kernel = new Mat(nRows, nCols, CvType.CV_32F, new Scalar(1.0 / (double) (nRows * nCols)));
// Get the local mean of the input. localMean = convolution(input, kernel)
Imgproc.filter2D(input, localMean, -1, kernel, new Point(nCols/2, nRows/2), 0);
// Get the local variance of the input. localVariance = convolution(input^2, kernel) - localMean^2
Core.multiply(input, input, temp); // temp = input^2
Imgproc.filter2D(temp, temp, -1, kernel, new Point(nCols/2, nRows/2), 0); // temp = convolution(input^2, kernel)
Core.multiply(localMean, localMean, temp2); //temp2 = localMean^2
Core.subtract(temp, temp2, temp); // temp = localVariance = convolution(input^2, kernel) - localMean^2
// Estimate the noise as mean(localVariance)
Scalar noise = Core.mean(temp);
// Compute the result. result = localMean + max(0, localVariance - noise) / max(localVariance, noise) * (input - localMean)
Core.max(temp, noise, temp2); // temp2 = max(localVariance, noise)
Core.subtract(temp, noise, temp); // temp = localVariance - noise
Core.max(temp, new Scalar(0), temp); // temp = max(0, localVariance - noise)
Core.divide(temp, temp2, temp); // temp = max(0, localVar-noise) / max(localVariance, noise)
Core.subtract(input, localMean, input); // input = input - localMean
Core.multiply(temp, input, input); // input = max(0, localVariance - noise) / max(localVariance, noise) * (input - localMean)
Core.add(input, localMean, input); // input = localMean + max(0, localVariance - noise) / max(localVariance, noise) * (input - localMean)
Some hints that you might try out:
Apply the morphological opening in your original thresholded image (the one which is noisy at the right of the first picture). You should get rid of most of the background noise and be able to reconnect the digits.
Use a different preprocessing of your original image instead of morpho closing, such as median filter (tends to blur the edges) or bilateral filtering which will preserve better the edges but is slower to compute.
As far as threshold is concerned, you can use CV_OTSU flag in the cv::threshold to determine an optimal value for a global threshold. Local thresholding might still be better, but should work better with the bilateral or median filter
I've tried thresholding each 3x3 box separately, using Otsu's algorithm (CV_OTSU - thanks remi!) to determine an optimal threshold value for each box. This works a bit better than thresholding the entire image, and is probably a bit more robust.
Better solutions are welcome, though.
If you're willing to spend some cycles on it there are de-blurring techniques that could be used to sharpen up the picture prior to processing. Nothing in OpenCV yet but if this is a make-or-break kind of thing you could add it.
There's a bunch of literature on the subject:
And some chatter on the OpenCV mailing list:
The weird "halo effect" that you're seeing is likely due to OpenCV assuming black for the color when the adaptive threshold is at/near the edge of the image and the window that it's using "hangs over" the edge into non-image territory. There are ways to correct for this, most likely you would make an temporary image that's at least two full block-sizes taller and wider than the image from the camera. Then copy the camera image into the middle of it. Then set the surrounding "blank" portion of the temp image to be the average color of the image from the camera. Now when you perform the adaptive threshold the data at/near the edges will be much closer to accurate. It won't be perfect since its not a real picture but it will yield better results than the black that OpenCV is assuming is there.
My proposal assumes you can identify the sudoku cells, which I think, is not asking too much. Trying to apply morphological operators (although I really like them) and/or binarization methods as a first step is the wrong way here, in my opinion of course. Your image is at least partially blurry, for whatever reason (original camera angle and/or movement, among other reasons). So what you need is to revert that, by performing a deconvolution. Of course asking for a perfect deconvolution is too much, but we can try some things.
One of these "things" is the Wiener filter, and in Matlab, for instance, the function is named deconvwnr. I noticed the blurry to be in the vertical direction, so we can perform a deconvolution with a vertical kernel of certain length (10 in the following example) and also assume the input is not noise free (assumption of 5%) -- I'm just trying to give a very superficial view here, take it easy. In Matlab, your problem is at least partially solved by doing:
f = imread('some_sudoku_cell.png');
g = deconvwnr(f, fspecial('motion', 10, 90), 0.05));
h = im2bw(g, graythresh(g)); % graythresh is the Otsu method
Here are the results from some of your cells (original, otsu, otsu of region growing, morphological enhanced image, otsu from morphological enhanced image with region growing, otsu of deconvolution):
The enhanced image was produced by performing original + tophat(original) - bottomhat(original) with a flat disk of radius 3. I manually picked the seed point for region growing and manually picked the best threshold.
For empty cells you get weird results (original and otsu of deconvlution):
But I don't think you would have trouble to detect whether a cell is empty or not (the global threshold already solves it).
Added the best results I could get with a different approach: region growing. I also attempted some other approaches, but this was the second best one.
I am applying some gaussian noise to an image. I think that this type of noise is most similar to sensor noise one could expect from a rubbish camera (?).
My question is: for a 3-channel image is the noise value applied to all values of each pixel the same i.e.
noise = gaussian_value()
pixel = (r+noise, g+noise, b+noise)
this is effectively changing the brightness of the pixel overall.
or, is a separate noise value applied to each of the channels in the pixel i.e.
r_noise = gaussian_value()
g_noise = gaussian_value()
b_noise = gaussian_value()
pixel = (r+r_noise, g+g_noise, b+b_noise)
or, is a random channel chosen for each pixel and noise applied i.e.
noise = gaussian_value()
pixel[randint(0,2)] += noise
Which one of these methods most accurately models the type of noise I am after (i.e. sensor noise). I also think that most cameras do not have separate channel sensors for each pixel and interpolate colour values from the surrounding pixels, so if this is the case too, does it affect the answer?
If your goal is to simulate the noise from a real sensor, you should start with an image from a real camera. Take a picture of a gray card that's defocused and subtract the average value of a large block around a pixel from the pixel value itself - that should give you pure noise which you can analyze. Depending on your requirements you might even be able to use this saved noise directly, either by overlaying it or by choosing a random starting point and incrementing through it.