is there any way to send different badge count to different users in a same topic? - ios

I have FCM integration in my Node.js project where I am sending number of notifications to the IOS users and I need to manage notification count i.e. Badge count which will be different across the devices but I am sending notification to a particular topic to which these devices are subscribed.
my Payload is :
var payload = {
notification: {
title: "Title...",
body: "Notification Body...",
sound: "customeSound.caf",
badge : "?"
data: {
testData: "custom data"
topic = "topicName";
admin.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload)
.then(function (response) {
// See the MessagingTopicResponse reference documentation for the
// contents of response.
console.log("Successfully sent message:", response);
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("Error sending message:", error);

All devices that are subscribed to the corresponding topic will receive the same payload you set.
You'll have to send a separate payload for each device. Or if applicable, maybe just group the ones with the similar badge value -- but that would require you to send to a group of tokens (using registration_ids) instead of sending to a topic.

If you have the devices tokens and you want to send the badge counts to respective device token,
Instead of sending them one by one ( Which I personally think is not a good idea) the best alternative you can do is:-
You can achieve this by doing something like.....
First of all you need to query your DB to get the device token and badge count respectively
So say like you have and array
const badgeCounts = [{
badge_count: 1
badge_count: 2
badge_count: 3
badge_count: 4
Now you can map over this array and compose array of fcm messages, something like below :-
const fcmMessages = [];
badgeCounts.forEach((data) => {
token: data.device_token, //device token
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
alert: {
title: "your title",
body: "your body",
badge: data.badge_count, // badge
contentAvailable: true,
data: {
// any payload goes here...
notification: {
title: "your title",
body: "your body",
/// in firebase messiging you can do like
refer doc


Is there alternative to ttl "time to live" for iOS in firebase cloud messaging?

I am sending the notifications using admin sdk.
This is my payload. I was able to set ttl (Time to Live) for Android but I am not sure how I can make it for iOS.
Basically if notification fails to send, then I dont want to resend it at all.
const payload = {
notification: {
title: 'New Appointments!',
body: '',
data: {},
android: {
ttl: 1000,
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
badge: 1,
admin.messaging().send(payload).then((response) => {})
I think you're looking for apns-expiration:
A UNIX epoch date expressed in seconds (UTC). This header identifies the date when the notification is no longer valid and can be discarded.
If this value is nonzero, APNs stores the notification and tries to deliver it at least once, repeating the attempt as needed if it is unable to deliver the notification the first time. If the value is 0, APNs treats the notification as if it expires immediately and does not store the notification or attempt to redeliver it.
An example of this is seen in the FCM docs for ttl:
"Nick" : "Mario",
"body" : "great match!",
"Room" : "PortugalVSDenmark"
The Problem I had was wrong format because I was reading the wrong documentation.

Firebase-admin doesn't send iOS APN notification

I can send push notifications from Firebase Console Notifications to my iOS device, and it works perfectly being the app in foreground and background.
When I try to send them using Firebase-admin by NodeJS it only works when the app is in foreground, in background nothing happens.
I think that the communications between FCM-APNs are good because it works with the console.
This is my NodeJS code:
function sendFCM(registration_ids, data, collapseKey) {
const options = {
priority: "high",
collapseKey : collapseKey,
contentAvailable : true,
timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24
const payload = {
data: data,
notification: {
title: "My title",
text: "My description",
sound : "default"
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(registration_ids, payload, options)
.then(function(response) {
console.log("Successfully sent message:", response);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error sending message:", error);
What do you think that it's happening? Do you know some way to log the issue?
The Server Protocol documentation indicates the key for notification text is body, not text. See if this change makes a difference:
const payload = {
data: data,
notification: {
title: "My title",
body: "My description", // <= CHANGE
sound : "default"

Firebase Cloud Messaging push notification not being sent to device

This is what my log looks like when my push notification gets called on
I am currently working on creating push notification set up for a user to user setting for the iPhone. I am currently using Firebase, so naturally I turned to Firebase Cloud Messaging to get this done. This is my setup in the functions that I am deploying to my Firebase. Is there something that I am doing wrong in here that would result in the notification not being sent to the device? I appreciate any help, and if there is any more needed information I would be happy to supply it.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Listens for new messages added to messages/:pushId
exports.pushNotification = functions.database.ref('/messages/{pushId}').onWrite( event => {
console.log('Push notification event triggered');
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
var valueObject =;
if(valueObject.photoUrl != null) {
valueObject.photoUrl= "Sent you a photo!";
// Create a notification
const payload = {
notification: {
body: valueObject.text || valueObject.photoUrl,
sound: "default"
//Create an options object that contains the time to live for the notification and the priority
const options = {
priority: "high",
timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24
return admin.messaging().sendToTopic("pushNotifications", payload, options);
exports.pushNotification = functions.database.ref('/messages/{pushId}').onWrite( event => {
const data =;
console.log('Push notification event triggered');
I noticed that you are exposing the same function twice. That is also an issue. Also I suggest you to promisify the admin.messaging, so that you can handle and check for errors.
let topic = "pushNotifications";
admin.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload, options)
.then(function(response) {
console.log("Successfully sent message:", response);
console.log("Topic: " + topic);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error sending message:", error);
Send this jsone on your post parameter in registration_ids field you have to post array of your All device token that you want to send push notification
This is post request method body
{ "registration_ids" : [Send Array of Device Token],
"data" :
"image_url" : "send your image here"
"message" : "Send your message here" },
"notification" :
"title" : "APP Name",
"sound" : "default",
"priority" : "high"
Here is post URL
and send key="Your Authorization key" in request HttpHeader field
Take reference for basic setup form here for cloud messaging

Firebase Cloud Messaging not sending aps payload in correct format for iOS Notification Content & Service Extensions

I'm trying to implement notifications using Firebase. The notification is received correctly when the app is in the background or foreground. So, the basic mechanics are working.
Now I've added Content Extensions and Service Extensions to the app. The Content Extension works when I use a local notification, but the Firebase message payload seems incorrect as far as the optional fields are considered. Here is a link to an image of my console:
And here is the Firebase remote notification payload that comes across (with some of the long Google numbers edited for anonymity:
aps =
alert =
body = "Eureka! 11";
title = "Patient is not doing well";
category = provider-body-panel;
gcm.message_id = 0:149073;
gcm.n.e = 1;
google.c.a.c_id = 2825604;
google.c.a.e = 1;
google.c.a.ts = 149073;
google.c.a.udt = 0;
mutable-content = 1;
It appears that the "category" and "mutable-content" are not in the correct place. They should be in the aps payload.
How can I get those options to be in the payload so that my app can correctly parse it and connect it with the Content and Service Extensions?
To start off, I'm going to mention that there are two types of message payloads for FCM. notification and data. See the documentation here
When sending notifications through the Firebase Notifications Console, it will be treated as a notification payload. However, if you add in Custom Data, it will add it in the payload as a custom key-value pair.
For example, in your post, the FCM payload should look something like this:
"notification": {
"body" : "Eureka!",
"title": "Patient is not doing well"
"data": {
"category": "provider-body-panel",
"mutable-content" : true,
"click_action" : "provider-body-panel"
What's wrong?
click_action should be inside notification.
mutable-content should be mutable_content (notice the underscore) and should be on the same level as notification.
(this one I might've misunderstood, but) There is no category parameter for FCM, click_action already corresponds to it.
See the docs for the parameters here.
It it is currently not possible to set the value for click_action and mutable_content when using the Firebase Notifications Console. You'll have to build the payload yourself, something like this:
"mutable_content" : true,
"notification": {
"body" : "Eureka!",
"title": "Patient is not doing well",
"click_action" : "provider-body-panel"
Then send it from your own App Server. You could also do this by using Postman or cURL
"mutable-content should be "mutable_content" (keyword for firebase server to send as mutable-content for IOS) as you mentioned in your post, I think you left out in edit.
Below is an example with also the corrected format for the data section in the json sent to the FCM server.
So update would be:
"to" : "YOUR firebase messaging registration id here",
"notification": {
"title": "Its about time",
"body": "To go online Amigo",
"click_action": "NotificationCategoryIdentifier ForYourNotificationActions"
"customKey":"custom data you want to appear in the message payload"
"media-attachment":"mycustom image url",
"catalogID":"mycustom catalog for my custom app"
Update Firebase Admin SDK and use sendMulticast(payload) method
var admin = require("firebase-admin")
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
// Create a list containing up to 500 registration tokens.
// These registration tokens come from the client FCM SDKs.
const registrationTokens = [
// …
// See documentation on defining a message payload.
var message = {
notification: {
title: '$FooCorp up 1.43% on the day',
body: '$FooCorp gained 11.80 points to close at 835.67, up 1.43% on the day.'
tokens: registrationTokens,
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
'mutable-content': true, // use single quote
'category': 'INVITE_CATEGORY' // use single quote
// Send a message to the device corresponding to the provided
// registration tokens.
.then((response) => {
if (response.failureCount > 0) {
const failedTokens = [];
response.responses.forEach((resp, idx) => {
if (!resp.success) {
console.log('List of tokens that caused failures: ' + failedTokens);
This worked for me with Cloud functions with Node.js
const payload = {
notification: {
title: name,
body: messageText,
badge: "1",
mutable_content: "true"
data: {
type: "MESSAGE",
fromUserId: name,
attachmentUrl: imageUrl

[Parse][CloudCode] InstallationQuery returns an object, but Push is not being send

Most of the times when I try to make a Push, none is beign sent. "Pushes sent" field in Push console tab displays 0. Despite that there are installations matching the query. When I uncomment this few lines below, installation is being returned successfully.
When trying to send Push manually via panel, when setting audience parameters, correct number of recipients is being displayed. After sending, once again "Pushes sent" displays ZERO.
Installations have deviceTokens [iOS].
That's my cloud code:
var installationQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
var inUserQuery = new Parse.Query(PKUser);
inUserQuery.equalTo("objectId", toUserID);
installationQuery.matchesQuery("user", inUserQuery);
// installationQuery.find({
// success: function(iresults) {
// console.log("inst results");
// console.log(iresults);
// }, error: function(err) {
// console.log("inst error");
// console.log(err);
// }
// });
// sending a push
where: installationQuery,
data: {
"alert": user.get("firstName")+": "+shortenedMessage,
"badge": "Increment",
"content-available": 1,
"text": message,
}, { success: function() {
}, error: function(err) {
When trying to use only the user ID for finding the users installation you should use a pointer object and passing that to installationQuery since equalTo on Parse.User compares the objectId no need for matchesQuery. If this doesn't work then you will need to check if the device tokens you have are valid for that phone+install since device tokens can change (ios 7 device token is different for same device).
var installationQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
var pointerUser = new Parse.User(); = toUserID;
where: installationQuery,
data: {
"alert": user.get("firstName")+": "+shortenedMessage,
"badge": "Increment",
"content-available": 1,
"text": message,
