Adding a scrollbar to ui-grid overlays the bottom row - ui-grid

An application that I'm working on has a ui-grid on the page. Recently, we added a horizontal scrollbar to the grid and also enabled "pinning" so that some of the columns could be frozen while the grid was scrolled horizontally.
One odd behavior that I've noticed is that the newly added scrollbar overlays the last row in the table. Has anyone else ever experienced this and, if so, figured out how to stop it from happening? I've tried everything I could think of (i.e. changing row height, dynamic sizing of the grid, etc) but nothing is working. I'm hoping someone else has overcome this issue and can tell me how they did it.

Well, I found a way to resolve this, but it's particular to how our grids are created.
All of our grids that have horizontal scrolling have the first three columns pinned. I used the code below to see if the grid in question has the grid option for pinning. If the grid is scrollable, I simply add 15 to the grid's height. This makes the grid bigger so that there's plenty of room for the scrollbar without it overlaying the bottom row.
var scrollbarOffset = 15;
var buffer = 5;
var gridHeight = ((rowCount > 0 ? rowCount : 1) * rowHeight) + footer + header + filter + buffer;
var scrollable= $.grep(element[0].attributes,
function (rn) {
return rn.nodeName === "ui-grid-pinning";
}).length > 0;
if (scrollable) {
gridHeight = gridHeight + scrollbarOffset;


angular ui-grid auto height if rows have non-constant height

I'm trying to make angular ui-grid automatically resize the height so that all rows are shown without the need of its scrollbar, but without wasting space if there are only a couple rows in the grid. Someone has asked a similar question (Angular ui-grid dynamically calculate height of the grid), but the question presupposes that the row heights are constant. If the row heights are different (for example, because you have word-wrap enabled), then the accepted solution to the problem ( won't work, because the solution as does the question assumes constant row height. If I have a cell with a large amount of text in it, and the text wraps to the next line, then that rows height is different.
I found a possible solution by the user anhkind here: (
.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport {
height: auto !important;
"And of course minRowsToShow and virtualizationThreshold should be set to the size of the list."
However, when I deploy his solution, it takes a much longer time for the grid to render.
Does anyone know how to address this or have an alternative solution?
$scope._minRows = 10;
$scope._maxRows = 10;
// Lots of Grid Options, plus data setting going on here.
$scope.agendaItemsGridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
//set gridApi on scope
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
var setMinRowsLogic = function() {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = $scope._minRows;
if (!_.isUndefined($ {
var len = $;
if (len > $scope._maxRows) {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = $scope._maxRows;
} else
if (len < $scope._minRows) {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = $scope._minRows;
} else {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = len;

Scroll To Top button that only appears when you reached the end of the page

I think this is rather easy achieved, but I couldn't find out how to- and couldn't find much documentary about it.
I hate those 'scroll to top' buttons that appear after you already scrolled just 300px. Like I'm that lazy to scroll to top on myself. Therefor I would like to have a scroll to top button that only appears when you reached the bottom of the page (minus 100vh (100% viewport height).
Let's take in account the button is called .scrollTopButton and it's CSS is opacity: 0 and it's position: fixed on default.
How would I make the button appear when you reached the bottom of the page, minus 100vh and scroll along?
I was thinking of comparing the body height minus 100vh with (window).scrollTop().
var vH = $(window).height(),
bodyMinus100vh = ($('body').height() - vH);
if (bodyMinus100VH < $(window).scrollTop) {
Fixed it myself. Quite easy, honestly.
$(window).scroll(function () {
var vH = $(window).height(),
bodyHeight = ($(document).height() - (vH * 2)),
// When you open a page, you already see the website as big
// as your own screen (viewport). Therefor you need to reduce
// the page by two times the viewport
scrolledPX = $(window).scrollTop();
if (scrolledPX > bodyHeight) {
$('.scrollTopButton').css('opacity', '1');
} else {
$('.scrollTopButton').css('opacity', '0')

How to animate row height in Titanium iphone

I am working on Table view in Titanium iphone.
I tried to add animation style for each row.
That is, when user click on each row , then row height need to increase, So I able to show hided contents in row. And when user click again then the row height need to decrease.
My code is,
for collapsed view,
var animation = Ti.UI.createAnimation({height: 1, duration: 500});
and for expanded view,
row.animate(Ti.UI.createAnimation({ height:200, duration:300 });
but above both code are not working,
If I set row height without using animation then its working fine.
How to apply animation style for table view row...
can any one please.
you can try this
TableViewRow cannot be animated. It's documentation bug. You need to make your own animation function (ie, setTimeout).
The height of the row is animated by default (on iOS) when you change it, so :
row.height = '40dp';
If you set the row height directly to a numeric value, it will be animated by default on iOS. The default animation will override any custom animations you might come up with for example using the standard setTimeout javascript function.
The difficulty is to make the row content appear animated as well. Let's say row.details points to a container view that holds the hidden row details to be shown on expansion. It's height would be initialy set to zero. The following piece of code will animate the whole row in a smooth way:
var total_height_increase = 260;
var height_step = 5;
var duration = 200;
var time_step = duration * height_step / total_height_increase;
var num_steps = duration / time_step;
var i=0;
var increase_height = function(){
row.details.height += height_step;
i += 1;
if (i > num_steps) return;
}, time_step);
row.height += total_height_increase;

jquery ui sortable - clicking scrollbar breaks it

Scrolling a div that is within a .sortable() container will start dragging the div when you release the scrollbar
In the fiddle, there are 3 different sortables, 1 of them is a scrolling one
Bug: click on the scrollbar and drag it up or down to scroll through the content, when you release the mouse, the div starts to drag, which makes it follow your mouse around and there is no way to unstick it without refreshing the page.
You can use .mousemove event of jquery like this:
$('#sortable div').mousemove(function(e) {
width = $(this).width();
limit = width - 20;
if(e.offsetX < width && e.offsetX > limit)
I have create fiddle that works here Hope it meets your need.
sortable() can specify a selector for a handle much like draggable() does. Then only the matched elements get the click events. You specify the handle selector like this:
$('#sortable').sortable( {handle : '.handle'});
You already have most of what you need for the rest. The inner div on your overflowing element makes a suitable handle, like this:
<div style="height: 200px;overflow:auto">
<div class="handle" style="height: 300;">
Then you need to restore the sortability of everything else. You'd think you could just give those divs the handle class, but it's looking for children, so you need to wrap all of them like so:
<div><div class="handle">asadf</div></div>
Modified fiddle
Supplement to SubRed's answer:
This worked perfectly for my needs. However, rather than rely on the width of the scrollbar being 20 pixels (as above), I used the code from:
How can I get the browser's scrollbar sizes?
This allows the code to handle different scrollbar widths on different setups. The code is pasted here for convenience:
function getScrollBarWidth ()
var inner = document.createElement('p'); = "100%"; = "200px";
var outer = document.createElement('div'); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "hidden"; = "200px"; = "150px"; = "hidden";
outer.appendChild (inner);
document.body.appendChild (outer);
var w1 = inner.offsetWidth; = 'scroll';
var w2 = inner.offsetWidth;
if (w1 == w2) w2 = outer.clientWidth;
document.body.removeChild (outer);
return (w1 - w2);
I've also used the width value for the height of the scrollbar and modified SubRed's code to suit. This now works with one or both scrollbars.
I also used code from:
Detecting presence of a scroll bar in a DIV using jQuery?
To determine the presence of either scroll bar and adapted the turning on/off of the sortable code accordingly.
Many thanks.

How to avoid JQuery UI accordion with a long table inside from scrolling to the beginning when new rows are appended?

I have a table of many rows in a JQuery UI accordion.
I dynamically append the table this way:
var resJson = JSON.parse(connector.process(JSON.stringify(reqJson)));
for ( var i in resJson.entryArrayM) {
// test if entry has already been displayed
if ($("#resultTr_" + resJson.entryArrayM[i].id) == null)
$("#resultTable > tbody:last").append(listEntry.buildEntryRow(resJson.entryArrayM[i]));
Firstly I check if a row of the same tr id already exists. If not, I would append to the last row of the table.
It works. But the problem is: every time a row is appended, the accordion would scroll to the first row of the table. Since the table is remarkably long, it makes users inconvenient to scroll down again and again to watch newly-added rows. So how to avoid this?
First of all, just do one append rather than appending every time through the loop:
var resJson = JSON.parse(connector.process(JSON.stringify(reqJson)));
var seen = { };
var rows = [ ];
var trId = null;
for(var i in resJson.entryArrayM) {
// test if entry has already been displayed
var trId = 'resultTr_' + resJson.entryArrayM[i].id;
if($('#' + trId).length != 0
|| seen[trId])
seen[trId] = true;
$("#resultTable > tbody:last").append(rows.join(''));
Also note that I corrected your existence test, $(x) returns an empty object when x doesn't match anything, not null. Not only is this a lot more efficient but you'll only have one scroll position change to deal with.
Solving your scrolling issue is fairly simple: find out what element is scrolling, store its scrollTop before your append, and reset its scrollTop after the append:
var $el = $('#whatever-is-scrolling');
var scrollTop = $el[0].scrollTop;
$("#resultTable > tbody:last").append(rows.join('')); // As above.
$el[0].scrollTop = scrollTop;
There might be a slight visible flicker but hopefully that will be lost in the noise of altering the table.
You could also try setting the table-layout CSS property of the <table> to fixed. That will keep the table from trying to resize its width or the width of its columns and that might stop the scrolling behavior that you're seeing. The downside is that you'll have to handle the column sizing yourself. But, you could try setting table-layout:fixed immediately before your append operation to minimize the hassle.
