restrict SSH connection to specific URL/domain name - url

I have a server with 2 domain names (let's say and
I can SSH into the server by ssh and ssh I would like to be able to only allow ssh and disable SSH acces to
Is that possible?

It does not seem possible to allow SSH connection only to specific domain name. The domain name is resolved by the DNS and there is no way for the SSH server to know which domain you are using. See also this answer to the same question.
One thing you might try to do is to configure a firewall (for example iptable) to drop connection to on port 22.
A similar problem was discussed here, where they were trying to block a domain in iptables so that visitor could not access the http server using it.
Adjusting the iptables rule to your case ( and assuming that your ssh server is running on port 22) I would try this:
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m string --string "Host:" --algo bm -j DROP
As Dusan Bajic commented the rule above would only work for http traffic because it take advantage of the http header fields. This would not work for ssh traffic.


SSL and port forwarding in Jelastic: Deploying Strapi

I'm just discovering Jelastic, and I have difficulties to run Strapi.
So far, I just have one node, that is a Docker Strapi image, with SLB (no specific load balancer).
This node is accessed with SLB, and both public IPv4 and IPv6 are available.
I redirect a subdomain to these public IPs
I can launch Strapi in the container. However, it does not work well because of two issues:
SSL is not available. I can't install Let's Encrypt Free SSL: "the add-on cannot be installed on this node"...
Port is not redirected, and I have to explicitly indicate the port in the browser url to access the app homepage.
With these two issues, Strapi cannot work properly.
DOCKER_EXPOSED_PORT 1337 and MASTER_IP are set up for the Docker container.
How can I solve these two issues?
SSL is not available. I can't install Let's Encrypt Free SSL: "the
add-on cannot be installed on this node"...
The Jelastic Let's Encrypt add-on can easily install on top of any container with the Custom SSL support enabled, namely the following servers (the list is constantly extended):
Load Balancers - NGINX, Apache LB, HAProxy, Varnish
Java application servers - Tomcat, TomEE, GlassFish, Payara, Jetty
PHP application servers - Apache PHP, NGINX PHP
Ruby application servers - Apache Ruby, NGINX Ruby
If you require Let's Encrypt SSL for any other stack, just add a load balancer in front of your application servers and install the add-on. SSL termination at load balancing level is used by default in clustered topologies. Docker containers are not on the list of supported nodes.
Port is not redirected, and I have to explicitly indicate the port in
the browser url to access the app homepage.
When using an external IP address, for correct forwarding you can can add two redirection rules to iptables and redirect all requests from port 80 or 443 to 1337, for example:
-A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1337
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1337 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
If you will not use an external IP address, you can apply the solution indicated here or get additional information indicated at this link:

Vagrant cant connect to local host

Hello i am having trouble with vagrant setup.
So i am trying to ping serverless API which runs on http://localhost:3000/ (and it's outside vagrant project).
Right now my vagrant project runs on https://localhost:4443/.
Overall trying to CURL request from vagrant project to another serverless project.
Tried to use http://localhost:3000/ in CURL request but getting Failed to connect to localhost port 3000: Connection refused
Tried to use VM ip address same
Tried to do port forwarding in vagrantfile :forwarded_port, guest: 3000, host: 3000 and use machine IP address, getting empty response from server, when i try to do telnet 3000 getting
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Any idea what to try?
I had to use VM IP address something like
curl -X GET
These errors may be caused due to follow reasons, ensure the following steps are followed. To connect the local host with the local virtual machine(host). Here, I'am connecting http://localhost:3001/ to the http://abc.test Steps to be followed:
1.We have to allow CORS, placing Access-Control-Allow-Origin: in header of request may not work. Install a google extension which enables a CORS request.*
2.Make sure the credentials you provide in the request are valid.
3.Make sure the vagrant has been provisioned. Try vagrant up --provision this make the localhost connect to db of the homestead.
Try changing the content type of the header. header:{ 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;application/json' }
this point is very important.

Differences between java.rmi.server.hostname and

When enabling JMX remote connection, I saw these two properties, java.rmi.server.hostname and What the differences between these two?
The initial connection from the client (e.g. jconsole or visualvm) is established to on port Then the connecting client obtains (it is dynamically assigned by Java from a pool of unused ports if not explicitly specified) and further communication and data exchange goes over Java RMI connecting to java.rmi.server.hostname on port
If you don't use JMX authentication or SSL I'd recommend configuring both hosts as localhost (see configuration example below).
You can connect to such process either from the same machine or via SSH with port forwarding e.g.
ssh user#host -L 9091:localhost:9091 -L 9092:localhost:9092

stopping the ip connection between a client and the server for 30seconds and rewarm up of the link after that period

Here is my configuration:
On the server I have a dhcp server that gives IP addresses to clients (connected on eth1) in order for the clients to be connected to the internet (on eth0).
For a special operational use, I would like to stop the IP connection between a client and the server for 30 seconds and rewarm up the link after that period. Currently I have tried to use iptable black list to put the client IP inside the black ip list with this command:
command 1: sudo iptables -I INPUT -s '.$ip.' -j DROP
then I use another iptable command to resume the ip link with this command:
command 2: sudo iptables -D INPUT -s '.$ip.' -j DROP
the both commands are encapsulated in a PHP program stored in an Ubuntu server and launched from a Windows workstation. Both command works perfectly but, unfortunately, I never get the internet connection back. From a Windows command screen I can monitor the behaviour of the line with ping commands. Here are the result of command 1:stop the network
Here are the result of command 2:start the network
Here is my Question:
Can someone thell me how to rewarm up the local IP socket in order to relaunch the tcp connection after command 2?
Another way of doing this may could have be to stop using iptable command and dynamically modify the lease time of the client IP address given by dhcp service.
Stopping the connection: by anticipating the end of lease period of the IP address. Rewarming up the connection: by attempting a http command to invoke the establishment of a tcp connection with a new lease time.
Can someone tell me how to overcome this?
Thanks very much.

Create captive portal on Raspbian

I've got some issues with my captive portal.
I want to open a pop-up when anyone try to connect to my Raspberry wifi access point. In order to, I have turn my Rpi into a wifi access point and I have put a LAMP server on my Rpi.
Actually I use DNSMASQ and i change the conf file to :
And I change the iptables in order to capture all the connexion :
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
So when I connect and go on the browser with my phone I'm redirected to the home page of the server => This is what I want, so it's good :)
But my problem is I want a trigger to open the home page automatically when i connect to the network.
Anyone knows how to do this ?
Another question, when I call "" in my browser, I'm redirected to my Apache home page, but when I launch a search request in the browser, I've got an error. Anyone knows why ?
the reaseon why you get an error is either because :
your server is not setup for https request
if you request, /search doesn't exist on your server.
you need to:
configure your server for https (but it will show a security alert because of bad certificate)
tell your server to rewrite any "unknown" url to a specific virtual host showing your home page
This tutorial for Ubuntu, is a good follow along for the Raspberry Pi if you are using Apache and php in your captive portal setup. (from archive)
