What to do with slow soap request? - ruby-on-rails

In my controller has a slow soap-request (receive the data from third party service). So the page renders only after the request ends.
I would like to first renders page. The data from the query I can wait.
What better to do in this case?
sidekiq, ajax?

my recommendation, is using active job that you can read more from rails guide activejob and adding to the queue then for the worker you can choose between delayjob, resque, and sidekiq, I personally choose resque because it's has web interface to monitor the worker that execute the queue and easy to setup with redis and systemd configuration, here is some info about pro and cons between those three
and may be this railscast episode 366 can help you how you can combine with your project


sending Action Mailer emails with Sidekiq and without Active Job

i'm interested in running a rails app with sidekiq, and without active job. i find that if active job is there, people get confused if they should use active job apis or sidekiqs, and i want to use sidekiq's apis exclusively for performance reasons.
does current versions of sidekiq (i.e. version 7) support active mailer without active job's deliver_later? i think the historical way to do this was through "delayed extensions" but i see now this has been removed in sidekiq 7:
Delayed extensions provide a very easy and simple way to make method calls asynchronous. By default, all class methods and ActionMailer deliveries can be performed asynchronously.
They were disabled in Sidekiq 5 and removed in Sidekiq 7.
so given that, is there a recommended way to use action mailer with sidekiq and without active job these days?

Are there existing gems or services for web hook implementations?

Most major services like github provide Webhooks functionality.
So, with github - you can set hooks to notify you on every commit.
In the same time web hooks are not that easy.
Each web hook has to be ran asynchronously to not block web server at the time of communicating with destination. And it can take a good time (10-15 seconds). There should be implemented repeating functionality (in case if destination is not responding).
So, I think that there for sure should be some service or library which will do this for you.
Do you know any of these?
I need to send data to lots of endpoints and to receive a response from them..
You need a gem providing background job functionality. Sidekiq and Delayed Job are ones of most frequently used.
Idea is that after request (in ruby on rails you can use after_action hook or just do it in controller action) you create a job which will be executed asynchronously. Put logic you need in the job class
Both sidekiq and delayed job have repeating functionality, just pick gem that looks simpler to use
There is a gem called ActiveHook but it does not appear to be maintained anymore.
Benedikt Deicke wrote a good article on sending webhooks with Rails, you should check it.

Reading pending work from PhantomJS

I am building a pool of PhantomJS instances, and I am trying to make it so that each instance is autonomous (it fetches next job to be done).
My concern is to choose between these two:
Right now I have a Rails app that can give to PhantomJS which URL needs to be parsed next. So, I could do an HTTP get call from PhantomJS to my Rails app and Rails would respond with a URL that is pending to be done (most likely Rails would get that from a queue).
I am thinking on building a stand alone Redis server that PhantomJS would access via Webdis, so Rails would push the jobs there, and PhantomJS instances would fetch from it directly.
I am trying to think what would be the correct decision in terms of performance: PhantomJS hitting the Rails server (so Rails needs to get the job from the queue and send it to PhantomJS), or just making PhantomJS to access a Redis server directly.
Maybe I need more info but why isn't the performance answer obvious? Phantom JS hitting the Redis server directly means less stuff to go through.
I'd consider developing whatever is easier to maintain. What's the ballpark req/minute? What sort of company (how funded / resource-strapped are you)?
There's also more OOTB solutions like IronMQ that may ease the pain

What is the best way to make an asynchronous push to an external web service from a Rails application?

When a user posts a comment to my Rails application, I want the comment to be pushed to an external web service. This external web service could be slow, so I want to make this push asynchronously. I am not interested in the response from the web service.
The best way to use a task queue and background worker.
Take a look at Sidekiq, for example. Or BackgroundJob. Or Resque.
Basically, in your rails app you say "I want this be called in background" and put a task to a queue (backed by redis/mysql/erlang/whatever). Then another process (background worker) retrieves tasks from the queue and executes them.
For a quick-and-dirty solution you can use threads:
Thread.new do
# this stuff will be executed asynchronously
But this is only suitable for very small apps. Do not try this under heavy load.

parallel asynchronous processing with callbacks in rails controller

I am making a rails app and I am wondering whether it is possible to setup an asynchronous/callback architecture in the controller layer. I am trying to do the following:
When a HTTP request is made to /my_app/foo, I want to asynchronously dish out two jobs - a naive ranking job and a complicated ranking job both of which rank 1000 posts - to several worker machines. I want to setup a callback method in the controller for each job which is called when the respective job is finished. If the complicated job does not return within X milliseconds, I want to return the output from the naive job. Otherwise, I want to return the output from the complicated job.
It is important to note that I want these jobs to performed in parallel. What is the best way to implement such a system in Rails? I am using Apache Phusion Passenger as my rails server if that helps.
Sounds like you should be using background jobs. In that case, when a request comes in, you would start / queue two jobs which would be picked up and processed by a worker, which acts independently of your Rails app.
Here a few links that could be of help:
It's possible to issue several HTTP request asynchronously in Rails. However, it's impossible to make Rails event-driven.
In can send several HTTP request asynchronously with libraries such as Typhoeus. However, you might have concurrency issue if your timeout is too long.
Otherwise, you can try some event-driven web framework such as Cramp and Goliath. They are both based on EventMachine, so you can try em-http-request.
Try using rabbitmq where you can post a message on queue and expect the response in reply queue. The queue consumer can be even implemented in Scala for fastness. amqp gem would suffice what I am saying. Rails controller with amqp binding would be even more nice if possible(I am exploring that option having endpoints with amqp binding instead of http). That would solve enough no of problems
