Cancel long-running TFDBatchMove while in progress - delphi

How can I cancel a batch move after calling TFDBatchMove.Execute, while it is still in progress? E.g. if the user presses a Cancel button on the form. I don't see any kind of Cancel method on TFDBatchMove.
I've tried using
raise Exception.Create('Aborted');
in the OnProgress event of the TFDBatchMove (checking a Cancelled flag set by the Cancel button), but after pressing Ok on the exception message window, the batch move continues.
Another possibility is to just close the Reader component, or set Reader := nil in mid flight, but this seems like a bit of a hack.

Call the AbortJob method. It's described like:
Use the AbortJob method to stop the current data movement.
After a call to AbortJob, the method stops reading data from the
reader data source, stops writing data to the writer and terminates
Execute method.


How does one (and should one?) cancel a stream from an await-for loop in Dart?

I have a question about Dart streams, as follows. When I use a Stream via its listen() method, I can assign the result returned by listen to a variable and cancel the Subscription when I'm done (such as a dispose() method). How should I go about canceling a Stream listened by an await-for loop?
Just to clarify, I am not looking to change the flow of execution (as in, to cancel the Stream so that the code after the await-for runs), but to prevent memory leaks when I don't need the Stream anymore.
The one and only way to cancel the subscription created by an await for is to exit the loop.
The moment you leave the loop using a control flow operation like return, break, continue, throw or rethrow (or a yield operation in an async* function where the listener on the stream has cancelled), the cancel method on the underlying subscription is automatically cancelled.
If the loop terminates itself, then it is because the stream is already done, so there is nothing to worry about.
If you want to keep computing inside the loop for a long time, and then exit the loop, then I recommend restructuring the code to do the computation outside of the loop instead. That is:
await for (var event in stream) {
if (event.isTheOne) {
await longComputation(event);
will keep the stream alive and paused until longComputation completes.
instead I'd do something like:
var theOne = null;
await for (var event in stream) {
if (event.isTheOne) {
theOne = event;
if (theOne != null) await longComputation(theOne);
or something similar.
I think How should I go about canceling a Stream is a bit misspelled. In case of listen method you have properly written cancel the Subscription, because you cancel subscription, not a steam itself.
listen() is non-blocking, it creates a subscription, registers a callback and then continues to execute the next code in the current block of code. The await for construct is blocking, it does not create a subscription to the stream. The execution of code will not go beyond the await for scope until the stream is closed. It is described with examples here. So per my understanding you don't need to worry about memory leaks in case of await for.

Sequence operations

I have a little card playing app. When the computer is playing, some functions are being fired after some time to mimic a real player, like so:
self.operation.addOperation {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: {
Everything works fine, but when I want to cancel the game and start a new one, the app crashes if I do it within two seconds before the self.passTurn() function fires.
Ideally I would like to have some sort of pause between the different operations. The above mentioned operation gets released from the queue immediately after it fires the delayed function, so cancelling or suspends the operation does not work.
Is it possible to somehow retain the operation in the queue for two seconds and release it afterwards when the actual function is done?

serviceWorker.ready never resolves unless within setTimeout

In a page's domready event I'm setting an event listener for a button that sets a Background Sync event in a page on my website (when offline), but even if the service worker has been loaded already on previous page visits, this line of code never resolves the promise, its status stays "Pending" indefinitely.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function (sw) {
$('#elt').on('click', function () {
Since I know the sync event won't need to be set until after a form is completed, I tried wrapping this code in a setTimeout() of 3 seconds, which worked! My question is why this might be, I haven't been able to find anyone else indicating the .ready event wouldn't be available when the page is first loaded. Insight appreciated.

abort long running process of a database table : ideas ?

I must process a very long database table an think of the most common way to abort this loop. The principal code sequence goes like this
procedure TForm.ProcessmyTable(Sender : TObject);
ReadSingleRecordfromTable ( MyTable, aRecord) ;
ProcessMyRecord(aRecord) ;;
until MYTable.EOF;
unit .... ;
procedure ProcessMyRecord(aRecord : TMyDataRecord) ;
// do not have user interface stuff here
// Application.Processmessages will not work here !!!
.... ( long running code sequence)
Could do a timer and break the loop based on the timer with var as a flag support .... but is this really the most clever way of solving this issue?
If this code runs in the main thread, then you will need to service the message queue (i.e. call Application.ProcessMessages) if you want the user to interact with your program and abort. In which case I think you already know the solution. Call Application.ProcessMessages. If the user chooses to abort, set a boolean flag and check that flag regularly in the inner-most loop.
Of course, this is all rather messy. The fundamental problem is that you are performing long-running actions on the GUI thread. That's something you should not do. Move the database processing code onto a different thread. If the user chooses to abort, signal to the thread that it is to abort. For example a call to the Terminate method of the thread would be one way to do this.
When do you want to abort? If it takes too long of if the user says 'stop'?
In both cases change your
until MYTable.EOF;
until MYTable.EOF or Aborted;
then set your Aborted boolean either when the timer triggers or when the user presses a key (note that you then have to use Application.ProcessMessages in the loop for the program to be able to process the keypress). This will not abort in your processing routine but after each record. If that is not fast enough you will have to show your record processing routine.
If it's such a long process that the user might want to abort surely in a windows app there should be some interaction with the GUI, a count of records done or a progress bar (if not on every record then on a periodic basis) any call to update a label or progressbar will provide the opportunity to set an abort flag (so processmessages is not required). Plus if the user can see some progress they may be less likely to abort when bored but 95% complete.

wxLua - How do I implement a Cancel button?

I have a wxLua Gui app that has a "Run" button. Depending on selected options, Run can take a long time, so I would like to implement a "Cancel" button/feature. But it looks like everything in wxLua is working on one Gui thread, and once you hit Run, pressing Cancel does nothing, the Run always goes to completion.
Cancel basically sets a variable to true, and the running process regularly checks that variable. But the Cancel button press event never happens while Running.
I have never used co-routines; if the Run process regularly yields to a "Cancel check" process, will the Cancel event happen then?
Or is there another way?
(the following assumes that by "Run" you mean a long running operation in the same process and not running an external process using wxExecute or wxProcess.)
"Cancel" event is not triggered because by executing your Run logic you have not given a chance to the UI to handle the click event.
To avoid blocking the UI you need to do something like this. When you click Run button create a co-routine around the function you want to run:
coro = coroutine.create(myLongRunningFunction)
Your Run event is completed at this point. Then in EVT_IDLE event you will be resuming this coroutine as long as it's not complete. It will look something like this:
if coro then -- only if there is a coroutine to work on
local ok, res = coroutine.resume(coro, additional, parameters)
-- your function either yielded or returned
-- you may check ok to see if there was an error
-- res can tell you how far you are in the process
-- coro can return multiple values (just give them as parameters to yield)
if coroutine.status(coro) == 'dead' then -- finished or stopped with error
coro = nil
-- do whatever you need to do knowing the process is completed
You will probably need to request more IDLE event for as long as your process is not finished as some operating systems will not trigger IDLE events unless there is some other event triggered. Assuming your handler has event parameter, you can do event:RequestMore(true) to ask for more IDLE events (RequestMore).
Your long-running process will need to call coroutine.yield() at the right time (not too short as you will be wasting time to switch back and forth and not too long for users to notice delays in the UI); you probably need to experiment with this, but something timer-based with 100ms or so between calls may work.
You can check for Cancel values either in your IDLE event handler or in the long-running function as you do now. The logic I described will give your application UI a chance to process Cancel event as you expect.
I don't use WXWidgets, but the way I implement cancel buttons in my lua scripts which use IUP is to have a cancel flag, which is set when the button is pressed and the progress display is checked for during the run.
Usage is like this
ProgressDisplay.Start('This is my progress box',100)
for i=1,100 do
ProgressDisplay.SetMessage(i.." %")
fhSleep(50,40) -- Emulate performing the task
if ProgressDisplay.Cancel() then
If you want to see the definition for the ProgressDisplay see:
