I have the following course.rb model
has_many :chapters
has_many :lectures, through: :chapters
has_many :enrols
has_many :contents, through: :lectures
has_many :users, -> { uniq }, through: :enrols
accepts_nested_attributes_for :chapters, allow_destroy: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :lectures, allow_destroy: true
and course.rb active admin file
form title: 'Edit Course' do |f|
f.inputs 'Details' do
f.input :course_name
f.input :course_subtitle
f.input :course_description
f.input :video_link
f.input :course_language
f.input :status
f.input :course_image
# has_many :contents do |content|
# content.input :description
# content.input :attachment
# end
f.has_many :chapters, allow_destroy: true do |chapter|
# chapter.input :title
chapter.has_many :lectures do |lecture|
# lecture.input :title
# lecture.has_many :contents do |content|
# content.input :description
# end
lecture.input :title
I am trying to make the content of course editable in the course form and it wud require multiple nested has_many since it has number of has_many through relation.
Right now I get undefined methodnew_record?' for nil:NilClass` error
How can it be done? Is there a better way to do it?
undefined method new_record?' for nil:NilClass`
Root cause:
chapter.has_many :lectures do |lecture|
You have accepts_nested_attributes_for :lectures, allow_destroy: true in Course model, so you can't have a nested lecture inside Chapter
chapter.has_many :lectures do |lecture|
should be
f.has_many :lectures do |lecture|
If you want to have nested lecture inside chapter, then remove accepts_nested_attributes_for :lectures, allow_destroy: true from Course model and add it inside Chapter model.
What if i want to add only the lecture? Your suggestion seem to work
but it gave me option to add lecutre and chapter
In that case, there is no need for f.has_many :chapters, allow_destroy: true do |chapter|. Just have f.has_many :lectures do |lecture|
When creating a new object and connecting it with existing (has_many :through) resources I need to:
Save the new object first
Edit this newly created object again to add connections to the nested resources.
Cumbersome! It seems ActiveAdmin tries to create the association first, then the main object. Is it somehow possible to do this object creation + associating nested resources in one go?
Is case a more concrete example is needed, here is an example of my data model and ActiveAdmin setup:
Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :organizations, through: :person_organizations
Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :people, through: :person_organizations
PersonOrganization < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
belongs_to :organization
validates :person, presence: true
validates :organization, presence: true
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :name
f.inputs 'Organizations' do
f.has_many :person_organizations, do |connection_f|
connection_f.input :organization, as: :select,
collection: Organization.select[:id, :name],
member_label: proc { |org| org.name }
You have to add
accepts_nested_attributes_for :organizations, allow_destroy: true
and if you haven't also the
has_many :person_organizations
in your Person model, and you can place
f.input :organizations, :multiple => true
in your form. Also make sure you permit the correct params in your activadmin register block. In this case it would be
permit_params :name, :organization_ids => []
Read carefully: https://activeadmin.info/5-forms.html#nested-resources and https://activeadmin.info/2-resource-customization.html#setting-up-strong-parameters
I like to decorate multiple select inputs with the select2 javascript library. Let me know if something does not work out.
I have associations as follows:
variant has_may colours and colours has_many sizes. I am using active admin gem for managing backend activities. My models looks like,
class Variant < ApplicationRecord
has_many :variant_colours, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for : variant_colours, allow_destroy: true
class VariantColor < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :variant
has_many :variant_sizes, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :variant_sizes, allow_destroy: true
class VariantSize < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :variant_color
It is building variant_colours form with given fields but it is not building variant_sizes form under variant colours. Building meaning it does not populate fields on the form(UI)
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :name
f.input :product
f.input :sku
f.input :stock_quantity
f.inputs do
f.has_many :variant_colors, heading: 'Variant Colors',
allow_destroy: true,
new_record: true do |color_form|
color_form.input :color
color_form.input :sku_code
color_form.input :stock
color_form.inputs do
color_form.has_many :variant_sizes, heading: 'Variant Sizes',
allow_destroy: true,
new_record: true do |size_form|
size_form.input :size
size_form.input :sku_code
size_form.input :stock
May not need to wrap f.has_many with anything, so you could try removing one or both of the nested f.inputs and color_form.inputs that you have wrapping your has_many input blocks in the form.
My next thought would be, how are you declaring the permitted params in your controller? They probably need to be something along the lines of:
permit_params :name, :product, :sku, :stock_quantity,
variant_colors_attributes: [
:color, :sku_code, :stock, :_destroy,
# I don't think I've ever tried to double nest in this way, you may need diff syntax
variant_sizes_attributes: [:size, :sku_code, :stock, :_destroy]
My guess is the issue is in your permitted params.
I have two models.
has_one :fb_page_template, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :fb_page_template, :allow_destroy => false
belongs_to :fb_page
has_many :subscriptions
Active admin
ActiveAdmin.register FbPage do
form title: 'Facebook page form' do |f|
f.has_many :fb_page_template, new_record: false, allow_destroy: false do |k|
k.input :subscribed
Now when I try to update the form, it tries to delete subscriptions and fb_page_template as well.
All I want is to update the value of subscribed which is in fb_page_template
I think that you're missing couple things here:
You need to allow accepts_nested_attributes_for :subscriptions, :allow_destroy => false in your fb_page_template.rb
You need to allow all nested attributes in ActiveAdmin too.
You need to nest the forms.
This is what I have in my fb_pages.rb for ActiveAdmin:
ActiveAdmin.register FbPage do
permit_params :attribute_name_for_fb_page,
fb_page_template_attributes: [
:id, :fb_page_id, :attribute_name_for_fb_page_template,
subscriptions_attributes: [
form title: "Facebook page form" do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :attribute_name_for_fb_page
f.has_many :fb_page_template, allow_destroy: false do |t|
t.input :attribute_name_for_fb_page_template
t.has_many :subscriptions do |s|
s.input :subscribed, as: :boolean
And this is what I have in the fb_page_template.rb
class FbPageTemplate < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :fb_page
has_many :subscriptions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :subscriptions, :allow_destroy => false
Hope this works for you.
I know that I should know this, but I cannot seem to figure it out at all and I'm still new to development...
So I have four models...
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :profile
belongs_to :location
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :appointments
has_many :profile_locations
has_many :locations, through: :profile_locations
accepts_nested_attributes_for :profile_locations, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
class ProfileLocation < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :profile
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :location_type
accepts_nested_attributes_for :location
and locations
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :profile_locations
has_many :profiles, through: :profile_locations
has_many :appointments
On the create appointments page, I already have an associated profile on the record. I also have an association field on my simple_form for locations that I want to be able to assign to the appointment based on those tied to the profile..
I was trying something like this, but cannot seem to getting working.
%td= f.association :location, :as => :collection_select, collection: Location.where( location.profile_location.profile_id: #profile.id ), label_method: :address_1, value_method: :id, include_blank: false, :input_html => {:class => "input-small"}, :label => "Select The Location"
Am I missing something here or is there an easier way to query this? Any guidance on any of this would be helpful.
If you are are using simple_form you should be creating collection_input like this:
%td= f.input :location, collection: Location.joins(:profile_location).where(profile_locations: { profile_id: #profile.id })
Thanks ksarunas.... I needed a minor tweak, but got it running!
%td= f.association :location, :as => :collection_select, collection: Location.includes(:profile_locations).where(profile_locations: { profile_id: #appointment.profile_id })
Was getting an error trying to pull in the #profile.id and had to pluralize the profile_locationS in both places.
i'm new to ActiveAdmin and Rails and i struggle on something to build up my ActiveAdmin interface.
Consider the following models :
class PageType < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :fields, class_name: 'PageField'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :fields, allow_destroy: true
class PageField < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :page_type
has_many :page_has_fields
has_many :pages, through: :page_has_fields
accepts_nested_attributes_for :page_has_fields, allow_destroy: true
class PageHasField < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :page
belongs_to :page_field
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :page_type
has_many :page_has_fields, dependent: :delete_all
has_many :page_fields, through: :page_has_fields
accepts_nested_attributes_for :page_fields, allow_destroy: true
In Active Admin I want to create some page templates to handle "static" pages. And in each of the pages, I want to update the content of each fields related to the templates page.
Thus far, what I did worked with this code :
ActiveAdmin.register Page do
permit_params :name, :page_type_id, :page_id,
:page_fields_attributes => [:id, :name, :field_type, :page_id,
:page_has_fields_attributes => [:id, :content, :page_id]
form do |f|
f.has_many :page_fields, heading: false, new_record: false do |g|
g.inputs :name, :required
g.has_many :page_has_fields, new_record: false do |h|
h.input :content if h.object.page_id == f.object.id
But the second has_many seems really wrong to me, and i'm sure there are a better solution to this problem.
If i don't go with the "if", inputs are created for the right fields, but for every single page.
Is there a way to specify an ID or a parameter in has_many ? Or a better tag to handle situation like this ?
Try changing your setup to something more like this
ActiveAdmin.register Page do
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :some_column
f.input :some_other_column
f.input :page_fields, as: :check_boxes, checked: PageField.all.map(&:name)
f.input :page_has_fields, as: :check_boxes, checked: PageField.all.map(&:content)