Cannot load underlying module for 'XCTest' - ios

Every time I start to run my app, or I'm just starting Xcode I get this error:
I think the problem is that I don't know where my .xctest files are. I think I maybe deleted them.
Would be very nice if someone of you could help me! Maybe tell me how to recover these files, make some new one or something else.

You accidentally added one of your Xcode Unit Test files to your main app target.
Remove it:
Select test file
Open right side panel
Select Identity and Type tab
Unselect your app Target (not the unit test lego icon)
Next time you add a new unit test, only add it to your unit test target. If you accidentally include any of your app targets, they will not have the XCTest framework available.

See also Apple Technical Q&A QA1954 'Cannot load underlying module for XCTest' which covers several variants of the issue

The main project does not link with the XCUnit framework. You should create a separate testing target for your project, if one does not already exist, and add your test source files to that target.
Select your project in the Project Navigator. This will open the project's settings in the editor.
Click the "+" button at the bottom of the column listing your Targets.
If you are working on an iOS project template, select iOS > Test > iOS Unit Testing Bundle.
If you are working on an OS X project template, select OS X > Test > OS X Unit Testing Bundle.


XCode framework/library development workflow

I'm new to OSX/iOS development and I'm developing a library project (Cocoa Touch Framework) for iOS. While working on the library I would like to test changes to the code, but because it's a library, I can't run it straight away from XCode and view it's output. What I'm used to do in other platforms, (Windows for example) is to create a another project under the same solution (Visual Studio), add the library to this project and write my test code there. Unfortunately I didn't find a way to do something similar in XCode, my workflow now consists of quitting/opening two different projects, copying frameworks around and re-adding framework dependencies.
Surely there must be a better way to do this...
There are lots of post already in the SO .
But keeping it simple just follow these steps :
1.) Drag and drop Xcode project to your Xcode project 2.) go to build phase and then select your project (which u have imported ) to target. 3.) Search path - > user header search path (select your library) and also enter other linker flag.
Simple !
Is't exactly the same in Xcode :)
If you have a project (without a test build accompanying it) is:
1) See, no test Target :(
2) Click on the target that you want a test environment for (in my case, locates) so it's highlighted.
3) Click on the "edit" menu, then pop down to "Conver to" then "XCTest"
(yet another one of Apple's ambiguous places to hide things!)
Follow the wizard and that'll create you an XCTest build target that can be run on demand and through CI.
Have fun!

Adding test target to an existing project is not working

I need to add test cases to an existing project, so I tried adding a new test target via
File -> New -> Target -> Cocoa Touch Testing Bundle
From the test navigator filter bar.
Even after adding, the target is not getting listed in the test filter bar.
May be because of this issue, Product -> Test option is diabled in my project.
Also I could see some differnce between the build setting in my project and another sample project I started in Xcode 6.1 in which Product -> Test option is enabled and everything working fine for Test cases.
Please find the build settings screen shots.
Any help is appreciated.
I had this exact problem. It turns out my existing project was creating my Cocoa Touch Testing Bundle with the .app extension when it should've been a .xctest extension.
You can fix this by going to your test target you created. Build Settings > Wrapper Extension and changing it from app to xctest.
You may have to restart Xcode after this change to select your test target.
UPDATE: I found out the reason the Testing Bundle was becoming a .app extension in the first place. I had to go to the main project Wrapper Extension and make sure it was blank instead of .app. Apparently that was forcing all targets to become .app extension as well.

How to delete an Xcode Swift Test Class from the Test navigator?

The Xcode Test navigator shows a list of test case classes.
I want to delete a test case class because it's no longer needed.
I've tried many typical approaches, such as pressing delete, or looking for a "-" icon, or "Remove" menu item, or searching for help in Apple Xcode documentation.
I've found this workaround:
In the Project navigator, remove the file from the project and delete the file.
Quit Xcode and re-launch it. The Test navigator seems to lose track of the test classes and test cases, and show zero items.
Run the tests. The Test navigator seems to rebuild the list of test classes and test cases.
If that still doesn't work, try these...
Delete Xcode Derived Data:
Xcode menu -> Preferences -> "Locations" icon -> "Derived Data" section.
Click the tiny gray circle arrow; this opens the Finder and shows the DerviedData folder.
Delete the entire folder.
Product menu -> Clean.
Product menu -> Build.
Is there a simpler way to accomplish the goal of deleting a test class? Ideally without needing to relaunch Xcode, or rebuild the project, etc.?
Related kind of issue: How can I delete Xcode test cases from the test case view?
I'm using Xcode 6.3 and Swift 1.2, if that helps to know.
Edit: In the comments, #CouchDeveloper points to the official Xcode 6.3 release notes, which describe a known bug # 20373533:
Swift tests are not automatically discovered in this release of Xcode. Test annotations in the source editor sidebar will not appear, and the test navigator and the table of tests in the Test action of the scheme sheet will be empty. ...
The bounty on this question is for any solution or better workaround. Any workaround is fine, such as using the Xcode GUI, or using command-line xcodebuild, or any shell script that kludges the project files.
If you want to delete just a single test class, you can click on the file name in the Project Navigator and press Delete and Move to Trash.
If you want to delete then entire Testing bundle, click your project name in the Project Navigator. Then select your Tests target. Click the minus (-) button at the bottom to delete it.
It is a good idea to do Unit Testing (and UI testing) in your projects. So if you want to add them back in then just click the plus (+) button.
See also
How to do a Unit Test in Xcode
Xcode UI Test example
Using Xcode 6.2, all I had to do was to switch to the Project navigator, select the file, and press delete. I then clicked the "Remove Reference" button in the confirmation dialog that appears. After that, the tests in that file disappeared from the Test navigator immediately. Adding the file back, the tests reappeared.
I didn't have any need to delete the derived data folder, restart Xcode, etc.
Adding the file to the project again instantly restored the tests in the Test navigator.
This is certainly the desired behavior, and it sounds like it's broken in Xcode 6.3 but possibly fixed again in 6.3.1. So the real answer may just be that you need to upgrade to 6.3.1 (or downgrade to 6.2).
You can add and remove tests to the project easily using the class target membership checkbox. Find the class file in the Project Navigator and select it, then in the Utilities pane, click on the File Inspector and you will see a checkbox for target membership. You can toggle it on and off in there.

Xcode : One test target for multiple app targets

I am wondering if you can link one Unit Testing bundle to multiple targets. So one can test all the application targets with one Testing bundle.
I have some shared code between all app targets but also some specific calculations based upon which app target is running.
Currently I have to set the Bundle Loader option in the Build Settings to the used application target's .app file if I want to test a different application target.
My question to you all is : can this be done without creating multiple test bundle targets for every app target, and without always changing the Bundle Loader option?
You need to:
Select the target you want to test
Go to Test navigation tab
Right-click on test target you want to enable
Click on Enable [name_of_your_target]
No, at this point you can't. It's like the extensions, you have to create a new one for each project's targets you have.
It's not pretty usefull but if the code differes from one to another target, the tests can fail because of missing code, not failing code.
It's why it's not allowed.
Sorry for the negative answer.

Add project dependencies in Xcode

I am working with the AR Drone to develop new application.
I want to establish a dependency between two projects. So when I compile one, I hope Xcode will help compile the another one automatically. I had searched with Google for this question. The solutions found are quite old and not applicable for Xcode 4.
Right now, I have two project, namely, ARDroneEngine.xcodeproj and FreeFlight.xcodeproj.
ARDroneEngine is a library for FreeFlight. Here comes the screenshot.
If I compile FreeFlight with iPhone / iPad simulator, it is fine since the ARDroneEngine is last compiled with the same setting. This is where the question lies. To test my application, I want to compile and run FreeFlight in my iPhone. So when I change the setting to "FreeFlight > xxx's iPhone" and compile, the error occurs: "Apple Mach-O Linker Error".
I think the problem is rooted from the Target Dependencies between two projects.
A quick workaround will be: Compile the ARDroneEngine again with the new Scheme "ARDroneEngine > xxx's iPhone" and launch FreeFlight in Xcode for my iPhone.
But I want a more complete solution with the dependencies between projects. If more information is required to solve the problem, I can always provide new info.
Xcode's solution to cases like this is to use a Workspace that encompasses both projects: then, when one project has a target that references the build product of another, it automagically works out the dependencies and builds them in order.
Create a new Workspace (File > New > Workspace); name it and save it anywhere you like (though putting it in a parent folder to both project directories might be a good idea).
Add both projects (drag the xcodeproj files from the Finder into the navigator pane, or use File > Add Files).
Expand the Products group of your library project so you can see the (placeholder for the) built library (libARDroneEngine.a).
Select the app project (FreeFlight) in the navigator and its app target in the editor -- you should be looking at the Summary pane for the target (the one with bundle identifier, deployment info, entitlements, and most importantly, the "Linked Frameworks & Libraries" list).
Drag the library (libARDroneEngine.a) from the navigator (where you made it visible in step 3) into the Linked Frameworks & Libraries list.
That's it! Now you can choose the FreeFlight > xxx scheme and it'll automatically build the library project before building the app.
You can probably get a more complete summary of these instructions (with screenshots and all) in the Xcode help for Workspaces.
