Execute Windows batch command after HTML Publisher in Jenkins - jenkins

In our Jenkins job we have "Publish HTML Reports" plug-in configured as a Post-build action. I want to copy the files generated by this action to another folder using an "Execute Windows batch command". What I found however, is that it is only possible to execute a batch command as a "Post step" which run before the actions. What can I do in this case to execute the batch after publishing the HTML reports?
One (pretty obvious) solution might seem to add another post build action that will trigger a standalone job which only purpose will be executing a batch file. However it seems that once there is already one external job triggered (which is what's happening in my case), it is impossible to trigger an additional one. The options is actually becoming grey.

Not the most exciting and hacky but you can just add another job that execute the batch( on the files location ) which will be triggered by your job.
If you have already a trigger, replace it with new job and new job will trigger the old trigger.


Jenkins job wait for first successful build of other job

I have a Jenkins job that should not start building until another job has been built successfully at least once. They are not related per se, so I don't want to use triggers. Is there a way to do this?
Some background: I'm using SCM polling to trigger the second job. I've looked at the Files Found Trigger plugin, but that would keep on triggering the second job after the first on has been built. I've also found the Run Condition Plugin, but that seems to work only on build steps, not on the entire build.
Update - The second job copies artifacts from the first job. As long as the first job has never completed successfully, the Copy Artifact step fails. I am trying to prevent that failure, by not even attempting to build the second job until the first job has completed once.
One solution is to use the Build Flow plugin.
You can create a new flow job and use this DSL:
I've used 10 in the retry section but you can use any numbers.
This flow job can be triggered by monitoring the same SCM URL of your second job.
Update, here is a second solution.
You can use the HTTP Request plugin.
If you want to test that your first job has been built successfully at least once, you can test this URL:
One example:
As my build has never been successful, the lastSuccessfulBuild URL doesn't exist. The HTTP Request changes my build status to failure.
Does it help?
The Block queued job plugin can be used for this: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Block+queued+job+plugin

Jenkins - Put build in Queue

I want to create the following flow:
I have some program which is making a REST CALL to one of my builds, it could make it any time in a day, but i don't want this my jennkins build to be executed immediately, only in a specific interval of time E.G between 3-5 AM, but only if it has been triggered by the REST Call.
Is there any plugin or a way to do it ?
The easiest way would probably be to do some PowerShell scripting and an additional job:
Create an empty dummy job (This will be the one you trigger through the REST api)
Create another job, which will be the one you actually want to execute within a specific interval of the day. Use a Cron Build Trigger
to setup when the job should execute in case of a trigger
Using the PowerShell Plugin and Run Condition Plugin, write some PowerShell code using the Jenkins REST api to fetch information about the "dummy" job. Here you will check whether the dummy job has run (triggered) or not today, and then you can decide with the Run Condition build step, if you want to proceed with the build.

Executing Jenkins email-ext plugin not as last post-build action

I am using the email-ext plugin v.2.38.1 (post-build action "Editable Email Notification") on Jenkins v.1.566 to send e-mails after the build when certain conditions are met.
When using multiple post-build actions, I got the impression that the email-ext plugin always comes last and is executed after all other actions, no matter how I put the order of actions in the configuration. Other plugins respect the order and are executed accordingly as described in this issue.
Is there any possibility to execute another post-build action after sending the e-mails? In my case, I would like to run a shell script doing some clean-up in the workspace which cannot run before because it will delete a file that is part of the e-mail body.
One could work around this by defining an extra clean-up job which is triggered after the main job is completed, however, I would prefer having everything defined in one job only.
The emailing is a publishing action which occures always after build and post build actions ..
Additionally I think you should clean something before running the job (at startup eventually) but never at the end.
How can you study your issues if you destroy all materials that should enable you to do so ?
The step Editable Email Notification is always executed at last in the post-build actions, but you can use a Editable Email Notification Templates step which can be executed in the order you specified in post-build actions

Is there a possibility in jenkins to run build only if something changed (in ClearCase SCM) from last build?

I need to build in jenkins only if there has been any change in ClearCase stream. I want to check it also in nightly or when someone choose to build manually, and to stop the build completely if there are no changes.
I tried the poll SCM but it doesn't seem to work well...
Any suggestion?
If it is possible, you should monitor the update of a snapshot view and, if the log of said update reveal any new files loaded, trigger the Jnekins job.
You find a similar approach in this thread.
You don't want to do something like that in a checkin trigger. It runs on the users client and will slow tings down, not to mention that you'd somehow have to figure out how to give every client access to that snapshot view.
What can work is a cron or scheduled job that runs lshistory and does something when it finds new checkins.
Yes you could do this via trigger, but I'd suggest a combo of trigger and additional script.. since updating the snapshot view might be time-consuming and effect checkins...
Create a simple trigger that when the files you are concerned about are changed on a stream will fire..
The script should "touch/create" a file in some well-known network location (or perhaps write to a pipe)...
the other script could be some cron (unix) or AT (windows) job that runs continually or each minute and if the well-known file is there will perform the update of the snapshot view..
The script could also read the Pipe written to by the trigger if you go that route
This is better than a cron job that has to do an lshistory each time.. but Martina was right to suggest not doing the whole thing in a trigger for performance and snapshot view accessability for all clients.. but a trigger to write to a pipe or write some empty file is efficient and the cron/AT job that actually does the update is effieicnet as it does not have to query the VOB each minute... just the file (or only after there is info on the pipe)..

can I configure build to happen every minute but deploy should happen only once a day in a single Jenkins job?

In a single Jenkins job, we can trigger a build by specifying a schedule and also by polling. But then, in both the cases, the build is triggered, and the deploy operation that I have configured as a post-build step (using PostBuild Task plugin) also happens. I want that the build happens whenever a change is detected by polling, but deploy should happen only according to the schedule I have provided.
Is it possible to do it in a single job, or do I have to configure 2 separate jobs for them ?
You said you are using PostBuild Task plugin. This allows to do a regular expression on the console log to determine whether to execute a task or not.
Builds started by schedule will have Started by timer at the top of the log. All you need to do is add this expression to your PostBuild step under "Log Text" field. If you are already using some criteria in there, click "Add" button to add another "Log Text" field, and use the "AND" operator between them
It will be cleaner to do it in 2 jobs. However, if you really need to have it in one job, you could use a combination of Jenkins plugins to do the job.
Use EnvInject Plugin to expose the BUILD_CAUSE and/or BUILD_CAUSE_SCHEDULED* environment variable(s). (This may not be necessary, you might be able to reference the Jenkins variables within the Jenkins configuration by default)
Use Flexible Publish plugin, post-build action, to set up a conditional publish step when BUILD_CAUSE == SCHEDULED, or when BUILD_CAUSE_SCHEDULED == true. (Just test one condition.) Note that you'll need to use Jenkins' expression syntax, like so:
* BUILD_CAUSE_SCHEDULED is not its real name, you'll need to find this out on your own, sorry.
