Rails Ancestry Gem: how to write scope to match all parents - ruby-on-rails

Using the Rails ancestry gem ,
what is the best way to write a scope on the User model to find all records which have children / which are parents?
class User < ActiveRecords::Base
def is_manager?
scope :is_manager, -> { ... ? ... }

try this, I think that is the best way
scope :is_manager, -> {where(id: User.pluck(:ancestry).compact.map { |e| e.split('/') }.flatten.uniq)}
it select only ancestry field from the database, remove nil, split it and take the number, flatten it, and make it uniq, then select all User based on it.
also check this question

Along the same lines as icemelt's answer..
this does the same, but instead of loading all the records from the database into memory, it only selects the unique ancestries and processes them - that should make a bit of a difference in terms of memory impact
scope :is_manager, -> { where(id: User.select(:ancestry).distinct.pluck(:ancestry).compact.map { |x| x.split('/') }.flatten.uniq) }


Are .select and or .where responsible for causing N+1 queries in rails?

I have two methods here, distinct_question_ids and #correct_on_first attempt. The goal is to show a user how many distinct multiple choice questions have been answered that are correct.
The second one will let me know how many of these distinct MCQs have been answered correctly on the first attempt. (A user can attempt a MCQ many times)
Now, when a user answers thousands of questions and has thousands of user answers, the page to show their performance is taking 30 seconds to a minute to load. And I believe it's due to the .select method, but I don't know how to replace .select without using .select, since it loops just like .each
Is there any method that doesn't cause N+1?
distinct_question_ids = #user.user_answers.includes(:multiple_choice_question).
where(is_correct_answer: true).
#correct_on_first_attempt = distinct_question_ids.select { |qid|
where(multiple_choice_question_id: qid).first.is_correct_answer
.pluck returns an Array of values, not an ActiveRecord::Relation.
So when you do distinct_question_ids.select you're not calling ActiveRecord's select, but Array's select. Within that select, you're issuing a fresh new query against #user for every id you just plucked -- including ones that get rejected in the select.
You could create a query named distinct_questions that returns a relation (no pluck!), and then build correct_on_first_attempt off of that, and I think you'll avoid the N+1 queries.
Something along these lines:
class UserAnswer < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :distinct_correct, -> { includes(:multiple_choice_question)
.where(is_correct_answer: true).distinct }
scope :first_attempt_correct, -> { distinct_correct
.first.is_correct_answer }
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def good_guess_count
#correct_on_first_attempt = #user.user_answers.distinct_correct.first_attempt_correct.count
You'll need to ensure that .first is actually getting their first attempt, probably by sorting by id or created_at.
As an aside, if you track the attempt number explicitly in UserAnswer, you can really tighten this up:
class UserAnswer < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :correct, -> { where(is_correct_answer: true) }
scope :first_attempt, -> { where(attempt: 1) }
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def lucky_guess_count
#correct_on_first_attempt = #user.user_answers.includes(:multiple_choice_question)
If you don't have an attempt number in your schema, you could .order and .group to get something similar. But...it seems that some of your project requirements depend on that sequence number, so I'd recommend adding it if you don't have it already.
ps. For fighting N+1 queries, use gem bullet. It is on-point.

Rails ActiveRecord model scope with joins on has_many associations

I’m currently setting up a scope in my Rails model to be used by ActiveAdmin. The scope I want to build should find every Job that has a survey_date in the past, with a Job.survey present, and no Job.quotes present.
Here is an abbreviated version of my Job model:
has_many :quotes
has_many :surveys
scope :awaiting_quote, lambda { joins(:surveys, :quotes).where('survey_date < :current_time AND surveys.id IS NOT NULL AND quotes.id IS NULL', { current_time: Time.current }) }
How should I change my scope so that it correctly finds the revelant Job records?
Update for Rails 5
As mad_raz mentions, in Rails 5.0+, you can use left_outer_joins:
scope :awaiting_quote, -> { joins(:surveys).
where('survey_date < :current_time', { current_time: Time.current }).
where('quotes.id IS NULL')
However, you must still provide a where('quotes.id IS NULL') check to only return those records that have not yet received a quote. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/16598900/1951290 for a great visual representation of outer joins.
It still probably makes the most sense to split these into two separate scopes.
Rails 4
You can create left outer joins using joins, you just have to be a bit more explicit.
scope :awaiting_quote, -> { joins(:surveys).
joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN quotes ON quotes.job_id = jobs.id').
where('survey_date < :current_time', { current_time: Time.current }).
where('quotes.id IS NULL')
You don't need surveys.id IS NOT NULL since a successful inner join will not include nil ids.
It probably makes more sense to split these into two separate scopes, :has_survey and :without_quote, which can then be combined into a method.
def self.awaiting_quote
Rails 5 introduced left_outer_joins method that can be used
scope :awaiting_quote, -> { joins(:surveys).left_outer_joins(:quotes).where('yada yada') }

Using state attributes to maintain old records in Rails

I want to keep old records that would be normally destroyed. For example, an user joins a project, and is kicked from it later on. I want to keep the user_project record with something that flags the record as inactive. For this I use a state attribute in each model to define the current state of each record.
Almost all my "queries" want just the "active" records, the records with state == 1, and I want to use the ActiveRecord helpers (find_by etc). I don't want to add to all the "find_by's" I use a "_and_state" to find only the records that are active.
This is what I have now:
u = UserProject.find_by_user_id_and_project_id id1, id2
This is what I will have for every query like this for all models:
u = UserProject.find_by_user_id_and_project_id_and_state id1, id2, 1
What is the most cleaner way to implement this (the state maintenance and the cleaner query code)?
create a scope in your model UserProject:
class UserProject < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :active, where(:state => 1)
and "filter" your queries:
u = UserProject.active.find_by_user_id_and_project_id id1, id2
if you "almost allways" query the active UserProjects only, you can define this scope as default_scope and use unscoped if you want to query all records:
class UserProject < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope where(:state => 1)
u = UserProject.find_by_user_id_and_project_id id1, id2 # only active UserProjects
u = UserProject.unscoped.find_by_user_id_and_project_id id1, id2 # all states
Here's a range of soft deletion gems you may want to choose from, which offer a nice abstraction that's already been thought through and debugged:
Although if this happens to be your first Rails app, I second Martin's advice of rolling your own implementation.
I tried to just add this to Martin's answer, but my edit has to be reviewed, so even though Martin's answer was great, we can improve on it a little with the idea of default scopes. A default scope is always applied to finders on the model you add them to unless you specifically turn off the default scope:
class UserProject < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope where(:state => 1)
The example Martin gave then becomes:
u = UserProject.find_by_user_id_and_project_id id1, id2
In this case, even without specifying that you want state == 1, you will only get active records. If this is almost always what you want, using a default scope will ensure you don't accidentally leave off the '.active' somewhere in your code, potentially creating a hard-to-find bug.
If you specify your default scope like this:
default_scope :conditions => {:state => 1}
then newly created UserProjects will already have state set to 1 without you having to explicitly set it.
Here's more information on default scopes: http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/default_scope/class
Here's how to turn them off temporarily when you need to find all records:

Creating a record not found through default_scope

Consider the model
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :queued, lambda { where(queued: true) }
scope :unqueued, lambda { where(queued: false) }
default_scope unqueued
Product.first yields the SQL query
SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE "products"."queued" = 'f'
Now what if I want to create a record that is not "true to the default scope?" Like so:
The product is in fact created, but ActiveRecord yields an error since it tries to find the product by it's id AND the default scope:
Couldn't find Product with id=15 [WHERE "products"."queued" = 'f']
Is there a workaround for this? I need to make sure that the product I create is queued. A simple workaround would be
p = Product.create
p.update_column(:queued, true)
It seems like the wrong answer to another problem though, or perhaps it is the right answer. Are there alternatives?
Thanks for your time.
The best solution would be to not use default_scope. default_scope should only be used when you always need to apply the scope when searching for records. So, if you ever need to find a record where queued is true, then you should not be using default_scope.
One other way to get past default_scope is to use the unscoped method, i.e.:
But, in general, if you need to use ActiveRecord to find queued Products, I would recommend removing your default_scope.

Use Ruby's select method on a Rails relation and update it

I have an ActiveRecord relation of a user's previous "votes"...
#previous_votes = current_user.votes
I need to filter these down to votes only on the current "challenge", so Ruby's select method seemed like the best way to do that...
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.select { |v| v.entry.challenge_id == Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id }
But I also need to update the attributes of these records, and the select method turns my relation into an array which can't be updated or saved!
#previous_votes.update_all :ignore => false
# ...
# undefined method `update_all' for #<Array:0x007fed7949a0c0>
How can I filter down my relation like the select method is doing, but not lose the ability to update/save it the items with ActiveRecord?
Poking around the Google it seems like named_scope's appear in all the answers for similar questions, but I can't figure out it they can specifically accomplish what I'm after.
The problem is that select is not an SQL method. It fetches all records and filters them on the Ruby side. Here is a simplified example:
votes = Vote.scoped
votes.select{ |v| v.active? }
# SQL: select * from votes
# Ruby: all.select{ |v| v.active? }
Since update_all is an SQL method you can't use it on a Ruby array. You can stick to performing all operations in Ruby or move some (all) of them into SQL.
votes = Vote.scoped
votes.select{ |v| v.active? }
# N SQL operations (N - number of votes)
votes.each{ |vote| vote.update_attribute :ignore, false }
# or in 1 SQL operation
Vote.where(id: votes.map(&:id)).update_all(ignore: false)
If you don't actually use fetched votes it would be faster to perform the whole select & update on SQL side:
Vote.where(active: true).update_all(ignore: false)
While the previous examples work fine with your select, this one requires you to rewrite it in terms of SQL. If you have set up all relationships in Rails models you can do it roughly like this:
entry = Entry.find(params[:entry_id])
# requires following associations:
# Challenge.has_many :votes
# User.has_many :votes
# Vote.has_many :challenges
And Rails will construct the appropriate SQL for you. But you can always fall back to writing the SQL by hand if something doesn't work.
Use collection_select instead of select. collection_select is specifically built on top of select to return ActiveRecord objects and not an array of strings like you get with select.
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.collection_select { |v| v.entry.challenge_id == Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id }
This should return #previous_votes as an array of objects
EDIT: Updating this post with another suggested way to return those AR objects in an array
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.collect {|v| records.detect { v.entry.challenge_id == Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id}}
A nice approach this is to use scopes. In your case, you can set this up the scope as follows:
class Vote < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :for_challenge, lambda do |challenge_id|
joins(:entry).where("entry.challenge_id = ?", challenge_id)
Then your code for getting current votes will look like:
challenge_id = Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.for_challenge(challenge_id)
I believe you can do something like:
#entry = Entry.find(params[:entry_id])
#previous_votes = Vote.joins(:entry).where(entries: { id: #entry.id, challenge_id: #entry.challenge_id })
