UITextField's width is never less than it's width with placeholder text - ios

I have a UITextField and UILabel sitting together in a UIView as so:
and here it is in Xcode:
The label is hidden until the user enters some text into the text field, so it serves to provide a persistent "suffix" to the numeric entry. The problem is that when the user types a number into the text field, it doesn't shrink down to the size of the text, it remains at the size of the original placeholder, even though it isn't visible, as so:
Is there any way I can constrain the text field's width to be the minimum size to accommodate the user's text, and not pay attention to the invisible placeholder text's width?
Thank you

I managed to solve it myself:
Whenever the text is edited, the text field is checked to see if there is any text inside. If there is no text, the 'mg' suffix is hidden, and the placeholder is added. If there is text, the 'mg' suffix is shown and the placeholder is removed. Like so: (Swift)
func textFieldTextChanged(_ textField: UITextField) {
if textField.text == "" {
milligramSuffixLabel.text = ""
milligramTextField.placeholder = "0 mg"
} else {
milligramSuffixLabel.text = " mg"
milligramTextField.placeholder = ""
This answer was of great help.


creating spaces in placeholder fields

my problem is I want to put 2 placeholders for one textField. one of the place holders should be on the left and the other should be on the right.
my code:
func returnPlaceHolder(first: String, second: String, textField: UITextField){
let width: Int = Int(textField.bounds.width * 0.2)
let spaceValue = width - (first.count + second.count)
var temp = "\(first) "
let tempCount = spaceValue - (first.count + second.count)
var value = String()
for _ in 0..<tempCount {
temp.append(" ")
value = "\(temp) \(second)"
textField.placeholder = value
I'm currently using this function to create spaces.. but my problem is the spaces won't be the same for more than one textField, and I want them to be aligned..
just like this picture: https://imgur.com/pZZMoNv
and this is the result I'm getting for my current code: https://imgur.com/a/5AN8EXl
don't mind the textFields format & text I can fix them later.. I just want to be able to align the textFields placeholders.
It would be really hard (if possible) to achieve what you are trying to do by injecting spaces into the text because each character in the font has a different width unless you use a monospaced font.
Instead, I would recommend a different approach. Override the text field, provide two UILabels and adjust their position using Autolayout.

How to make multi-line UILabel text fit within predefined width without wrapping mid-word

I have a UILabel carefully laid out in Interface Builder with proper height and width constraints. The number of lines is set to 4. The wrapping is set to word wrap. The text is "CHECKED". The font size is very large and thus it only fits "CHECKE" and the "D" is on the second line. Writing "Checked" instead of "CHECKED" lets the font shrink (as intended) so that the whole word fits. But (the text is user given and it can be expected that the user writes fully uppercase words) having uppercase words the label does not break it/shrink the font as expected.
Do you have a suggestion as to what I might have missed? Capitalising the words (thusly only having the first letter uppercase) does work, but is not what the client wants.
Updated question
The problem seems to be unrelated to having uppercase or lowercase text. My problem could be solved by an answer to the following question:
How to make (ideally with the help of only Interface Builder) the UILabel text shrink trying to fit full words within all available lines without wrapping the text mid-word?
If the text "CHECKED" is too wide for a label (with more than 1 line available) it should shrink the font size instead of breaking the "D" and wrapping the single letter to the next line.
If the text is "one CHECKED two" and the single word "CHECKED" is already too wide for a label (with more than 1 line available) it should break between all words and shrinking the font size so that "CHECKED" still fits the middle line.
D two
Thank you very much!
Here is a UILabel subclass that will find the largest word in the labels text, use the boundingRect function of NSString to see how large that one word will be with the current font, and drop the font size until it fits the width.
class AutosizingMultilineLabel: UILabel {
override func layoutSubviews() {
func adjustFontToFitWidth() {
guard let currentFont = self.font else { return }
let minimumFontSize: CGFloat = floor(self.minimumScaleFactor * currentFont.pointSize)
var newFontSize = currentFont.pointSize
var theNewFont = currentFont
if let text = self.text, let longestWord = text.components(separatedBy: " ").max(by: {$1.count > $0.count})?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "") {
let nsString = longestWord as NSString
while newFontSize > minimumFontSize {
theNewFont = currentFont.withSize(newFontSize)
let boundingRect = nsString.boundingRect(with: CGSize(width: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude),
options: NSStringDrawingOptions.usesLineFragmentOrigin,
attributes: [.font: theNewFont],
context: nil)
if ceil(boundingRect.size.width) <= self.bounds.size.width {
newFontSize -= 1
self.font = theNewFont
When the word is bigger than the line, word wrap doesn't work. If it doesn't fit on this line, it won't fit on the next line. (same word, same size, same line size). To make it fit, the label will start putting letters on the next line.
If you allow multiple lines on your label, the OS will try to fill the lines before adjusting the font size.
I think you're just running into a limitation on Autoshrink.
In Interface Builder:
add a new UILabel with Width: 230 and Height: 280
set the Font to System 44.0
set Line Break: Truncate Tail
set Autoshrink: Minimum Font Scale at 0.15
set the text of the label to test CHECKED lines
Now, drag the handle on the right edge of the label left and right... when it gets too narrow, the word CHECKED will break onto the next line.
Change CHECKED to checked and do the same thing. You should see the same behavior.
Now, try dragging the Bottom edge up and down. With either CHECKED or checked, you should see the Font Size auto shrink.
So... to do what you're trying to do, you might have to skip Autoshrink and instead do some code calculations.
Edit: further visual of what goes on...
Start with above values, but set the Height of the label to 170 - gives it just a little vertical padding.
Now, drag the left edge to make it narrower.
When you reach the end of the word CHECKED, and keep going, you will see the font shrink until it gets small enough that there is space for it to wrap to a 4th line.
I think you're going to need some code to get exactly what you need.

iOS - Secure Text Entry Causes Font Size And Style Of Last Character To Be Different

By default, secureTextEntry is set to YES. When the text is entered in the text field, ••••••• will be displayed. But this time. when secureTextEntry is set to NO, the font size and style of the last character of the string will always be different. Plus, there will be a big spacing between the cursor and the whole string. See screenshot below.
I found an answer from this site. http://www.jianshu.com/p/72271c023d6d
After changing the secureTextEntry property of UITextField. Just replace the string with and empty string #" ", then copy the original string back again.
Here's the code:
- (IBAction)secureSwitchAction:(id)sender
self.passwordTextField.secureTextEntry = !self.passwordTextField.secureTextEntry;
NSString* text = self.passwordTextField.text;
self.passwordTextField.text = #" ";
self.passwordTextField.text = text;

How can I check out-of-sight characters in UITextField?

I have a UITextField that shrinks and expands when user input text. If the textfield's width reach the screen width, I want it to be right-aligned so user can see the last input characters. In other circumstance, I want it to be left-aligned.
Because the textfield's maximum width is not exactly the same with screen, I need to find a way to check if it has characters out of visible area.
Is there anyway to achieve this?
You could try checking the width of the string that is in the field and comparing it to the width of the field itself. It would look something like this -
CGSize textSize = [self.field.text sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:self.field.font}];
// If the text is larger than the field
if (textSize.width > self.field.bounds.size.width) {
// There is text that is not visible in the field.
This is fairly rough, but should get you close.

Add text to speak before announcing label's text

I have a label in my app that the user should be able to tap on with VoiceOver enabled to have it speak the text of that label. However, I want it to always say something before it reads the label's text. I tried to set the accessibilityLabel via self.displayLabel.accessibilityLabel = "my text here" + self.displayLabel.text! but this results in it always being set to the label's original text value which is always changing in this app.
How can I add text to announce just before the label's content, ensuring it will always speak the label's current text contents?
Override the accessibilityLabel property in the UILabel subclass to return whatever you'd like.
override var accessibilityLabel: String! {
get {
return "my text here" + "," + self.text!
set { }
You may want to post an announcement each time the text changes to inform VO users the value has changed.
