Realm migration inadequately documented. Can anyone clarify? - ios

Performing migrations on a Realm database is poorly documented and the documentation seems to be out-of-date. There are two areas explaining how to migrate data:
-- The simple example on the Realm website:
-- A more detailed example in the Github examples section:
Neither of these examples adequately explain how to migrate data between schema versions. I've tried playing around with the examples and have yet to get any migrations working. As well, I've had problems with app crashes when upgrading to newer Realm versions without schema changes and data changes, which don't occur in the Simulator but occur when installing the app from TestFlight or the App Store.
Seems like the Realm documentation and examples detailing migrations are due for a refresh. My areas of interest are:
Upgrading to a newer Realm version without a schema change in the database. Unclear whether I should continue using the default.realm file generated with a previous version, or whether I need to re-generate the default.realm file using the newer Realm framework version.
Adding a new attribute to a Realm object.
New objects ("rows") added to an existing class without any schema change.
No schema changes to existing classes in the database, but addition of an entirely new class or classes.
Any combination of the above.

Sorry the docs are not sufficient. We appreciate the feedback and will use it to improve them. In the mean time, let me answer your questions:
You do not need to do anything when you upgrade the SDK. Sometimes, we upgrade the core database file format, but this migration happens automatically when you open the Realm (Realm()) so you don't have to worry about it.
When you add a new property to an object you can just follow this code snippet.
Nothing is needed in the migration block since this block is simply to apply data transformations between versions. All you need to do is increment the schemaVersion
// Inside your application(application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
let config = Realm.Configuration(
// Set the new schema version. This must be greater than the previously used
// version (if you've never set a schema version before, the version is 0).
schemaVersion: 1,
// Set the block which will be called automatically when opening a Realm with
// a schema version lower than the one set above
migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
// We haven’t migrated anything yet, so oldSchemaVersion == 0
if (oldSchemaVersion < 1) {
// Nothing to do!
// Realm will automatically detect new properties and removed properties
// And will update the schema on disk automatically
// Tell Realm to use this new configuration object for the default Realm
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config
// Now that we've told Realm how to handle the schema change, opening the file
// will automatically perform the migration
let realm = try! Realm()
Adding objects to a Realm does not affect the schema so a migration is not relevant.
This is the same as 2, you simply need to increment the schemaVersion but you don't have to do anything in the migration block since Realm handles everything. The migration block is for custom migration logic where, for example, you want to transform firstName and lastName from schemaVersion=0 to fullName when updating to schemaVersion=1. In this case, you could get the data from the old version and concatenate the strings into the new fullName property within the migration block.
Hope this helps!

Unfortunately, that doesn't work, at all. There is a block of code I had to add to iOS apps several months ago in order to get Realm to work, but it doesn't solve the migration problems I've experienced:
config.fileURL = config.fileURL!.deletingLastPathComponent().appendingPathComponent("default-v1.realm")
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config
// copy over old data files for migration
//let defaultURL = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.fileURL!
let defaultURL = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.fileURL!
//print("Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.fileURL! = \(defaultURL)")
//let defaultParentURL = defaultURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
if let realmURL = bundleURL("default-v1") {
do {
//print("Bundle location for default.realm = \(realmURL)")
let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as String
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
let filePath = url.appendingPathComponent("default-v1.realm").path
let fileManager = FileManager.default
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: filePath) {
print("Documents location for default.realm = \(filePath)")
} else {
//print("FILE NOT INSTALLED, COPYING default.realm from bundle to Documents directory.")
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: realmURL, to: defaultURL)
} catch {}
I suspect that a new default-v1.realm file may clobber an existing default-v1.realm file on a user's device, using this code with the "Nothing is needed" migration method.
Part of the confusion stems from the example migration code at where data from the v1 file is getting copied over to the v2 file. Regardless, I've tried the "Nothing is needed" code you've posted and the app doesn't find any Realm data then crashes.
It looks like I could splice the code you've posted into the code I've been using then perhaps that would solve the problem. Will look into that next week.
Thanks for your response!


Does tearing coredata stack will solve model update problem?

suppose latest app release version is version no 20. and there are 10 coredata migrations so far till version no 20.
and for example: a user which is using version 3. directly do auto update to version no 20.
i want to delete coredata stack and rebuild it then.
but does it solve that model update issue ? means version 3 uses v3 data model update (xcdatamodel) and version 20 uses v20 data model update(xcdatamodel).
if i delete and rebuild coredata with below code when user autoupdate app from version 3 to 20.
then will it also point to new xcdatamodel version ?
var allstores : Array = self.storeContainer.persistentStoreCoordinator.persistentStores
for store in allstores{
// remove store file from coordinator
do {
try storeContainer.persistentStoreCoordinator.destroyPersistentStore(at: store.url!, ofType: NSSQLiteStoreType, options: nil)
} catch let error {
and then rebuild..
self.storeContainer.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (nsPersistentStoreDescription, error) in
guard let error = error else {
Yes. I implemented this strategy once I decided to rebuild the database when it was incompatible with older versions. Side node: now I just rely on CoreData to handle the migration.
To test if it works, create an entity with a non-mandatory field and insert a row for that entity without a value for that field. Now in your new data model, make that exact same field mandatory. Now what you will see is an app crash if you don't destroy the persistent store and rebuild it, as you are showing in your code. However, if you rebuild it, it will work.
Note that the user has lost all of his data, but I presume you already know that. I had some code that queried the database for existing data and it copied the local cache from the server.

Fatal Error :Can't open realm

I am working on IOS. I am using realm database in the frontend. It was working fine until I made some changes to the realm model and all files related to it. I just added one field to these files.
Now I am getting an error "Fatal error: Can't open realm" in the following code
fileprivate func getRealm() -> Realm {
// get default configuration realm
do {
return try Realm()
} catch {
Swift.fatalError("Can't open realm") //Fatal Error :Can't open realm
Can anyone tell what might be the possible causes for this error.
Thanks in advance.
If you made changes to the realm model, you need to increase your schema version and you may or may need to provide a migration block. See the official documentation for details.
// Inside your [AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]
RLMRealmConfiguration *config = [RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration];
// Set the new schema version. This must be greater than the previously used
// version (if you've never set a schema version before, the version is 0).
config.schemaVersion = 1;
// Set the block which will be called automatically when opening a Realm with a
// schema version lower than the one set above
config.migrationBlock = ^(RLMMigration *migration, uint64_t oldSchemaVersion) {
// We haven’t migrated anything yet, so oldSchemaVersion == 0
if (oldSchemaVersion < 1) {
// Nothing to do!
// Realm will automatically detect new properties and removed properties
// And will update the schema on disk automatically
// Tell Realm to use this new configuration object for the default Realm
[RLMRealmConfiguration setDefaultConfiguration:config];
// Now that we've told Realm how to handle the schema change, opening the file
// will automatically perform the migration
[RLMRealm defaultRealm];
The above issue is caused due to inconsistency in the Realm database. I changed the structure of the model by adding one field. So, the model was having 10 fields but the realm database in my app was having 9 fields, as the app was built before the changes.
I solved the issue by just reinstalling the app which regenerated the realm database in the phone, thereby having a consistent model and database.
The above workaround might be good if your app is yet to be live. But, if your app is already being used by other users, then they will have to reinstall the app on update, which might result in bad user experience for the user.
Ideally, you should be writing a migration block for the new changes.
Hope, this is clear to all.

Realm migration when using non-default configurations

In the realm docs I see the code example for migrations
let config = Realm.Configuration(
// Set the new schema version. This must be greater than the previously used
// version (if you've never set a schema version before, the version is 0).
schemaVersion: 1,
// Set the block which will be called automatically when opening a Realm with
// a schema version lower than the one set above
migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
// We haven’t migrated anything yet, so oldSchemaVersion == 0
if (oldSchemaVersion < 1) {
// Nothing to do!
// Realm will automatically detect new properties and removed properties
// And will update the schema on disk automatically
// Tell Realm to use this new configuration object for the default Realm
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config
and then it says to use let realm = try! Realm() to get the realm instance. However, in our application we are using our own realm configurations with something like
let realm = try! Realm(configuration: RealmConfig.getConfig(typeURL: .userData)!)
We have a few different configurations besides .userData. My question is, how does one go about doing migrations with these non-default configurations? The code example really only shows how to set the default configuration which is insignificant for my use. I couldn't find anything like
Realm.Configuration.userData = config
Does something like this exist that I am missing? Or is there another way I'm supposed to go about this?
You can instantiate different Realm instances with different configurations like this:
let userDataConfiguration = Realm.Configuration(...)
let userDataRealm = try! Realm(configuration: userDataConfiguration)
Learn more in docs at

AppStore update and Realm

I have application in Appstore based on Realm Mobile Database. I'd like to prepare version 1.1. Will update delete all data in user's local database ?
The upgrade won't delete anything on your current database. The migration is automatic. If you need to change one or more field in your current model, you need to upgrade the database schema version. Place this code into the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method in your AppDelegate:
//Realm migration
let config = Realm.Configuration(
schemaVersion: 2, //here's the schema version you need to change
migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
if (oldSchemaVersion < 2) {
//if you want to perform particular tasks
//while migrating, place your code here.
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config
_ = try! Realm()
Absolutely not, It won't delete existing database, that's why Realm support automatic/custom migration.

Unable to open a realm at path

I am trying to use a bundled realm file without success. I know that my realm file was copied successfully to my application’s Directory but I ca not read it.
fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: "Unable
to open a realm at path
Please use a path where your app has read-write permissions."
func fullPathToFileInAppDocumentsDir(fileName: String) -> String {
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory,NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask,true)
let documentsDirectory = paths[0] as NSString
let fullPathToTheFile = documentsDirectory.stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName)
return fullPathToTheFile
In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
let fileInDocuments = fullPathToFileInAppDocumentsDir("default-v1.realm")
if !NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(fileInDocuments) {
let bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
let fileInBundle = bundle.pathForResource("default-v1", ofType: "realm")
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
do {
try fileManager.copyItemAtPath(fileInBundle!, toPath: fileInDocuments)
} catch { print(error) }
And setting the configuration used for the default Realm:
var config = Realm.Configuration()
config.path = fileInDocuments
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config
let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config) // It fails here!!! :-)
As the documentation suggests, I have tried as well to open it directly from the bundle path by setting readOnly to true on the Realm.Configuration object. I am not sure if this is something related to Realm or if I am overlooking something with the file system…. I have also tried to store the file in the Library folder.
Realm 0.97.0
Xcode Version 7.1.1
I tried to open the realm file using Realm's browser app and the file does not open anymore. It has now new permissions: Write only (Dropbox). So, I decided to change the file permission back to read/write using file manager’s setAttributes method. Here is how I did it:
// rw rw r : Attention for octal-literal in Swift "0o".
let permission = NSNumber(short: 0o664)
do {
try fileManager.setAttributes([NSFilePosixPermissions:permission], ofItemAtPath: fileInDocuments)
} catch { print(error) }
The realm file can now be open at this path.
That exception gets thrown whenever a low level I/O operation is denied permission to the file you've specified (You can check it out on Realm's GitHub account).
Even though everything seems correct in your sample code there, something must be set incorrectly with the file location (Whether it be the file path to your bundle's Realm file, or the destination path) to be causing that error.
A couple of things I can recommend trying out.
Through breakpoints/logging, manually double-check that both fileInDocuments and fileInBundle are being correctly created and are pointing at the locations you were expecting.
When running the app in the Simulator, use a tool like SimPholders to track down the Documents directory of your app on your computer, and visually ensure that the Realm file is being properly copied to where you're expecting.
If the Realm file is in the right place, you can also Realm's Browser app to try opening the Realm file to ensure that the file was copied correctly and still opens properly.
Try testing the code on a proper iOS device to see if the same error is occurring on the native system.
If all else fails, try doing some Realm operations with the default Realm (Which will simply deposit a default.realm file in your Documents directory), just to completely discount there isn't something wrong with your file system
Let me know how you go with that, and if you still can't work out the problem, we can keep looking. :)
This will occur if you have your realm file open in Realm Studio at same time you relaunch your app. Basically in this case Realm can't get write permissions if Studio already has them.
To add to the solution based on what I've discovered, make note of what error Realm reports when it throws the exception, as well as the type of Error that is passed.
As of writing, Realm documents their errors here:
What this means is that you can find out if your Realm file has permissions problems and react to those based on Realm passing you a RLMErrorFilePermissionDenied. Or if the file doesn't exist with RLMErrorFileNotFound.
The tricky thing I'm finding is when you get a more generic RLMErrorFileAccess, but that's for another question on Stack Overflow...
I had the same issue and tried too many ways to fix it. The easiest way to fix this problem is manually creation of the folder XCode cannot reach '/Users/…/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/…/data/Containers/Data/Application/…/Documents/...' as explained at
Once you created this folder and run the project, XCode creates the Realm files inside this folder automatically.
