PUSH issue in iOS10 and swift 3 - ios

when my app is in foreground and receive push notification it displays notification on screen. After sometime (2-3 seconds) if user not tap the notification it goes, So my question is how can i handle push notification if user not tap on the notification. When the app is in foreground ios 10.0*
Just for example If user login at another device i will receive
notification on previously logged in device, if app is in foreground
the use will see the notification that login at another device, if
user tap on notification it moves to the login screen, but what if
user don't tap on notification

You could add a ViewController in your app that saved the push notification's data. And when the user navigates there, they can view them.

The duration of push notification is a system defaulted property. The default behavior is for that to show up for 2-3 seconds, and dismissed automatically if it's not tapped. You cannot change the duration of a push notification itself.
Previously, there is a trick that you can have a longer customized sound for your notification which can hold it on screen for up to 30 seconds, but that's from 5 years ago. I doubt that this can still be used today in iOS 10.0


Handle push notification when app is running and notification tray is opened

While trying to implement FCM in my iOS app, I came across this issue. I have my app opened, at the same time I slide down the Notification tray of my device. When I send a push notification, my application state prints as INACTIVE (which is correct since the tray comes in foreground, leaving my app in the background)
I am loading a URL on notification tap, hence when user slides up the tray, the url is directly loaded and no notification is displayed in the tray.
In this scenario, I wish to display notification in the tray and open URL only when the user taps on the notification. Is there any way to detect if the Notification tray is visible over my app specifically?
you can use Third party library : https://github.com/bryx-inc/BRYXBanner or you can show alert by handling if app is in foreground or inactive state in notification recieving delegate.

Push Notifications for iOS while in the background

My app is receiving a notification and my problem is that when I received one or more notifications in the background and when i click the app icon to bring me in my app foreground then the notification message(s) doesn't able to display in the foreground it will only works if I click the pop up message in notification center not the icon.
You will not get remote push notification data on launch of app after tapping icon. You can only parse push notification body only on tap of notification alert.
So if you want to do any MUST NEED operation for such notifications there is only way is to introduce server in between. So you can use any web service for it and this will be called every time your app launches or comes to foreground. Call that API on background and do the needful you want.

iOS Display local notifications pop-up while in background

I'm having a little problem in my app : I use to send local notifications to the user when actions are performed in my app, while it's running in background. Notifications are displayed perfectly in the notification center, but there is no pop-up when the notification occurs.
If I'm right, apps running in foreground can't display pop-up on the user screen (only in the notification center) but when the app is running in background, in fact there is pop-up displayed automatically ?
Thanks for your help !
EDIT : In fact, I'm speaking about a notification banner to be displayed too when the notification appear in the notification center.
When your app will go in background then you will see an immediate notification on your phone but you have to tap that notification to trigger didReceiveLocalNotification delegate.
If you receive local notification in foreground then didReceiveLocalNotification will be triggered automatically.
Above scenario is tested and verified.
Update: You must read this documentation: http://www.thekspace.com/home/component/content/article/62-uilocalnotification-demystified.html

How to detect push notification sent to other apps?

I cannot seem to find a way to detect when a notification comes in. For example, if my app is open and the user gets a Facebook push notification\, is there any UIApplication notification or something else that will tell me that the app is no longer in the foreground and the Facebook alert is on top? Preferably something that is fired if the notification is a banner or an alert
You cannot detect a push notification sent to another app.
If you want to detect whether your app is not in foreground anymore, you can use the applicationWillResignActive: method of UIApplicationDelegate or register for the UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notification.
However, when the notification banner appears on top, your application is still in foreground. When the notification is prompted as an alert instead (the user can set this in the preferences), the application loses the focus and it won't be in foreground anymore.
The notification banner at the top is a window displayed by SpringBoard (another process) which does not become key until the user touches it. If the user slides the notification down and the notification center opens, your app becomes inactive and your app delegate hears about this. If the user taps on the notification, your app goes to the background and the other is open. If the user has elected to see alerts instead of banners, once the alert is displayed, your app will resign active. You can listen to UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notifications to know when the app resigns active.

How to get the payload for an APN when there is more than one of them stacked up?

Consider this scenario:
An application is currently not in the foreground but it is in the background in an unsuspended state (appDidEnterbackground: was called)
The device receives 3 APNs for the application, and the user has the alert style set as "Alerts"
The user clicks Launch on the topmost (4th alert) showing notification alert
didReceiveRemoteNotification: is called and the app can get the payload of that particular notification
The app is now in the foreground with the alert dialog (for the other 3 notifications) displayed on top of it
The user clicks Launch on the notification alert (the 3rd alert) - nothing happens
The user clicks Lunch on the notification alert again (the 2nd alert) - still nothing happens
The user clicks Launch on the last notification alert (which was the 1st one received by the device) - applicationDidBecomeActive: is called.
So my question is how can the application get the payload for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd notifications?
I can reproduce this 100%, I've noticed that didReceiveRemoteNotification: gets called for the last notification that the device received, and applicationDidBecomeActive get's called for the 1st, with nothing happening for any in the middle.
i.e. if 7 notifications are sent to the device, then didReceiveRemoteNotification: would get called for the 7th, then when the user clicks on Launch for the 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd alert dialogs nothing would happen, then when they click on Launch for the last dialog (which was for the first notification received) then applicationDidBecomeActive: is called.
I agree with other answers. The best way to store it on the server and read it from there.
Just one more reference to the very similar question/answers:
Handle APNS Remote Notifications while in Background
You can't get this payload. You might also consider, that APNs don't have a guaranteed delivery so you must get infos from the server anyway. The push data is for stuff like showing the user a specific view of your app. In the logic part of your app, the push should only trigger a force update with your server's data.
