System tests VS integration tests Rails 5.1? - ruby-on-rails

Before upgrading to rails 5.1 i test my rails app via integration tests. And 70% of my rails app is automated via integration tests. Means all of application simple and complex behaviors are automated via integration tests. Off-course rails did not provided any java-script based testing.
With Arrival of Rails 5.1 they include system tests and said that every app interact with java-script and now you can test your app end to end scenarios like a real user interacting with browser. So my manager ask me to move all integration tests to system tests. Ok good! we can test our application the way our users experience it and help us test JavaScript as well.
Definitely system test can cover almost all integration tests as well. So whats the importance of integration testing now ?
Why should someone write integration test in Rails 5.1 when he can
write same test case in System test?
Thanks in advance.

I wonder the same, but from this I get the impression that system tests will replace integration testing - however, the only drawback seems to be speed and resource usage.


Difference between feature spec and system spec

Is there a difference between a feature spec and system spec? Both seem to use Capybara to test the full application yet they have different docs on RSpec.
System specs are built on top of Rails own system tests while feature specs were implemented by RSpec before Rails had system tests. If you're starting a new project write system specs, but if you have existing feature specs there's really nothing to be gained currently by changing them to system specs since functionality wise they're basically identical.

Rspec: testing Mac OS app integration

I have a Rails app that interacts with some Mac software and I need to write some tests for it. How on earth do I do that? Where do I even start?
The Rails app connects to the Mac app through AppleScript and Terminal. Any ideas?
Found this gem to help with Shell expectations. Is that as good as I'm gonna get?
Testing external dependencies can certainly be a challenge.
Remember that tests you write should test the behavior of the Rails app, not the external dependency. You should have integration tests to verify that the code actually works with the application, but they should be "smoke tests", not a full suite to test every feature.
Write unit tests to verify the behavior of the code that relies on the dependency, and mock out the interactions. Typically with command line apps that means:
the app wrote to STDOUT
the app wrote to STDERR
the app read from STDIN
the app exited with a particular status code
The gem you mentioned is a good start, but you may find it worthwhile to look at rolling your own helper code using Open3 from the Ruby standard library, which can be useful for all the items in the list above.
Use a tag on the specs that need to use the Mac application to make it easier to filter out those specs as necessary.
You may already be familiar with vcr for mocking out HTTP interactions; its "playback" feature is a good source of inspiration.

Should I use Cucumber for an AngularJS single page application?

I'm fairly new to both Cucumber and Angular. I have a rails application that is a single page application. Should I bother with Cucumber or should I just use AngularJS's e2e testing?
Any insight, comparison and past experience is appreciated!
We use a combination of Cucumber and Jasmine for our Angular application.
Months ago when I initially tried to get Angular's e2e testing framework running , the documentation was pretty limited so we opted for Cucumber - Selenium for the UI tests.
I believe with Angular's e2e framework you can mock calls to backend but if you want to do actual integration testing using Cucumber + Selenium is a decent option.
You should check out Cucumber.js.
If you're looking for a more comprehensive example using Protractor checkout this angular-cucumber-example.

How to run an integration test in RoR with rspec and capybara

I have a good understanding of the differences between unit and intergration tests in RoR in theory. I'm using rspec and capybara to do a lot of testing on my site. What I don't understand is how do you run different tests? If I do
bundle exec rspec
it will run all of my specs in all of my spec folders (model, controller, views, integration, etc). If I want to run an integration test, is it as simple as ?
bundle exec rspec spec/integration
I know there are some differences between these types of test behind the scenes. Specifically this problem (which I also have) has me thinking about unit vs. integration: How to test for a redirect with Rspec and Capybara
What does Rails do differently when running integration tests? The solution posted in the above problem is
Checking for redirect is not supported in rspec-rails request specs,
but is supported in Rails integration tests.
So how do I make one of my tests an integration test? Is it just a matter of putting it in the right spec folder?
As I understand it rspec is designed specifically for unit testing purposes, thus you'll need to use something else for integration testing. The message seems it imply that Rails can do integration tests as well. I don't have any experience or knowledge of testing in rails alone, but I do know of the cucumber gem that is built very well for integration tests.
It has it's own domain specific language and other quirks you'll need to get used to but it should have the capability you're looking for.

What is a Good Automated Testing Platform for RSpec?

For testing purposes for Ruby/Rails I use RSpec and I have well over 1000 tests that are already written in my application. Once the app goes live I want to have the tests run once a day on the production server (since all the code is there) and see if anything fails. The test itself will be run against test data and now production data. This is an effort so that any new code that is added in the future will not cause anything to unknowingly break.
I have found a few solutions:
Travis-CI (only open-source ... not suitable for closed-source projects)
Jenkins-CI (not sure if it works with or well with Ruby/RSpec/Rails)
Watir (not sure if Ruby/Rspec works with it, but the tool itself is written in Ruby).
Preferably something that checks the codebase daily and then emails me when something isn't working.
I also plan on integrating JavaScript testing with the a testing library of my choice (I just need the automation platform for testing it).
Can someone provide me some insight as to which tool to use? Or does anyone have any other tools to recommend?
Jenkins-CI works great with rspec, and can run your jasmine javascript testing, and your cucumber javascript tests as well.
The only thing I'd recommend is not to test on your production server itself. When you push changes to your source-control repository, Jenkins will download the new code and run your tests there. When you're green (tests pass), push the code to production.
