How to Schedule unclearable or non-removable Local Notification? - ios

I want add simple local notification which unclearable for particular time. like 10 minutes you can not clear it. if solution is possible through other way suggestion appreciated.
Anyone having idea about it?

what you can do is when you are dismissing all pending notification reset the particular notification again or you can remove other notifications by their identifier and keep the particular notification
here is the code to fetch all pending notifications.
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
center.getPendingNotificationRequests(completionHandler: { requests in
for request in requests {


Removing Remote Notifications From Notification Center

I have a requirement to aggregate remote notifications of the same type.
if a user received a push notification saying:"user 1 commented on your post", and then received "user 2 commented on your post", when receiving the second push I should remove the first notification and create a custom notification saying "2 users have commented on your post".
I'm getting the counter in the userInfo dictionary and I'm using NotificationService Extension in order to modify the notification's content.
the problem is I'm presenting 2 notifications:
"user 1 commented on your post"
"user 3 and 2 others have commented on your post"
instead of only the 2nd notification.
I've tried initializing UNNotificationRequest with custom identifier but still I'm getting double notifications (the original one and then the custom one).
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().removeDeliveredNotifications(withIdentifiers: ["push.comment"])
if let username = bestAttemptContent.userInfo["sender"] as? String,
let count = bestAttemptContent.userInfo["views_counter"] as? Int {
bestAttemptContent.title = "\(username) and \(count) others have commented on your post"
bestAttemptContent.body = "tap to see"
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "push.comment", content: bestAttemptContent, trigger: nil)
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)
I tried using available-content : 1 in the notification's payload, but I'm not able to modify the notification when the app is terminated (not in background/foreground).
Basically I want a similar behaviour to facebook's messenger app.
Any Suggestions?
Push Notifications grouping is a feature that is provided in Android applications, but it is impossible to achieve the same on iOS. Because it should be handled by operation system(in other case it will be not possible to achieve when app is closed or minimized) and iOS doesn't provide this support.
So I read in Apple's documentation that when setting content-available : 1 in the aps object it launches the app in a background mode and its possible to handle the received silent push.
its important to avoid setting the mutable-content : 1 and add background modes with remote notifications on in the apps configurations.

badge should be set before opening the app in IOS

When notification received on IOS device at that time the badge should be changed and Badge should be set before opening the app.
I check this onNotificationOpen() method. But when I tap on notification then it calls.
I use cordova-plugin-firebase.
Here is the link
But is there a method that calls when the notification received on IOS device?
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
if (typeof FirebasePlugin != 'undefined') {
// Below method calls when i tap on notifcation and sets the badge number
window.FirebasePlugin.onNotificationOpen(function(data) {
Above FirebasePlugin.onNotificationOpen() method calls when I tap on notification and sets the badge number, but I want to set the badge when notification received.
Anyone have ideas? How can I achieve it?
Actually i set a logic for it.
1) I stored a badgeCounter value to database.
2) when i wants to send the notification at that time i retrieve it from database
var badge = badgeCounter // it is an integer value
var notification = {
'title': 'Stock available',
'body': 'Click here to more details...',
'sound': 'default',
'badge': badge
3) After tap or click on notification, i cleared the badge using below.
4) And also in database i update the value to '0' (zero).
Thus, i solve it and it perfectly works for me.
You don't set this with code, it will set itself based on what your notification contains. You'll have to include "badge":1 (or whatever number) in the notification payload when you send it from your server (Firebase). I'm not sure how it works with firebase, but take a look at the documentation for remote notifications. Notice the "Badge"-key.

iOS: Do something when a UserNotification is received?

Is it possible to do something when the UserNotification message is delivered to the user every time?
let tdate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 10)
let triggerDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day,.hour,.minute,.second,], from: tdate)
let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: triggerDate, repeats: true)
let identifier = ""
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: identifier, content: content, trigger: trigger)
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: { (error) in
if error != nil {
debugPrint("center.add(request, withCompletionHandler: { (error)")
} else {
debugPrint("no error?! at request added place")
This is the code i did to deliver a notification when the user press a button. (i.e., after 10s, the notification appear to the user.)
Even the user not press on the notification, i want some variable of the app updated (assume the app is at the background).
Or, as long as this notification is done. another new notification is scheduled, according to some calculations in my app, possible? (not fixed time, cannot use repeat)
Yes, it is possible! Need to modify the capabilities :
Enable background fetch in background mode.
Enable remote notification in background mode.
Implement delegate method : application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
This delegate method gets called when the notification arrives on the phone, so you can refresh your data.
When user taps on notification delegate method: didReceiveRemoteNotification
gets called and opens the app and user will get latest data in the app.
Apple API reference:
If your payload is not configured properly, the notification might be
displayed to the user instead of being delivered to your app in the
background. In your payload, make sure the following conditions are
The payload’s aps dictionary must include the content-available key
with a value of 1. The payload’s aps dictionary must not contain the
alert, sound, or badge keys. When a silent notification is delivered
to the user’s device, iOS wakes up your app in the background and
gives it up to 30 seconds to run.

Is there anyway to save push notifications?

When user a sends a push notification to user b, user b will receive the notification, but once they click on it the payload from that notification is gone. Instead when user b opens the notification, the payload in the notification will get saved to parse, so he can view all the notifications that were sent to him. It's like a notification history. Below is my code to send notifications. I need help on how to save the payload within those notifications, so users can look at notification history.
func pushNotifications(){
let userQuery: PFQuery = PFUser.query()!
userQuery.whereKey("objectId", containedIn: Array(setOfSelectedFriends))
let pushQuery: PFQuery = PFInstallation.query()!
pushQuery.whereKey("user", matchesQuery: userQuery)
let push = PFPush()
push.setMessage("\(username!) wants you to meet them at \(location!)")
push.sendPushInBackgroundWithBlock {
success, error in
if success {
print("The push succeeded.")
} else {
print("The push failed.")
You probably should do it the other way around, make a table where you save new "MeetingInvites" and whenever a new entry gets added send a push notification to the corresponding user.
Make the push notification a side effect of the actual new entry. Not make the entry a side effect of the push notification.
That would also save you the trouble of having to deal with notifications that get lost - maybe the receiving user opens the app, then something crashes and your push notification and all the connected data would be lost.
A little bit more detail: Create a column for the location, one column for the "requesting" user and one for the "partner". In your code, set the currentUser as the requesting one, and the partner as the ... well ... partner. Then either on your client device or on the server create a push message. In both cases send the push message to the "partner".

How to combine multiple notifications of the same kind

I have an iOS app that shows the user a set of different news feeds in a PageViewController. Everytime the app starts, it requests the news data from the backend for every single feed. In case it worked fine, a notification via for every single news feed is sent via NSNotificationCenter so the data can be displayed.
In case of an error, a notification for every single feed is sent as well, triggering a popup message that tells the user something went wrong. But if this happens, a popup will be shown for every news feed, up to the amount of added news feeds.
My question is, how can I combine all those error case notifications to a single one and therefore avoid having many useless and annyoing popups?
if (self.isShowingErrorDialog) {
return; // Or possibly cache to show after current one is dismissed.
} else {
[[UIAlertView ...] show];
self.showingErrorDialog = YES;
When you send a notification using NSNotificationCentre, you can include user info. This is basically an NSDictionary with additional information.
Why not just include the timestamp of the failed request. You can test this with some fuzziness to see if you've already put up an alert for this batch of requests.
- (void) notificationListener: (NSNotification*) notification {
static NSDate* lastAlerted = nil;
NSDate* sentDate = notification.userInfo[#"RequestDate"];
if ( lastAlerted != nil && [lastAlerted timeIntervalSince:sentDate] > FUZZY_INTERVAL) {
// post alert
// And update last Alerted
lastAlerted = sentDate;
The method you need is postNotificationWithName:Object:UserInfo:.
I don't think you can.
Just to confirm, the notifications you're sending are Apple remote notifications and the alerts are the system alerts popped up by the message centre.
The alerts occur before you get control, as the user has to have the opportunity to ignore them, or else people would use this as a cheat to make apps run in the background and kill user's batteries.
All you can do is send a batch token in your request, and check on the back end.
Good luck
