Background images - even small ones - not displaying on mobile - ios

I've never encountered this one before - my background images are fine on the desktop but completely invisible on mobile. Not even a "bitmappy" version appears, though the space for them is held open, so to speak.
I've read several similar questions here on StackOverflow but the issue always seems to be the file size (and iOS's enforced limits in that area). But even quite small images - there are four of them down the page - don't show up.
This is a WordPress site, but I feel like that's probably not relevant here... but I guess I should mention that.
Any ideas or suggestions are much appreciated!

This is one of the images not showing, right?
The link above is pointed to an image on the computer that is hosting the site (localhost). That file cannot be found on either your phone, or my laptop.
The fact that "the space for them is held open" is irrelevent, as you've set the div to be 250px high and 250px wide.
To solve the problem, you just need to remove the "localhost/" from the start of the links, like this:

To quote Bill the Cat... ACK!!!
I'm still fairly new to the "best practice" site-building method of local development, then uploading to the server. Thought I'd worked out a good system but of course I neglected to check my CSS for local references!
Thank you, I'm sure I will solve this fairly obvious-in-retrospect problem quickly now.


Cordova / Phonegap app (lots of images) dealing with memory warnings

I am trying to wrap my website into an app that I made with AngularJS.
I got a website with lots of "cards" divs, and each of them hv an image on them.
you can find the link here:
screenshot of what i did in the web version
each page will hv about 100 "cards" with each unique image, loading from local JSON file. It went well in the browser
I package all the images locally into an app.
It worked all good on iOS simulator and even on my new iPad Air.
But then I realise it wont work in other devices with lesser memories.
It averagely took up to 260MB ram... and sometimes go way up to 500MB...
I tried to disable all css visual or transformation effects but it didnt help much.
At first I thought it was the size of the images, but I hv checked and try using small thumbnail to test, the memory issue still persists.
so I guess it had to do with how the screen handles the rendering of this amount of images.
I m not very good with angularjs and barely get this site up and running. it got me scratching my head on how to fix this. I never worked with an app before so the memory issue really didnt occur to me and i dun hv a concept of how to deal with this.
Other threads hv talked about similar issues on creating image carousel, that one should lazyload the image before and destroy the image after. Yet I am not sure if this is the right approach for me, and I am not sure how to achieve this.
I am using ng-repeat to load image links pointing to a local image folder.
Is this the reason why it is using up a lot of RAM/Memory? are there better way to achieve this? will it help if i revamp the website in ionic framework instead of pure Angularjs + Cordova?

Chaning iPhone app colors without resubmitting to app store

So this is a hypothetical question that I'm just trying to keep in the back of my mind as I go into learning to develop apps.
I haven't made an app yet but I've had a few ideas and features that I think would be cool in some of the apps I have ideas for.
That being said I'm wondering if there are any possible solutions to being able to change the overall style and theme, or just colors of an app that is already on the app store without updating assets and having to resubmit and thus update the app.
I've never gone through the process off submitting an app to apple or pushing changes so maybe I just don't know enough on how it works but I assume that if you make a change, be it minor or major bug fixing you have to resubmit to apple and once it's live all the devices that have the app installed will be prompted to update correct?
If that is the case is there an solution for doing the above without having to go through that submission process?
Let me give a quick example. Lets say I have an app that has a header with a background color an inside it there is a logo and maybe a menu icon, then there are headings and other formatted text throughout the app that all have a similar color to the header. Some time goes by and the World Cup has begun in brazil, the greens are really cool, and I think my users would have a little kick out of a temporary color scheme change to celebrate the games. I want to change the header color and link colors and maybe my logo color or even a new football themed logo all together without having to push my app to the store again.
I'd be curious to see if it can be done and how one might go about it.
Yes, It is can be done. Using Web service to get the image, colour or even frame value.
Firstly, You need a default theme in your application for those who cannot download other theme. If there is something wrong or no internet, then you can use it.
Secondly, Just download theme from web service and store it. And then show your new theme.
To piggy back on what brian said, try using Parse. You can upload all of your images and have it download from there. Parse makes it extremely easy to do something like that!
The way to do this would be to host the stylesheet for your App on a web server, rather than packaging / hard-coding it in XCode, then you could just edit the stylesheet on your server and all Apps referencing it would update as well.
You could do the same with images and such for your logo.
Word of caution, with larger images or many images your App's performance may suffer depending on the number of HTTP requests being sent, meaning if your App goes viral it will probably run slower than if the stylesheet / images were packaged in the App.

Safari & Chrome freezing when focusing a Select in iOS

I have a reoccurring problem with Safari and Chrome on iOS freezing when a Select is focused. I've seen some older posts about this but with no resolutions.
I have a page with a fairly high number of HTML inputs and selects. I tried to design the page in a way to use DIVs that look like inputs to lower the overall count, but some of them are still needed.
Here is the page in question:
The page doesn't always freeze when focusing, but when it does, it's for a long time and the browser usually crashes.
There are some selects on the page that are display:none or inside hidden DIVS. Some of those can be revealed by changing different toggles.
There are no input type="hidden" inputs on the page.
The freezing problem does not happen in Android, Windows, Mac, or Ubuntu in any browsers that I've tested.
Since Apple is an amazing company and designs their software well, you're going to have to compensate by heavily altering your design even though it works fine in every other modern browser. Think of iOS as the EI 6 of our time. It's sure to leave a legacy.
Now it's back to the drawing board for you and anyone else with this delightful technicality. You're going to enjoy wasting lots of time writing code to do things with basic functionality that selects and inputs are already supposed to do. That will ensure your pages can load just a smidgen slower whilst wasting a bunch of time and effort writing extra code for no reason at all.
Special thanks to Steve Jorbs.

Manage Image Submissions in WordPress

I have a client WordPress website that allows users to upload custom artwork from the front end.
I use TDO Mini Forms to create the submission form, but it doesn't seem to have options for file manipulation on upload. As a result, the images are often very large, sometimes in CMYK, and have various other issues.
I've managed the size issue, to some extent, using WP's media settings, but there are two issues that have vexed me:
It doesn't address the CMYK issue (which admittedly happens very rarely, but still prompts a call from the client).
WP doesn't discard the original image, which creates huge backup files.
Is there an extension out there that better manages submitted images? Even if it involves replacing the submission form (TDO Mini Forms works well, but has been unsupported for some time), I'm looking for any solution that meets this need.
IMO, the gold standard would be a WP equivalent to ExpressionEngine's Safecracker + DevDemon's ChannelImages.
Is there anything out there? I can't be the only one looking for this.
As always, any help is greatly appreciated.
Don't know if it's exactly what you need, but this may help you out:
It's integrated into this plugin I used some months ago for a client:
The solution is a plug-in called Imsanity (
It still doesn't address the CMYK issue, but it does manage the file sizes, which is the more pressing issue.
It also works retroactively, so if you already have large images on your site, you can bulk resize them.

NicEdit and Imageshack : does Imageshack keep our images without account?

I'm using NicEdit for uploading pictures. But I have heard that Imageshack doesn't keep images for a long time if we aren't registered. Is that true with Nicedit ?
Thank's !
Not familiar with NicEdit, but I've seen imageshack images become unavailable after they got hotlinked too much. It's rare though, and I've used imageshack for quite some years with very few problems. Never used an account.
But since they have been adding more restrictions over the past few months (trying to get people to create an account) I found myself using more and more. I like it better than imageshack (the interface is easier, can upload multiple images etc). No account there either.
A site I can NOT recommend is Been using that for a while as well, but images appeared to have randomly changed (i.e. the same link suddenly resulted in a completely different pictre). Happened quite a few times so I never use it anymore.
So, altogether I'd say imageshack is fine, but imgur remains my #1 pick to date.
