Fabric data different from iTunes Connect data - ios

Our Daily New User-count from Fabric is consistently bigger than the App Units per day that we get from iTunes Connect.
Fabric defines Daily New Users as
The number of new app installations across all devices seen on a given
And iTunes connect defines App Units as
The number of first-time app downloads made on the App Store using iOS
8 or tvOS 9, or later. App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID
onto other devices, and redownloads to the same device are not
counted. Family Sharing downloads are included for free apps, but not
for paid apps.
What can cause this discrepancy? I can see many reasons for how Fabric could report a lower number (such as users downloading the app but never opening it, or waiting too long to open it), but not the other way around. Our average send-usage-to-developers opt-in rate is 23%, but that does not affect the App Units number if I am not mistaken.

Is your app available on both iPhone and iPad? If so, then the fact that, as you point out, Apple doesn't count downloads from the same Apple ID onto other devices might be causing this discrepancy? You can install iPhone apps on your iPad even if it's not officially supported, so the rule might still be affecting your app. Also, if your app is a paid app, then the Family sharing rules would also affect the numbers. I've actually wondered how iTunes counts new users, so thanks for that info!
I'm not sure why the numbers are consistently bigger for you on Fabric, because for my app they alternate a bit.

I hope you might have got the answer. If not follow the link below http://help.apple.com/itc/appanalytics/#/itc7bea1545f

It seems there are users who don't opt-in app analytics data.
Apple only shows data from users who have agreed to share their
diagnostics and usage information with app developers.


Can we release an update of an iOS app only to some users?

We have an iOS app available on the App Store.
We want to release an update of the app but we want the release to happen in a phase wise manner i.e. the updated app should be available to only 10% of the users initially. After some time, say 1 week, it should get available to 20% more users and so on.
I was told this is possible on Android.
Can it be done for iOS apps as well? I tried to search (including this link as well) but could not get concrete answers.
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, we cannot do this in AppStore. If you want to do A/B testing(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/B_testing), then there are several tools in market to assist you with that. If you want to do beta testing, then TestFlight is the one to go for.
You can use TestFlight where you send you test subjects the app to their email, and then they open your app with the apple TestFlight app. The limit is 2,000 people I think.
Currently this is possible for both iOS and Android
Apple phased release
If you choose this option, your version update will be released over a 7-day period to a percentage of your users (selected at random by their Apple ID) on iOS with automatic updates turned on. Users are not notified that that they are in a phased release of your app.
Android staged rollouts
You can release an app update to production using a staged rollout. With a staged rollout, your update reaches only a percentage of your users, which you can increase over time.
For (beta) testing there are different options. You could create specific groups within TestFlight and rollout to them or share your app over DIAWI with the people you want to reach. For production - let's say AppStore - it's not possible to do a partial rollout or update cycle.

Flurry new users count

I have integrated Flurry Analytics into my iOS app. I haven't released the app yet so there can't be any real users except for myself. However, the second day I found that Flurry reports there are 5 new users. How is that possible? I did delete and rebuild my app to my phone several times for testing purpose, but according to Flurry FAQ, the same device should only be counted once. Does rebuild app from Xcode change the device id? or the hashing function of the device id?
Flurry relies on IDFV for metrics purposes. In the event that you uninstall the app and have no other apps on that device from that developer (meaning you), then the device will register as a new user.
On top of this, when submitting for distribution, Apple seems to run some automatic analysis on the app. This typically results in around 10 to 20 new users, though this effect is only observable in small apps.
I've found the same thing, I was developing with 3 devices yet according to their stats I had dozens and dozens of unique users. I wrote and politely asked what was going on and would they offer an explanation, they couldn't be bothered to reply. Same thing happened after releasing the app to the app store - the app registers with my server so I know how many users there are, yet the number reported by flurry versus the actual number differed by a huge amount. So I've come to the conclusion their figures are total bullshit.
If there's somebody from Flurry reading this please feel free to refute this and offer an explanation, if you can.

What is the app store views and app units mean from apple app store?

I am new to apple app store and I have just published my first app on app store. Now I received the app analytics weekly summary from apple. In the summary, app store views and app units. From my understanding, app store views mean number of people who view your app page on the app store and the app units is the number of people downloading your app.
But why is that my report turn out to be app units has the higher number than the app store views? This simply doesn't make sense. So, what is the app store views and app units mean from apple?
App Units
The number of first-time app purchases made on the App Store using iOS
8 or later. App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID onto other
devices, and redownloads to the same device are not counted. Family
Sharing downloads are included for free apps, but not for paid apps.
App Store Views
The number of times your app’s App Store page has been viewed on a
device using iOS 8 or later. Although apps can be downloaded without
visiting the app’s App Store product page, such as directly from
search results, only App Store product page views are counted.
If you read the last sentence in the App Store Views it could be that you have many direct downloads.
Good luck with your app!
The above about App Unit is now incorrect (perhaps it was previously written as such). App Units, according to Apple, are first time App Downloads (not installs/opens and not purchases) from the app store page:
App Units
The number of first-time app downloads made on the App Store using iOS 8 or tvOS 9, or later. App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID onto other devices, and redownloads to the same device are not counted. Family Sharing downloads are included for free apps, but not for paid apps.
Metrics and Measures - https://help.apple.com/itc/appanalytics/en.lproj/static.html#itc7bea1545f

iOS 8 Suggested Apps - How does it work?

Over the past little while I’ve been working with a client who would like to leverage Apple’s new Suggested App feature on iOS 8. The client's goal was to display a suggest app lock screen notification any time a person passes by a specific geo-location. After spending some time trying to find a concrete answer to what level of control (if any) the client would have over Apple’s Suggest App feature, it was decided to send our questions directly to Apple.
Below is copy of the questions I sent to Apple.
For our next app release, my team and I would like to leverage Apple's Suggest App feature provided in iOS 8.
We've taken a look through the iTunes Connect portal and we haven't been able to find a configuration panel anywhere which allows us to control when/where our app should appear as a suggested app.
Is it possible for us to specify the conditions that out app will appear as a suggested app for users who haven't downloaded it yet?
Can we specify a geo-fence that will display our app as a suggested app on a user's lock screen?
If we have no control over Apple's Suggested App configuration, under what conditions will our iOS appear on a user's lock screen as a suggested app?
Turn on your phone
Enable suggested apps
Enable 3G
Lock your screen
Walk past a region.
Expected Result: A suggested app appears on the iPhone lock screen.
Here is the response I received directly from Apple Developer Support Team:
Location relevant Apps are recommended on the lock screen and in the App Store based on a number of factors, including their popularity at the location, and there is no mechanism or process by which an App developer can add their App to the list of recommended Apps.
However, if your iOS App is directly related to the location or venue (such as a mall guide iOS App which is published by the mall owner or operator), and you believe your iOS App’s relevance warrants it being included the list of recommended Apps, then you are encouraged to submit an enhancement request via http://bugreport.apple.com/, and request that Apple consider whether your iOS App should be included in the list of recommended Apps for that location.
You should provide as much detail in the ’enhancement request' about the App and venue/location as possible, such as the App ID, App Name, URL to the App on the App Store, venue name, venue location (address & lat/lon), the relevance (if any) of your iOS App to the venue/location, and relationship (if any) between you as the developer and the owner/operator of the venue/location.
Submission of an enhancement request does not guarantee that a particular iOS App will be added to the list of recommended Apps for a venue or location, and the sole feedback from Apple on the request will come through the http://bugreport.apple.com/ bug report system.
Apple Developer Technical Support

Installed App Sizes Vs Appstore app sizes

Here is a question that had been bothering me. The other day I checked my wife's phone and pinterest app was eating up 2 GB of space while the actual app in the appstore is 26.8 MB. I know there must be user / log / crash data that is dumped in its apps document directory but that got me thinking how many other apps on her phone had large amount of user data stored compared to what the app size is in appstore.
So here are my questions of how to do all this using objectiveC
Sample Xcode iHasApp display's all the available apps installed on a device. Is there a way I check how much space they are taking in GB/MB etc?
Is there a way I can go query that app build size in appstore and tell the user hey its only X MB in appstore?
I know I can get to all the app installed on a device is there a way I can check when was an app last launched or used by a user?
Can I check how much space photo / video and music is taking up?
What I am trying do in the end is to see if I can make an app that shows user what they got installed on their device and make some informed decisions themselves.
So far all I am able to find is how to check total used and free space on a device and get a list of all apps installed.
Sample Xcode iHasApp display's all the available apps installed on a device. Is there a way I check how much space they are taking in GB/MB etc?
No. The APIs being used by iHasApp can only be used to check whether selected applications are present -- basically, all you get to ask "is ThisApp installed?", and you can build up a partial list of installed applications by running that check for a large number of common applications.
There is no way to get launch or disk usage information for other applications. I'm not sure last launch is even tracked at all by the device.
With this in mind, most of your other questions are irrelevant. It is not possible to do what you're after from an iOS application.
