FaceNet for dummies - machine-learning

The FaceNet algorithm (described in this article) uses a convolutional neural network to represent an image in an 128 dimensional Euclidean space.
While reading the article I didn't understand:
How does the loss function impact on the convolutional network (in normal networks, in order to minimize the loss the weights are slightly changed -
backpropagation - so, what happens in this case?)
how are the triplets chosen?
2.1 . how do I know a negative image is hard
2.2 . why am I using the loss function to determine the negative image
2.3 . when do I check my images for hardness with respect to the anchor - I believe that is before I send a triplet to be processed by the network, right.

Here are some of the answer that may clarify your doubts:
Even here the weights are adjusted to minimise the Loss, its just the loss term is little complicated. The loss has two parts(separated by + in the equation), first part is the image of a person compared to a different image of the same person. The second part is the image of the person compared to a image of a different person. We want the first part loss to be less than the second part loss and the loss equation in essence captures that. So here you basically want to adjust the weights such that same person error is less and different person error is more.
The Loss term involves three images: The image in question(anchor): x_a, its positive pair: x_p and its negative pair: x_n. An hardest positive of x_a is the positive image that has the biggest error compared to the rest of the positive images. The hardest negative of x_a is the closest image of a different person. So you want to bring the furthest positives to be close to each other and push the closest negatives further away. This is captured in the loss equation.
Facenet calculates its anchor during training (online). In each minibatch(which is a set of 40 images) they select the hardest negative to the anchor and instead of choosing the hardest positive image, they choose all anchor-positive pairs within the batch.
If you are looking to implement face recognition, you should better consider this paper, that implements centre loss, which is much easier to train and shown to perform better.


Data normalization Convolutional Autoencoders

Iam a little bit confused about how to normalize/standarize image pixel values before training a convolutional autoencoder. The goal is to use the autoencoder for denoising, meaning that my traning images consists of noisy images and the original non-noisy images used as ground truth.
To my knowledge there are to options to pre-process the images:
- normalization
- standarization (z-score)
When normalizing using the MinMax approach (scaling between 0-1) the network works fine, but my question here is:
- When using the min max values of the training set for scaling, should I use the min/max values of the noisy images or of the ground truth images?
The second thing I observed when training my autoencoder:
- Using z-score standarization, the loss decreases for the two first epochs, after that it stops at about 0.030 and stays there (it gets stuck). Why is that? With normalization the loss decreases much more.
Thanks in advance,
[Note: This answer is a compilation of the comments above, for the record]
MinMax is really sensitive to outliers and to some types of noise, so it shouldn't be used it in a denoising application. You can use quantiles 5% and 95% instead, or use z-score (for which ready-made implementations are more common).
For more realistic training, normalization should be performed on the noisy images.
Because the last layer uses sigmoid activation (info from your comments), the network's outputs will be forced between 0 and 1. Hence it is not suited for an autoencoder on z-score-transformed images (because target intensities can take arbitrary positive or negative values). The identity activation (called linear in Keras) is the right choice in this case.
Note however that this remark on activation only concerns the output layer, any activation function can be used in the hidden layers. Rationale: negative values in the output can be obtained through negative weights multiplying the ReLU output of hidden layers.

In a feedforward neural network, am I able to put in a feature input of "don't care"?

I've created a feedforward neural network using DL4J in Java.
Hypothetically and to keep things simple, assume this neural network is a binary classifier of squares and circles.
The input, a feature vector, would be composed of say... 5 different variables:
Now so far, my binary classifier can tell the two shapes apart quite well as I'm giving it a complete feature vector.
My question: is it possible to input only maybe 2 or 3 of these features? Or even 1? I understand results will be less accurate while doing so, I just need to be able to do so.
If it is possible, how?
How would I do it for a neural network with 213 different features in the input vector?
Let's assume, for example, that you know the area, height, and width features (so you don't know the number_of_corners and number_of_edges features).
If you know that a shape can have, say, a maximum of 10 corners and 10 edges, you could input 10 feature vectors with the same area, height and width but where each vector has a different value for the number_of_corners and number_of_edges features. Then you can just average over the 10 outputs of the network and round to the nearest integer (so that you still get a binary value).
Similarly, if you only know the area feature you could average over the outputs of the network given several random combinations of input values, where the only fixed value is the area and all the others vary. (I.e. the area feature is the same for each vector but every other feature has a random value.)
This may be a "trick" but I think that the average will converge to a value as you increase the number of (almost-)random vectors.
My solution would not be a good choice if you have a lot of features. In this case you could try to use maybe a Deep Belief Network or some autoencoder to infer the values of the other features given a small number of them. For example, a DBN can "reconstruct" a noisy output (if you train it enough, of course); you could then try to give the reconstructed input vector to your feed-forward network.

How to fit a classifier with high accuracy on the training set with low features?

I have input (r,c) in range (0, 1] as the coordinate of a pixel of an image and its color 1 or 2 only.
I have about 6,400 pixels.
My attempt of fitting X=(r,c) and y=color was a failure the accuracy won't go higher than 70%.
Here's the image:
The first is the actual image, the 2nd is the image I use to train on, it has only 2 colors. The last is the image that the neural network generated with about 500 weights training with 50 iterations. Input Layer is 2, one hidden layer of size 100, and the output layer is 2. (for binary classification like this, I may need only one output layer but I am just preparing for multi-class classification)
The classifier failed to fit the training set, why is that? I tried generating high polynomial terms of those 2 features but it doesn't help. I tried using Gaussian kernel and random 20-100 landmarks on the picture to add more features, also got similar output. I tried using logistic regressions, doesn't help.
Please help me increase the accuracy.
Here's the input:input.txt (you can load it into Octave the variable is coordinate (r,c features) and idx (color)
You can try plotting it first to make sure that you understand the input then try training on it and tell me if you get better result.
Your problem is hard to model. You are trying to fit function from R^2 to R, which has lots of complexity - lots of "spikes", lots of discontinuous regions (pixels that are completely separated from the rest). This is not an easy problem, and not usefull one.. In order to overfit your network to such setting you will need plenty of hidden units. Thus, what are the options to do so?
General things that are missing in the question, and are important
Your output variable should be {0, 1} if you are fitting your network through cross entropy cost (log likelihood), which you should use for classification.
50 iteraions (if you are talking about some mini-batch iteraions) is orders of magnitude to small, unless you mean 50 epochs (iterations over whole training set).
Actual things, that will probably need to be done (at least one of the below):
I assume that you are using ReLU activations (or Tanh, hard to say looking at the output) - you can instead use RBF activations, and increase number of hidden neurons to ~5000,
If you do not want to go with RBFs, then you will need 1-2 additional hidden layers to fit function of this complexity. Try architecture of type 100-100-100 instaed.
If the above fails - increase number of hidden units, that's all you need - enough capacity.
In general: neural networks are not designed for working with low dimensional datasets. This is nice example from the web, that you can learn pix-pos to color mapping, but it is completely artificial and seems to actually harm people intuitions.

Multilayer perceptron for ocr works with only some data sets

I recently used OpenCV's MLP implementation to test whether it could solve the same tasks. OpenCV was able to classify the same data sets that my implementation was able to, but unable to solve the one's that mine could not. Maybe this is due to termination parameters (determining when to end training). I stopped before 100,000 iterations, and the MLP did not generalize. This time the network architecture was 400 input neurons, 10 hidden neurons, and 2 output neurons.
I have implemented the multilayer perceptron algorithm, and verified that it works with the XOR logic gate. For OCR I taught the network to correctly classify letters of "A"s and "B"s that have been drawn with a thick drawing untensil (a marker). However when I try to teach the network to classify a thin drawing untensil (a pencil) the network seems to become stuck in a valley and unable to classify the letters in a reasonable amount of time. The same goes for letters I drew with GIMP.
I know people say we have to use momentum to get out of the valley, but the sources I read were vague. I tried increasing a momentum value when the change in error was insignificant and decreasing when above, but it did not seem to help.
My network architecture is 400 input neurons (one for each pixel), 2 hidden layers with 25 neurons each, and 2 neurons in the output layer. The images are gray scale images and the inputs are -0.5 for a black pixel and 0.5 for a white pixel.
Currently the network is trainning until the calculated error for each trainning example falls below an accepted error constant. I have also tried stopping trainning at 10,000 epochs, but this yields bad predictions. The activation function used is the sigmoid logistic function. The error function I am using is the sum of the squared error.
I suppose I may have reached a local minimum rather than a valley, but this should not happen repeatedly.
Momentum is not always good, it can help the model to jump out of the a bad valley but may also make the model to jump out of a good valley. Especially when the previous weights update directions is not good.
There are several reasons that make your model not work well.
The parameter are not well set, it is always a non-trivial task to set the parameters of the MLP.
An easy way is to first set the learning rate, momentum weight and regularization weight to a big number, but to set the iteration (or epoch) to a very large weight. Once the model diverge, half the learning rate, momentum weight and regularization weight.
This approach can make the model to slowly converge to a local optimal, and also give the chance for it to jump out a bad valley.
Moreover, in my opinion, one output neuron is enough for two class problem. There is no need to increase the complexity of the model if it is not necessary. Similarly, if possible, use a three-layer MLP instead of a four-layer MLP.

svm conceptual query

I have some basic conceptual queries on SVM - it will be great if any one can guide me on this. I have been studying books and lectures for a while but have not been able to get answers for these queries correctly
Suppose I have m featured data points - m > 2. How will I know if the data points are linearly separable or not?. If I have understood correctly, linearly separable data points - will not need any special kernel for finding the hyper plane as there is no need to increase the dimension.
Say, I am not sure whether the data is linearly separable or not. I try to get a hyper plane with linear kernel, once with slackness and once without slackness on the lagrange multipliers. What difference will I see on the error rates on training and test data for these two hyper planes. If I understood correctly, if the data is not linearly separable, and if I am not using slackness then there cannot be any optimal plane. If that is the case, should the svm algorithm give me different hyper planes on different runs. Now when I introduce slackness - should I always get the same hyper plane, every run ? And how exactly can I find out from the lagrange multipliers of a hyper plane, whether the data was linearly separable or not.
Now say from 2 I came to know somehow that the data was not linearly separable at m dimensions. So I will try to increase the dimensions and see if it is separable at a higher dimension. How do I know how high I will need to go ? I know the calculations do not go into that space - but is there any way to find out from 2 what should be the best kernel for 3 (i.e I want to find a linearly separating hyper plane).
What is the best way to visualize hyper planes and data points in Matlab where the feature dimensions can be as big as 60 - and the hyperplane is at > 100 dimensions (i,e data points in few hundreds and using Gaussian Kernels the feature vector changes to > 100 dimensions).
I will really appreciate if someone clears these doubts
I'm going to try to focus on your questions (1), (2) and (3). In practice the most important concern is not if the problem becomes linearly separable but how well the classifier performs on unseen data (i.e. how well it classifies). It seems you want to find a good kernel for which data is linearly separable, and you will always be able to do this (consider putting at each training point an extremely narrow gaussian RBF), but what you really want is good performance on unseen data. That being said:
If the problem is not linearly separable and not using slacks the optimization will fail. It depends on the implementation and the specific optimization algorithm how it fails, does it not converge?, does it not find a descent direction? does it run into numerical difficulties? Even if you wanted to determine cases with slacks, you can still run into numerical difficulties that would make and that alone would make your algorithm of linear separability unreliable
How high do you need to go? Well that is a fundamental question. It is called the problem of data representation. For straight forward solutions people use held out data (people don't care about linear separability they care about good performance on held out data) and do parameter search (for example an RBF kernel can is strictly more expressive than a linear kernel) under the correct gammas. So the problem becomes finding a good gamma for your data. See for example this paper: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
I don't think there is a trivial connection between the values of the lagrangian multipliers and linear separability. You can try an high alphas whose value is C, but I'm not sure you'll be able to say much.
