In Gemfile:
protected_attributes x86-mingw32 was resolved to 1.0.0, which depends on
activemodel (< 5.0, >= 4.0.0.beta) x86-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.4) x86-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.4, which depends on
activemodel (= 5.0.4) x86-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.4) x86-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.4, which depends on
activemodel (= 5.0.4) x86-mingw32
web-console (>= 3.3.0) x86-mingw32 was resolved to 3.5.1, which depends on
activemodel (>= 5.0) x86-mingw32
I already tried to do bundle, bundle install and bundle update but it doesnt work.
I made some research and turns out that the gem protected_attributes does not work with Rails 5, but the community made another that does work, this gem is protected_attributes_continued, so i just changed the gem in the Gemfile
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "pg":
In Gemfile:
pg (= 0.18.4)
multilang-hstore (= 1.0.0) was resolved to 1.0.0, which depends on
pg (>= 0.0.1)
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "responders":
In Gemfile:
responders (= 1.1.2)
devise (= 3.4.1) was resolved to 3.4.1, which depends on
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rubyzip":
In Gemfile:
axlsx (= 2.0) was resolved to 2.0.0, which depends on
rubyzip (= 0.9.9)
zip-zip was resolved to 0.3, which depends on
rubyzip (>= 1.0.0)
Have to create static pages using the same layout of rest of the spree commerce site. Spree_static_content is the gem I tried using. However, getting following error on bundle install.
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "spree_core":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
In Gemfile:
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree_gateway (~> 3.3) was resolved to 3.3.0, which depends on
spree_core (< 4.0, >= 3.1.0)
spree_gateway (~> 3.3) was resolved to 3.3.0, which depends on
spree_core (< 4.0, >= 3.1.0)
spree_static_content was resolved to 3.0.1, which depends on
spree_core (~> 3.0.0)
Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only
the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.
Found the solution this issue is because of dependent gem globalize with Rails 5. Add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'globalize', git: ''
gem 'activemodel-serializers-xml'
Next, bundle install and you will net the above-mentioned error in questions.
I deleted my gemlock file, then I ran bundle install but got these errors
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "railties"
gem list in Gemfile:
coffee-rails (~> 4.2) was resolved to 4.2.2, which depends on railties (>= 4.0.0)
jquery-rails (>= 4.3.1, ~> 4.3) was resolved to 4.3.1, which depends on railties (>= 4.2.0)
material-ui (~> was resolved to, which depends on railties (~> 4.0)
rails (~> 5.1.2) was resolved to 5.1.2, which depends on railties (= 5.1.2)
sass-rails (~> 5.0) was resolved to 5.0.6, which depends on railties (< 6, >= 4.0.0)
web-console (>= 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.5.1, which depends on railties (>= 5.0)
I could get ruby version through ruby -v but couldn't even get my rails version through rails -v. What could be the problem?
Update your Gemfile’s rails entry:
- gem 'rails'
+ gem 'rails', '< 5.0'
Your Gemfile.lock was created before Rails5 era and hence open-ended dependency was fine. Now it’s resolved to Rails5, enforcing railties = 5.1.2, which all your other gems are not ready for.
I listed the below
gem in my gemfile and after running "bundle install" i get the below
Can someone tell me what to do, where to list or edit the correct
gem file :
gem 'rails', '~> 5.0.2'
gem 'shopify_app'
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "activesupport":
In Gemfile:
shopify_app x64-mingw32 was resolved to 7.0.10, which depends on
shopify_api (~> 4.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 4.2.0, which
depends on
activeresource x64-mingw32 was resolved to 2.0.1, which depends
activesupport (= 2.0.1) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activejob (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which
depends on
globalid (>= 0.3.6) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 0.4.0, which
depends on
activesupport (>= 4.2.0) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
actionpack (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which
depends on
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 2.0.2, which
depends on
activesupport (< 6.0, >= 4.2.0) x64-mingw32
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 3.2.0, which
depends on
activesupport (>= 4.0) x64-mingw32
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rails":
In Gemfile:
rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32
shopify_app x64-mingw32 was resolved to 0.1.0, which depends on
rails (~> 3) x64-mingw32
D:\Ruby On Rails\firstRailsProject>rails s
Could not find gem 'shopify_app x64-mingw32' in any of the gem sources
listed in
your Gemfile.
Run bundle install to install missing gems.
if you read carefuly the github readme for shopify_app, you'll find that there are some issues between ruby R versions:
so, you must do:
gem 'shopify_app'
gem 'activeresource', github: 'rails/activeresource'
for more info -> github shoopy
When trying to install a rails gem that ships the twitter-bootstrap-rails into my application, I got the following issue:
C:\workinrails\mytrelloapp>bundle install
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "railties":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
railties (=
In Gemfile:
coffee-rails (~> 4.1.0) x86-mingw32 was resolved to 4.1.1, which depends on
railties (< 5.1.x, >= 4.0.0) x86-mingw32
jquery-rails x86-mingw32 was resolved to 4.2.2, which depends on
railties (>= 4.2.0) x86-mingw32
rails (= x86-mingw32 was resolved to, which depends on
railties (= x86-mingw32
sass-rails (~> 5.0) x86-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.6, which depends on
railties (< 6, >= 4.0.0) x86-mingw32
twitter-bootstrap-rails x86-mingw32 was resolved to 4.0.0, which depends on
railties (>= 5.0.1, ~> 5.0) x86-mingw32
web-console (~> 2.0) x86-mingw32 was resolved to 2.3.0, which depends on
railties (>= 4.0) x86-mingw32
After getting this "Running bundle update will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict." message, I got a new issue telling me that Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack"
To summarize, I just did these steps:
Step 1 - Pasted gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', :git => 'git://' to my gemfile.
Step 2 - Bundle install
And I was hoping to arrive to Step 3 - rails generate bootstrap:install static
What's the issue?