External testing on testflight rejected because demo account needed - ios

I submitted my app for review to start external beta testing and I got the response:
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
...but we are not able to continue because we need a demo account to
fully assess your app features.
The app requires verification by phone number (same as when you install whatsapp), and sends a message to the phone number, but there is no "demo account". Do I need to create an account which they can access, with a phone number, and a pre-set verification code in this case? The app is based on the contacts on the phone, so the "experience" won't work as it would for a user this way.

Yes create a basic demo account that they can login to - Apple is strict about this.
Once you are finished you can either update the information and email them back or handle it through the Resolution Center. I updated the app information in iTunes connect with the demo login information and replied to the rejection email stating the demo account information, shortly after that the app was approved for TestFlight.
They basically just need to be able to see as much as possible within your app, so even if what shows is minimal that is fine.


Binary rejected because of missing username and password for test account in Test information TestFlight

I submitted my app for review for external testing and the binary got rejected due to missing username and password for a test account in Test Information tab of testFlight.
Here is the response in Resolution Center in App Store connect. I have added the username and password in test information tab and replied in Resolution Center as suggested.
Do I need to submit the app for review again?. As the status of binary shows rejected.
From Apple
2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started your beta app's review, but we were unable to successfully access all or part of your app.
In order for us to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that has access to all features and functionality in your beta app. It is also acceptable to include a demonstration mode that exhibits your app’s full features and functionality. Note that providing a demo video showing your beta app in use is not enough for us to continue the review.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide a user name and password in the Beta App Review Information section of App Store Connect. Please be sure that the demo account includes content that demonstrates the features and functionality available in your app.
To provide demo account information:
Log in to App Store Connect
Click on "My Apps"
Select your app
Navigate to the "TestFlight" tab
Select “Test Information”
Scroll down to “Beta App Review Information”
Select the "Sign-in required" box
Enter demo credentials in the "User Name" and "Password" fields
Click “Save”
Reply to this message in Resolution Center
After entering the Test Information, all you have to do is reply to the message in Resolution Center. They will get back to you and update the status accordingly.
However, if you would like to expedite the app review, sometimes it's faster to just submit a new build.

App with an auto-renewable subscription rejected because demo account needed

Apple rejected my app with an :
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need an expired demo account to fully assess the subscription feature.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide us with a link to a demo account in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect and reply to this message in Resolution Center.
I really don’t understand what kind of demo account they want from me. There are no any login screens in the application. Active subscription needed to access pdf share function.
Should I give them a test sandbox account with which we tested the subscriptions or something else?
You have your premium feature (features that can be accessed only with your subscription) available for non subscripted users, so they are asking you for expired account to check what happens if they don't have subscription.
Long story
We had subscription which was giving access to training videos for our users inside app. Someday we realized that we want to make this feature free and did it through our backend without releasing the app. So, the next review we've got the same reject:
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to
continue because we need an expired demo account to fully assess the
subscription feature.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide us with
a link to a demo account in the App Review Information section of App
Store Connect and reply to this message in Resolution Center.
After struggling around we've revealed that the problem is that Apple App Review team couldn't test the case where a user DOESN'T have subscription and CAN'T access our premium online training videos. I guess they get confused and asked as to share with them an expired demo account, so they can test this case.
At the end of the day, we've removed our subscription properly from App Store Connect and got our app passed through review. Therefore, I think you have your premium feature (features that can be accessed only with your subscription) available for non subscripted users, so they are asking you for an expired account to check what happens if they don't have subscription.

iOS app: Rejected in AppStore to external testers

I need to get my iOS app (React Native) get approved to external testers. I am getting this message from Apple:
I know that I should provide login information(username and pass). But I have user's phone number as name and user can enter the pass only after he get the SMS with a security code.
Here's the complete flow:
User enters phone number
Gets SMS with code and enters it
Entering password
Proceeding to app
What should be done in this case? Can the Apple sign up and create the account, if I write a message to them, describing the flow?
Our team faced that too. We solved it by providing them with a demo account.
We set up a phone number and static code to pass to otp. And then we provided them and it worked!

Demo account in itunesconnect in sms-based app

I can't find any info about my problem - I've written an app, which is sms-based(it means that user has to request and receive sms from my server, and can't continue until enter sms-code and some other things based on sms within app). So, my problem is rejecting from appstore review due to "no demo data", but how i can get it if even "demo" depends on real device?
Apple will test your app on a real device. When they run the app, they need to be able to get past your registration process. So you need to have your system setup so when the reviewer runs your submitted app they can perform what actions your app requires. This means your server needs to be running for real.
If there is some specific information (user id, password, etc.) that the reviewer must enter into your app to use it, you must provide that information in the "Demo account" field for your app's details in iTunes Connect.

Can I edit my iOS application's code after getting appID from Paypal for going live?

I am about to submit an iOS app to paypal to get a live App ID. However, the code needs some minor changes. So, I want to know if I can edit my app's code after I apply and get a Paypal app ID? Or, do I have to wait until my coding is done and then submit the app to Paypal?
If your app implementation works well in the PayPal Sandbox, then you are good to go. Most probably PayPal will issue you a Live App ID. All features NEED NOT be entirely functional. Once you obtain your PayPal Live App ID, you can of course make changes to your app, add features to it and fix bugs. Doing so will not void your Live App ID. Keep in mind that any future changes you make to your app will be submitted to the App Store not to PayPal. So technically speaking, PayPal doesn't even know if you made changes to your app or not. The key point here is to make sure your app works well in the PayPal Sandbox -- at all time.
I would also like to clarify one common myth about the Live App ID, for those who are not entirely familiar about what it is. If your App uses the PayPal API, you need a Live App ID before you can test your App on an actual iOS device and/or before you submit it to the App Store. The Live App-ID is provided to you by PayPal, NOT Apple.
To obtain a Live APP ID,
Check your account status. Login to PayPal. Go to your PayPal Profile and click My settings. Confirm that your Account type is either Premier or Business, or upgrade your account.
Check your API settings. Click My selling tools. Expand Selling online if needed and check API access. Click Update and Add or edit API permission or View API signature.
To get your application live, follow the steps outline in Adaptive Apps 101.
Once you've verified that your implementation works correctly in the Sandbox, submit your application to PayPal and you will get your Live App ID.
I assume that by "Paypal ID" you mean "Apple ID that PayPal API uses to identifiy your app", in other words, the numeric ID that iTunes Connect gives you when you set up a new app.
The answer is that iTunes Connect gives you this ID as soon as you set up the app on iTunes Connect (i.e. when you put up the description, icon, screenshots, etc). It's not neccesary to actually submit your app binary to get this ID, and you can change the screenshots and description later, so if they're not ready yet, just upload some dummy placeholders for now.
There should be no problem getting your PayPal API set up with your ID before the app is submitted, but you shouldn't upload your app binary if you still want to make changes (although as it happens, you can reject the binary later and upload a new one if you need to anyway, as long as Apple's not already approved it).
